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Three Days to See高中英语教学设计

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Three Days to See高中英语教学设计

一、教学内容: Three Days to See(Excerpts)

二、教学对象: 高三年级









语法方面,与现在实事相反的虚拟语气学生在初三时已学,本节课进行巩固。 文章方面,散文的鉴赏能力有待加强。



a.单词与短语:[1] Thrilling [2] specified time [3] doomed man 垂死的人 [4] sphere of activities [5] delimit [6] mortal beings [7] vigor 8] panorama [9] motto10] mellow [11] take…for granted [12] buoyant health [13] vista [14] lethargy [15] faculty

b.语法:虚拟语气 (巩固)

2.能力目标: skimming, scanning, gueing,inductive ability

3.策略目标 1.gue meanings of words through the context;

4.情感目标 a.appreciation of the masterpiece;

b.awarene of the beauty of nature;

c.cherish people and things around.


教学重点: 1.对信息的捕捉2.散文的鉴赏; 教学难点: 文中的长难句。

1.What events, what experiences, what aociations should we crowd into those lasthours as mortal beings? What happine should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?

2.We should live each day with gentlene, vigor and a keenne of appreciation Which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.

四、教学过程 Step1


Discu(PPT展示问题及语法项目): Suppose you were told you would have only three days to die, what would you do during the last three days? [虚拟语气,与现在事实相反:从句:If+主语+过去时(Be动词用were) 主句:主语+ should/would/might/could+do] 老师示范回答:

I would travel around the world if I only had three days to die. I should cherish the time with my family if I only had three days to die.

生回答: I would/should/could/might+ do _______________ if I only had three days to die.Step2 Review

Match the words.[1] Thrilling 令人激动的

[2] specified time 特定的时间

[3] doomed man 垂死的人

[4] sphere of activities 活动范围

[5] delimit 划清界限

[6] mortal beings 凡人

[7] vigor 元气, 活力

[8] panorama范围,全景

[9] motto 格言

[10] mellow芳醇的

[11] take…for granted 将…认为是理所当然的

[12] buoyant health 身强力壮

[13] vista 前景

[14] lethargy 冷淡,冷漠

[15] faculty 本能

Step3 Leading-in

1.Test students’ awarene of the change of things around;

2.Show a picture of Helen Keller .Give a brief introduction of Helen Keller.Step4


阅读第一步:Skimming Read the whole paage and choose the best answer according to the paage.(Check the answers)

(1) The central idea that the author tries to show is that___

A.people who live in the shadow of death are more appreciative of the meaning of life.

B.most of us regard if as something quite usual and ordinary while we are healthy.

C.people should value and take advantage of what they have

D.teach the students how to use their eyes.

(2) What is the most impreive qualities of this eay? A.Humour

B.Directne and sincerity.

C.Variety of facts and examples. D.Skillful argument.


Read paragraph 6 & paragraph 7 , answer the questions below.(Check the answers) (1) Why does the author mention health in paragraph 6?

A.Because it is one of the “faculties and senses”, like sight and hearing.

B.Because it illustrates her point about “not being grateful for what we have until we lost it.”

C.Because it is the subject of an old story which she has in mind.

D.Because health is important for our sight and hearing.

(2) Which of the following would be a “bleing”(para.7), if they struck us for a few days?

A.Blindne and deafne.

B.Sight and hearing

C.Darkne and silence.

D.Light and sound 阅读第二步:careful reading Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.Check the answers.


Difficulties 1.What events, what experiences, what aociations should we crowd into those lasthours as mortal beings? What happine should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?


【结构解析】“aociation”这里的意思是“联想”,“what regrets”相当于“What regrets should we findin reviewing the past”。

2..We should live each day with gentlene, vigor and a keenne of appreciation Which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.


【结构解析】句中的“which”指“gentlene, vigor and a keenne of appreciation ”,\"which\"引导的定语从句修饰这三个名词,“stretch”这里的意思是“流逝”。

Step6 Discuion and report 1.Why did Helen think it was a good idea for people to lose their ability of sight and hearing?

2.What can you do to make your life more valuable and meaningful?(At least 5 things to do) Step6.Aignments

1.Practice reading the beautiful writing with emotion after cla; 2.Write a review of the paage.











Three Days to See高中英语教学设计
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