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发布时间:2020-03-03 11:00:27 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


唐僧,悟空,八戒,沙僧,白骨精 【背景音乐;《敢问路在何方》】

八戒:【摸着肚子】Garsh I really have to go on a diet, but I’m so hungry now, master, I don’t want to move anymore.孙悟空:Dead fat pig, only one thing in your mind is to eat! 唐僧:wukong, i’m afraid I have to agree with Bajie, I’m hungry too, could you bring us some food?

沙僧:(本来是准备对师傅说的,后来被师傅的眼神吓得矛头指向了八戒)I can’t believe you, what if monster comes while monkey brother is away? 唐僧:That’s for sure, it’s a big problem.(所有人都齐刷刷地看向悟空)

悟空:Don’t worry about that, I can solve it.(说罢画了一个大圈,指着圈)keep stay within it and nobody can hurt you.Now I’m going to find some food for you, take good care of master! (八戒掏出了一张照片)My sweet heart, I mi you(亲一口)(沙僧走过来说)Who is she? 八戒:She is my wife, madam Gao, you know, I still remembered at that time we used to get up early and take a long walks everyday and do lots of swimming.沙僧:Umm, sounds interesting! So how are things going with you and Ms Gao later? 八戒:Oh, you didn’t know, she and I broke up a couple of years ago, but I mi her a lot, I wish we could get back together again.沙僧:Why not second brother? 八戒:(无奈)Oh you know me, I’m a pig, right? I scared her, she never wanted to see me , again.(夸张) 沙僧:I’m sorry to hear that, I really hope you can.第二幕:妖精出场,故意摔了一跤,把篮子里的食物撒了出来,吸引了八戒、唐僧的注意,八戒一看到美女、食物就想出去扶,被沙僧拦住了。 唐僧:Are you ok, madam? 妖精:I’m fine, thank you, hey, handsome boy, I live in way-out-of the country and now I’m going to take a meal to my husband, he is working nearby.I gue you’re all hungry, I have some tasty snails, have you ever eaten snails? 唐僧:No, I haven’t.妖精:They are delicious, I had them last time, like to try some?(抛媚眼) 唐僧:No thanks.妖精:Like to try some handsome pig?(抛媚眼) 八戒:Do you mean it? I’d love to.(这时候,悟空来了) 悟空:Monster, frozen!(一棒将妖精打死) 唐僧不敢置信地看着悟空

唐僧:Oh mgd! I hope you don’t do it again!(说完继续赶路,悟空又继续去找食物)

八戒:I’m too tired, could we take a bus?这时突然出现一个颤颤巍巍的老妇人,前来搭讪

妖精:Of course you can, it’s very convenient for you.唐僧:why is there never a bus when you want one? ………(妖精跟唐僧的对话一直到and fewer cars……) 八戒:Say, is that our bus coming? 唐僧:。。。。。。full.(我省略了。)

妖精:I have a blue Honda, I can give you a lift, come on!(拉着唐僧就走)

悟空:It’s you again! Monster.(一棒打死)

唐僧:Oh MGD, oh MGD, you have killed two people, get out of my face now! I no longer want to see you again! 悟空:My dear master, you misunderstood me, ok, I’ll go and never come back.【背景音乐:《心碎》】

八戒:I ‘ll tell you what, monkey brother has gone, me too.唐僧:All of you can go, get out of here! 沙僧:master, I’m here, I’ll protect you!(摆出各种姿势) 妖精出现,非常高兴地逼近唐僧,并且说:“ you never thought about the madam, the old lady, both of them are me!这时沙僧说;don’t hurt my mater!说完扑向妖怪,还没靠近她,就已经被她给打晕了。于是唐僧给抓走了。 第三幕:【背景音乐《猪八戒背媳妇》】

猪八戒背着他的“媳妇”(实际上是孙悟空变的), :Long time no seen my dear darling, but I gue you put on weight right? I can’t bear your weight now.悟空:Really? Idiot!haha Look at me, who am i?(拿出金箍棒)

八戒:Monkey brother, why are you here?(几乎要哭出来了)my dear Ms Gao,,,,,, 悟空:I pretend leave so that make master get to know the truth let’s get together to save our master.唐僧这时和沙僧被绑在妖精洞里,知道自己错怪悟空了,对沙僧说:I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault!【背景音乐《你快回来》】

悟空:I’m coming! This time you have no chance to escape,一声尖叫,被悟空打死了)

唐僧激动悔恨得热泪盈眶,深情地叫了一声——悟空。。与此同时,八戒冷不丁地站在他们中间,哭丧着脸说了一句:Where are you my dear lady? I need you>>>over!【背景音乐《敢问路在何方》响起】









三打白骨精 教案

