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UNIT 2 At Home Leon7 Homework 教学内容:Leon7 Homework


1、知识与技能:学生能正确听、说、读、写单词:do, my, homework, read, book.

2、学生能认读、理解和运用基本的句型结构: In the evening, I…

3、学生能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子。 What do you do in the evening? In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book. I write a story.

I draw a picture for my story.

2、情感态度价值观:学生能保持学习英语的兴趣,能在宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围中进行学习。 重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用单词造句,会用句子进行情境对话。 教具准备: 录音带和教学光盘

以大写字母形式写有下列词组的几张大纸: Do my homework.Sing a song.Read a book. Write a story. Draw a picture.板书设计:

What do you do in the evening?

I do my homework.

I read a book.

I write a story. I draw a picture for

my story.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Review Leon 5.Teacher: What day is it? Cla: It is Monday.T: How many days are there in a week? C: Seven.让学生做“小老师”利用单词卡片复习单词。

Prompt the students to remember (Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday) 3.课文导入

师:我们一周有五天上学,但是我们在家度过的时间更多,因此,让我们来学习一些在讨论家庭活动时要使用的单词和句子。 二.New Concepts.1(1) What do you do in the evening? 教师在黑板上用大写形式写出单词HOMEWORK,大声的朗读并让学生跟读。(让学生观察这个单词的写法,由home+work组成)学生讨论这两个单词的理解及HOMEWORK的含义,并告诉学生这是一个合成词,英语单词里有很多这样的词,如BASKETBALL、FOOTBALL等。

让学生打开课本翻到第18页,第1部分。交流在这四幅图里都发生了什么,引出本节课要学的几个词组。并让会读的学生领读,都读不准时,教师再范读。播放课文录音(第一遍认真听,第二遍学生跟读)。问生:“What’s Li Ming doing in the first picture?” 让志愿者回答。依次讨论这四幅图。让学生想想在晚上他们都在做些什么呢?他们和李明做的事情一样吗?小组用英语进行对话练习。 (2) practice 说和做 用大写形式将下列句子写在黑板上: I READ MY BOOK I WRITE A STORY I DRAW A PICTURE I DO MY HOMEWORK 让生大声读。每说出一句,教师做相应动作。然后师说句子,生做动作。 (3) Game.

(4) Role-Play Ask the students to find partners and take turns to ask and answer question.Try to use the new phrases as much as poible.甲:What do you do in the evening? 乙:I do my homework.甲:Do you write a story? 乙:Yes./No.I read a book in the evening.转换角色再说一遍。根据在家的具体活动变换对话。同桌练习对话,指名(3至4组)全班交流。 2.Let’s play! 打开课本18页第二部分。解释游戏。师拿出课前准备好的写有指令的纸条。找四名志愿者。志愿者做与他的纸条上写的单词相应的动作,其他学生猜是什么。 3.Let’s sing! 复习一星期七天词汇。告诉学生他们将要学习一首歌曲,将帮助学生记忆星期几的词汇。播放歌曲录音。学生交流对歌词的理解,学生跟唱歌曲。 4.Let’s play!


三、Check for understanding 活动手册P18.

四、Cla closing

Leon 8 TV and Phone 教学内容:Leon 8 TV and Phone 学习目标:

1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词:watch, TV。

2、学生能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子: I help my mum and dad.I talk on the phone with my friends.I watch TV after dinner.I play on the computer.

2、情感态度价值观:关注学生情感,保持学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。 重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用单词造句,会用句子进行情境对话。 教具准备: 录音带和教学光盘 TV, computer,phone的卡片 板书设计:

What do you do at home? I help my mum and dad.

I talk on the phone with my friends.I watch TV after dinner.I play on the computer.


一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Drill Review Leon 7.T: What do you do in the evening? C: I do my homework.I read a book.I write a story.

