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一.写作指南:这是一篇看图作文。要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“减少校园浪费的必要性”这个话题进行阐述。根据要求,可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容。 第二段:简述减少校园浪费的必要性。


The Neceity of Reducing Waste on Campus As is known in the drawing, in the bathroom where there is a sign saying “DON’T WASTE WATER, PLEASE”, a girl is busy making herself up, totally forgetting that water is still running out from the taps.In fact, wasting phenomena like this are frequently seen on campus: rows of lights left on in vacant clarooms; rice and dishes left over in the waste buckets.

It is high time that such campus waste should be eliminated because we are living in a world with limited resources.And if we do not cherish things we have today, sooner or later we will be short of them.

To reduce waste on campus, we should all discipline ourselves: Turn off the lights when we leave the claroom; eat our meals up; don’t waste water, etc.The world will become much more beautiful as long as we all do our bit.



是时候杜绝这些行为了,因为我们地球的资源是有限的。 如果我们今天不珍惜所有,在不久的将来, 我们也会失去它们。

为了减少校园浪费现象,人人都应该从我做起:离开教室时应随手关灯;别剩饭菜; 不浪费水,等等。只要人人都贡献一份力量,这个世界会变得更加美好。

二.写作指南:这是一篇“二选一”型论说文。要求考生对“做好事是否应该得到奖励”这个话题发表个人看法。就话题本身而言,考生既可以持“做好事应该得到奖励”的观点,也可以持“做好事不应该得到奖励”的观点,关键在于要能自圆其说。范文支持做好人好事应该得到奖励。根据题目要求,文章内容安排如下: 第一段:概述现象,引出“做好事是否应该得到奖励”这个话题。 第二段:分析奖励好人好事的益处。


Should Rewards for Doing a Good Deed Be Promoted? Over the long Chinese history, doing a good deed without expectation of a reward has remained a traditional virtue.However, in recent years there has aroused a heated debate as to whether people should be rewarded for doing a good deed.As far as I am concerned, it is sensible to give rewards to those who do a good deed.

To begin with, doing a good deed is the expreion of one’s kindne.Offering proper rewards is not a contradiction to the traditional virtue; on the contrary, it serves as a contributing force to promote morality.Furthermore, giving people proper rewards for doing a good deed sends a clear signal that doing good deeds is noble and worth encouraging.Therefore more and more people will be willing to give their helping hands.

As a conclusion, rewarding people for doing a good deed actually acts as an encouragement of such behavior and cultivates a favorable moral climate.So it is worthwhile to give rewards to those who do good deeds.







第二段:分析醉酒驾驶难以遏制的几点原因。 第三段:提出解决问题的建议,结束全文。

On Fighting Against Drunk Driving

As is reported by the pre, years ago when drunk driving was considered a minor offence, many people got injured or even killed in drunk driving cases in China.Things improved after the new law that claes drunk drinking as a criminal offence took effect in 2011.However, occasionally there are still people who hade their life stolen by drunk drivers.

Why is it so difficult to fight against drunk driving even after it has been banned by the new law? The answer may be complex but we can still list two major reasons.First, drinking is closely related to the Chinese culture and getting drunk together is often seen as a true sign of friendship.Second, many people just don’t realize they are not only putting themselves at risk but risking other people’s lives while driving drunk.

To eliminate drunk driving, more efforts should be made by the law enforcement to find the violators and arrest them.Furthermore, each and every person should make the conscious choice not to drink and drive.



为了消除醉驾,一方面执法部门要加大力度,查处和逮捕违法人员。另一方面,每个人都应做出清醒的选择,不要醉驾。 四.写作指南:这是一篇“二选一”型论说文。要求考生选定其中一个观点进行论述。考生既可以持“大学教育比职业教育重要”的观点,也可以持“职业教育比大学教育重要”的观点。无论主张哪一种观点,都应充分论证,自圆其说。范文认为大学教育优于职业教育,根据题目要求,文章安排如下: 第一段:提出现象,引出话题。

第二段:分两点阐述大学教育优于职业教育的原因。 第三段:概述职业教育的劣势,重申大学教育的优点。

Vocational Education or College Education? The number of people who apply to vocational colleges has been increasing these years.Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more important.

In my opinion, college education is more advisable for most people.First, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects.In other words, unlike vocational education, which leads to focus on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different potentials.Second, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master’s degree, one has to go through college education to get a bachelor’s degree first.

In a society where any job skill may become outdated quickly with the advent of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education will be even more apparent.Only college education can prepare us for future challenges.




五.写作指南:这是一篇分析性论说文。要求考生围绕“停止饲养烈性宠物”这个话题展开阐述。根据题目要求, 可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:提出现象,引出话题。



Stop Raising Dangerous Animals as Pets Now and then we hear about people being attacked by dangerous animals kept as pets.Some of them even lost their lives because of these attacks.These stories are so miserable that I believe it is just time to urge people to stop raising dangerous animals as pets.

