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发布时间:2020-03-03 04:43:42 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版




男:镜头闪耀星光,光影承载梦想。 女:这里是北国江城,魅力吉林。

男: 我是吉林市经济广播电台主持人赵奇。 女:我是吉林市经济广播电台主持人馨元。(英语再说一次) 女:尊敬的中国电影家协会名誉主席李前宽先生、

尊敬的吉林市人大常委会副主任邹铁军先生 男:尊敬的各位嘉宾及观众朋友们, 合:大家好! 男:第24届中国金鸡百花电影节“金鸡国际影展”在短短数日内集中展映了多部海外电影佳作,让热情的电影观众和严谨的专家学者们在“北国江城”吉林,尽情享受了世界多个国家的电影人所奉献的丰富多样、异彩纷呈的视听盛宴。

“Golden Rooster International Screening” of the 24th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival has been running various well-made films from home and abroad in just a few days, which make the wonderful people in Jilin City enjoy infinite pleasure and meditation by the beautiful Songhuajiang River brought about by the films from many countries around the world.男:首先,请允许我介绍出席今晚第24届中国金鸡百花电影节“金鸡国际影展”闭幕式现场的各位领导和嘉宾们,

Firstly, please allow me to introduce the leaders and distinguished

guests present the closing ceremony of the 24th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival tonight.他们是:中国电影家协会名誉主席李前宽先生

They are:


Mr.Tian Yingxin, the Political Commiar of Jilin Military Sub-area, the Member of the Standing Committee of Jilin City of CPC 男:吉林市人大常委会副主任邹铁军先生


男:吉林市政协副主席杨金顺先生 女:(英)




and guests, representatives of filmmakers and major media correspondents to join the Festival.Welcome you all! 男:人们常说,春华秋实。秋天是收获的季节,“中国金鸡百花电影节”则是电影人回顾自己一年来的丰硕成果的盛会。在这个金色的收获季节里,经过专家评委们的认真评审,本届金鸡国际影展的获奖作品已经呈现在了我们面前。

The golden autumn is a season of harvest.“China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival” is a harvest season for film artists once a year.In this golden harvest season, the award winning works of the

Golden International Screening have been honorably presented to us after the careful review by the jury of experts.男:接下来有请吉林市文化广播电视新闻出版局局长,评委会主任,闫海春先生为我们揭晓本次金鸡国际影展获奖名单,并宣读评奖意见。

Next, please welcome Mr.Yan Haichun, Director of Juries, Chief of Jilin City Culture, Broadcasting and Information Bureau, to announce the winners and award comments.



Yan Haichun: Entrusted by the jury of the Golden Rooster Screening, today I am honored to announce the awards of the Golden Rooster International Screening of the 24th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.The jury of this Golden Rooster International Screening consists of expert judges and audience judges.The former includes such relevant profeionals as college profeors, radio and television profeionals, famous movie critics and writers.The latter includes teachers, enterprise employees and students.It is extensively

representative and highly profeional as well.After 4 days of viewing, discuing and voting, the jury has selected 4 awards such as the most popular foreign actre, the most popular foreign actor, the most popular foreign director and the most popular foreign film, including 6 award winners and 2 winning films.

首先,为大家揭晓最受观众喜爱的外国男演员奖。第一位获奖者是出演波兰影片《全权委托》的安德烈〃查拉(Andrzej Chyra)。

Firstly, I’ll announce the most popular foreign actor award.The first winner is Andrzej Chyra, playing Kasp in the Polish film “Carte Blanche”.

在影片中他饰演的是一位深受学生爱戴的高中历史老师,然而,母亲因车祸离世的打击和视力逐渐恶化的痛楚深深折磨着他。怀着对教师职业的眷恋和热爱,对自己学生的深情呵护,隐瞒真相努力工作的老师形象,给人留下了深刻印象。他的表演细致到位,极富层次感,感人至深地展现了主人公痛楚与顽强、纠结与执着的精神和灵魂。 In the film he plays a beloved history teacher in a high school.His performance is delicate and accurate.He exprees the character gradually in different psychological phases.He cares about his students like their family with his devotion and love to the teaching profeion even though he is in the face of permanent lo of his sight which is getting worse and worse.He keeps back the truth and works even harder, which imprees the audiences deeply.


Now please enjoy his outstanding performance clips.


第二位获奖者是出演伊朗影片《我和父亲的自行车》中的小演员阿麦德雷莎 马汀纳尔(Ahmadreza Matinfar)。

The second winner is Ahmadreza Matinfar of the Iranian film “My Father’s bike and me”.

