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悲惨世界 (3)

发布时间:2020-03-01 21:10:41 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

、让is inspired to turn over a new leaf by a minister in a church after he was released from 19-year jail just because he stole apiece of bread .10 years later ,he establishes a factory and is promoted to a mayor.When his benignancy saves an innocent man who was captured since his appearance amazingly takes after himself ,all the people just remember 让 original identity as a thief and attempt to imprison him .to escape arrest ,he with his adopted 可girl flees to Paris where she meets and fall in love with a man of paion and dream in secret ,but turmoil and upspring compel them move from one place to another .after many曲折,马 eventually gets his grandfather permit to marry 可,and 让 also makes a conceion in order to his daugheter happine ,when he is almost an old man,让 tells 马his disgraceful experience ,he looks down on him ,instead ,when he knows his feat ,the spouse come to visit him ,unfortunately ,he is lying on the bed and going to depart ,their tears spout out inceantly with guilty

In this play ,I mainly want to talk about one of the major and minor character 让 。 he was one of typical representatives who had the same misery in their time ,he earnour tears ,he has an kind with justicial mind, he succoureda unfortunate women and raised her daughter with his full heart .he deserves our respect ,he was a good father ,he love her more than himself ,his only wish is to look at 可 for the last time .he is worth admiringhe also was great ,if he did not admit what he had been ,maybe he could live a better life ,his behavior merits ourrecognitionis but he had a litter selfish ,he once moved on purposeto separate his daughter lover ,in order to leave his daughter stayed with him .

泰 ,they are the evil representatives in that era ,their greedy changed a mother into prostitute, and even is the cause of her death .his cruelty makes 可 live in misery and lo childhood and happine .their selfish and abjection almost prosecute 让succefully .all their actions require criticizing by all of us .珂赛特是一个单纯的人,是一个热烈追求纯真爱情的少女,是浪漫的象征。她天真无邪,洁白如鸽子。沙威:他是一个严谨的警官,也是一个像猎狗一一样嗅着血腥的人。他见到马德兰市长,发现他就是逃犯冉阿让,便死死盯住了他。最终他在自我矛盾中自杀。他是一个复杂的人,他的一切和使命就是追查犯人,这是忠于他的职业的,但是他却不知道善良和道义,强迫地去追杀一个因偷了面包而关监狱9年的逃犯。他寻着一点蛛丝马迹,至死不愿放过冉阿让。这是正义的呢还是错误的,很难说这无疑是当时黑暗世界的悲惨典型,在当时的社会中,人们麻木了,被金钱和权利冲昏了头脑。这本书中,冉阿让的形象在我的面前高大起来,在当时的社会是多么巨大,但那时的统治者的行为和本质,导致了整个法国人民的品质低俗,思想的封建。冉阿让在一位主教的感化下弃恶从善,说明他的本质还是善良的,他也是为了救几个孩子而入狱的,但那无理荒谬的法律使他永远带上了苦役犯的罪名,狱中的铁门锁上了他的自由,同时也锁上了他的良知。那位主教的心胸是何等的宽广,试问当今社会能有几人像他那样用慈悲去对待一个苦役犯?他用慈悲融化了锁住冉阿让心中的那把锁。冉阿让的善良在黑暗的社会面前是苍白无力的,他自身的改变最终并没能改变他的命运。他的精神是我所不能比的,他在我面前就是个巨人,他在误解中死去,却没有一句怨言。也许现在再也找不出这样的人了吧!我同情他,但我更敬佩他,我也怜悯当今社会的人们,为了利益可以不惜友情甚至是亲情来换取。











悲惨世界 (3)
《悲惨世界 (3).doc》
相关专题 悲惨世界