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摘要:任务型英语教学法是以“二语习得”为理论基础,一切以学生的活动为课堂的主旋律,以学生的发展为最高目标的先进教学模式,是当前英语界热议的话题之一。笔者通过对英语新目标Go For It以及相关语言教学理论的学习,结合自身多年的教学实践,在本文中将探讨如何在新课标中运用任务型教学方法。

关键词:论文,教学方法,教学任务, 教学原则,教学步骤与教学效果

引 言:

《义务教育英语课程标准》指出,英语课堂教学活动的设计应有利于发挥学生的创造力和想象力,应增加开放性的任务型活动和探究性的学习内容,使学生有机会表达自己的看法与观点。《义务教育英语课程标准》以学生“can do something”的描述方式设定各级目标要求,提倡体验、实践、参与、合作、探究与交流的学习方式和采用任务型语言教学法等途径;同时,吸取情境教学法、多媒体展示法及小组合作探究法等有效形式,以形成适合我国初等教育学生的英语学习策略。《义务教育英语课程标准》如此重视任务型的教学途径,是因为这一教学途径能够达到“发展学生的语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程”的教育目标。“任务型教学法”是美国教育家杜威以实用主义作为理论基础而提出来的“以学生为中心,在做中学”的教学模式。是把语言运用基本理念转化为具有实际意义的教学活动。鉴于此,在英语教学中要恰当地使用“任务型教学法”。那么应如何正确理解和在实际英语教学中运用“任务型教学方法”呢?笔者在本文中从一下四个方面来与大家探讨一下:



在英语教学中,特别是在谈到任务型教学时,“任务”这一概念通常是指以真实世界为参照、以形成语言意义为主旨的活动。《义务教育英语课程标准》中指出,英语教学中的任务指有利于学生用英语做事情的种种语言实践活动。英国教育家Jane Willis对“任务”下的定义是:“任务”就是学生为达到某一交际目的,使用目的语言来进行展开的活动,譬如:比较、解决难题、交流个人经历和完成创造性任务等。笔者认为,“任务”是任何促进语言学习的工作计划,小到简短的练习,大至复杂的、冗长的活动,如小组解决问题或模仿、作决定等。它具有特定的目标、恰当的内容、规定的程序和一系列的结果等基本特点。所以在综合上述观点的基础上,笔者把任务的定义概括为:交际任务是领悟、使用、输出语言和互动的课堂交际活动,它重点关注的是意义,而非语言形式。 尽管各类资料或名家说法不一,但是总的来说都有一点是共同的:任务都涉及语言的实际运用。在完成任务的过程中,学生运用目的语言进行运用与交际,他们的注意力集中在意义上,而不是在语言形式上。笔者认同把任务作为课堂的一种语言学习活动至少应具备有以下特点:(1)以意义为中心;(2)以解决某一交际问题为焦点;(3)任务完成的结果是评估任务是否成功的标志。



(1) 教学目标(goals)

任务型教学的目的主要是培养学生的语言交际能力,这不仅是指语法正确的说和写的能力,还包括社会语言能力(social linguistic competence)、语篇能力(discourse competence)和策略能力(strategic competence)。

(2) 导入(lead in) 积极的思维活动是课堂教学成功的关键,而富有启发性的导入语可以激发学生的思维兴趣,所以我们教师上课伊始就应当注意通过导入语来激发学生的思维,以引起学生对新知识新内容的热烈探求。用简洁的语言或辅之动作拉开一堂课的序幕,随之进入课堂教学主体的过程。课堂导入是课堂教学的主要环节之一,一堂课导入的成与败直接影响着整堂课的效果。

(3) 输入(input)


(4) 操练与巩固(training and consolidation)


(5) 活动(activity) 活动是指任务,而不是指练习。

(6) 师生角色(teacher and student’s role)






在设计任务型教学活动时,教师应以学生的生活经验和行为作为出发点;要有助于英)语知识的学习、言语技能的发展和语言实际运用能力的提高;要积极促进英语学科和其他学科间的相互渗透和联系,使学生的思维能力、想象力、审美情趣、艺术感受、协作和创新精神等综合素质都得到发展。基于上述理论,笔者认同以下设计原理: 1.语言、情景真实。

2.设计任务时要提供给学生明确、真实的语言信息,语言情景和语言形式要符合语言实际功能和语言规律,要使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情景中体会和学习语言。 3.形式与功能相结合。

4.设计任务时要注意语言形式和语言功能相结合。要让学生在掌握语言形式的同时学会自我培养掌握语言功能的能力;每一阶段任务的设计都应具有一定的导入性,使学生在学习语言形式的基础上,通过一系列任务的训练来理解语言形式的功能,并能运用在交际活动中。 5.阶梯型任务链。 6.所设计的任务应由简到繁,由易到难,前后相连,层层深入,形成由初级任务到高级任务,再由高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环,并由数个微型任务构成“任务链”。在语言技能方面,应当先输入后输出,使教学呈阶梯式层层推进。 7.在做中学。




