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主 题:对unit 17求职信(job application letters)知识点的补充 学习时间:2013年7月22日-7月28日

内 容:

1.the content of job application letter(本章重点) the letter is a kind of busine letter and eential in job-hunting.different from resume, it is a cover letter.its purpose is to arouse the reader’s interest, show confidence in your ability to do the job, mention briefly your qualifications and request for an interview. the content of a job application letter is indefinite upon the applicant’s desired position and individual information.generally, the letter should include these main points: (1) to tell how you got to know this vacancy and the purpose of this letter 说明获得信息的渠道以及写求职信的目的 (2) to introduce personal information 介绍个人情况 although having introduced in detail in his resume, the applicant should give a brief introduction to himself, such as degree, experiences, special skills, achievements and so on.尽管在个人简历中已经作了详细的介绍,求职者在求职信中仍应简要概括一下个人情况,如学历、工作经历、特别技能以及工作业绩等。 (3) to explain the reason of applying for this position or changing job-changing 说明求职的原因或更换工作的原因 the applicant can explain the reason of applying to show his desire of getting this position.if you want to change your last job, please give the reason in letter.此项中,求职者可以进一步阐明求职的原因,表达想要获得此职位的强烈意愿。如果是跳槽或离职,最好解释说明更换工作的原因。 (4) references 证明人 having got the references’ permiion, list their names, addrees, and telephone numbers.two or three references are advisable.they can be omitted if having been listed in the resume.在征得证明人同意后,把他们的姓名、地址、电话列在求职信中。一般需要两三名。如果在简历中已经列出,那么此项可以省略。 (5) end 结尾 the aim to write a job application letter is to obtain an opportunity of interview.thus, at the end of the letter, it is time to ask for an interview.写求职信的首要目的就是要能够获得面试机会。因此,在信末求职人应请求用人单位安排面试。 (6) pleasantries 客套话 it is advisable to give some pleasantries at last to show politene and respect, which can impre the reader.为了表示礼貌和尊敬,应在最后加上一句客套话,给用人单位留下好印象。 in addition, sometimes there is a requirement of applicant’s expected salary in advertisement.then it should be contained in letter as a reference.此外,有的招聘广告要求求职者注明所期望的工资待遇,那么在求职信中应包括这一点,供用人单

位参考。 2.the structure of job application letter(本章难点)

与一般的商业信函一样,英语求职信通常由以下几个部分组成: heading 信头 inside addre 信内地址 salutation 称呼 body of letter 正文 signature 签名 enclosure 附件 3.features of job application letter those mean the features of the body of letter.unlike the other literature styles, refined language and rhetoric are le suited to job application letter.as long as providing enough information and stimulating reader’s interest, the letter should be concise and easily understandable.to sum up, job application letter has such features as follows: 英文求职信的特点指的是信中正文的特点。与其他英语写作体裁不同的是,它既不要求华丽的辞藻,也不讲究修辞。只要提供足够的信息,引起用人单位的兴趣,简明、易懂即可。概括起来,英文求职信有以下几个特点: clearne 明了 concisene 简洁 correctne 准确 politene 礼貌 4.attentions furthermore, there are some rules to be observed: 另外,在写求职信时,还应遵循以下几个原则: be objective in stating your capabilities and advantages.don’t hyperbole and boast yourself too much.otherwise, you would lose the opportunity of interview for giving reader a terrible impreion. 陈述自己工作能力时,要客观、实事求是,切忌夸夸其谈,吹嘘自己的优点、业绩或能力等。否则将给用人单位留下不好的印象,失去面试机会。

在说明跳槽或离职原因时,切勿批评你的前任雇主,否则将不利于你的求职申请。 a friendly and confident tone is extremely important for a letter of this kind.exceively modest may make the result go to the opposite extreme. 求职信的语气要自信肯定,这点非常重要。故作谦虚只会适得其反。 pay more attention to the tiny aspects, such as punctuation, spelling and capital letter, to give a good first impreion. 注意标点符号、大小写、拼写等细节,给人留下很好的第一印象。 5.types of job application letter there are two kinds of letter of job application – application letter written by graduate and application letter applied to job-changing. 求职信一般分为两种:毕业生求职和跳槽求职。 (1) in application letter written by graduate, the content may be dull and le luxuriant for inexperience.therefore, the applicant should place great emphasis on education, relevant courses, social practice and awards received in university. 毕业生求职信中,由于没有工作经验、工作业绩等描述,内容显得比较苍白单调。所以这种类型求职信应多注重写学历,与应聘职位相关的课程以及参加的社会实践或获得的奖励。 例题: application for a position of english editor dept.of journalism fujian teachers university 1 shoushan road, fuzhou 350006 march 23, 2009 personnel department fujian daily 12 zhongshan road fuzhou, fujian 350001 dear sirs, i am writing to you in reference to your advertisement in fujian daily of march 19 for an english editor responsible for english pages. i am enclosing my resume, and i would be greatly appreciated if you would seriously consider my application since i believe that i am well qualified for the position.as you can see from my resume, i obtained double bachelor’s degrees in chinese and english from fujian teachers university.i have a strong ability to write chinese and english.i think my education and profeional experience will enable me to offer helpful services for your newspaper.the enclosed resume will tell you more about my personal information, including my references, to whom i can refer you as to my character and ability. should you entertain my application favorably, i would spare no trouble to acquit myself to your satisfaction.i look forward to your early reply. sincerely yours, li yu encls: 1.my resume 2.my academic record 3.2 recent photos (2) application letter applied to job-changing in this case, the application has already got experience which is, doubtle, an 求职者由于已有工作经验,所以可以成为求职的资本。因此在求职信中可以强调以前所取得的工作业绩、有何特殊技能,并获得过何种相关培训进修等。还应进一步解释离职的原因,如想获得更具挑战力的工作或想换换工作环境等。


