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Sample (1)多项对应

Directions: Read the following text and answer questions by finding information from the right column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the left column.There are two extra choices in the right column.Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) The world economy has run into a brick wall.Despite countle warnings in recent years about the need to addre a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and looming energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead.The result is a global food crisis.Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than doubled in the past two years, and oil prices have more than tripled since the start of 2004.These food-price increases combined with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso.Practical solutions to these growing woes do exist, but we‟ll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally.The crisis has its roots in four interlinked trends.The first is the chronically low productivity of farmers in the poorest countries, caused by their inability to pay for seeds, fertilizers and irrigation.The second is the misguided policy in the U.S.and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of food crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol.The third is climate change; take the recent droughts in Australia and Europe, which cut the global production of grain in 2005 and 2006.The fourth is the growing global demand for food and feed grains brought on by swelling populations and incomes.In short, rising demand has hit a limited supply, with the poor taking the hardest blow.So, what should be done? Here are three steps to ease the current crisis and avert the potential for a global disaster.The first is to scale-up the dramatic succe of Malawi, a famine-prone country in southern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and high-yield seeds.Malawi‟s harvest doubled after just one year.An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion in all.Such a fund could fight hunger as effectively as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is controlling those diseases.

Second, the U.S.and Europe should abandon their policies of subsidizing the conversion of food into biofuels.The U.S.government gives farmers a taxpayer-financed subsidy of 51 cents per gal of ethanol to divert corn from the food and feed-grain supply.There may be a case for biofuels produced on lands that do not produce foodstree crops (like palm oil), graes and wood products but there‟s no case for doling out subsidies to put the world‟s crops as soon and as effectively aspoible.For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pondwhich collects rainwater to be used for emergency irrigation in a dry spellcan make the difference between a bountiful crop and a famine.The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet acted upon the promise.

[A] poor countries 41.Anti-hunger campaigns are succeful in

[B] all the world 42.Production of biofuels are subsidized in

[C] the Climate Adaptation Fund 43.Protest riots occurred in

[D] the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and

Malaria 44.The efforts were not so succeful with

[E] Bangladesh 45.Food shortage becomes more serious in

[F] Malawi

[G] the U.S.and Europe

Sample (2)小标题对应

Directions: Read the following text and answer questions by finding a subtitle for each of the marked parts or paragraphs.There are two extra items in the subtitles.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) [A] Follow Onlines [B] Whisper: Keep It to Yourself [C] Word of Experience: Stick to It [D] Code of Succe: Freed and Targeted [E] Efficient Work to Promote Efficient Workers [F] Recipe: Simplicity Means Everything [G] Efficiency Comes from Order

Every decade has its defining self-help busine book.In the 1940s it was How to Win Friends and Influence People, in the 1990s The Seven Habits of Highly Succeful People.These days we‟re worried about something much simpler: Getting Things Done.41._________________________________

That‟s the title of productivity guru David Allen‟ pithy 2001 treatise on working efficiently, which continues to resonate in this decade‟s overworked, overwhelmed, overteched workplace.Allen hasn‟t just sold 500,000 copies of his book.He has preached his meage of focus, discipline and creativity everywhere from Sony and Novartis to the World Bank and the U.S.Air Force.He counsels swamped chief executives on coping with information overload.He ministers to some clients with an intensive, two-day, $6,000 private seion in which he and his team organize their lives from top to bottom.And he has won the devotion of acolytes who document on their blogs how his Getting Things Done (GTD) program has changed their lives.42._________________________________

Allen admits that much of his basic recipe is common sense.Free your mind, and productivity will follow.Break down projects and goals into discrete, definable actions, and you won‟ be bothered by all those loose threads pulling at your attention.First make decisions about what needs to get done, and then fashion a plan for doing it.If you‟ve cataloged everything you have to do and all your long-term goals, Allen says, you‟re le likely to wake up at 3 a.m.worrying about whether you‟ve forgotten something: “Most people haven‟t realized how out of control their head is when they get 300 e-mails a day and each of them has potential meaning.”43.When e-mails, phone calls and to-do lists are truly under control, Allen says, the real change begins.You will finally be able to use your mind to dream up great ideas and enjoy your life rather than just occupy it with all the things you‟ve got to do.Allen himself, despite running a $ 5.5 million consulting practice, traveling 200 days a year and juggling a busine that‟s growing 40% every year, finds time to joyride in his Mini Cooper and sculpt bonsai plants.Oh, and he has earned his black belt in karate.44._________________________________ Few companies have embraced „Allen‟s philosophy as thoroughly as General Mills, the Minnesota-based maker of Cheerios and Lucky Charms.Allen began at the company with a couple of private coaching seions for top executives, who raved about his guidance.Allen and his staff now hold six to eight two-day training seions a year.The company has already put more than 2,000 employees through GTD training and plans to expand it company-wide.“Fads come and go,” says Kevin Wilde, General Mills‟ CEO, “but this continues to work.”