I draw a picture for my story..Prompt the students to remember the sentences.二.New Concepts.1(1)课文导入

师:我们知道在家可做很多事情,写作业,或者读书。现在让我们学习更多的在家能做的事情吧! 教师在黑板上用大写形式写出单词TV,COMPUTER,PHONE,大声的朗读并让学生跟读。(让学生观察这几个单词的写法)。学生展示这3个单词的理解及含义,让学生打开课本翻到第20页,第1部分。交流在这四幅图里都发生了什么,引出本节课要学的几个词组。并让会读的学生领读,都读不准时,教师再范读。播放课文录音(第一遍认真听,第二遍学生跟读)。问生:“What’s Jenny doing at home?” 让志愿者回答。依次讨论这四幅图。让学生想想在家他们都在做些什么呢?他们和Jenny做的事情一样吗?小组用英语进行对话练习。 (2)practice 说和做 用大写形式将下列句子写在黑板上: I HELP MY MOM AND DAD.I TALK ON THE PHONE WITH MY FRIENDS.I WATCH TV AFTER DINNER.I PLAY ON THE COMPUTER.让生大声读。每说出一句,教师做相应动作。然后师说句子,生做动作。 (3) Game.

(4) Role-Play Ask the students to find partners and take turns to ask and answer question.Try to use the new phrases as much as poible.同桌练习对话,指名(3至4组)全班交流。 把学生分成小组,每一组中一人演示出四幅图中的一个动作,其他人猜。 2.Let’s do it!、


看第2题,让学生读列表里的句子。当教师感觉每个学生都知道做什么的时候,把他们分为两组。每组轮流提问和回答列表上的问题。 3.活动手册 帮助学生找到他们需要做的练习。P20.

三、Cla closing 利用几分钟的时间来复习所学的内容。教师表演列表上的某事物的动作,生猜测并用英语说出来。

Leon 9 In the Bedroom 教学内容:Leon 9 In the Bedroom 学习目标:

1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词: bed, clean, listen.

2、学生能认读、理解和运用基本的句型结构: I play with… I listen to…

3、学生能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子: I make my bed.I clean my bedroom.I play with my teddy bear.I listen to music.

4、重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用单词造句,会用句子进行情境对话。 教具准备: 录音带和教学光盘 bed, clean, listen 的卡片 泰迪熊




teddy bear What do you do in your bedroom?

I make my bed.

I clean my bedroom.I play with my teddy bear.I listen to music.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 8.让学生做“小老师”利用单词卡片或实物复习单词。


师:今天我们将要讨论人们睡觉的场所。我们还会认识一个可爱的小动物。它是什么呢?一只泰迪熊。 二.New Concepts.1.(1) What do you do in your bedroom? Teach the three new vocabulary words bed, clean, listen.首先展示床的图片并说:This is a bed.让会读的学生领读。指着黑板上的单词bed,再次跟读。这三个单词都依次处理。请学生观察bedroom是由bed和room组成,是合成词。Ask them to look at page 22.Talk about what is happening.What do you see in picture 1/2/3/4? Where is Jenny? What does Jenny do?

请学生缓慢地读出每幅图下的句子,并让学生跟读,读不准时师示范。 I make my bed.I clean my bedroom.I play with my teddy bear.I listen to music.四幅图都依次处理。然后播放录音,让学生看书跟读。 (2)Practice Work in pairs

Ask students to find a partner and talk about what they do in their bedrooms.They can make up one sentence using each of the new words and phrases.(3) Game.

(4) Role-Play Ask the students to find partners and take turns to ask and answer question.2.Let’s chant! 翻到p23第2部分。讨论一下他们看到的内容。有多少泰迪熊呢?在哪里呢?哪个女孩在做什么呢?每一幅图都依次处理。 缓慢的朗读歌谣,演示并示范歌谣的内容。理解图片情况后,播放歌谣,让学生听并模仿,然后再播放,生跟读。然后教授歌谣和相应的动作。

3、活动手册 做相应练习

三、Cla closing

Leon 10 Brush and Wash 教学内容:Leon 10 Brush and Wash 学习目标:

1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词: wash,face.

