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发布时间:2020-03-02 21:46:03 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

G: Ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you.Welcome to the final selection of our school for the 2014 “FLTRP CUP” English Public Speaking Contest.B: 欢迎大家来到2014年“外研社杯”英语演讲大赛上海政法学院校内选拔决赛现场。我是主持人丁桢杰。

G: 我是主持人雷蕾。

B: Actually, all the contestants here are already winners, and there’s nothing to

be nervous about, no matter what you get after today’s competition.You deserve to be congratulated.

G: You have made your way through the tough competitions of the preliminary rounds, and you have proven yourself worthy of this stage.

B: Today you made your voice heard here and tomorrow you’ll be the voices of the world.So just show yourself.

G: Yes, and of course we cannot make it without the hard work of our distinguished guests and honorable judges.

B: Now it’s my honor to introduce to you our distinguished guests and honorable judges.They are vice-president of SHUPL,Profeor 关保英, Aistant President of SHUPL, Profeor 王蔚, chief of the Academic Affairs Department, Profeor 陈剑锋, executive vice dean of the school of foreign language, Profeor 欧阳美和, secretary of the SHUPL Youth League,Mr.陆嵬, aistant executive dean of the school of foreign language ,Mi 徐丽红,vice secretaries of the SHUPL Youth League, Mr.蒋存耀,vice secretaries of the SHUPL Youth League,Mr.孙留华, school secretaries of Youth League, and our foreign language teacher Kate and Oliver.Welcome!

G:让我以热烈的掌声欢迎出席本次比赛的嘉宾,他们是上海政法学院副校长关保英教授,校长助理王卫教授, 教务处处长陈键锋教授,外国语学院常务副院长欧阳美和教授,校团委书记陆伟老师,外国语学院院长助理徐丽红老师,校团委副书记蒋存耀老师,校团委副书记孙刘华老师,各学院团总支书书记以及外教Kate,Oliver。

B: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr.Guan to make an opening remark.(Mr.Guan 发言)

B: Thank you.Thank you very much, Mr.Guan.Now, let me introduce the contestants today.They are Eric Ying from the school of International Affairs And Public Administration.Lubic Chou from the school of Law.Binkie Dai from the school of Higher Vocational Education.Calion Yaung from the school of Foreign Language.Amelie Niu from the school of International Law.Virginia Kim from the school of Foreign Language.Crystal Deng from the school of Economic Law.And Betty Zhang from the school of Liberal Arts.



G: There’re three phases in this competition.And now we’ll introduce the procedure.In the first phase, the contestants will first give a prepared speech within three minutes on the topic ”The loveline of Youth is to Fight” .(The judges will ask questions related to the speeches given, and the contestants have one minute to answer each question.)

B: In the second phase, the contestants will give their impromptu speeches according to the topics they have drawn (根据抽签的题目).Also, the judges will ask questions related to the speeches given, and the contestants will have two minutes to prepare their 3-minute-speeches and one minute to answer each question.The last phase will be a quick quiz on comprehensive knowledge.Each contestant will answer two questions.(综合知识速答)

Now, let’s welcome contestant no.1 to give her/his speech.G:Thank you,...now let’s welcome contestant no.2 to give us her/his speech.......(交替报幕至第一轮结束)

G:Thank you,...now let’s welcome contestant no.2 to give us her/his speech.......(交替报幕至第二轮结束) B:OK, now let’s move on to the second phase, welcome contestant no.1 to give her/his speech.

B:Every contestants today have delivered very good speeches.Now, are you ready to give your quick answers to the questions?Contestant no.1, please stand by.G:Thank you,...now let’s welcome contestant no.2 to give us her/his speech.......(交替报幕至第三轮结束)

B:Now all the contestants have given their speeches, let\'s welcome our guest, secretary of the SHUPL Youth League ,Mr.Lu to give us some comments and suggestions for today\'s contest, welcome!


B:Now welcome our foreign teacher Kate to give us some comments and suggestions for today\'s contest , welcome!B:Well, the contestants have prepared to sing a song for us all, let’s welcome all of them again!

G:八位参赛选手为我们精心准备了一首歌曲,让我们再次有请他们带来合唱true color !

G: Now here comes the exciting part.I’m starting to get nervous.G:经过我们评委老师的打分和记分员的统计,获得2014年外研社杯英语演讲比赛上海政法学院校内选拔赛三等奖的是。。。。。。有请校团委书记陆伟老师,外国语学院院长助理徐丽红老师上台颁奖,掌声祝贺!

B:The third prize winners are ......,congratulations ! Welcome executive vice dean of the school of foreign language, Profeor Ouyang, to present the award.


B:The second prize winners are ......,congratulations ! Let’s welcome chief of the Academic Affairs Department, Profeor Chen to present the award.G:获得一等奖的是。。。。。。,,有请校长助理王蔚教授老师上台颁奖,让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺他!

B:The first prize winner is ......,congratulations ! Let’s welcome Aistant President of SHUPL, Profeor Wang to present the Award.


B:Ladies and gentlemen, before we end todays event,I\'d like to expre our heartfelt

thanks to all the

audience here today, and our thanks goes to the distinguished guests, judges and contestants.Thank you all.