英国教育家Jane Willis在她的专著A Framework for Task-based Learning 中提出了任务型课堂教学三个步骤:前任务(C)、任务环(task-cycle)和语言聚焦(language focus)。

1.前任务(before the task):教师在课前向学生介绍下节课的主题和任务,帮助学生理解任务的指令和做好准备。





3.语言聚焦(language focus):学生进一步学习、巩固和掌握前阶段所运用语言的某些特征。




我们要以《义务教育新课程标准英语新目标》Go For It 七年级Student Book2 Unit4 Don’t eat in cla! 第一课时的教学实践为例来说明任务型课堂教学设计:

1.教学目标(The teaching aims):


(1)能否通过练习来掌握重点单词、短语和句型(Master the key words and sentences);(2)能否学会谈论规章制度(Learn how to talk about rules);(3)是否能掌握祈使句的使用(Master the use of imperative sentences);(4) 是否能掌握情态动词can must和 have to 的用法(Master the use of modal verbs can, must and have to);(5) 能否理解遵守各种规章制度在现实生活中的重要性(Get to know the importance of obeying the rules)。 2.学习方法(The teaching methods):

① Task based teaching method.② Listening and speaking practice.③ Autonomous and cooperative approach. 3.情感态度与价值观(Emotion attitude and view of value) Get the students to know the importance of obeying the rules. 4.课前准备阶段(Preparations for the Presentation)

在没有上新课之前,给学生们布置任务,让学生提前预习下节课要学习的新单词和短语: rule ,arrive, hallway ,dining hall ,listen to ,fight, sorry, wear, important, bring, player, uniform ,quiet.(学生们可以通过读音标以及听录音的方式来学习单词的发音;通过旧单词或联想法来学习新单词的字母组合及词义),并且告诉学生下节课上课时进行检查,看看哪一组预习得最好,看哪些同学预习得好。然后把学生按照其能力和兴趣分成几个小组,给不同小组不同任务。

5.教学过程与设计(The teaching proce): (1) 课堂热身阶段(Warm-up):


T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Mr.Wang. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thanks, and you? T: I’m OK..Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Welcome to my English cla.Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you, Mr.Wang. 然后检测课前学生预习情况(Check the preview)

检测预习情况我分为三部分:首先,全班同学共同大声试读单词和短语,并进行纠正不准确的发音:然后,分小组进行试读单词和短语;最后各小组派代表来大声地朗读单词和短语。通过对比,调动同学们的学习激情,使之都参与进来,并且不时地给予激励和表扬(You prepared very well.Let’s give a warm applause to encourage you.We hope you make persistent efforts.)。

(2)展示阶段(Presentation) Step 1.Lead-in T: I’m holding up a banana in my hand, and ask my students: What’s this, boys and girls? Ss: It’s a banana.T: Can we eat a banana in cla? Ss: No, we can’t.T: Can we eat it in the dining hall? Ss:Yes, we can.T: Why can’t we eat a banana in the claroom? Ss: It is our cla rule.(Help the Students to say it.) T: So please don’t eat a banana in cla.Read after me, please.Don’t eat a banana in cla.= We can’t eat a banana in cla.T: OK, boys and girls , look here, what’s this ? (Then I take out a mobile phone .)

Ss: It’s a mobile phone.(Help the students to answer it.) T: OK.These days, mobile phones are used to listen to music, to watch TV, to play computer games and so on.As students, can we listen to music in the claroom or in the hallways? Ss: No, we can’t.T: Can we listen to music in the music room or at home? Ss: Yes, we can.T: Why can’t we listen to music in the claroom or in the hallways? Ss: It is our cla rule.T: So don’t listen to music in the claroom or in the hallways.Read after me, please.Don’t listen to music in the claroom.= We can’t listen to music in the claroom.(Come over to a student, and ask him or her some questions.) T: Excuse me, what’s your favorite sport? S: My favorite sport is soccer ball.T: OK, and where do you usually play it? S: I usually play it on the playground.T: Can you play it in the claroom or in the hallways? S: No, we can’t.T: So don’t play soccer in the claroom or in the hallways.(Come over to another student, and ask him or her some questions.) T: Excuse me, what time do you usually get to school in the morning? S: I usually get to school at 7:30.T: What time does your cla begin in the morning? S: It begins at 8:10.T: Oh, you are so early.And you are a good student.But if you get to school at 8:20, you’ll be 10 minutes late for cla.That is a bad one.So don’t arrive late for school.You must be on time.OK, boys and girls , from our past talk, we know there are lots of rules around us.Today we will learn how to talk about rules.In this cla, let’s learn Unit 4 Don’t eat in cla.(Write them on the blackboard.) Step 2.Teach Activity 1a.(Play the projector, and let students look at the picture about page19 in the Student Book.) T: OK, let’s look at the picture, what are they doing? (Help the students to say it.) Ss: They are fighting.T: Can we fight with others? Can we fight in the claroom? Ss: No, we can’t.T: Yeah, it is impolite to fight.So please don’t fight.We should be good friends.These are all school rules.(Open the PPT) What else can’t we do in our claroom? Please say the sentences like this: Don’t + simple verb.(Can help students to answer, and when students say, write their answers on the blackboard.) Don’t eat in cla.Don’t listen to music in the claroom.Don’t run in the hallways.Don’t fight with our clamates.Don’t talk with each other in cla.„