2、学生能认读、理解和运用基本的句型结构: What do you do in the_?

3、重点难点:掌握重点单词及句子,会用句子进行情景对话。 教学准备: 录音带和教学光盘

前一课的卡片和brush teeth, wash face, brush hair, put on clothes的图片 牙刷和梳子实物 板书设计: BRUSH MY TEETH WASH FACE BRUSH MY HAIR PUT ON MY CLOTHES 教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 9.


师:我们起床并为新的一天做准备。 二.新概念

1(1) What do you do in the morning?

打开课本,翻到p24第1部分。提问学生能从四幅图里告诉老师什么。第一幅图中,李明在做什么呢?展示牙刷。念单词牙齿(teeth)。教师可以数牙齿然后说出牙齿的数量。指着一个牙齿念tooth,让学生跟读。并让会读的学生领读。现在教单词brush。用夸张的手势展示刷牙。让每个人说:I brush my teeth.当他们说话时,确保他们也在做刷牙的动作。四幅图依次处理。分别示范这几个动作。会读的学生领读。然后用卡片巩固所讲内容。接着播放录音,让学生看书跟读。 (2) practice

耳语游戏。四名志愿者来到教室前,站成一排。按照顺序。师小声地把一个新短语brush your hair告诉第一名志愿者。第一名做动作。然后剩下的学生要说出他在做什么,然后第一名志愿者将一个新短语告诉下一名志愿者。重复这个游戏。练习所有的新短语。 2.Let’s do it! 打开p24 第1题。简单讨论每一幅图Danny在做什么。播放录音并跟读。将学生分为小组,小组练习。 P25页第2题,让学生阅读句子。看图并讨论在Jenny在做什么。给学生时间完成这个练习。读并正确图片的标号写在每句话前的小圆圈内。 3.活动手册。


三、Cla closing

Leon 11 Toys 教学内容:Leon 11 Toys 学习目标:

1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词:toy, ball, kite, fly, play, with.

2、学生能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子: On Saturday, I play with my friends.We fly kites.We play catch with a ball.Jenny plays with her toys.


重点难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用句子进行情境对话。理解字母sh,ch,th在单词中的发音及其规则。 教学准备: 录音带和教学光盘

前一课 brush teeth, wash face, brush, put on clothes的图片

toy, ball, kite的图片


一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 10.


师:我们在家工作,学习,不要忘记在家也要开心。不要忘记玩啊。 二.NEW CONCEPTS 1 (1)What do you do on Saturday? 使用卡片或实物来教授toy,ball,kite这三个新单词。黑板上写上这三个单词。让志愿者拿出实物和黑板上的单词相匹配。利用一定时间帮助学生理解play这个动词。打开课本p26,第1 部分,播放录音并让学生跟读。小组讨论小组图片,讨论发生了什么,理解Saturday是星期六。教授句子:I play with my friends/ a ball/toys.(2)小组学习

分为小组,讨论他们常与朋友玩什么。一问一答。使用新单词和短语。 2.Let’s do it! 打开p27第2部分。解释如何做这个问答练习题。展示例子。将学生分为小组,给他们时间参考示例练习问答技巧。 3.Letters and sounds 将(sh ch th th)写在黑板上,找会读的学生读一读因素和单词。播放录音并跟读。 4.活动手册 做相应练习。

三、Cla closing.

Leon 12 John and Jack 教学内容:Leon12 John and Jack 学习目标: 1.学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 2.学生能够就故事进行提问和回答。 3.学生能分角色,用自己的语言表演故事。 重点难点:

理解故事内容。理解第三人称单数动词加s或es表示单三。 教学准备: 录音带和教学光盘

一个球,一只牙刷,筷子,一个玩具狗。 板书设计: BRUSH--BRUSHES WASH--WASHES WATCH--WATCHES GO—GOES 教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 11.


