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学而思网校 www.daodoc.com 安徽长丰县2012~2013学年度九年级第二次教学质量检测英语试卷

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8 学而思网校 www.daodoc.com 长丰县2012~2013学年度九年级第二次教学质量检测




6—10 BCBCA

11—15 CABAB

16—20 AABCB

21—25 CBABC 26.English




30.four/4 单项填空

31.A 考查代词辨析。 答语句意:抱歉,我上午把它忘记在家里了。这里指前面提到的同一物体“ruler”,用it指代。故选A。

32.B 考查形容词辨析。polite“有礼貌的”;careful“当心的,小心的”;special“特别的”;perfect“完美的”,句意:当你开车的时候你应该小心,即使你是一个有经验的司机。故选B项。

33.D 考查情态动词辨析。答语是同意了孩子可以去看电影,但是后面的转折说明必须在10点前回来,表示“必须,一定”选must。故选D。 34.C 考查不定代词辨析。both“两个都”;either“两个中的任何一个”;neither“两个都不”;none“三者或三者以上都不”。根据答语句意“这个周末我将练习钢琴”可知周六周日都不能去游泳。故选C项。

35.D 考查副词辨析。根据答语“请戴上我的眼镜试试”可知是几乎不能看到黑板上的字。表示否定意义选hardly。

36.B 考查名词辨析。句意为:—你在展览会上玩的愉快吗?— 当然了,那有各种各样的机器人展出。on display“展览,展出”符合题意。

37.D 考查动词的时态。根据句意,说话为过去时,且当时“我”正在校长室和王老师说话,为过去某时正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,故选D。 38.B 考查连词辨析。句意:直到刚才他妈妈把这件事情告诉他,Carl才知道。not …until…“直到„„才„„”。

39.B 考查动词短语辨析。call up“打电话给„„,召唤”;open up“打开,展开”;turn up“调高(音量),开大”;take up“占据”。根据句意:计算机能打开我们的眼界去看外面的世界。可知选B项。

40.B 考查交际用语。句意为:—我们下午去游泳怎么样?—好主意,炎炎夏日游泳肯定很舒服。根据句意可判断B项符合题意。

41.D 考查动词辨析。句意为:—今天下午我没空和你去动物园了。—但是你昨晚和我保证过的啊。introduce“介绍,引进”;order“命令,定制”;notice“注意,通知”;promise“答应,允诺”。根据句意可知选D。

42.A 考查宾语从句的语序。宾语从句要用陈述语序,语序为:连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分。故只有A项符合。 43.C 考查动词的语态。强调动作的承受者用被动语态,又根据语境中的lasted可知是一般过去时。故选C项。

44.B 考查副词比较等级辨析。修饰动词用副词,可排除A、D;由根据“他犯了很多错误”可知鲍勃做的没有玛丽认真。故选B项。

45.A 考查动词时态。句意为:王军准备好了在任何时候帮助别人。当在公交车上他经常给需要的人让座。由语境中的always可知用一般现在时,故选A项。 46.C 考查介词短语辨析。on the way“在„„路上”;in the way“挡路”;by the way“顺便问”;in this way“以这种方式”。根据句意可知选C项。

47.C 考查交际用语。句意为:—Lily,王老师生我们的气了吗?—没有啊,她习惯讲话大声。Not at all“根本不,一点也不”,根据句意可判断C项符合题意。

9 学而思网校 www.daodoc.com 48.C 考查系动词辨析。根据答语句意“当我跳下池子进行晨炼(游泳)时感觉这水有点凉”可知选C项。feel“感觉,感到”。

49.B 考查疑问词辨析。根据答语Soon可知第一个人提问的是“还有多久,多久之后?” how soon一般用于将来时,侧重某人对某事能多快时间内完成。故选B项。

50.D 考查情景交际。根据答语中我认为动物园中没有足够的地方给动物待。可知是反对上面的观点,故D项符合题意。 完形填空

51.B 本句语境为:在生活中每个人都需要睡眠,每个人都必须合理安排睡眠以保证睡眠充足。make sure:保证,确信,符合语境。

52.C 根据语境可知,人体每天要消耗精力,因此用use“使用,消耗”;catcht“捉,抓住”;save“节省,解救”;buy“买,购物”,与句意不符,故选C。