45._________________________________ The most fevered followers of Allen‟s organizational methodology gather online.Websites like gtdindex, marvelz.com parse Allen‟s every utterance.The 43Folders blog ran an eight-part pod-cast interview with him.GTD enthusiasts like Frank Meeuwsen, on whatsthenextaction.com gather best practice techniques for implementing the book‟s ideas.More than 60 software tools have been built specifically to supplement Allen‟s system.

Sample (3) 正误判断

Directions: Read the following text and answer questions by deciding each of the statements after the text is True or False.Choose T if the statement is true or F if the statement is not true.Mark your on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

A Tree Project Helps the Genes of Champions Live On

As an eagle wheels overhead against a crystalline blue sky, Martin Flanagan walks toward a grove of towering cottonwood trees beside the Yellowstone River, which is the color of chocolate milk due to the spring rain.

As Mr.Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and enters the shady grove, his eyes search for a specific tree.As he reaches a narrow-leaf cottonwood, a towering giant, he cranes his neck to look at the top, “This is the one I plan to nominate for state champion,” he says, petting the bark with his hand.“It‟s a beauty, isn‟t?”

When Europeans first came to North America, one of the largest primeval forests in the world covered much of the continent.Experts say a squirrel could have traveled from the Atlantic coast to the Miiippi River without touching the ground.But only about 3 percent of America‟s native old-growth forest remains, and many of the trees they hold are those that were not big enough to attract a logger‟s eye.The result is a generation of trees that barely resemble the native forests that once covered the country.That make some scientists suspect that the surviving forests have lost much of their genetic quality, the molecular muscle that made them dominate the landscape.When the loggers swept through, these scientists say, only poor specimens were left to reproduce.Other researchers wonder whether environmental factors or just plain luck may explain a good part of the supertrees‟ succe.To answer those questions, the mightiest trees of their types, or genetically identical offspring, must be preserved for study, and that is what is being done by a handful of enthusiasts, including Mr.Flanagan and David Milarch, a nurseryman from Copemish, Michigan.They are searching out the largest tree of each species and taking cuttings of new growth to make copies of genetic clones of the giants.With tiue culture and grafting, they have reproduced 52 of the 827 living giants and are planting the offspring in what they call “living libraries.” More than 20,000 offspring have been planted.The work is part of the Champion Tree Project, which began in 1996 with financial help from the National Tree Trust, a nonprofit group in Washington.

“Those big trees are the last links to the boreal forests,” Mr.Milarch, president of theChampion Tree Project, said.State and federal agencies and private organizations have been keeping track of the largest trees in each state for some time.The largest effort is the National Register of Big Trees, run by American Forests, a 125-year-old nonprofit group based in Washington.But the Champion Tree Project takes things a step further by making it poible for the largest trees to live on.Eventually the Champion Tree Project hopes to reproduce enough genetically superior trees for a project.The offspring of the native trees, should they prove genetically superior, could be especially valuable in urban settings, where the average tree lives just 7 to 10 years.But things like soil conditions, moisture and other environmental factors can also affect the succe of the trees.

41.Water in the Yellowstone River turned dark brown because of the spring rain.

42.The cottonwood tree Mr.Flanagan found was an extremely tall tree with broad leaves.43.In the days when Europeans first came to America, it had one of the largest primeval forests in the world.44.Some scientists have the suspicion that the surviving forests have lost much of their genetic quality because they were the offspring of poor specimens.

45.The offspring of the supertrees have proved to be genetically superior to those of the average trees.