师:谁想和一只小狗玩耍呢?谁想帮助一只遇到麻烦的小鸟呢?让我们听一听,读一读,了解故事三个角色的幸福结局吧。 二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.读前活动。

看图讨论。利用每幅图来讨论故事梗概。让学生看图并讨论以下问题: Where is the boy? What is the boy doing? What can you see from these pictures? 2.阅读活动。


图1.Who do you see in this panel? What is Jack doing? What is John doing? What about Jack? Are they happy? How can you tell? 图2.What is John doing? When does he brush his teeth? 图3.What do you see in this picture? 教授新单词chopstick。

图4.What do they do in the afternoon? 图5.What do you see in this picture? What is the boy play with? What happens now? 图6.What happens? 图7.What do you see in the gra? 图8.Finally,what do you know? 3.读后活动

谈论,汉语复述故事并表演。 三.Cla closing. Again, please! 教学内容:Again, please! 学习目标:总结复习这一单元所学的知识。提高听说读写技能。 教学准备: 录音带和教学光盘 板书设计:

What do you do? Watch TV

Talk on the phone with my friends.

Do my homework.

Help my mum and dad.

Play with toys.

Listen to music and fly kites.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 12.

3、New concepts (1) listen and talk.Play the audiotape on part1, page30.Explain that they will talk about things they do on Saturday or Sunday.Take a few minutes to review some of the key sentences and vocabulary from the previous leons in the unit.Review the question structure: What do you do on Saturday? Allow time for the groups to listen and talk about what they do.(2).Listen, match and colour.Explain the activity using the picture part2, page31.Students must listen and match the statement to the correct picture and then colour according to what they hear.(3).Look and write.Look at part3, page 31.They must write the words in the correct blanks.Help them begin by working through the first one together.(4).Look, talk and tick.Ask students to look at part4, page32.Let them look at the two pupils.What does the girl ask? What does the boy answer? Do the regular exercises.(5).How am I doing? Explain this part of the activity.Tell students it is their time now to tell themselves how they really think they are doing so far with their English learning. 三.Cla closing.

UNIT3 Let’s Go!

Leon 13 At School 学习目标:

1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写以下词汇: School, claroom, library, playground, where


--Where’s the computer room? --I can show you.教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用Where is „ I can show you.两个句型,会用句子进行情境对话。




--Where’s the computer room? --I can show you.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases they have learnt in Unit 2.3.Leon hook T: Now we begin a brand new unit of work.Today, let’s learn to find our way around our school.

二、New cocepts 1.My school

(1) Teach four new words.Claroom(cla+room), playground(play+ground) (复习合成词).另两个单词根据发音记忆。Say the words and ask them to repeat after you.Play the audiotape for this part. (2).practice Role play Repeat the dialogue.Listen to about ten pairs of students. (3) Where’s the computer room? Look at part2, page35.Explain what is happening.Play the audiotape for this part and follow along in the book.Practice Role play Take a few minutes to practice and show the question/answer sequence while the others watch and listen.2.Let’s do it! Look at the picture for part3, page35.Explain how to do this activity.Students take turns asking Where is…

3.Activity book Help students to find the page.Open our activity books and turn to page 34.三.Cla closing

Leon 15 Near and Far 学习目标:


2、会认读、理解、运用基本句型: --Where is the zoo? --Go straight and turn left.教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用重点句子进行情境对话。


street, go straight, turn left, turn right的单词卡片 前一课的卡片

板书设计: --Where is the zoo?