影片中阿麦德雷莎 马汀纳尔将小男孩与母亲之间的摩擦、误会和理解关爱演绎的精彩,成功塑造了一个从最初的任性到心理成长的少年形象,给人留下了深刻印象。 Ahmadreza Matinfar interprets the little boy superbly from his quarrel and misunderstanding with his mother, from his original willfulne to his mental growth, leaving the audiences great impreion.请欣赏他的精彩演出片段。

Now please enjoy his outstanding performance clips.(播放获奖电影片花)


Host: Now we’ll have the award ceremony of the most popular

foreign actor of the Golden Rooster International Screening of the 24th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.Please welcome the Polish film representative and Iranian film representative to accept the awards to the stage. 男:有请:中国电影家协会副秘书长李景富先生和吉林市文化广播电视新闻出版局副局长张文忠先生以及***先生(演员)和***女士(演员)一同为获奖嘉宾颁奖。

Now let’s welcome *** (leaders from China Film Aociation),*** (leaders from Jilin City) and Mr.*** (actor) and Ms.*** (actre) to present the awards to the winners.(颁发奖杯和证书)


Please take a group photo of the honored guests and the winners.



女: Please have a seat.Winners please wait.Please share with us your feelings of winning. (获奖者发言)


Let’s congratulate them with our warm applause.

闫海春:接下来,为大家揭晓最受观众喜爱的外国女演员奖。第一位获奖者是韩国影片《雪地》的女演员金新伦(Kim Sae-ron)。

***: Next, I’ll announce the award of the most popular foreign actre.The first winner is the actre Kim Sae-ronn in the Korean film “Snowfield”.


的英爱和另一名女孩崔钟芬被送进慰安所,她们忍受屈辱,身心经历了非人的摧残,生死考验下,绽放出感人至深的友情之花。金新伦塑造的人物,情感丰富,个性鲜明,影片令人动容、发人深思。 In the film “Snowfield”, Kim Sae-ronn plays a girl who was sent to a military brothel with another girl and experienced various crucifixions in 1944 when Japan seized Korea.The character performed by Kim Sae-ronn is rich in feeling and distinct in personality, which provides the film with penetrating power, heartbreaking and thought-provoking.


Now please enjoy her outstanding performance clips.


第二位获奖者是俄罗斯影片《白色苔原》中的叶尔扎娜〃布彦图耶娃(Erzhena Buyantueva)。

The second winner is Erzhena Buyantueva in the Ruian film “The White Mo”.在电影《白色苔原》中,女演员对人物的揣摩和刻画十分到位,把女主角内心强烈的情感、对爱的追求表现得真实生动,为我们呈现出一名勤劳持家、坚强勇敢的女性形象。表演真实、自然、纯朴,颇具民族特色。

In the film “The White Mo”, the actre studies and portrays the character precisely.She manifests the heroine’s untruly emotions and love pursuits truly and vividly.A female character who manages industriously, sturdily and bravely has been presented to us.Her performance is real and natural with strong ethnic characteristics.


Now please enjoy her outstanding performance clips.



Host: Now we’ll have the award ceremony of the most popular foreign actre of the Golden Rooster International Screening of the 24th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.Please welcome the representatives of the film “The White Mo” and the film “Snowfield” to accept the awards to the stage.


Now let’s welcome *** (leaders from China Film Aociation),*** (leaders from Jilin City) and Mr.*** (actor) and Ms.*** (actre) to present the awards to the winners.(颁发奖杯和证书)


Please take a group photo of the honored guests and the winners.(拍照)


Let’s congratulate them with our warm applause.

闫海春:接下来,将宣布最受观众喜爱的外国导演奖。第一位获奖者是执导影片《浴血华沙》的波兰导演扬〃科马萨先生(Jan Komasa)。

Yan Haichun: Next, I’ll announce the award of the most popular foreign director.The first winner is the Polish film director, Jan.Kemasa who directs the film “Warsaw 44”.


In the film “Warsaw 44”, Jan.Kemasa fully describes sacrifice and heroism with his superb narrative and rhythm control capability.Oppreion and resistance, betrayal and murder are deeply depicted in details, which brings strong impact on audiences.In addition, Jan Kemasa’s good performance in the use of camera and music selection has expreed the unruly urge of the young and the bloody cruelty of the war thoroughly and vividly.


Now please enjoy the outstanding clips of this film.(播放获奖电影片花)

第二位获奖者是执导影片《狗眼看人间》的匈牙利导演凯内尔〃穆德卢佐先生(Komel Mundruczo)。

The second winner is Kornel Mundruczo, a Hungarian film director, who directed the film “Mortal World in Dog’s Eyes”.

