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发布时间:2020-03-03 08:26:45 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Honorabl judges, ladies and gentlmen,good afternoon.My topic today is A world that has changed the world.Creativity makes our world diffrent .

First,I want to start with a queston:who\'s the first person that pops in your mind when you first heard the word creativity? Newton?Einstein?or just a friend of yours? Well when I first heard the word , it reminds me of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs ,who cofound the apple computer company with Steve Wozinac ,once said\"Creativity is just connecting things.When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something.

It seemed obvious to them after a while.That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought more about their experiences than other people.

Steve Jobs died on Oct 5th at a age of 56.He lost the battle with cancer that he\'s been fighting for years.Apple and Mac computers, the ipod , the iphone, the ipad, all of them came from a company that Steve Jobs cofounded in his parent\'s garage.After Jobs dead,there once has a saying: the Amecicans still have Bills,but they lose their Jobs.I think this is the special way for the Americans to memorize their creative hero.

Steve Jobs is one of civilization’s greatest artists of all times.His creations will define how people do things for generations to come.Technology is just the substrate for his creative genius.

On top of other artists he was able to turn the practical into a form of art.He defined time and again whole new paradigms in harneing technology to the service of man, by coming time and again with products which provided superior user experience.He redefined how we make phone calls, watch videos, listen to music, use computers and much more.It is not engineering, it is not technology, it is the genius of an artist.

The world after Mr.Jobs, is like the renaiance after Leonardo da Vinci.Who knows how many more new great products ,or to be more precise, great experiences are still uncovered, un-mined , unsurfaced, undefined, un-brewed in his mind? But one thing we truely know is that Jobs\' Creativity has changed the world.

So as creativity is so important to our world.How to be more creative? A lot of us,however, are under the impreion that we have no creativity in us , well I think that is wrong.

Creativity can mean absolutely anything, if you come up with an idea and follow it through you have created something,just like me,I wrote an article to make a speech in front of you ,simple as that! You don`t have to paint a masterpiece write a blockbuster novel to cla yourself as creative, even the simplest thing like cooking a meal for your family means that from a

bunch of ingredients you have created a delicious meal for your family.Unlocking our own creativity is a fabulous journey of discovery, as it may be in a completely different area to where you thought it would be.

Don`t let yourself be held back by your lack of confidence in your abilities, we all have a creative streak it is simply a case of finding the outlet for it.Let your artistic juices flow freely and before you know it you will be surprising yourself with your newfound creativity.Thank you!