--Go straight and turn left/ right.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases they have learnt in Leon14.3.Leon hook T: Have you ever been lost? It can be scary, but don’t worry.Today, we are going to learn how to find our way when we are not sure how to get there.二.NEW CONCEPTS’ 1.Where is the zoo? Discu about cities.Write CITY on the blackboard.Teach this word street to your students.Say it,and ask for students to repeat after you.(会读的学生领读) Show pictures of streets in a city.Now teach the 3 directional signs.Hold up the flash card for straight forward.Then, draw a big straight arrow on the blackboard.Show the point of the arrow.Explain that point tells you that you go in that direction.Now, draw the turn left arrow and help students see that it shows a turn to the left.Repeat for the turn right arrow explaining that you always go in the direction the arrow points.Say the words and have your students repeat after you.Ask them to read the words.Now, look at part1, page38.Now play the audiotape and ask them to follow along in the book.Then ask a volunteer to answer your questions Who is lost? Where does Danny want to go and how can he get there? Practice

Play a game to help students remember the phrases.Open the book to page 38.Play the audiotape and follow along.Talk about it.What is Danny’s problem? What is he trying to find? How does he get there? Hold up the turn left sign to help students understand.2.Let’s do it! Look at part2, page39.Explain the activity.One person asks for directions to something in the picture, the other students give the answers using the new phrases.3.Let’s chant! First, look at part3, page39.Read the words to the chant slowly and lead the students to explain the meaning of each sentence.Next, everyone reads the chant aloud.Then, play the chant and listen quietly.Play the chant again and teach them how to perform the chant.4.Activity Book Page 38.三.Cla closing

Leon 16 Cars and Buses 学习目标:

1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写以下词汇:bike, taxi, car, bus, thirty.

2、会认读、理解、运用基本句型: I go to…by…


教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用重点句子I go to…by…进行情境对话。 教具准备:录音带和教学光盘

bike, taxi, car, bus的单词卡片 前一课的卡片 数字20到30的卡片

板书设计: How do you go to school? I go to school by bike/by taxi/by car/by bus/on foot.


一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases they have learnt in Leon15.3.Leon hook T: There are many ways to get around.Some are fast and some are slow.Let’s learn how to talk about going from one place to another place.It’s fun. 二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.How do you go to school? Take a few minutes to talk about the ways people get around.Ask questions to see what they can tell you.You can ask How did you get to school today? What are some ways for us to get around? Teach the new vocabulary words bike, taxi, car, bus.Write the words in big letters on blackboard.(会读的学生领读,同桌对读,全班练习) Ask students to look at part1, page40.Play the audiotape and follow along.Review by showing the flashcards and asking what is it? Then use the flash cards to teach I go to…by… show the girl on the bike.Ask what is she doing? Repeat for all four pictures.Repeating for the remaining two pictures, acting out what is happening and saying where and how you are going.Play the audiotape for part1 again and listen and follow along.Practice Group work(同桌练习,指名练习,全班练习) 2.Numbers Review by writing the numbers 1 to 20 on the blackboard and pointing to the numbers as you say them.Then ask them to repeat after you.Go slowly and give plenty of opportunities for the students to try to say the numbers.Ask them to look at part2,page41 in their books.Play the audiotape and follow along.Then play the audiotape and everyone says the numbers aloud with the voice on the audiotape.Practice remembering the mumbers.3.Let’s play! Look at part3, page41.Explain how the game is played.4.Activity book Page40.三.Cla closing.

Leon 17 I’m lost 学习目标:

1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写以下词汇:light, red, yellow, green.

2、学生能理解字母tr, dr, ck, qu, ing在单词中的发音及其规则。


教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用重点句子进行情境对话,以及理解字母tr, dr, ck, qu, ing在单词中的发音及其规则。


Red is stop! Green is go! Yellow is wait!的单词卡片

单词和音素tr, dr, ck, qu, ing的卡片 前一课的卡片。

板书设计: Where is Happy restaurant? It’s far from here.You can go there by bus.Where is the bus stop? Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases they have learnt in Leon16.3.Leon hook T: There are many dangers in the city.Always watch out for cars, trucks and buses.When croing the street, pay attention to the traffic lights.Let’s learn how to go safely in a city.


