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2011年度校园英文歌曲大赛 主持稿


闫: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Welcome to our English Singing Competition! Thank you for being here! 安: 各位领导、老师、同学们大家上午好!欢迎来到2011年度校园英文歌曲大赛的比赛现场。

闫: 在这个收获的季节里,我们载歌载舞,激情飞扬。 安: 在这个浪漫的季节里,我们展示自我,斗志昂扬。

闫:This competition gives us a chance to present ourselves.安:This competition gives us a chance to challenge ourselves.闫:下面,请允许我隆重的为大家介绍莅临本次英文歌曲大赛的各位领导和老师,他们是:东北育才实验学校小学部程校长、周校长、施校长、鲍校长。东北育才实验学校小学部英语组:金朝勃老师、王丽老师。东北育才实验学校小学部音乐组:周明老师、王帅老师、于婷婷老师、于宛露老师。让我们对各位领导和老师的到来表示热烈的欢迎!同时,欢迎一年级各位家长的到来,感谢你们对本次大赛的支持!



闫: We believe we are the most outstanding.安: We believe we are the best! 安: Hello, everyone.I’m Mabel from Cla 4,Grade 3.闫: Hello, I’m Victor from Cla One, Grade 4.

闫: Now, let’s welcome all the contestants to come to the stage.安:欢迎选手,闪亮登场! 比赛开始 ①

闫:Mabel, do you like Christmas? 安:Yes, I do! When Christmas comes, all the children are very happy.闫:Ok, now let’s enjoy a song about Christmas.First, let’s look at the VCR.安:请看大屏幕。

(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.1 商思琪、贺靓。Their song is “Christmas comes to town\".Welcome!

安:让我们欢迎一号参赛选手。来自四年二班的商思琪和来自三年三班的贺靓。她们带来的曲目是“Christmas comes to town”.掌声欢迎!

闫:Trouble is our friend, we need trouble in our life.安:在生活中,我们需要足够的勇气去面对困难。 闫:Let’s first enjoy the VCR.(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.2 吴东阳。His song is \"Trouble is a friend\".安:让我们欢迎二号参赛选手,来自四年五班的吴东阳。他带来的曲目是“Trouble is a friend”.掌声欢迎!

2号选手下台后,报1号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.1 is …… 安:1号选手的得分是… ③

闫:“Take me to your heart, take me to your soul…”Mabel, do you still remember the song? 安:Yes! I do! 当然记得啦。Take me to your heart.这首歌是去年比赛时一个酷酷的小男孩激情演绎的。我还记得他那陶醉的表情和漂亮的吉他呢!今年,他又会带给我们什么样的惊喜呢?

闫:Let’s first enjoy the VCR.

(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.3 杨熙元。His song is \"The day you went away\".安:让我们欢迎三号参赛选手,来自三年七班的杨熙元。他带来的曲目是“The day you went away”.掌声欢迎!

3号选手下台后,报2号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.2 is …… 安:2号选手的得分是… ④

闫:Mabel, do you remember the famous song in our Beijing Olympic Games? 安:Yes, it’s \"You and me\".I like it very much.闫:Today, the two students will bring the famous song to us.Let’s first enjoy the VCR.(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.4 王昕怡, 刘轩廷。Their song is \"You and me\".安:让我们欢迎四号参赛选手, 来自二年七班的王昕怡和来自二年五班的刘轩廷。他们带来的曲目是“You and me”.掌声欢迎!

4号选手下台后,报3号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.3 is …… 安:3号选手的得分是…

活动1:桑震雨老师歌曲We will rock you 闫:我们的比赛进行到这里,请大家暂时休息一下,让我们把舞台交给最帅气,最有魅力的Shuman老师,他将为大家带来令人震撼的——We will rock you.掌声欢迎! ⑤

闫:They are good friends, they help each other, they learn from each other.安: 他们是一对好朋友,他们互相帮助,互相学习。

闫:They like English very much, they believe “Nothing is impoible.”

安:他们相信一切皆有可能,他们相信他们是最棒的! 闫:Let’s first enjoy the VCR.

(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.5 肖军华、邵薏萌。Their song is \"Yesterday once more\".安:让我们欢迎五号参赛选手,来自三年七班的肖军华和邵薏萌 。他们带来的曲目是“Yesterday once more”.掌声欢迎!

5号选手下台后,报4号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.4 is …… 安:4号选手的得分是… ⑥

闫:There is a girl, she is lovely and beautiful.She likes singing English songs.安:她愿遨游在知识的海洋中,用美妙动听的歌声打动你我。 闫:Let’s first enjoy the VCR.(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.6 方可淳。The song is \"God is a girl\".安:让我们欢迎6号参赛选手,来自二年八班的方可淳。她带来的曲目是“God is a girl”.掌声欢迎!

6号选手下台后,报5号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.5 is …… 安:5号选手的得分是… ⑦

闫:Butterflies are our good friends.They are beautiful and lovely.安: 我们喜爱蝴蝶,愿你像蝴蝶般美丽。破茧成蝶,愿你像蝴蝶般坚强。 闫:Let’s first enjoy the VCR.

