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set of busine models.and t-mall 1111 shopping carnival play this busine model well.more and more traditional industry have to transform their pattern to adapt to the society,just as “富士康”。 as a new model, double 11 has an important promote for chinese economy.on the one hand, it will give great impetus(?mp?t?s 动力) to the model of chinas economy.at the same time, it drives more people into employment, more people obtain interests through this form . but there are some controversies in society. there is a method for husband in the internet, just to avoid exceive consumption of their wivies.he can input wrong code of alipay three times before go to work. this joke just reflected the carzy of shopaholic in 1111, in my opinion, we should be more rational with this carnival. t-mall’s shopping section on november 11, 2013 brings much shaken.but, also deserves our profound reflection., there are some problems with vendors vend?, logistics and other aspects.for example, some merchants of deceit, too much preure on logistics, e-businees with enormous contradictions between the real retail busine operators.is it right that such consumption patterns should continue? a net friend said he bought a clothes for his son,but the result is like this。 we should think about the demand, identify if the goods is cheaper over a long period。think more before you buy unle you are a rich person、 thank you for your listening!篇二:英语演讲淘宝双十一 singles’ day shopping day ma yun had already aimed at the rural consumption.he will push a new shopping carnival in february 2016.and he also cooperated with the taiwan farmers in the rice production.both mr.ma and the managers believe that through its worldwide shopping website, consumers will get great benefits. surely, online shopping bring us a lot of benefits, fresh, cheap, and convenience.it improves people’s life quality and creates more jobs.it makes good effects on the economy.篇三:双十一 英文写作 double eleven: a curse or bleing? november 11th is the untitled festival original for single people, but it gradually transforms into shopping carnival.it not only takes place in china,but also spreading other countries.especially countries alongside the belt and road have traded on that day, which is the consequence of taobaos internationalization strategy. as far as most of chinese, dose this man-made festival, not for history or memory but for pure shopping, on earth bring benefits to the majority of chinese consumers? from alibabas official statement, each item on that day will have 50% off discount.a large number of chinese consumers are crazy about the tempting discount and bargains.the desire for cheap products makes great contributions to trading volume of china, which is also corresponding with idea of economys development depending on consuming. whereas logistics enterprises get into trouble, because explosive increase in the amount of orders cannot be dealt with in time.limited transportation resources cause discount price, the shopping experience may also decrease than usual even if we can buy goods in lower price. from other perspectives, lower prices lead to irrational consumer behavior, for example: the majority of consumer will purchase unneceary goods just for inexpensive prices.as a result, their spending is far more than their own budget, which goes against their initial purpose for saving money.篇四:双十一英语热词

双十一 double eleven 光棍节 singles’ day 剁手党 hands-chopping people 秒杀 seckilling 预售 pre-sale 红包、优惠券 red envelopes &coupons 支付宝充值top up money to you alipay account 包邮 free shipping 有货 in stock 断货 out of stock 上架新品 new product display 品质保证 quality guarantee (电子)礼品卡 gift /egift cards 加入购物车 add to cart 下单 place your order 快递 expre delivery 快递员 deliveryman / courier 送货方式 shipping method篇五:英语新词双十一买了东西的 快来对号入座 1.剁手族 hands-chopping people 剁手族多指网络消费者,只要看到优惠就想买,鼠标一点,支付就完成,买回来的东西却不一定真的有用。他们虽然嘴上喊着“买太多,恨不得剁手”,可是见到心动的商品,还是忍不住会下单。 2.假消费主义 fauxsumerism “假消费主义”指的是逛商店或关注某个品牌的商品但却没有购买的打算。“假消费主义”的主要表现就是只逛不买,年轻人认为“纯逛”能带来无穷的乐趣。 3.后座购物者 backseat buyer “后座购物者”会因为他人即将要购买或现在要购买东西而感到兴奋。他们喜欢帮助别人挑选东西,对他们而言,帮别人购物和给自己购物一样快乐。他们自己通常也是狂热的购物者 4.买完就退的买家 deshopper 在许多发达国家,退货比你想象的要容易得多,你买了任何东西,只要没有太大损坏,在一个月内都可以退,而且售货员基本也不会问你什么。正因为如此,有些人就钻这个空子,买来用用就退掉,这种人就叫作deshoppers。 5.旅游购物狂 transumer 行走在熙熙攘攘的商业大街上,你总能看见那些大包小包拎了一堆的游客。橱窗里琳琅满目的商品让他(她)们完全失去了抵抗力。你可能认为这些游客是物质至上主义者,但是对他们中的有些人来说,在旅游途中大量购物已经成了一种习惯或生活方式,这些随处都能潇洒购物的人就叫transumer。