1.Stop or go? Take a few minutes to talk about safety in a city.Ask questions too see what your students know about croing a street.What are the dangers ?

Write traffic lights on the blackboard in big letters.Hold up your poster with the traffic lights.Say the word and ask students to repeat after you.Show the red traffic light.What colour is the light? Who knows what this means? Lead them to expre that a red traffic light means stop and wait.Repeat the proce for green and yellow lights.Play the audiotape and follow along.Practice Play a game 2.Where is the restaurant? Open part2, page42.Look at the four panels and talk about what they see in each panel.Lead the students to understand what is happening.Play the audiotape and follow along in the text.Practice Role play 3.Let’s do it! Part3, page43.Explain how to do the activity.The students must read the man’s directions in part2, first.Then they need to decide where the bus stop is and circle it.4.Letters and sounds

Use the sound flash cards to teach the new sounds.Write each letter sound on the blackboard.Show the flash card for that sound and say it, then ask the students to repeat the sound.Read the accompanying words with the sound.Repeat for each new word.Part4, page43.Read each sound again.Give time for students to practice the new sounds.Then play the audiotape and follow along in the book.4.Activity book page42 三.Cla closing

Leon 18 Lost in the City 学习目标:








板书设计: Where is the cat going? How can he get there? 教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? 2.Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases they have learnt in Leon17.3.Leon hook T: Let’s find out if the cat finds his way to his sister’s home.And let’s find out who help him to get there.Who knows? Yeah.A bird and a dog help a cat! That is a really good story.Let’s read it now.二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.Prepare to read Page12.Make sure your students have a basic comprehension of the story plot before you actually read the story.A good way to do this is to go through the pictures first and talk about what is happening.Let students think about the following questions: * How many animals can you see from this story? * What are they?

* What are they doing in these pictures? 2.Read the story Now go through the story, panel by panel, and help the students to understand the plot.Panel 1 What do you see in this picture? What is the white cat thinking about? Where do you think the cat is going? Panel 2 Repeat the proce with questions and answers.Where is the cat now? What can you see in the picture? Ask those students who can to explain.Panel 3 Who is the cat talking to? What are they looking at? Do you think the dog is helping the cat? How can you tell? Panel 4 Explain the dog was not right.He thought the cat wanted the MICE house, but the cat is looking for the NICE house.Read the panel to the students.Panel 5 Who does the cat meet now? Is the bird helping the cat? Explain. Panel 6 What do you see now? What is written on the house? Are the two cats happy? How can you tell? (指名读,同桌对读)

Play the audio tape.Follow along in the text.Read aloud Read the whole story to them slowly and with actions and gestures.Ask them to follow along as you read.3.after reading Talk and act Divide the cla into 2 groups.One group will practice the story using puppets.One group will practice the story by having some students read and others act out the parts.The groups perform the story for each other.三.Cla closing Again, please 学习目标


2.完成这一单元进步程度的自我评价表。 教学准备


一.Cla opening and review Review leon18 Greeting 二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.listen and talk Part1, page46.Look at the pictures and talk about what is happening.Danny is lost and asks for help finding his way.Play the audiotape and follow along.Then ask questions: What is Danny looking for? What are the directions to get there? Is it near or far from where they are now? 2.listen and circle Explain the activity using the picture part2,page47.Students must listen and then circle the correct picture.Play the audiotape and allow time to complete the activity.3.Look and say.Draw lines.Part3, page47.Explain the activity. 4.Look and write.Part4, page48.Explain the activity.Let them fill in the blanks correctly.5.How am I doing? 6.Explain the activity.Tell students it is their time now to tell how they really think they are doing so far with their English learning.Point out the four pictures and words at the top of the chart.Give them time to fill in the chart by colouring the number of stars they feel they deserve for their efforts so far.三.Cla closing.

