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首先,要分三阶段进行复习 第一阶段复习重点以每个单元的知识点扫描为主,夯实基础。这一阶段主要是回归课本,在研究了课标和考纲后,将课本中的重要的知识点条理化、系统化。第二阶段侧重专题练习,如词汇、语法、阅读、写作等,让学生建立一个完整的知识网络。此外,通过练习查漏补缺,及时解决存在的问题。第三阶段重点是全面提升学生应对考试的能力。这时候我们老师要做的工作是:从以往的英语考试题中整理出一些信度好、指向性清晰的试题,让学生从知识到能力再到心态进行全面的模拟实战演习,而不是无选择地随便拿来某份考试卷让学生考考,这样既达不到训练的效果,也是在浪费学生的宝贵时间。我想通过这三轮的认真复习,不但能提升学生综合运用英语语言知识的能力,而且让学生对英语考试的题型、答题程序、审题、规范书写等都有所掌握,从而使学生满怀信心地参加考试,基础扎实了,心态平和了,自然能取得好成绩。


(1) 词汇部分


(2) 听力部分


(3) 单项选择部分


1.I don’t know which team the crazy fans support, nor______ it. A.do I am concerned about

B.I am concerned about C.am I concerned about

D.concerned I am about 这要求我们在设置题目或选择题目时,要注意回避缺乏语境的题和单纯考查语法知识的题。题干要有一定的意义,切记生编硬造,干扰项的设置要具有较强的迷惑性,否则就不能很好地考查学生的基本功,也很难让学生做起题来游刃有余。一般来说,干扰项的设置重点放在以下两个方面:平时学习中常见的典型错误;估计学生可能犯的错误。所以我们在复习时要充分利用备考资源,对做过的题对错都应让学生清楚地知道当然和所以然,不要重复做同样的题,会做的题再做就减低了复习效率,也不要去追求习题量,搞题海战术,以考代教,以考代练。我认为对知识点的贯彻要讲究系统性和针对性,在复习阶段,应从往年的英语考试试题中用心挑选一些有代表性的单项选择题,进行几次百题训练,然后归纳总结,以一个“会”字应对千变万变。当然,应试技巧也是必不可少的。(很多学生包括一些好学生在做单项选择时也是不看完题就选择,这并不是粗心而是缺乏应试技巧。)







D.compete 43.A.rings



D.medals (4) 阅读理解部分


66.The paage tells us that smiling and laughing________.A.have nothing to do with one’s heart rate B.are not good when one is sad C.improve one’s blood preure D.lower the temperature of the body 66题从短文their heart rate and their blood preure went down..一句确定答案D;


74.When the writer mentions the underlined word “credible”, he

means you should __________. A.write from memory B.learn something by heart C.notice something when you are writing D.write something carefully and sincerely 不管哪种,都需要根据上下文或构词法来猜,不可瞎猜、乱猜。因此加大阅读量,提高阅读速度和理解水平是复习阶段的当务之急,老师有必要给学生提供一些思想性、教育性融知识性、趣味性为一体的知识水平等贴近学生生活、具有时代气息、体裁广泛的英语文章,广告、表格、书信、e-mail等形式的文章也要提供给学生,要求每天阅读1~2篇文章进行强化训练,一周至少开一节阅读课,传授阅读方法与技巧,进行多方位训练,如:根据短文做选择题;根据短文填表格;根据短文回答问题;根据短文翻译句子等等,将任务型阅读与提取丰富信息紧密结合。强调文章的语篇理解,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