(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.7 王一格。Her song is \"Butterfly smiles\".安:让我们欢迎7号参赛选手,来自三年五班得王一格。她带来的曲目是“Butterfly smiles”.掌声欢迎!

7号选手下台后,报6号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.6 is …… 安:6号选手的得分是… ⑧ 闫:Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.安:Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.闫:Next, we will enjoy the beautiful song “Teddy bear”.Let’s first enjoy the VCR.(台下报幕)闫:Let\'s welcome contestant No.8 张馨予。Her song is \"Teddy bear\".安:让我们欢迎8号参赛选手,来自一年八班的张馨予。她带来的曲目是“Teddy bear”.掌声欢迎!

8号选手下台后,报7号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.7 is …… 安:7号选手的得分是…

活动2:王芳洁老师-Mi Wang-抱团游戏

闫:比赛进行到这里,让我们轻松一下吧。Let’s play a game.有请Mi Wang.9 闫:Mabel,Do you like sailing a boat?你喜欢航海吗? 安:No, I don’t.不,我不会。 闫:But I know a person who can sail.但我知道一个人会航海的。First let’s enjoy the VCR.

(台下报幕)闫:Let’s welcome 康轩.安:下面欢迎来自四年二班康轩,他为我们带来的歌曲是sailing.掌声欢迎! 9号选手下台后,报8号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.8 is …… 安:8号选手的得分是… 10 闫:Do re me fa so la xi do so do! 安:What are you doing? 你在做什么?

闫:I am singing a song.Do you know the song? 我在唱歌呀。你知道是什么歌吗?

安:Yes, I know.The name of the song is Do Re Me.闫:First let’s enjoy the VCR.

(台下报幕)闫: Let’s welcome 费新博and 吴佳乐.安:让我们有请来自二年五班的费新博和来自一年一班的吴佳乐,他们带来的曲目是Do Re Me.掌声欢迎!

10号选手下台后,报9号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.9is …… 安:9号选手的得分是… 11 闫:Do you love your mother? 安:Yes, I love my mother.闫:Do you love your father? 安:Yes, I love my father.闫:Love is everywhere around us.爱在我们的身边无处不在。First let’s enjoy the VCR.

(台下报幕)安:Let’s listen to a song”a little love”.

闫:下面欢迎来自四年一班的吴奕蒙和张文星。他们为我们带来的歌曲是a little love.掌声欢迎!

11号选手下台后,报10号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.10 is …… 安:10号选手的得分是… 12 安:闫庭禹,Do you remember 李新钰?你还记得李新钰吗? 闫:Yes, she sang very well last year.是的,她去年在英文歌曲大赛上的唱的非常好。 安:Today, she brings another beautiful song.The name is”the lonely goatherd”.First let’s enjoy the VCR.


12号选手下台后,报11号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.11is …… 安:11号选手的得分是… 13 闫:By the rivers of babylon, there we sat down….安:I know the song”Babylon”.

闫:Today three boys will give us a new feeling about babylon.First let’s enjoy the VCR.


13号选手下台后,报12号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.12 is …… 安:12号选手的得分是… 联唱1:

闫:Mabel,there are many more wonderful students in our school.安:Yes, today they also come here.闫:Do you want them to sing for us? 你想让他们为我们唱支歌吗? 安:Yes, I do.当然。他们的歌声也是相当美妙的。

闫:The students from Grade One are also very clever and lovely.安:一年级的小歌手们也是相当可爱的,而且歌唱的也很棒。

闫:下面有请一年组的优秀歌手给我们带来的歌曲小合唱。掌声欢迎! 小合唱选手下台后,报13号选手得分: 闫:The score of contestant No.13 is …… 安:13号选手的得分是… 联唱2:

安:Victor,look! There are so many students.Who are they? 闫:They are the singers from Grade Two, Grade Three and Grade Four.安:Will they sing for us? 闫:Yes, they will.安:Great! Next, let’s welcome the wonderful singers from Grade2, Grade3 and Grade4.闫:接下来让我们有请来自二三四年组的优秀歌手给我们带来的歌曲小联唱。掌声欢迎!

台下学生联唱: 安:Everybody, do you want to sing with us? 闫:同学们,你们想和我们一起唱歌吗?Let’s welcome Shuman!掌声欢迎!




同学们,你们今天的表演真精彩,老师觉得你们每一个都是最棒的! 下面我公布一下,2011年度校园英文歌曲大赛的最终获奖名单: The third prizes are: 三等奖获得者是:(有请…上台为获奖选手颁奖) The second prizes are: 二等奖获得者是:(有请…上台为获奖选手颁奖) The first prizes are: 一等奖获得者是:(有请…上台为获奖选手颁奖) 下面请获奖选手与领导老师合影留念。 结束语:


安:We are enthusiastic; we have dreams! 闫:我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想! 安:让我们手拉手,肩并肩,一起努力,一起奋发,共同撒播希望的种子。 闫:Congratulation to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges! Thank your for your coming! 安:感谢大家的参与。感谢各位选手、评委和嘉宾。

闫:Let’s look forwards to the next year’s competition.Thanks again! Bye! 安:让我们期待明年的比赛,再见!










