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英语会话On Christmas Day

发布时间:2020-03-02 12:39:39 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

On Christmas Day 故事主题:一群人为如何过圣诞节而考虑各种办法。 A:李昊 B:刘稼豪 C:郭泉 D:钟恩浩 E:闭国鸿

A:Hi,are you B? It has been long time since last time I met you.B:Oh,A.It’s really long time no see.How are you recently? A:Not bad.Today is Christmas Day.Do you have any plans? B:Erm…hmmm.Nothing special.What about you? A:I have no plans,either.But we can ask our friends.Oh look.there is C.Hi hi C.come here.C:Hi A.What’s the matter?Oh B.You are here.Long time no see.You have come back from Europe B:Erm yas.Long time no see.A;Today is Christmas Day.Do you have any plans about it? C:Maybe I’ll stay with my family.That’s what all I need.A:Come on.C;Why don’t you ask D and E?They have celebrate the Christmas last year.They must know how to celebrate it.………….A:Hi,D and E.Today is Christmas Day.What plans do you have? D:Noting much-gue I’ll just be with my family.E:Yeah,me too.It’s great to spend Christmas just with my friends,not the whole family.A:Come on.Why no celebrate Chrismas Day together.We can stay in somewhere together to celebreta the Christmas.D:Good idea.E:That sounds great.C:But as we know.The Christmas is a foreign festival and it doesn’t make any sense to us.I just want to stay at home.B:Come on.We have been freshmen and Christmas is all the fashion now D:Thought Christmas is a foreign festival,it’s being more and more fashionable now.E:Christmas is an important part of foreign cultule.It means the peace and happine.China also stands for that mean.So it’s neceary for us to celebrate it.C:Erm…OK.Let’s celebrate it together.But what should we do? D:I have no clues.What about you B? B:I am not sure yet,how about seeing a movie? E:Are you out of your mind?The cinema must be full of people and we are not able to get the tickets.The tickets muse be sold out now.A:Just as E say.The cinema is croweded.Plus,the recent movies are lousy.Why not come to my home?I’ll cook a proper Christmas dinner for everyone.B:I had been to the Europe and seen someone celebrate the Christmas there.In Poland,they have a twelve-course meal at Christmas.E:Twelve course.Wow,that’s a lot.D:It’s is…

A:I’ll try and make some food for you and maybe make something special for you B.What do you want to eat? B:No no no.Dong’t make something special for me.In fact ,I think Chinese food is more delicious than foreign food.E:That sounds like a party.C:OK.Let’s go and prepare for the dinner.I can’t wait for it.











英语会话On Christmas Day
《英语会话On Christmas Day.doc》