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高中优秀作文 广州一模文艺OFFICE

发布时间:2020-03-03 09:30:38 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

There will be an Outward Bound activity for tenth grade students with the purpose of increasing cooperation and trust between the new members of each cla.This activity will take place at Yuexiu park next Sunday at 9:30 to 4:00.some of the activities that we are planning to have include group running and games about saving each other.We would like to not provide training clothes,lunch or water,so take them with you on that day.If you are not available on that day,please send an e-mail to studentsunion@163.com before 20 of January.

The ll.ll shopping festival which attracts millions of people to purchase products online.although this festival has benefited Alibaba a lot,not all the people are satisfied with this shopping festival.

I agree with what Chen Jing said and I think that those shallow tips and vague emotions have cheated many online shoppers.In my opinion,the ll.ll shopping Festival is like any other product advertisement with theirproducts of promoting its products and attracting consumers to purchase again and again.The consumer market is like a jungle,and

sellers inside this jungle are struggling to survive,so they sometimes will take any kind of measure to be come the only survivor.Therefore,we shou think clearly before purchasing any product online,and not let shallow tips and vague emotions make our decisions.

I have a friend who has a bad experience with a pair of athletic sneakers which he bought online during the ll.ll Shopping Festival.While he was surfing the internet as usual,an advertisement from Taobao suddenly appeared in front of him,it promoted an online shop which had 50% discount on all its shoes,so he went to have a look.To his surprise,he found the pair of shoes that he has longed for long,and it was at a very low price.So he immediately bought them without thinking for the second time.However,when his package reached,he unwrapped it quickly and found that the shoes were fake ones.

There are some things that we have to keep in mind while shopping online.First,only go to websites that are secure and safe,like Tmall,Amazon and eBay.Second don’t be persuaded to buy things you don’t beed,think clearly if you need the product or not,no matter how cheap it is.The last but not the least,be an intelligent consumer,learn how to

manage money and buy enviromental friendly products.








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