53.D 根据实际情况可知,人体通过睡眠重新营造身体的能力,用来帮助人们工作,故选D。

54.C 根据语境可判断,睡眠不足,休息不好时,身体很难有抵抗疾病的能力。fight against:与……抗争,与……作斗争。

55.D 联系上文提到的睡眠不足身体没有抵御疾病的能力,其结果是很容易生病,选ill。 56.C 句意为“你有没有注意到„„”

57.A 根据实际情况可判断,人体劳累时处理或者思考问题有困难。have trouble doing意为“做某事有困难”。

58.A 句意为“这是因为不仅你的身体累了,你的大脑也疲惫了”。且由最后一段暗示可知选body。

59.C 联系上下文可知,睡眠对人体很重要,故选important。

60.A 句意为“给身体和大脑足够的睡眠,你醒来就会感觉到很轻松,精力充沛。”选wake up。

61.A 由上句“我陪我爸爸去医院看病”推知该句意为“我们在医院门口遇到了一位拄拐杖的老奶奶”。故选met。

62.D 结合上下文可知该句意为“有一辆车在等她”,故选waiting。

63.C 此处语境为:我想这位女司机可能是这位老人的女儿,她应该会下车扶老人上车。且由最后一段可明确得知这个司机是老人的女儿。其他选项均不符合语境,故选C项。 64.B 由后一句中的信息词语fall down可知选strong,形容风力很大。 65.A 老奶奶表达的意思是“是的,如果你不介意的话”。故选if:如果,假如。

66.C 由前一句“我扶她走近车子”推知该句意为“并为她开了车门”。故选C项。 67.D 由上文“我”的帮忙推知老奶奶一定是“微笑着”说“谢谢”,故选D项。

68.B 由上文老奶奶说的话“我妈妈自己能够做好这些事”及that I didn‟t say anything 可知作者感觉很不可思议,很诧异,选surprised。

69.C 由上文中的老奶奶女儿的冷淡推知该句意为“她甚至没有说声谢谢就要走”。

70.B 分析作者爸爸的话“你应该好好照顾你的妈妈,因为将来你也会变老,你也不能自己独自上车”。故选B项。 补全对话

71—75 GDBFA 阅读理解

76.C 细节理解题。 根据第一段第一句的“Last weekend at the airport, I had some extra time…”可知,上周作者在机场,故选C项。

77.D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“I told her that I‟d like to buy flowers for someone else, and

10 学而思网校 www.daodoc.com she could decide who to give them to.”可知,作者是想从这个女孩这里买花送给其他人,而这个女孩可以决定花应该送给谁,故选D项。 78.C

推理判断题。根据第二段的“That was because he or she might need some cheering up.”可知,作者想送花给人是因为想让那些不快乐的人高兴起来,故选C项。


细节理解题。根据第三段的“At first, the girl answered, „That‟s crazy‟.”可知,起初,卖花的女孩认为作者有点不可思议,故选B项。


推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者在飞机场的空闲时间,能想起给那些看起来心情不好的人买花来让他们快乐,由此看出作者是个热心人,故选A。 81.D 细节理解题。根据短文第一段最后一句话可知在中国吃饭的时候,首先要让客人或者年级大的人先吃。故选D项。

82.B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句话可知如果你把筷子插到米饭碗里,别人会认为你想让在座的某个人死去。故选B项。 83.D 细节理解题。根据对短文的理解可知与年纪大的人或者父母干杯,在中国餐桌礼仪中被认为是有礼貌的。

84.A 主旨大意题。根据对短文的理解可知本文主要是介绍中国的餐桌文化的,故选A。 85.C 推理判断题。根据对短文的理解作者主要介绍了几种在中国的餐桌礼仪,注意的事项等,而没有表达自己的观点。故C项正确。

86.D 细节理解题。根据文中第一部分you can grow a plant by putting an umbrella in this pot.可知Umbrella pot是用来种植植物的。故选D项。

87.C 词义猜测题。根据文章对Deng on的介绍可知把动物形状的便条放置在键盘中间,你的朋友应该是很难“忽视、忽略”这些动物的。故选C项。

88.A 细节理解题。根据文章对Deng on的介绍可知,可以将其放置在键盘中间,可知如果你的朋友很健忘,你就可以买Deng on给他/她。故选A项。

89.B 细节理解题。根据文章对Nubrella的介绍可知Nubrella在雨天是有帮助的,故B项正确。

90.D 推理判断题。根据文章对这三种事物的介绍,可知三种事物均为生活中的小发明和小创造,由此推出本文最有可能选自生活杂志。故选D。






细节理解题。 根据文章第四段After two years of training, Liu performed very well in testing and was chosen in March 2012 to go into space.可知刘洋是在培训2年后才成为一个航天员。