Sample 1: 41.F 42.G 43.E 44.C 45.A Sample 2: 41.E 42.D 43.G 44.C 45.A Sample 3: 41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.F


Sample (1)多项对应


做多项对应这类考题应先通观全文,用略读法弄清文章的大意,勿在细枝末节上浪费时间;留意体现逻辑关系的特征词,例如 first, finally, of cource, however 等。主要的解题步骤:

(1) 迅速浏览每个段落,重点放在首尾两句,概括出每个段落的大意。


(3) 从左栏给出的词语中提炼出状语、主谓结构或动宾结构。

(4) 用(3)提炼出的部分去原谅定位,然后在相应的段落去搭建右栏匹配的词语。 若右栏有专有名词,可先行找寻匹配。 另外,一般情况下,一个段落只考一到二个对应的题目。 【解题详析】


三、四段,考生要特别注意here are three steps to ease...The first is to scale-up...Second,...Third ..., 这样的特征词。然后根据41~45 题题干所提供的关键词语,寻找文章中的相关内容,然后做出判断。

【41】 Anti-hunger campaigns are succeful in 首先,依据题干的Anti-hunger campaigns ,推测答案依据应在第三或第四段。因为采取了举措,才会有“反饥饿运动的成功”。根据第三段末 An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion in all.Such a fund could fight hunger as effectively as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, 找到了fight hunger 与题干的Anti-hunger campaigns的语义关联,说明此处是答案依据所在。由effecitvely 可知反饥饿运动在马拉维很成功,所以正确选项为F。

【42】 Production of biofuels are subsidized in

第二段第三句The second is the misguided policy in the U.S.and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of food crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol.中的subsidixing...to produce biofuels...与题干的Production of biofuels are subsidized 形成语义关联,根据此句可知生物燃料(biofuels)生产在美国和欧洲受到政府补贴,所以正确选项为G。

【43】 protest riots occurred in 依据题干的protest riots 应出现在采取了举措之前,推测答案依据应在第一或二段。根据第一段倒数第二句as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso.可知抗议*在海地、孟加拉国和布基纳法索发生,所以正确选项为E。

【44】 the efforts were not so succeful with 依据题干的the efforts were not so succeful“其努力并不成功”,推测答案依据应在第三或第四段。因为采取举措就是努力了。根据文章最后一句The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet acted upon the promise.可知气候适应基金组织(Climate Adaptation Fund) 还没有履行其诺言(not yet acted upon the promise),其努力并不成功,所以正确选项为C。

【45】Food shortage becomes more serious in

题干的 Food shortage becomes more serious 应出现在采取了举措之前,推测答案依据应在第一或第二段。根据第二段最后一句 In short, rising demand has hit a limited supply, with the poor taking the hardest blow.可知穷国受粮食供应打击最重(the hardest blow),食物短缺最严重的是穷国,所以正确选项为A。

Sample (2)小标题对应

[分析注解] 首先仔细阅读第一段,把握段落大意。文章第一段介绍了自助企业的成功秘决。


接着快速浏览小标题: [A] Follow Onlines 在线追随

[B] Whisper: Keep It to Yourself 悄悄话:别告诉他人 [C] Word of Experience: Stick to It 经验之谈:坚持不懈

[D] Code of Succe: Freed and Targeted 成功秘决:解放思想,认准目标 [E] Efficient Work to Promote Efficient Workers 高效率工作提升高效率员工 [F] Recipe: Simplicity Means Everything 简明意味着一切 [G] Efficiency Comes from Order 效率来自有条不紊



【41】 E 高效率工作提升高效员工。 本段第一句:That‟s the title of productivity guru David Allen‟ pithy 2001 treatise on working efficiently, 概述了本段的中心思想,其大意是:这就是生产率大师 David Allen的论文标题,他在2001年一篇论工作效率的论文中言简意赅地提到这一点。由此可判断,这一段是围绕高效工作展开的,所以正确选项为E。

【42】 D Code of Succe: Freed and Targeted 成功秘决:解放思想,认准目标。本段的主题句为第二句:Free your mind, and productivity will follow.(一旦解放思想,生产率就会跟上),由此可判断,这一段是围绕解放思想展开的,所以正确选项为D。

【43】 G Efficiency Comes from Order 效率来自有条不紊。 本段的主题句为第一句: When e-mails, phone calls and to do lists are truly under control, Allen says, the real change begins.Allen 说,一旦电子邮件、电话和各种乱七八糟的数据表处在自己的掌控之中,真正的变化就开始了。由此可判断,这一段是围绕效率与有条理的工作方式展开的,所以正确选项为G。

【44】 C Word of Experience: Stick to It 经验之谈:坚持不懈 。 根据本段Allen 的坚持不懈的员工培训及他对此事的看法不难做出此选择: Allen and his staff now hold six to eight two-day training seions a year....\"Fads come and go, \" says Kevin Wilde General Mills\' CEO,\"but this continues to work.\" Allen 及其员工坚持第年6~8次两天培训。 Mills 公司的CEO说,时尚不断变换,但培训工作保持不断。所以正确选项为C

