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英语技能大赛 主持稿

发布时间:2020-03-03 03:00:53 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



B: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the third English skills final contestin Sichuan Agricultural University Du Jiangyan campus.

G:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到四川农业大学都江堰校区第二届英语技能大赛决赛现场。I’m Cici.

B: I\'m Mactavish., our competition is organized by the fundamental science department of the busine school, joint by the Students\' SD English Aociation.


B: First, We would like to introduce today\'s distinguished teachers and guests.



G:Welcome all the teachers and guests.

B:Then, we talk about the rules of the competition.

B:The final competition tonight make up by three parts.part one, we will enjoy the aigned topic speeches by eight contestants.Each contestant has 3min.

G: Part two, each contestant will have 5min to perform their talent show.

B:Part three, each contestant will choose a random topic for impromptu speech.Each contestant has a minute and a half.G:本次比赛分为三个环节,第一环节规定选项环节,每位选手将做一段三分钟的指定话题的演讲,分值为11分;第二环节,才艺展示环节,每位选手将为我们带来精彩的个人才艺秀,分值为11分,限时5分钟;第三个环节,即兴演讲环节,八位选手将现场抽取话题进行一分半钟的即兴演讲,分值为8分。每位选手总分30分,我们的评委将从内容、发音、流畅度等方面对选手进行打分,3个环节结束后,将决出本届英语技能大赛优秀奖2名,获得获奖证书一本;季军3名,亚军2名,冠军1名,冠亚季军选手将获得现金奖励及获奖证书。


B: In tonight\'s Final, there are 8 contestants; these contestants have given very impreive performance already in the knock-out stages.And we divide the 8 contestants into groupA and group B.

G:通过层层选拔,有八名选手成功进入本次决赛。1至4号选手为A组选手,他们是:一号选手崔红梅;二号选手杨欢;三号选手田静,;四号选手,sunny 组合,他们是邓艳、崔春梅、陈真燕;

5至8号选手为B组选手,他们是:五号选手,阿牛日哈,;六号选手,陈玥文,;七号选手,Miracle组合,他们是肖遥 周翊君 周韵欣 齐伶俐;八号选手,Queen组合,他们是余珂希 赵晗伊。

B: They will now have the chance to show their proficiency in oral English.Certainly, they will do their best, and I\'m sure we\'ll have a wonderful competition.


B:Here we are, please welcome contestant NO 1.崔红梅,-NO.2杨欢please get ready.G: What an amazing start!Then please welcome contestant NO.2 杨欢,contestant no.3 田静please get ready.

B: Thanks for the performance of contestant 2.杨欢Now it’s show time for contestant 3

田静 ,group sunny please gets ready.

G:Nicely play,田静.group sunny, it’s your turn.Talent show(5min)

B: The second part of the competition is the Talent Show, where the competitors will show their special talents.


G:那么,接下来让我们一起来欣赏选手们的精彩表演,掌声有请1号选手崔红梅带来歌曲《trouble is a friend》



B:下面有请4号选手,sunny组合带来诗歌朗诵《the most distant way in the world》


B:Thanks for the first 4 contestants fantastic performance! Then, it’s time to relax, let’s enjoy the IPA gymnastics performed by the Students\' SD English Aociation.5、B组选手命题演讲及才艺展示

B: Now it’s time for the rest of the contestants.First, let’s welcome contestant no.5,阿牛日哈.

Contestant no.6 陈玥文please get ready.

G:A splendid performance!

B:Then please welcome contestant NO.6 陈玥文.Group Miracle, please be prepared.G: Excellent, 陈玥文!Then, Group Miracle, Your time!

B: Now, the last one, group Queen, please.Talent show(5min)

G: Now let’s enjoy the talent shows by the rest of the contestants.

B:接下来又到了我们的才艺展示环节,后四位选手将带给我们怎样的精彩表现呢? G:首先有请5号选手阿牛日哈与搭档秦枫,对唱just a ki

G:现在,有请6号选手陈玥文带来歌曲,taking chances

B:接下来请欣赏七号选手Miracle组合带来的电影配音《the lion king》.

G:最后有请八号选手Queen组合带来歌曲《shining girls》


B: Everyone tonight is very good, but our competition is very serious.Now the final battle is coming, each contestant has a min.and a half to talk about a random topic.G:感谢各位选手精彩的表现,下面我们即将进行今天的最后一个比赛环节,也是最为精彩的终极PK环节,8组选手在上台后将随机抽取一个话题,思考15S之后进行即兴演讲为时1分半钟。下面有请8组选手!

请XXX 抽题(选手开始回答计时一分半钟开始)


G: Thanks for their wonderful show.Now it’s time to relax.Let’s appreciate a beautiful English song; we are the world, from the students of busine English cla1.

8、有请主办方代表黄昆老师讲话,并公布选手得分,宣布优秀奖及一二三等奖 G:I am so nervous now.


G: Because I think all of them are so excellent, I have no idea who will be the champion.B: Don’t worry.Let’s go on.The jury will give the answer.

G: All right!Whatever, this is really a wonderful night.


G:Let’s welcome Mrs.Huang.

B: Thanks Mrs.Huang! Now we will come to the last part of our today’s competition.Let’s welcome all the contestants come to the stage.


G: The prize of excellence goes to...Let\'s welcometo the stage to receive the cup from Mr.A.

B:The third prize goes to……Let\'s welcometo the stage to receive the cup from Mr.A.G:Thanks Mr.A, Congratulations to the 2contestents.

B:The second prize goes to…..Let\'s welcometo the stage to receive the cup from Mr.A.G:Thanks Mr.A, Congratulations to the 2contestents.

B:The champion goes to……Let\'s welcometo the stage to receive the cup from Mr.A.G:Thanks Mr.A, Congratulations to the 2contestents.



G:Congratulations to all the contestants!

B:Tonight there is no loser ,all of you are champions .

G:This was really a wonderful night, I hope you enjoyed it.

B:Thank you, thanks for your coming !For now, The English Skills Competition has come toend .We are looking forward to next year\'s competition.


B:Good night!G:Good night!











英语技能大赛 主持稿
《英语技能大赛 主持稿.doc》