细节理解题。 根据短文第七段可知刘洋的乐趣主要有读书,烹调及同自己的家庭在一起。可知C项没有被提及。


推理判断题。根据短文对刘洋的描述及“Liu performed very well in testing and was chosen in March 2012 to go into space.”可知刘洋是一个优秀的航天员。 单词拼写





100.farmers 书面表达

One poible version:

How to Be Happy Being happy is good for our health and life.But how can we keep us in good moods? Here are some suggestions for you:

11 学而思网校 www.daodoc.com Firstly, exercise regularly and eat healthily.Being healthy is neceary for being happine.Secondly, smile often.A smile can brighten people‟s day in an instant, and they will appreciate you.Smiling makes you look friendly and others will smile at you as well.Thirdly, be helpful and try to help others.Fourthly, read some books.It can broaden your horizons.For example, reading history helps you get wider perspective of the world so that you can see how small your problem actually is.Fifthly, try out some new ideas in everyday life and it will make you happy, too.Last, start your day with hopes.If you start your day with good more, you will end it with good mood and people around you will love you more.



1.Cheer up a bit; life isn‟t that bad. 2.Don‟t throw litter here and there.

3.Mary is very weak because she has been ill for a long time.4.It‟s a habit for many girls to go shopping when they are free.

5.We should get up at 6 o‟clock in the morning so that we‟ll catch the first bus.Ⅱ.短对话理解

6.W: What did you do last weekend?

M: I went to the zoo to watch the panda from China. 7.W: Are you a doctor, Sam?

M: No, I have been a police officer for nearly ten years. 8.M: Excuse me, can you speak Chinese?

W: Yes.I am American, but I‟ve studied Chinese for five years. 9.W: Look, John, Kate is dancing so well.

M: Really? I never knew that she could dance so well.

10.W: Please don‟t smoke in the shop.Look at the sign “No Smoking”.

M: Sorry, I didn‟t see the sign just now.

11.W: I will go swimming with my parents.Would you like to come?

M: Sure, I will.12.W: Do you like summer or autumn better? M: Neither, I like spring.13.W: Can I help you, sir? M: I‟d like to buy a shirt for my daughter.14.W: Allan, do you often do sports? M: Yes.I run every day and I play badminton once a week.15.W: Where are Lily and Lucy? Are they watching TV? M: No.they are washing dishes in the kitchen.Ⅲ.长对话理解 (1)

M: Do you like music?

W: Yes, I like claical music very much.I always spend my spare time playing the violin.How about you, Jim?

M: I like playing the piano.I enjoy it.But sometimes I don‟t understand the meaning of the music. W: Me, either.Would you like to go with me to my uncle‟s house today? He is a music teacher.

12 学而思网校 www.daodoc.com M: Really? That‟s great.We can learn some knowledge about music from him.W: Yes, you‟re right.(2)

W: Hello.This is Alana.May I speak to Peter? M: Speaking, please.What‟s up?

W: Could you please tell me something about the bus trip tomorrow? I was busy doing some cleaning yesterday, so I didn\'t hear what the monitor said. M: Oh.We will go to the South Hill by bus tomorrow morning.W: And what time shall we start? M: At 8:45.We will meet at the school gate, so you should wait there at 8:30. W: Oh, thank you.See you then. M: See you! Ⅳ.短文理解

One day, it was very hot.It was time to have lunch at that moment.There were few people in the fast food restaurant.The waiters were not busy at that time.Then two men came into the restaurant and ordered some drinks.Then they brought sandwiches from their bags and began to eat.When a waiter saw this, he got angry.He came to them and said to them, “Excuse me.You can‟t eat your own sandwiches here!” The two men were surprised and looked at each other.Then they exchanged their sandwiches. V.信息转换

Hello, everyone! I\'m Sam King.Welcome to our school! I hope you will enjoy your time with us.Every morning from 8:00 to 11:40, you are in the claroom learning English.Lunch is in the school dining hall at 12:00.There‟s lots of delicious food, and there‟s fast food, too.In the afternoons and evenings there‟re no school claes.You are free to do what you want to do.By the way, if you need to see a doctor, our school will take you to the hospital.Next, some news about your exam.You\'ll take it in eight weeks.You may take a dictionary into the exam.Don\'t worry about it.It\'s not very difficult.Your results will be sent to your home about four weeks later.That\'s all.Thank you.Have a nice stay in Canada!