Unit 4 Shopping in the city Leon 19 Let’s Go Shopping! 学习目标:

1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写以下词汇:shop, go.

2、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: Let’s go shopping.What do you want to buy? I want to buy…

3、学生能够听懂、会说下列句子: What do you want to buy? I want to buy a new dre.Let’s go to the clothes shop.教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用重点句子进行情境对话.



tea shop, book shop, clothes shop, toy shop的单词卡片


茶叶、衣物、玩具,不同的书 板书设计: What do you want to buy? I want to buy...Let’s go to...教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 18.

3、Leon hook T: Do you like to shop? Most people do.It’s fun getting new things.Let’s begin now and learn some words to use for shopping.

二、New concepts 1.(1)What is it? Discu the shops the students are familiar with.What shops are near the school?

Part1, page50.Have a discuion about what they see in the picture.Point out the shops on the street, the bus, car, bus stop and person.Teach shop first.Make sure students understand that a shop is a place where you buy things.Practice saying it.Use your flash cards to teach the vocabulary words.Write the new words on the board and ask volunteers to say the words.Practice Point and say (2)What do you want to buy? Help students and understand the verbs shop and buy.Use this previously taught information to help them understand that when you go shopping, teach them what happens when you go shopping and decide you want to get something.Write shopping and buy on the board and have your students repeat after you.Part2, page51.Talk about what they see in the pictures.Ask questions to gather information: What does Jenny want to do? Where does she want to go? What does she want to buy? What about Danny? What does he want to buy? When your students have a good understanding of what is happening, play the audiotape and follow along.Practice Ask and answer.Use this practice to help your students solidify their understanding of the question/answer sentence: What do you want to buy? I want to buy a ---.What do you want to buy? 2.Let’s do it! Part3,page51.Explain the activity.Read the two girls’ speech bubbles.And answer the questions: What does Ann want to shop for? What about Kim? Where will they buy their things? Look at the chart and point out the examples.3.Activity book Page50 三.Cla closing

Leon 20 At the shop


1.学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇: want ,to ,buy,way 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: May I help you? Yes, please.3.学生能听懂、会说下列句子: Excuse me.Where are the…? I’ll show you.This way, please.教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用重点句子进行情境对话.

教具准备: 录音带和教学光盘

一些日常用品,可以用做买或卖东西的道具 一些茶叶、泰迪熊、书、衣物、面包圈或其他食品等 纸、蜡笔、铅笔、剪刀 板书设计:

I want to buy a dre.Where are the drees? I’ll show you.This way, please.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 19.

3、Leon hook T: Today, we are going to have some fun.We are going to set up a shop in our cla and take turns buying and selling some things.Let’s get ready by listening to Danny and Jenny shopping.二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.May I help you? part1, page52.Begin by asking who can remember what Danny and Jenny decided to do in the last leon.Now tell them that Danny and Jenny are at the shop.Let’s look and see what they do there.Look at the pictures for part1.What do you see in the first picture? What do they look at first? What does Danny say finally? Write May I help you? On the blackboard and teach its meaning.You can break it down and teach help first.Then teach May I…? Ask students to repeat after you.Play the audiotape for part1 and follow along in the text.Practice Role play 同桌对读。指名分角色表演。 2.Let’s act! Set up a pretend store.Ask students to look at part2, page53.Explain what is happening.Then give plenty of time to act out simple scenes of buying and selling, using May I help you? 3.Let’s do it! part3, page53.Explain how to do this match and write activity.4.Activity book 三.Cla closing Leon 21 Cinema and park 学习目标

1.学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇: supermarket, cinema, park 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: Let’s go to…

5.学生能听懂、会说下列句子: Let’s go to…to…


教具准备: 录音带或教学光盘

词汇卡片:supermarket, cinema, park 上一课的图片 板书设计:

I want to go to the park/ supermarket/cinema.Let’s go to eat some ice cream.教学过程:

一. Cla opening and review 1.Greeting

Good morning boys and girls! How are you?

