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发布时间:2020-03-03 15:30:27 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

5 New Year\'s resolutions for your coworkers


By now, you may have made a New Year\'s resolution or two.You probably haven\'t broken any yet.But wouldn\'t it be great if you could make resolutions for other people in the office that they would keep?

到目前为止,你或许已经制定过一两个新年计划。或者你的每一个计划都坚持了下来。但如果能为同事制定一些他们愿意坚持的新年计划,岂不是很好? Here\'s a starting point for the wish list:


Give useful feedback


Sure, it would be nice if your supervisor resolved to offer you a raise or a few exotic travel aignments.But most of us working stiffs would be satisfied simply to receive practical, concrete feedback on our work from our boes, rather than unrealistic goals, indiscriminate criticism, or -- sometimes worst of all -- silent lack of acknowledgment of our hard work.We spend our most productive hours at work, in a quest for meaning and purpose.In 2014, please don\'t let these efforts be in vain.(No, this resolution doesn\'t cover unsolicited advice about my wardrobe or relatives.)



Treat the kitchen kindly


Is there a more fraught location in the office than the shared kitchen? Maybe you\'ve seen half-and-half cartons labeled with black permanent marker and lunch leftovers padlocked for protection.These drastic steps spring from our colleagues\' traumatic past experiences of having their food stolen or subsidizing an anonymous coworker\'s coffee habit.


Wash your own dishes.Don\'t leave a trail of crumbs or greasy fingerprints behind you.Respect this shared space.And please, resolve to stop using the microwave to cook stinky food.If you must heat something that spills or spatters all over the walls, clean up after your lunch explosion.


Most of all, we beg, stop using the office kitchen to store your three bottles of salad dreing, two flavors of mustard, a cheese aortment, or any other staples.Nobody wants to watch your science projects bloom mold or begin to stink up the communal space.



Stop being paive-aggreive


I\'ve often thought that instead of charging people a quarter for cursing, we should charge them a dollar for muttering under their breath or pulling other paive-aggreive moves in the office.That covers the administrative aistant who drags his feet in fulfilling your urgent request, the team members who ignore your emails, and the colleague who makes snide remarks in meetings, just low enough to escape comprehension


If your presence is so superfluous to a meeting that you can play Candy Crush all the way through it, just excuse yourself.If we have to suffer through a boring meeting, then you do too.For those rare occasions when you must take an urgent call or respond to an email, excuse yourself from the table.


Unle you\'re hoping to be slapped with a restraining order, keep the overly zealous observations to yourself.It\'s one thing to compliment a colleague\'s scarf.It\'s another to notice changes in habit that border on the creepy: \"Oh, you\'re using different sticky notes today, \" or \"You\'re eating lunch earlier than usual.\"


And can someone please pa this article to the coworkers who send an email and then walk over to watch you read it -- or call to discu it before you\'ve had a chance to open it?

有的同事会发一封电子邮件,然后在你面前看着你读完,或者在你还没有机会打开读之前,就打电话来要进行讨论。真希望他们也能看到这篇文章。 Respect shared space


The speakerphone is a wonderful invention that should be limited to just one purpose: allowing a room full of people to hear someone on the telephone.Your colleagues in the office down the hall don\'t need to hear both sides of your loud conversation with the big shot on the phone with you.This goes double if you\'re in a cube farm or any other workspace without soundproofing.免提电话是一种奇妙的发明,但只能把它用于一种用途:让一屋子人都能听到通话内容。坐在办公室大厅另一端的同事不需要听到你在电话里和某位大人物的大声交谈。如果是在带隔间的办公室或其他没有隔音处理的办公场所,更应该减少这种行为。

When you pop into someone\'s office to chat, pay attention to body language that might signal that person is too busy or doesn\'t want to be interrupted.That includes if she\'s on the phone, hunched over her laptop, or holding a finger to a lip in the universal sign for \"Please be quiet.\" Bonus points if you can resolve to stop lingering in other people\'s offices complaining about how swamped you are.


Finally, keep your personal grooming habits and aociated noises to the bathroom or in your home.Nobody wants to hear you clip your nails or witne the detritus that lingers after the fact.Loud eaters and inceant pen clickers, we\'re talking about you too.


Don\'t pa the buck


If I\'ve sent you a document, it\'s officially your problem.Most email clients these days have decent search functions, so there\'s no need for you to call and ask me to send something again.Instead of asking me to remind you two days before something is due, how about putting it on your calendar?


When we\'ve got a crisis or problem in a project, let\'s focus on solutions.There\'s no need to explain why you couldn\'t hold up your end of the work or expound upon how everyone else is to blame.\"No excuses\" isn\'t just a fitne slogan.


Talkback: Do you have any resolutions for your coworkers? Share them with us.Leave a comment below.

反馈: 你是否给自己的同事制定过新年计划?请和我们分享。欢迎评论。







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