【45】 A Follow Onlines 在线追随 。 本段的主题句为第一句: The most fevered followers of Allen\'s organixational methodology gather online.Websites like gtdindex.Marvelz.com parse Allen\'s every utterance.Allen 组织的发烧友聚集在网上在线追随他,像“gtdindex.Marvelz.com”这样的网站对他的每一句话都加以分析。所以正确选项为A。

Sample (3) 正误判断






















第二步:判断,确定正确答案。正误判断这类考题相对比较容易。 【解题分析】




Flanagan 先生发现的三叶杨是一种非常高大 的阔叶树。





【41】T。根据第一段末the Yellowstone River, which is the color of chocolate milk due to the spring rain .可判断,the color of chocolate 与dark brown 意思一致,答案为T。

【42】F 。第二段第二句提到:As he reaches a narrow-leaf cottonwood, a towering giant, 可见 narrow-leaf (窄叶)与42题的tall tree with broad leaves (阔叶)不一致,答案为F。

【43】T 。第三段第一句提到:When Europeans first came to North America, one of the largest primeval forests in the world covered much of the continent.这与43题的one of the largest primeval forests in the world 意思一致, 答案为T。

【44】T 。第四段第

一、二句提到: That makes some scientists suspect that the surviving forests have lost much of their genetic quality, ...When the loggers swept through ...Only poor specimens were left to reproduce.这与44题的表述基本一致,答案为T。

【45】F 。文章末段第二句提到:The offspring of the native trees, should they prove genetically superior, could be especially valuable in urban settings ...这些当地树木的后代,要是能够证明具有遗传优势的话,可能会在城市环境中特别有价值,而不是45题静态的“已经证明”have proved 比普通树木有优势,答案为F。

B小节的阅读任务为一篇文章加五道题目。大纲规定了三种测试形式,每年由命题者随即选择一种。为了确保万无一失,我们必须对三种题型逐一了解。 题型一:多项对应

多项对应题与A小节中的题目在考察能力和范围等方面上没有太大的区别,只不过把所有的题目和选项分别集中起来。在解题时,我们同样可以采取三步走的形式,先把表格左侧的题目看一遍,了解考察的具体内容,并对文章大致作预测,然后读文章,最后对照文章确定各题选项。由于选项数量多于题目数量,我们在使用排除法时可能会稍有困难,但是不应有太大影响。 样题举例:

Directions: Read the following text and answer questions by finding information from the right column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the left column.There are two extra choices in the right column.Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) The world economy has run into a brick wall.Despite countle warnings in recent years about the need to addre a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and looming energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead.The result is a global food crisis.Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than doubled in the past two years, and oil prices have more than tripled since the start of 2004.These food-price increases combined with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso.Practical solutions to these growing woes do exist, but we’ll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally. The crisis has its roots in four interlinked trends.The first is the chronically low productivity of farmers in the poorest countries, caused by their inability to pay for seeds, fertilizers and irrigation.The second is the misguided policy in the U.S.and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of food crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol.The third is climate change; take the recent droughts in Australia and Europe, which cut the global production of grain in 2005 and 2006.The fourth is the growing global demand for food and feed grains brought on by swelling populations and incomes.In short, rising demand has hit a limited supply, with the poor taking the hardest blow. So, what should be done? Here are three steps to ease the current crisis and avert the potentialfor a global disaster.The first is to scale-up the dramatic succe of Malawi, a famine-prone country in southern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and high-yield seeds.Malawi’s harvest doubled after just one year.An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion in all.Such a fund could fight hunger as effectively as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is controlling those diseases. Second, the U.S.and Europe should abandon their policies of subsidizing the conversion of food into biofuels.The U.S.government gives farmers a taxpayer-financed subsidy of 51 cents per gal of ethanol to divert corn from the food and feed-grain supply.There may be a case for biofuels produced on lands that do not produce foodstree crops (like palm oil), graes and wood products but there’s no case for doling out subsidies to put the world’s crops as soon and as effectively aspoible.For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pondwhich collects rainwater to be used for emergency irrigation in a dry spellcan make the difference between a bountiful crop and a famine.The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet acted upon the promise.41.Anti-hunger campaigns are succeful in 42.Production of biofuels are subsidized in 43.Protest riots occurred in 44.The efforts were not so succeful with 45.Food shortage becomes more serious in [A] poor countries [B] all the world [C] the Climate Adaptation Fund [D] the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria [E] Bangladesh [F] Malawi [G] the U.S.and Europe 参考答案:

41.F 42.G 43.E 44.C 45.A 本样题所有题目基本都属于细节题,而且都与地点有关。只要我们在文章中做好标记,选择答案时到文章中寻找印证信息,就可以顺利完成任务。


与多项对应不同,小标题对应主要考察我们对文章要点和结构的把握能力。我们知道,一篇文章会有一个中心内容,作者会从不同侧面用不同要点来阐述这个中心内容,而通常每一个要点就是一个或几个段落。能够正确理解这些要点,就为正确理解全文奠定了基础。做这类题时,一方面要注意从本部分当中总结归纳主要话题,另外还要注意这些话题之间应有的内在逻辑,它们共同支撑着全文的中心思想。 样题举例

Directions: Read the following text and answer questions by finding a subtitle for each of the marked parts or paragraphs.There are two extra items in the subtitles.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. A: Follow on lines

B: Whisper: Keep It to Yourself C: Word of Experience: Stick to It D: Code of Succe: Freed and Targeted

E: Efficient Work to Promote Efficient Workers F: Recipe: Simplicity Means Everything G: Efficiency Comes from Orders

Every decade has its defining self-help busine book.In the 1940s it was How to Win Friends and Influence People, in the 1990s The Seven Habits of Highly Succeful People.These days we’re worried about something much simpler: Getting Things Done


That’s the title of productivity guru David Allen’ pithy 2001 treatise on working efficiently, which continues to resonate in this decade’ overworked, overwhelmed, overteched workplace.Allen hasn’t just sold 500,000 copies of his book.He has preached his meage of focus, discipline and creativity everywhere from Sony and Novartis to the World Bank and the U.S.Air Force.He counsels swamped chief executives on coping with information overload.He ministers to some clients with an intensive, two-day, $6,000 private seion in which he and his team organize their lives from top to bottom.And he has won the devotions of acolytes who document on their blogs how his Getting Things Done (GTO) program has changed their lives.


Allen admits that much of his basic recipe is common sense.Free your mind, and productivity will follow.Break down projects and goals into discrete, definable actions, and you won’t be bothered by all those loose threads pulling at your attention.First make decisions about what needs to get done, and then fashion a plan for doing it.If you’ve catalogued everything you have to do and all your long-term goals, Allen says, you’re le likely to wake up at 3 a.m.worrying about whether you’ve forgotten something: “Most people haven’t realized how out of control their head is when they get 300 e-mails a day and each of them has potential meaning.” 43._____________________________________________________ When e-mails, phones calls and to-to lists are truly under control, Allen says, the real change begins.You will finally be able to use your mind to dream up great ideas and enjoy your life rather than just occupy it with all the things you’ve got to do.Allen himself, despite running a $5.5 million consulting practice, traveling 200 days a year and juggling a busine that’s growing 40% every years, finds time to joyride in his Mini Cooper and sculpt bonsai plants.Oh, and he had earned his black belt in karate.


Few companies have embraced Allen’s philosophy as thoroughly as General Mills, the Minnesota-based maker of Cheerios and Lucky Charms.Allen began at the company with a couple of private coaching seions for top executives, who raved about his guidance.Allen and his staff now hold six to eight two-day training seions a year.The company has already put more than 2,000 employees through GTD training and plans to expand it company-wide.“Fads come and go,” says Kevin Wilde, General Mills’ CEO, “but this continuous to work.”

45.___________________________________________________________ The most fevered followers of Allen’s organizational methodology gather online.Websites like gtdindex, marvelz, corn parse.Allen’s every utterance.The 43 Folders blog ran an eight-part pod-cast interview with him.GTD enthusiasts like Frank Meeuwsen, on whatsthenextaction.Com gather best practice techniques for implementing the book’s ideas.More than 60 software tools have been built specifically to supplement Allen’s system.

Key Answer: E D G C A

通常情况下,这些小标题有密切联系,但是因为它们从不同侧面阐述同一话题,所以既有联系,又有区别。我们可以仔细研究这些标题,找出它们的区别,而这些区别正是文章中涉及的不同侧面。因此可以从文章和标题本身两个方面着手,相互印证,解决问题。 题型三:正误判断










