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发布时间:2020-03-01 21:50:25 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Hello,Chicago!/If there /is anyone out there/ who still doubts /that America is a place where /all things are poible,/who still wonders/ if the dream of our founders is alive in our time,/who still questions /the power of our democracy/,tonight /is your answer./It\'s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches/ in numbers this nation has never seen/ by people who waited three hours and four hours./Many for the first time in their lives /because they believed that this time must be different./That their voices /could be /that difference./It\'s the answer spoken by young and old,/rich and poor,/Democrat and Republican/,black,white,/Hispanic,Asian,Native America,/gay,straight,/disabled and not disabled./Americans who sent a meage to the world /that we have never been /just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states /and blue states./We are,and always will be the United States of America./It\'s the answer/ that /led those/ who\'ve been told for so long /by so many to be cynical/ and fearful /and doubtful about what we can achieve/ to put their hands on the arc of history /and bend it once more toward /the hope of a better day./It\'s been a long time coming,/but tonight,/because of what we did on this date /in this election at this defining moment/ change has come to America./ A little bit earlier this evening,/I received/ an extraordinarily gracious call from /Sen.MaCain./Sen.MaCain fought long and hard in this campaign./And he\'s fought even longer and harder /for the country that he loves./He has endured sacrifices for America /that most of us cannot begin to imagine./We are better off/for the service/ rendered by this brave and selfle/ leader.I congratulate him./I congratulate Gov.Palin /for all that they\'ve achieved./And I look forward to working with them /to renew this nation\'s promise in the months ahead./I want to thank /my partner in this journey/,a man who campaigned from his heart/ and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton /and rode with on the train home to Delaware,/the vice president-elect of the United states,Joe Biden./And I would not be standing here /tonight /without /the unyielding support /of my best friend /for the last 16 years/ the rock of our family,/the love of my life,/the nation\'s next first lady/ Michelle Obama./Sasha and Malia,/I love you both /more than you can imagine./And you have earned the new puppy that\'s coming with us to the new White House/I know my grandmother\'s watching /,along with the family that made me who I am,/I mi them tonight./I know that/ my debt to them is beyond measure./To my sister Maya,/my sister Alma,/all my other brothers and sisters/,thank you so much for all the support that you\'ve given me./I am grateful to them./And to my campaign manager,/David Ploufle,/the unsung hero of this campaign,/who built the best,/the best political campaign,I think in the history of the United States of America./To my chief strategist/ David Axetrod,/who\'s been /a partner with me every step of the way./To the best campaign team ever /aembled in the history of politics /you made this happen /and I am forever grateful for /what you\'ve sacrificed to get in done./But above all,/I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to./It belongs to you.