T: If you want to be good student, don’t bread the school rules.The rules are good and important for your study.But now in the picture some students are breaking these rules.Please write the number of the rules next to the students.I’ll give you three minutes to do it.Now start.Later check the answers with the students.Step 3.teach Activity 1b.T: Now we will hear a conversation.It’s about three students Peter, Amy and Mike.Please listen carefully and find out what rules they are breaking and write the numbers after the names.Now I’ll play the recording the first time, you only listen carefully.When I play the recording the second time, you’ll fill in the number of the rules after each name.Finally check the answers.Step4.Practice Listening (Activities 2a and 2b) T: Now please open your books to page 20.Look, what can you see in the picture in 2a.Ss: A boy and a girl.T: Yeah, the boy is Alan, and the girl is Cindy, What are they doing? Ss: They are talking.T: Would you like to know what they are talking about? Ss:Yes.T: Now let’s listen to the tape and check the activity Alan and Cindy are talking about.You need to do it individually, then we’ll check the answers together.After finishing dong Activity 2a, ask students: Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Listen to the recording again, circle can or can’t above.(Play the tape again for students to finish Activity 2b, circle can or can’t above) Check the answers with the students through the PPT later.Play the tape again for the students to repeat.Next ,divide the students into two groups to do pair-work.(One is Student A, the other is Student B) Lead students to read the example conversation in 1c and 2c,so that they can know to do these two activities.Ask them to make conversations like the model using the rules in 1a.Give them several minutes to do it (As they work, move around the claroom offering language support as needed.) Finally invite several pairs to act out for the whole cla,and them give them the better students some encouragement and praise.Step5.Consolidation Teach Activity 2d.First, ask the students to read the conversation silently to get the main idea of it.Then lead students to read together through the project, call their attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Tell them they have to underline the difficult points as reading.And then ,they can finish reading 2d through consulting reference books or asking other students.Later,explain some key and difficult language points in this period: Don’t run in the hallways.What are some of the rules? We can’t arrive late for cla, we must be on time.Can we bring music players to school? No, we can’t.We also have to wear uniform on school days.Put students into pairs to role-play the conversation. (3)评价阶段(Comments on the Presentation)

老师对学生的Presentation进行点评,尽量多表扬与鼓励,让他们感受到成功的喜悦和英语学习的魅力。In this period, we have learnt how to talk about some rules at school.First,we learnt some cla rules by matching them with the correct pictures.Through learning the rules, we mastered the use of the imperative sentences and the modal verbs can, must and have to, which are a little difficult for us.Then we did some listening practice to consolidate the target language.Finally, we practiced using the imperative sentences and the modal verbs to talk about the rules by making a role-playing.You have mastered the target language in this period through a lot of listening and conversation practice.You prepared very well.In this cla, you did a great job, and you are very active and brave .I hope you make persistent efforts in future.(4)作业布置(Aignment)

a.Master the rules in 1a.b.Write some more rules in your cla or in your home.c.Finish the first period exercise in your basic book.d.Master the dialogue in 2d. e.Preview the words in the next period (5)教学反思(Teaching reflection)

这堂课以各种制度为话题进行教学,和学生的生活紧密相联,再加上我使用多媒体教学等方法,大大地激发了学生学习的兴趣和激情。课堂上,我通过丰富的幻灯片和听力材料给学生们提供了大量的听力和口头练习,引导学生运用目标语言来谈论班里及学校了的一些规章制度。此外,我帮助学生学会掌握祈使句和情态动词can,must and have to 的用法是本课时的一个重点,但这也是个难点。学生学的很轻松、很愉快。所有的任务都完成得很出色,达到预期的教学目标。整节课从学生的Presentation到老师的Comments都用英语进行,由于学生的英语词汇量很少,所以在用英语教学时,有一部分同学有点听不懂。不过,随着任务一环接一环的展开,学生们在仿真的情景中进行了一次英语口语与听力的大练兵,真真切切地感受到语言学习的魅力。在下课以后,我询问了许多学生,问他们的感受如何,绝大多数学生还是很喜欢我的这种任务型教学模式的,并能真正从语言实践中习得语言、掌握语言。











