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注意事项工具注意事项注意事项备好简历 笔 纸 手帕 毕业证书等材料方法应试者语言运用的技巧


(1) 口齿清晰,语言流利,文雅大方。交谈时要注意发音准确,吐字清晰。 还要注意控制说话的速度,以免磕磕绊绊,影响语言的流畅。为了增添语言的魅力,应注意修辞美妙,忌用口头禅,更不能有不文明的语言。

(2) 语气平和,语调恰当,音量适中。面试时要注意语言、语调、语气的正确运用。打招呼时宜用上语调,加重语气并带拖音,以引起对方的注意。自我介绍时,最好多用平缓的陈述语气,不宜使用感叹语气或祈使句。声音过大令人厌烦,声音过小则难以听清。音量的大小要根据面试现场情况而定。两人面谈且距离较近时声音不宜过大,群体面试而且场地开阔时声音不宜过小,以每个用人单位都能听清你的讲话为原则。

(3) 语言要含蓄、机智、幽默。说话时除了表达清晰以外,适当的时候可以插进幽默的语言,使谈话增加轻松愉快的气氛,也会展示自己的优越气质和从容风度。尤其是当遇到难以回答的问题时,机智幽默地语言会显示自己的聪明智慧,有助于化险为夷,并给人以良好的印象。

(4) 注意听者的反应。求职面试不同于演讲,而是更接近于一般的交谈。交谈中,应随时注意听者的反应。比如,听者心不在焉,可能表示他对



(1) 把握重点,简捷明了,条理清楚,有理有据。一般情况下回答问题要结论在先,议论在后,先将自己的中心意思表达清晰,然后再做叙述和论证。否则,长篇大论,会让人不得要领。面试时间有限,神经有些紧张,多余的话太多,容易走题,反倒会将主题冲淡或漏掉。

(2) 讲清原委,避免抽象。 用人单位提问总是想了解一些应试者的具体情况,切不可简单地仅以“是”和“否”作答。应针对所提问题的不同,有的需要解释原因,有的需要说明程度。不讲原委,过于抽象的回答,往往不会给主试者留下具体的印象。

(3) 确认提问内容,切忌答非所问。面试中,如果对用人单位提出的问题,一时摸不到边际,以致不知从何答起或难以理解对方问题的含义时,可将问题复述一遍,并先谈自己对这一问题的理解,请教对方以确认内容。对不太明确的问题,一定要搞清楚,这样才会有的放矢,不致答非所问。

(4) 有个人见解,有个人特色。用人单位有时接待应试者若干名,相同的问题问若干遍,类


(5) 知之为知之,不知为不知。面试遇到自己不知、不懂、不会的问题时,回避闪烁,默不作声,牵强附会,不懂装懂的做法均不足取,诚恳坦率地承认自己的不足之处,反倒会赢得主试者的信任和好感。 Every year there are many students go to a job interview, has been succeful in a job interview,

Some people fail, but it\'s not http:// because of the

ability of the problem, mainly in the interview to have certain skills, such as you and your clamates http:// pound, reach succe.In the application proce of the following language skills, to achieve the twice the result with half the http:// properly use the interview conversation skills?

( 1) clear enunciation, verbal fluency, gentle and generous.Conversation must pay attention to accurate pronunciation, clear.Pay attention to control the rate of speech, lest the stumbling, influence the language fluency.To add to the charm of the language, we should pay attention to rhetoric beauty, avoid using pet phrase, more cannot not civilized language.

( 2) tone, intonation appropriate, moderate volume.The interview should pay attention to language, intonation, tone and correct application.Hello, with

emphasis on tone, and with drag http:// close sound should not be too large, group interview and open space when the sound is not too small, with each employer can hear your speech principle.

( 3) the language should be reserved, wit, humor.Speak in addition to expre clearly, the appropriate time can http:// circumstances, must not simply only with \" yes\" and \"no \".Should be directed by the different questions, some need to explain why, some need description.Do not speak of them, the answer is too abstract, often do not give the interviewers leave impreion.( 3) confirmed the questions, do not give an irrelevant answer.During the job interview, if the employing units on the iues raised, a touch of marginal, that do not know where to answer or difficult to understand each other the implications, problems can be repeated, and to talk about their own

understanding about this iue, ask each other to identify content.Not too clear problem, must be clear, this will have a definite object in view, to give an irrelevant answer.

( 4 ) have a personal opinion, personal characteristics.Employers sometimes receive candidate number, the same question several times, a similar answer

to listen to several times.Therefore, the employer will be boring, boring.Only with a unique personal insights and personal characteristics of the answer, will cause the other party \'s interest and attention.

5 don\'t pretend to know what you don\'t know.Interview met themselves do not know, do not know, will not be a problem, to avoid flicker, hold one\'s tongue, draw a forced analogy, smatter practices are insufficient, sincere frankly admitted that their own inadequacies, he would win the main subjects of the trust and goodwill.