2、Review.Prompt the students to remember the important phrases in Leon 20.

3、Leon hook T: Today, we are going to learn how to talk about where we want to go.Who wants to go to the park? We wants to go shopping? Who wants to read a book? First, we learn some new words, and then we sing.二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.I want to go to the park.Teach the three new vocabulary words.Use pictures and flash cards to demonstrate each word.Write new words on the blackboard.Point to each word and say it.Let them repeat after you.Part1, page54.Repeat the new words.What do they see in each picture? See who can gue what you do at each place.Now, you can act out each word, showing the students its meaning.You can sit and pretend you are eating at a restaurant.You can pretend you are flying your kite at the park.Practice Give students an opportunity to practice their speaking skills, using the new words and the structure: I want to go to the…

Place three flash cards for the words: supermarket, cinema, park. Ask for a volunteer to pick a card.That student then acts out where he/she wants to go.2.Let’s go to eat some ice cream.Part2, page54.Talk about what is happening in each picture.Point out the new vocabulary words in each panel.Read aloud.Then play the audiotape and follow along.Retell what happens using their own words.(请学生复述故事情节。指名3-4名) Play the audiotape and follow along.Write let’s go to…to…on the board.Practice Role play Divide the cla into small groups and ask them to practice a simple dialogue using let’s go to…to… 3.Let’s sing! Play the song twice.Teach the song line by line.4. Activity book 三.Cla closing

Leon 22 At the supermarket


1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写以下词汇:tomato, potato, candy, bag. 2.学生能听懂、会说下列句子: Let’s buy…

How about some fruit? 教学重点、难点:

理解名词变复数中,tomato, potato,变复数要加es。 教学准备: 录音带或教学光盘

词汇卡片:tomato, potato, candy, bag.西红柿,土豆,糖果,袋子。 教学过程

一.Cla Opening and Review



3、Leon Hook 师:谁经常和爸妈去超市呢?下次去的时候,交给爸妈一些食品的英文单词吧。 二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.What’s this? 利用图片和卡片教授四个新词汇。确保学生能够说出并理解每个单词。举起所带来的实物并问学生这是什么。 请志愿者依次把单词写在黑板上。并分别请其在单词上面画出相应图片。 练习


和学生玩猜一猜游戏。将四种实物放在桌子上,教师根据自己所想的物品给出提出,学生来猜。 2.At the supermarket 翻到p56第2部分。首先谈论图片,每幅图片能看到什么?图片中人物在什么场所?史密斯太太想买什么?詹妮想要什么?丹尼想要什么?丹尼还想要哪些东西?史密斯太太是怎样评说糖果的?他们拿什么来携带蔬菜呢?播放录音,让学生看课本跟读。 练习

引导学生练习写作,用下列句式: I like„

I do not like„ 3.Let’s do it! P57第3部分。解释活动。 活动手册


Leon 23 Shopping Online 学习目标:


We can shop online.Let’s take it.

2、学生能了解ts,ds,wh,wr在单词中的 发音及规律。

教学重点、难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用句子进行情境对话,能够掌握ts,ds,wh,wr在单词中的 发音及规律。 教具准备:磁带、单词卡片tomato, potato, candy, bag.板书设计:

tomato potato candy bag We can shop online.Let’s take it.教学过程:

一. Cla Opening and Review


Good morning ,boys and girls! How are you?


3、Leon Hook:

T: Who has shopped online? In the modern world, online shopping is a great way to buy things.Let’s see how you can shop and never leave your home.It is fun and easy! 二.NEW CONCEPTS 1.We can shop online.Spend some time talking with your students about buying things online.Ask who has ever done this? If anyone has shopped online try to get that student to tell everyone how it went.When they understand what shopping online is, open page 58.See what they can tell you at the first part.Talk about each picture and ask questions to help