(5) 书面表达部分

书面表达的考查给学生提供了用英语表达自己的观点和愿望的空间。既考查学生的语言基本功,又考查学生综合运用语言的能力。在平时的课堂教学中,对写的训练要从入门时期抓起,按照“词-句-段-篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序渐进,通过采用抄写、默写、听写、仿写、汉译英、给材料作文等不同形式,训练学生的写作。在复习阶段,还应就一些高一学生熟悉的话题或者亲身参与过的活动作为素材进行写作练习,书信、电子邮件等应用文体也不容忽视。材料作文要给学生创设语境,我们要选择学生有亲身的经历和感受的话题,让学生有话可说,有话能说,避免了高一学生难以下笔和直接翻译中文的现象。我认为对书面表达的练习应该通过“话题—讨论—写作—讲评”4个环节展开:先选择一个学生感兴趣、贴近学生学习和生活的话题。然后引导学生讨论话题,在提出具体要求后引导学生从话题的主要信息着手进行写作。让学生在课堂上独立完成书面表达。讲评时首先判断作文的信息是否完整,然后再让学生寻找作文存在的错误并加以改正,也要寻找值得学习的好词句。另外,老师可向学生推荐优秀文章,用听写的方式记下来,可以加深印象。多背诵一些优秀篇章和段落对写作也大有好处。当然,在复习阶段,老师还应对学生加强应试技巧的辅导,鼓励学生增强写作的信心,从而提高写作水平。 另外,要做好书面表达,还应注意以下几个方面:



单项选择:单项选择题是最常见的题型。依照新课程标准,对于语言知识的考查应尽量在语境中进行。在单项选择英语考试查词汇和语法,要注意词汇的语境化,语法的真实性、趣味性和实践性。通过设置不同的语境,增加题干的长度,让词汇和语法的测试有更积极、更现实的意义,更多地体现语言的交际功能。 完形填空:完形填空题是历年来考试都采用的题型。着重考查语篇理解和逻辑推理能力。检测词义辨析、单词搭配、惯用法、语法。设计题目从语篇出发,背景充分,突出综合运用语言的能力。




、附1:具体时间及具体复习内容安排 12月份

24 周一 必修2 Unit4 新课 25 周二 必修2 Unit4 新课 Unit 4 结束

26 周三必修2 Unit5 新课 27 周四必修2 Unit5 新课 28 周五必修2 Unit4 新课 Unit5 1月份

1月2日 周三必修2 Unit5 新课 1月3日 周四必修2 Unit5 新课 Unit5 结束

1月4日 周五 开始复习M1-Unit1 资料准备:杨建辉 1月7日 周一复习M1-Unit2资料准备:刘芸 1月8日 周二复习M1-Unit3资料准备:孟菲 1月9日 周三复习M1-Unit4资料准备:唐一鸣 1月10日 周四复习M1-Unit5资料准备:梅一莲 1月11日 周五复习M2-Unit1资料准备:谢丽英 1月14日 周一复习M2-Unit2资料准备:沈越波 1月15日 周二复习M2-Unit3资料准备:陆丹 1月16日 周三复习M2-Unit4资料准备:朱颖 1月17日 周四复习M2-Unit5资料准备:莫幸华 1月18日 周五

自己复习1月19日 周六

自己复习1月20日 周日 下午考试


Unit 1 Ⅰ.单词拼写:

1.His friend has ________ (遭受) from illne for several years.2.The r_______ why she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat.3.He gave me some a_______ on how to learn a foreign language.4.People aged from 13 to 19 are called t________ .5.Her husband has gone abroad on busine.She is quite _________ (牵挂) about him.6.A__________ to the latest news report, the accident has caused 7 more deaths.7.You shouldn’t have hurt her f_______.8.The news quite _________ (使苦恼) him last night.9.I think it is wrong of you to i______ your parents’ advice.10.To get as much information as poible, we should learn to _________(交流).Ⅱ.短语翻译:

1.关心,挂念____________________ 2.经历,遭受____________________ 3.相处,进展____________________ 4.面对面地 _____________________ 5.故意 _______________________ 6.为了