To start with, it is against the law to try to raise large powerful dogs such as the Tibetan mastiff and other violent animals such as the crocodile, especially in cities.Moreover, no matter how well they may be trained to obey people, dangerous animals remain animals.There are times when their natural instincts kick in and pose safety risks.In addition, most animals are hosts of various bacteria.Bringing such animals into your home exposes your whole family to a number of potential diseases.

To sum up, the keeping of dangerous animals is not only against the law, but it’s also a public health-and-safety risk.So please do stop raising dangerous pets.




六.写作指南:这是一篇看图作文。要求考生简单描述图片内容,随后围绕“垃圾分类的重要性”这个话题进行阐述。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容,引出话题。 第二段:分点阐述垃圾分类的重要性。 第三段:总结全文。

The Significance of Waste Sorting As we can see from the drawing, a little boy is dropping a bottle into the dustbin specifically for recyclable materials while his mother is throwing the trash into the other collection bin.The child and the mother are doing what the Chinese government calls on the general to do in recent years--waste sorting.

Waste sorting is very significant today when the volume of waste is growing all the time while there is le and le land available to deposit rubbish.For one thing, it considerably reduces the total amount of rubbish to be landfilled or burned, thus causing le pollution to the environment.For another, waste sorting makes it poible for the recyclable materials, such as paper, to be reused, thus saving natural resources.

In short, sorting waste is a meaningful deed.If everyone does it, small things will make a big positive impact on the environment.




七.写作指南:这是一篇看图作文。要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“理财的重要性”这个话题发表自己的看法。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容,引出下文讨论的重点。 第二段:分点概述理财的重要性。


The Importance of Finance Management As we can see from the cartoon, a girl is digging around in her purse but is depreed by the fact that there is only one coin left.The girl is among a large group of people who live paycheck to paycheck and have no money left over for savings.

It is time that these people realized the importance of finance management and changed their spending habits.Apparently, finance management helps to spend le and earn more, which will lead to more savings and thus a secure future.Furthermore, it’s believed that the power to manage one’s money properly is a vital part in self-discipline which contributes much to one’s succe.

As college students, we should also pay enough attention to finance management.If poible, always make a note of the money you spend and be ready to make adjustments by constantly analyzing your spending habits.




八.写作指南:这是一篇分析型论说文,要求结合“教育不能随毕业而结束。”这句话,对文章主题“学无止境”进行分析。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:概述现象,引出下文讨论的话题“学习没有止境”。 第二段:从几个方面分析论证为什么学习没有止境。 第三段:总结全文。

There is No End to Learning A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they graduate from their schools.Obviously, they fail to take into account the basic fact that there is no end to learning.

First of all, it is universally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate.Even the best poible graduate needs to continue learning before he or she becomes an educated person.Furthermore, as famous saying goes, education is not complete with graduation.A college degree can never ensure long-term job succe.Maintaining succe in a job depends on education after graduation.Most importantly, learning is rewarding both materially and spiritually by enriching our life and perfecting our personality.

In a word, learning is an invaluable career worth our life-long pursuit.No one should be content with just high school or college education.








College Students’ Booklist The table shows the change of college students’ choice of books from 1992 to 2012.Obviously, novels and books of philosophy and society have declined greatly in importance, while books of foreign languages and computer science have been gaining popularity.

This phenomenon may be accounted for by two main factors.In the first place, college students need to study foreign languages and computer science well, because there is a preing need for those skills in the employment market.In the next place, due to the availability of the Internet, many books can be read online.

As for my booklist, I have bought many computer books because computer is my major.Moreover, computer science often witnees fast changes, thus in order to keep up with its latest development, I have to buy new books to constantly arm myself with new information.




十.写作指南:这是向申请学校咨询相关事宜的书信型写作。考生在写作时,应特别注意措辞的concise, concrete, courteous, complete (简明,具体,礼貌,完整),简称4C。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简单的自我介绍以及说明写信的目的。 第二段:详细说明想要咨询的相关事宜。


A Letter of Inquiry Dear Sir/Madam, I am a junior student majoring in Busine Administration in South University.I am thinking about pursuing further study in your university.And I am wondering if you can help me with some iues regarding my application.

Firstly, what kind of language test does your school require for a foreign student? Should I take TOEFL? Secondly, I am not sure how much the tuition fees would be for studying a postgraduate degree on busine administration in your school .Is there any way that I can apply for scholarships? Thirdly, what kind of materials should I prepare for a student visa?

Thank you for your attention.I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly. Best regards.

Your sincerely,

Liu Mei 尊敬的先生/女士:



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