application for a position of office clerk xiamen people’s insurance agency 356 siming avenue xiamen 610003 dear sirs, please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in xiamen evening news of april 11. i have a wide knowledge of busine and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work.copies of testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date. sincerely yours, qian fang 练习题:将下列句子翻译成英文 1.the enclosed resume will tell you more about my personal information, including my references, to whom i can refer you as to my character and ability 2.should you entertain my application favorably, i would spare no trouble to acquit myself to your satisfaction. 3.from the attached resume, you can see that i have learned several programming courses and the scores suggested that i have got profound theoretical knowledge about programming. 4.at your convenience, i would like to meet you to discu how my qualifications could benefit microsoft. 答案:

1.随函附寄的个人简历可为你们提供关于我的更多的个人情况,其中包括我的证明人,你们可以从他们那里了解到我的品德和能力。 2.假如本人求职获得青睐进入贵报社工作,我将不遗余力地竭诚为贵报服务。 3.从简历中,您可以看出,我学了几门程序设计课程。这些课程的成绩说明,我在程序设计方面具有坚实的理论基础。

4.在您方便的时候,我想跟您谈谈,看看我的才能给贵公司带来怎样的好处。 5.我获得了市场营销的广泛训练,我对市场营销比以往更加有兴趣了。篇2:商务英语求职信范文

商务英语求职信范文 in response to your advertisement in the newspaper of january 15, i wish to apply for the position of (secretary, accountant, lerk, salesman, etc). i am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and believe that they may be found satisfactory.with respect to salary, i shall expect hk$5,000 a month.i aure you that if appointed, i will do my best to give your satisfaction. very truly yours,篇3:商务英语专业求职信


尊敬的领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的自荐材料,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望大门,我叫xx,毕业于xx大学商务英语专业。

在大学四年的光阴岁月里,我更是惜时如金,不断从各方面严格地要求自己。因为自己深知未来就是“知识就是力量”的社会,我利用本专业知识和自己感兴趣的领域的信息,对有关信息进行分析并得出自己的结论,掌握相关领域的动态,熟悉相关企业的用人需求和管理风格,更主要是可以培养提升自己分析信息能力的水平。除了完成大学里面的教学大纲要求,并且取得成绩优秀总评之外,我还大量涉猎各方面的知识,通过看报、听广播、看电视、上网、与老师、同学讨论等等,不仅扩大自己的知识面、增长见识,而且帮助自己正确地树立了人生观、价值观:对社会做出自己的贡献! 我深知语言交际作用的重要性,我特别注重学以致用。除了积极地、有选择地参加校、院组织的活动外,我还时常参加英语角和负责英语角活动的开展,以及利用寒暑假开办英语辅导班。同时,我也做过义工,这些都让我有机会结交了许多朋友,丰富了阅历,而且感到生活更加充实。我很喜欢从事与英语相关的工作,我深深知道这类工作对英语的要求很高,我非常喜欢英语,并且在每天都在不断地提高自己的水平。并且我深知工作的时候应具备认真的态度和耐心,还要肯学肯干,责任心很进取心是必须的,先前的经历教会了我这些,是我一生的财富。


“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”!我在此冒昧自荐,希望贵公司能给我一个发展的平台,我会好好珍惜它,并全力以赴,为实现自己的人生价值而奋斗,为贵公司的发展贡献力量。纵使无缘合作,您也让我认识到自己的不足,我也不甚感激,毕竟这是我终生学习的年代。我一定会尽职尽责地用实际行动向您证明.我一定会不负所望的做好每一件事的.公司的未来,我愿奉献我毕生的心血和汗水。 此致

自荐人:xxx xx年xx月篇4:商务英语专业求职信写作范本



您好! 衷心感谢您能在百忙之中审阅我的求职信!我叫xxx,毕业于广东省xx交通职业技术学院的商务英语专业。

我从接触英语开始就对它产生了浓厚的兴趣,即选择了xx学院,这所在商务英语、国际商务专业有独特的教学经验的学校。刚开始对外贸的理解是和外国人做生意,in a another word,earn forergner‘s money,我有很大好奇心,觉得外贸有很大的挑战性,在学校3年的时间里与4个不同国籍的外教进行交流与学习,从而得到了不同于中国的西方文化。越来越喜欢外贸这个专业。