________________________ 7.hide away ____________________

8.calm down ____________________ 9.a series of ___________________ 10.add up _______________________ Ⅲ.动词填空: 1.Once you_______(cheat) by someone, you won’t trust him any more.2.He _______(send) e-mails to his friends from abroad from time to time.3.My cousin happened _______ (meet) his old clamate when he was on his way to the park.4.You are late again.You should _________(come) five minutes earlier.5.I’ll have the numbers ______(add) up soon.6.That man cheated the old lady _______(buy) expensive shoes.7.Anything that ________(concern) Mr Green interests me.8.The naughty boy _________(punish) by his father for ______(tell) a lie.9.It is the first time that he _______(communicate) with a foreigner.10.I tried to tell her but she _________(ignore) me.Ⅳ.完成句子:

1.He _________________________________(痴迷) computers.2._____________________________(第一次) that he has been to China.3.He came here ______________________(为了) make money.4.The two world leaders are holding a final talk ___________________(面对面).5.Their cousin is in hospital and they ______________________________(挂念) him.Ⅴ.单项填空:

1.What he had said about the accident and done with it _____ our trouble.A.added up to B.added to C.added up D.were added to

2.Roses need special care _____ they can live through winter.

A.because B.so that C.even if


3.They _____ with each other for many years before they _____.

A.had fallen in love; got married B.fell in love; got married

C.had been in love; married

D.love; got married

4.John had trouble _____ his maths though he ______ every effort in it.A.in; make B.with; make C.learning; made D.with learning; made 5.Don’t you think _____ wrong _____ in examination? A.that; to cheat B.it; cheating C.that; cheating D.it; to cheat 6.The reason _____ he is late is _____ there was a breakdown on the railway. A.why; why B.because; that C.that; because

D.why; that 7.---- Sorry, I am late again.

---- You ____ here thirty minutes ago. A.should have come B.would come C.should come D.must have come 8.Jim _____ his strict father, for he failed in the exam once again. A.didn’t dare to see B.not dare see C.didn't dared to see D.dare not to see 9.He _____ more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. A.has learned

B.would have learned C.learned

D.had learned 10.Mr Smith gave us _____ how to choose good shoes. A.many advice on

B.an advice on C.a few pieces of advice on D.some advices on 11.The water of the lake was so ______ that it looks like gla.


B.calm C.still D.quiet 12.You’d better have the second-hand car ______ before you sell it.


B.repair C.in repair D.repairing 13.Readers can _____ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A.get over

B.get in

C.get along D.get through 14.The teacher told us that light _____ faster than sound.

A.traveled B.had traveled C.is traveling D.travels 15.As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when ______ and see him.

A.you will come B.will you come C.you come D.do you come 16.No one can be sure _____ in a million years.

A.what man will look like

B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what

D.what look will man like 17.It is wise to have some money ______ for old age.

A.put away

B.put up C.hide away D.stay awake 18.What great trouble we had _____ where his house was.

A.in finding B.to find C.find

D.found 19.It was late in the morning and the mother hurriedly got the child ______.

A.to dre B.dreed C.dreing D.dre 20.While ____ out of the window, I saw my father walking the dog in the garden.

A.look B.looks C.looking D.looked

Unit 2 Ⅰ.单词拼写:

1.They have __________(承认) him to be their leader.2.In which d________ are you going, north or south? 3.__________(短语) are important in English learning.4.He had lost his __________(身份) card and was questioned by the police.5.The ___________(政府) will do something to stop pollution.6.In this part of the city, you can see ancient and m________ buildings next to each other.7.The villagers were all p__________ at the meeting that night.8.The price is $ 14.90, ___________(包括) the postage.9.The _________(真实的) cost of repairs was a lot le than we had expected.10.He has a very large __________(词汇量).Ⅱ.短语翻译: 1.在…起重要作用_______________________ 2.即将;正要_________________ 3.因为,由于 __________________________ 4.即使______________________ 5.与...交流___________________________ 6.例如______________________ 7.than ever before ________________________ 8.come up___________________ 9.be based on____________________________ 10.the number of _____________ Ⅲ.动词填空: 1.____________(communicate) with foreigners is the best way _________(practise) our spoken English.2.The manager asked ten students to help her, Tom and Linda ________(include).3.We ________(request) to stand in line while ______(wait) for the school bus.4.The match is about ________(come), so we are busy _______(prepare) for it.5.It’s the duty of the soldiers ________(protect) our country.6.The PE teacher commanded the students ________(keep) quiet.7.At the end of the meeting , the speaker ________(retell) the details of the discuion.8.His grandmother has a poor memory so he never expects her ________(remember) her telephone number.9.Even if she _______(fail) again, she _________(never give up) until she gets the result.10.Anna said that she _________(come up) to my school the next week.Ⅳ.完成句子:

1.Banks _____________________________(起着一个特殊的作用) in the economy(经济).2.What he said ____________________________(大相径庭) what he did.3.His thought ____________________________(以…为根据) practice.4.We must ___________________________(好好利用) our limited time and money.5.__________________________(信不信由你), John cheated in the exam.Ⅴ.单项填空:

1.The film _____ on the book by Jack London is well worth _____.A.basing; seeing

B.based; being seen

C.to be based ; to see

D.based; seeing 2.Americans do much busine ______ lunch, but people here are different.They prefer to tell stories.



C.within D.without 3.I don’t like the way _____ you speak to her.

A.in that



D.which 4.John suggested _______ swimming tomorrow.


B.to go

C.we will go D.we going 5.______ people are standing outside the office._____ people there is at least over 1,000.

A.A number of; A number of

B.The number of; The number of

C.A number of; The number of

D.The number of; A number of 6.Every minute should be made use of ______ for the exam.

A.preparing B.to prepare C.for prepare D.having prepared 7.On hearing the noise, he _____ to me and asked what was the matter.

A.came around B.came up C.came out D.came on 8.Can you tell me the name of the factory ______ you visited last week?




D.when 9.The most important thing ____ we should pay attention to is the first thing _____ I have said.

A.which; which B.that; which C.which; that D.that; that 10.I have ______ book as you are looking for.

A.such no B.no such C.not such D.no such a 11.Sorry, I didn’t ______ your voice at the first beginning.

A.realize B.recognize C.know

D.find out 12.It is so nice to hear from her again.______, we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more B.That is to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not 13.The little boy got punished ______ what he had done.


B.because of


D.as 14.The General ordered that we ______ inside houses without running around on the street.


B.to stay C.stay D.staying 15.Henry killed the dog.I asked him why______.

A.did he do that B.he did that C.he did D.he has done so 16.More than one student ______ punished since Christmas.

A.was B.has been


D.have been 17.In English, ______ commands is le polite than ______ a request.

A.making; giving B.make; give C.giving; making D.give; make 18.All the people ______ at the party were his supporters.

A.present B.thankful C.interested D.important 19.He knows several languages, ______, he knows English and Japanese.

A.such as B.for example C.that is D.for an example 20.I requested that he _______ an hour earlier.A.came B.comes C.will come D.come

Unit 3 Ⅰ.单词拼写:

1.We are flying at an a________ of 20,000 feet.2.The government is t_________ food and clothes to the flooded area.3.After failing the examination, he d________ to work and catch up with others.4.Father is thankful to me for p_________ him to give up smoking.5.He tried his best, and _________(最后) he paed the driving test.6.I asked him to help me and he a_________.7.Let’s remember the b________ actions of the heroes.8.We all know that he is too _________(顽固) to say sorry.9.More and more young people dyed their hair.What’s you a_________ to it? 10.You should choose the p________ tool for the job.Ⅱ.短语翻译: 1.投降,让步________________________ 2.梦想___________________________ 3.改变主意__________________________ 4.下定决心_______________________ 5.使某人对某事感兴趣________________ 6.熟悉…__________________________ 7.persuade sb.to do sth.________________ 8.for one thing…for another __________ 9.can hardly wait to do _________________ 10.care about ____________________ Ⅲ.动词填空:

1.Now on holidays many people go ________(cycle) around the countryside as a kind of sport.2._________(climb) the Great Wall is great fun.3.J.K.Rowling _________(write) a series of books so far.4.The stubborn thief insisted that he __________(do) nothing wrong and he _________(set free).5.His uncle has been persuaded ________(change) his mind.6.She ____________(already determine) that she will never see him again.7.The new term ________(begin) in September as usual.8.The busineman ________(leave) for Beijing this weekend and his plane __________(take off) at 3:00 p.m.Saturday.9.No wonder he got the first for he ____________(always work) hard.10.Do you know the difficulty he has ____________(understand) what travel means? Ⅳ.完成句子:

1.Li Yuchun ________________________(为…熟悉) the students.2.The mother ________________(拗不过) and bought a toy for her child.3.They’ve _________________________________(下定决心) to stay here.4.The companies ______________________(更加关注)the environment than ever before.5.Chaplin _____________________(梦想成为) a great actor as a child, and at last his dream _______________(实现).Ⅴ.单项填空:

1.He insisted that the meeting ______ the next day.

A.to hold B.holding C.to be held D.be held 2.Their house was destroyed in the earthquake, so they will ______ a new one this week.

A.put on B.put away C.put up D.put off 3.Although she is young, ______ she is clever and brave.


B.and C.yet D.so 4.The hero would lose his life rather than _______.

A.give off B.give away C.give up D.give in 5.Children are _______ instead of remember.

A.encouraged to think

B.encouraging to think

C.encouraged thinking

D.encouraging thinking 6.You ______ television.Why not do something more active?

A.always watch

B.are always watching

C.have always watched

D.have always been watching 7.I prefer a flat in Huzhou to _____ in Hangzhou, because I want to live near my mom’s.

A.one B.that C.it D.this 8.All the students are familiar _____ those stories.


B.with C.in

D.of 9.The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _____ deserts, _____mountains and _____ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.

A.acro; over; through

B.over; acro; through

C.over; through; acro

D.through; over; acro 10.He is sure to come.I’ve ______ him to attend our meeting.

A.advised B.tried to persuade C.persuaded D.suggested 11.____ you put your heart into your study, you’ll feel _____ in it.

A.If; interest B.Once; interested C.Since; interested D.When; interesting 12.Do you know when Mr Brown ______? When he ____, please let me know.

A.is coming; will come B.comes; is coming C.will come; comes D.comes; will come 13.It is _____ to swim in the swimming pool in summer.

A.great fun B.funny

C.a great fun

D.great funny 14.---- Have a nice weekend!

---- _____.

A.The same to you B.You do too C.The same as you D.The same with you 15.The man insisted _____ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.

A.find B.to find C.on finding

D.in finding 16.It was in this school _____ I met her.

A.where B.which


D.that 17.Because the shop _____, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.

A.has closed down B.closed down C.is closing down D.had closed down 18.Hurry! The plane ____.You know the flight to Beijing _____ at 8:00 a.m.on Friday.

A.takes off; will take off

B.is taking off; takes off C.is taking off; is taking off

D.will take off; took off

Unit 4 Ⅰ.单词拼写:

1.The sun ________(升起) in the east every day.2.When food goes bad, it becomes _________(有味).3.Back from the cinema, the couple were _________(震惊) on seeing their house broken in.4.They __________(组织) the youths to from a group to protect the environment.5.The US started a war in order to d_________ Sadam’s ruling in Iraq.6.The soldiers t________ the enemies and forced them to give in.7.The dead body of a person used to be b________ under the earth.8.All these difficulties were caused by natural _________(灾难).9.The audience b_______ into cheers.10.After e__________ was cut off, the lights went out.Ⅱ.短语翻译: 1.结束________________________ 2.立刻,马上_______________________ 3.在废墟中____________________ 4.作演讲___________________________ 5.三分之二____________________ 6.think little of_______________________ 7.give out______________________ 8.be proud of________________________ 9.take place____________________ 10.fall down________________________ Ⅲ.动词填空: 1.My father encouraged me _________ (get) the first prize in the speech competition.2.He can hardly imagine him _______ (become) a teacher in the future.3.I am sure you ___________(receive) a warm welcome when you visit my hometown.4.Please come to help, we _____________ (trap) for three days.5.I haven’t moved into my new flat because it _____________ (paint).6.He advised me __________ (visit) the Museum of Art in Shanghai next week.7.The athletes ____________ (prepare) for the 29 th Olympic Games.8.The whole temple ____________ (destroy) by fire.9.The room is comfortable for us ___________ (live) in.10.A number of books in the library _____________ (steal) by the end of last month so that the number of them _____(be) smaller and smaller.Ⅳ.完成句子:

1.___________________(似乎) my head teacher is quite happy with the result.2._____________________________ (大量游客) come to China every year.3.I’m getting in touch with him _____________________(马上).4.___________________(像往常一样), there were not many people at the meeting.5.Congratulations to you on ___________________________________(赢得中学生演讲比赛).Ⅴ.单项填空:

1.The street was named after a great man _____ his great contributions to the city.A.instead of B.in case of C.in honour of D.in need of 2.Only three will be enough, so I needn’t take _____ of them.

A.every B.none C.any D.all 3.After years of thousands of people’s efforts, the project is finally_____.

A.at an end B.at the end C. by the end D.on end 4.The earthquake _____ shook the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history.

A.that B./

C.by which

D.what 5.The room _____ window is still bright is our English teacher’s office.

A.which B.its C.of which

D.whose 6.Is the school _____ your father worked ten years ago?

A.the one B.which


D.that 7.______ of people came to the meeting from all over the country.

A.Many B.A number

C.The number D.A plenty 8.The rich ____ not always happy.


B.are C.has D.have 9.______ have known the result of the examination.

A.It seemed to B.It seemed to him to C.He seemed that he D.He seemed to 10.The heavy storm ______ the bridge, ______ made it impoible to get acro the river.

A.destroyed; that B.was destroyed; which C.destroyed; as

D.destroyed; which 11.We haven’t enough books for _____; some of you will have to share.

A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody

D.nobody 12.---- How do you ______ we go to Beijing for our holidays?

---- I think we’d better fly there.It’s much more comfortable.

A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest 13.The river ______ are covered with trees is very long.

A.of which banks B.whose banks C.whose the banks D.the bank of which 14.The number of students in this school _____ by 5% every year.

A.rise B.raise C.rises

D.raises 15.We must do something to ______ the old temple.It’s ______.

A.protect; dangerous B.rescue; in danger C.save; danger D.prevent; out of danger 16.______ of the homework _____ today.

A.Three-fourths; has been finished

B.Three-fourth; have been finished

C.Three-fourths; have finished

D.Three-fourth; has been finished 17.Great changes ______ in our school in the past few years.

A.have taken place

B.have been taken place

C.have broken out

D.were happened 18.The foreign guests, _____ were government officials, were warmly welcomed at he airport.

A.most of them B.most of that

C.most of whom D.most of those 19._____ can it be _____ he studies English?

A.Where; that B.What; that

C.Which; where D.Where; which 20.Mary and Lucy loved dancing just _____ their mother ______ when she was young.