凯内尔•穆德卢佐导演的《狗眼看人间》从一种独特的视角揭示了人类虐待动物的真相,全片主要以狗的主观视角来进行拍摄和叙述,这种拟人化的手法新颖独特,使狗的形象真是可爱。影片高潮处,伴随着激昂的《匈牙利狂想曲》,270多只狗一同冲向摄影机,场面让人震撼。影片中无论是动物的单独出演还是人与动物的配合,都体现出凯内尔•穆德卢佐导演出色的掌控能力和深厚功底。 “Mortal World in Dog’s Eyes” directed by Kornel Mundruczo faces the truth of human cruelty to animals from the perspective of realism.The entire film is mainly shot in the subjective angle of dogs.This personification method is novel and unique.At the climax of the film, 274 dogs used in the film are rushing to the camera together with the accompaniment of “Hungarian Rhapsodies”, which is striking and amazing.Whether it be the separate performance of animals or the cooperation of men and animals, the marvelous control ability and in-depth knowledge of Kornel Mundruczo’s directing has been fully reflected in the film.请欣赏这部影片的精彩片段。

Now please enjoy the outstanding clips of this film.




Host: Now we’ll have the award ceremony of the most popular foreign director of the China Golden Rooster International Screening of the 24th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.Please welcome the representatives of the film “Warsaw 44” and the film “Mortal World in Dog’s Eyes” to accept the awards to the stage.


Now let’s welcome *** (leaders from China Film Aociation),*** (leaders from Jilin City) and Mr.*** (actor) and Ms.*** (actre) to present the awards to the winners.(颁发奖杯和证书)


Please take a group photo of the honored guests and the winners.(拍照)


女:请匈牙利代表留步,与大家分享一下你们的获奖感受。Please have a seat.Winners please wait.Please share with us your feelings of winning.



Let’s congratulate them with our warm applause.


Now, we’ll announce the award of the most popular foreign films.The first winner is the Polish film “Warsaw 44”.影片《浴血华沙》讲述的是波兰被德国法西斯占领期间,一群年轻人投身爱国运动,参加华沙起义用鲜血和生命洗礼青春,用浴血青春与残暴抗争,争取民族的独立和国家的和平安宁。没有人渴望战争,没有人愿意失去生命,但是当侵略者侵占了你的家园,残害你的同胞,我们没有选择,只有战斗,战斗,哪怕付出生命!

请欣赏这部影片的精彩片段。 (播放获奖电影片花)


影片《雪地》以二战为时代背景,通过一位老人的回忆,以插叙的手法讲述了1944年日本侵占朝鲜期,贫穷的女孩崔钟芬与漂亮聪明的女孩金英爱被送进慰安所后的悲惨遭遇和勇于反抗、追求自由的不屈精神,深刻揭露了二战期间日本侵略者反人类、反社会的滔天罪行,具有较强的现实意义和教育意义。 With the background of the Second World War, through an old man’s memory, the film “Snowfield” relates to us the tragic experience and undaunted, courageous and freedom-pursuing spirit of a poor girl Choi

Zhongfen and a pretty and clever girl Kim Yong-Ae, who are brought to the military brothel during the Japanese Invasion in 1944.The film reveals profoundly the monstrous crimes against people and against society.It is a film of strong practical and educational significance.


Now please enjoy the outstanding clips of this film.



Now we’ll have the award ceremony of the most popular foreign film of the Golden Rooster International Screening of the 24th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.Please welcome the representatives of the Polish film and the Korean film to step on the stage.





Please take a group photo of the honored guests and the winners.



Thank you, respected presenters.Please have a seat.Winners please wait.Please share with us your feelings of winning.(获奖者发言)


Let’s congratulate the winning pictures of this Golden Rooster Screening with our warm applause once again.男:今夜群星璀璨,今夜银幕生辉,今夜电影人与观众意相知心相连。在本次金鸡国际电影展即将结束之际,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎中国电影家协会名誉主席李前宽致闭幕辞。

Tonight stars are shinning.Tonight screens are dazzling.Tonight the movie artists are beaming with countle joy.At the end of this Golden Rooster International Screening, let’s welcome Mr.Li Qiankuan from China Film Aociation to deliver the closing speech.




Leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, 男:本次金鸡国际电影展已圆满结束!让我们再次用热烈的掌声向前来参加的领导、嘉宾和朋友们表示感谢!

This Golden Rooster International Screening has come to a succeful ending! Let’s expre gratitude again with our warm applause to all leaders, distinguished guests and friend present!


Next, let’s enjoy the Korean film “Snowfield” together.