A.as; does

B.as; did C.like; does D.like; did

Unit 5 Ⅰ.单词拼写:

1.We can hardly _________(想像) life without electricity.2.This new model is of high q_______ and is not expensive, either.3.The world will never forget the _________(残忍) of the American soldiers to Iraqi prisoners.4.Norman Bethune f________ against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World WarⅡ.5.After a short rest, Henry _________(继续) to draw the picture.6.Mary received an invitation to the party from John, but she didn’t a________ it.7.Some of the films are full of v_______.Too much fighting is not good for young kids to watch.8.Black people are born e______ to the whites so they should share the same rights as them.9.It was so cold inside the house that she had to wrap herself in a b_______ to keep warm.10.As a member of the skating club, he is a________ in each game.Ⅱ.短语翻译: 1.把…送进监狱____________________ 2.担心____________________________ 3.同…作斗争______________________ 4.失去信心________________________ 5.失业____________________________ 6.blow up __________________________ 7.come to power_____________________ 8.set up ____________________________ 9.be willing to do____________________ 10.be sentenced to____________________ Ⅲ.动词填空: 1.The guide advised that we ___________(put up) our tents at the foot of the mountain.2.The thief ____________ (sentence) to three years last month.

3.Only in this way _____ the visitors _______ (find) their way to the hotel.4.Chaplin realized his dream of ________ (become) a famous actor.5.After _______ (lose) the game, they decided to train harder than ever before.6.I advised _________ (wait) until the right time, but they wouldn’t listen.7.The old man is so kind that he ____ always ________(give) a hand to others.8.The train for Beijing _________ (leave) at 10:00 according to the timetable.9.How long _______ the traveler ________ (stay) in our city? 10.There was a time when women _______________ (not allow) to go to school.Ⅳ.完成句子:

1._______________________(事实上), she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday.2.This tyre is a bit flat; it needs ___________________(打气).3.She never _________________(灰心) even when she ___________________(身处逆境).4.I __________________ (愿意) admit that I have hurt her, but that’s not my real meaning.5.I __________________________(相处很好) my clamates at present.Ⅴ.单项填空:

1.I can still remember the sitting-room ______ my mother and I used to sit in the evening.A.what



D.that 2.My teacher usually ______ me on my English study.

A.advises B.tells

C.teaches D.encourages 3.Although it was already dark, they _____ to work in the fields.

A.stopped B.failed

C.enjoyed D.continued 4.Only yesterday _____ him the truth, which was a big shock to him.

A.his father told

B.told his father C.did his father tell D.his father did tell 5.Li Ming told me that he _____ the invitation but he didn’t ______ it.

A.had received; receive

B.had accepted; accept

C.had accepted; receive

D.had received; accept 6.They ______ once the other team had scored their third goal.

A.gave in B.gave out C.gave up D.gave off 7.He _____ a great actor as a child, and at last his dream ______.

A.dreamed to be; came to true

B.dreamed of being; realized

C.dreamed of being; came true

D.dreamed being; realized 8.A big building was ______ in our school last year.

A.set about B.set off C.set up

D.set out 9.It’s impoible for all the people to get jobs because _____ of them are not fit for them.

A.none of

B.all C.not all D.everyone 10.I advised that he ______ the book.



C.buy D.have bought 11.It’s impolite to laugh at the people who are ______.

A.out of trouble B.in trouble C.get into trouble D.in the trouble 12.The soldiers got into ______ prison and set free those who had been put in _____ prison.

A.the; / B.a; / C.a; a D.the; the 13.They will not _____ even if they can’t win the match.

A.lose their hearts B.lose their heart C.lose heart D.lose the heart 14.I’m sorry to have kept you _____ so long.Now let’s get down to busine.

A.waiting B.to wait

C.have waited

D.from waiting 15.Paul doesn’t have to be made ______.He always works hard.

A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning 16.There was ____ time _____ I hated to go to school.

A.a; that B.a; when C.the; that D.the; when 17.When I met my friend, he asked me _____ I was getting along well with my new job.

A.that B.how

C.whether D.what 18._____ I was better educated, I got a job working in an office.


B.If C.Until

D.Since 19.My family climbed up the hills, ______ we had a picnic.

A.on the top of it

B.on its top

C.on the top of which

D.on the top of that 20.She is the only one of the girls in her school who ______ the piano well.

A.plays B.play C.playing D.are playing










