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选题介绍及意义,程序模块及功能,程序流程图,程序源码及注释,程序的后续完善及存在问题,设计程序的心得体会 一.选题说明及意义

用VB实现备忘录的基本功能,包括记事本,屏幕抓图,数字时钟和日历等功能,利用VB中的诸多控件,例如PictureBox,Label,CommendButton,Timer,CommendDialog,RichTextBox等,完成VB程序的诸多功能的实现,创建功能较为完善的记事本,并具有一定辅助功能,对于利用此软件的人能够具有一定的便利。 二.程序模块及功能实现流程图

三.部分程序代码 1.屏幕截图部分

Private Declare Function GetDC Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function StretchBlt Lib \"gdi32\" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long,

1 ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim wScreen As Long Dim hScreen As Long Dim w As Long Dim h As Long Picture1.Cls wScreen = Screen.Width \\ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX hScreen = Screen.Height \\ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY ‘定义截屏的长度和宽度等于屏幕实际长宽 Picture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels w = Picture1.ScaleWidth h = Picture1.ScaleHeight hdcScreen = GetDC(0) r = StretchBlt(Picture1.hdc, 0, 0, w, h, hdcScreen, 0, 0, wScreen, hScreen, vbSrcCopy) ‘StretchBlt,函数名。该函数从源矩形中复制一个位图到目标矩形,必要时按目标设备设置的模式进行图像的拉伸或压缩。

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() ‘另存为按键代码 Me.Picture = Me.Image CommonDialog1.Filter = \"BMP文件(*.bmp)|*.bmp|JPG文件(*.jpg)|*.jpg\" CommonDialog1.ShowSave CommonDialog1.Flags = &H2 + &H4 + &H8 ‘&H2使用长文件名

2 &H4 隐藏只读复选框。


If CommonDialog1.FileName \"\" Then SavePicture Me.Picture, CommonDialog1.FileName End If End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() ‘退出按键代码 Form3.Hide form6.Show End Sub 2.登陆部分

Option Explicit Dim Npa As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click() If username.Text = \"111\" And paword.Text = \"111\" And Npa

3 paword.SetFocus End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() username.Text = \"\" paword.Text = \"\" End Sub 3.日记本部分代码

Dim sfind As String Dim FileType, FiType As String Private Sub copy_Click() ‘复制按键 Clipboard.Clear On Error Resume Next Clipboard.SetText TxtDemo.SelText End Sub

Private Sub date_Click() ‘日期按键 Text1.SelText = Now End Sub

Private Sub delete_Click() ‘删除按键 RichTextBox1.SelText = \"\" End Sub

Private Sub edits_Click() ‘编辑按键 RichTextBox1.SetFocus End Sub


Private Sub exit_Click() ‘退出按键 Form2.Hide Form1.Show End Sub

Private Sub find_Click() ‘查找按键 Dim sfind As Integer sfind = InputBox(\"请输入要查找的词:\", \"查找内容\", sfind) RichTextBox1.find sfind If RichTextBox1.SelText sfind Then MsgBox \"找不到要查询的内容\", , \"查询结果报告\" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Height = 6000 Me.Width = 9000

On Error Resume Next \'出错处理 RichTextBox1.Top = 20 RichTextBox1.Left = 20 RichTextBox1.Height = ScaleHeight40 End Sub

Private Sub new_Click(Index As Integer) ‘新建按键 RichTextBox1.Text = \"\" \'清空文本框

5 FileName = \"未命名\" Me.Caption = FileName End Sub

Private Sub open_Click() ‘打开部分

CommonDialog1.Filter = \"文本文档(*.txt)|*.txt|RTF文档(*.rtf)|*.rtf|所有文件(*.*)|*.*\" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen RichTextBox1.Text = \"\" \'清空文本框 FileName = CommonDialog1.FileName RichTextBox1.LoadFile FileName Me.Caption = \"记事本:\" & FileName End Sub

Private Sub paste_Click() Clipboard.Clear On Error Resume Next Clipboard.SetText RichTextBox1.SelText RichTextBox1.SelText = \"\" End Sub

Private Sub riji_Click() ‘帮助日记部分 MsgBox \"日记Ver1.0版权所有(C)网络\", vbOKOnly, \"关于\"

End Sub

Private Sub save_Click() ‘保存文件部分

6 CommonDialog1.Filter = \"文本文档(*.txt)|*.txt|RTF文档(*.rtf)|*.rtf|所有文件(*.*)|*.*\" CommonDialog1.ShowSave FileType = CommonDialog1.FileTitle FiType = LCase(Right(FileType, 3)) FileName = CommonDialog1.FileName Select Case FiType Case \"txt\" RichTextBox1.SaveFile FileName, rtfText Case \"rtf\" RichTextBox1.SaveFile FileName, rtfRTF Case \"*.*\" RichTextBox1.SaveFile FileName End Select Me.Caption = \"记事本:\" & FileName End Sub

Private Sub selectall_Click() ‘全选部分 RichTextBox1.SelStart = 0 RichTextBox1.SelLength = Len(RichTextBox1.Text) End Sub

Private Sub tie_Click() ‘剪切部分 On Error Resume Next RichTextBox1.SelText = Clipboard.GetText RichTextBox1.SelText = \"\"

7 End Sub 4.数字时钟部分代码

Private LastMinute As Integer Private LastHour As Integer Private Lastx As Integer Private Lasty As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load() Lastx = 999 End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Const pi = 3.141592653 ‘定义圆周率 Dim T Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer T = Now SEC = Second(T) Min = Minute(T) HR = Hour(T) frmClock.Scale (-16, 16)-(16, -16) If Min lastMin Or HR LastHour Then LastMinute = Min LastHour = HR frmClock.Cls Lastx = 999 frmClock.DrawWidth = 2 frmClock.DrawMode = 13

8 h = HR + pi / 60 X = 5 * Sin(h * pi / 6) Y = 5 * Cos(h * pi / 6) frmClock.Line (0, 0)-(X, Y) X = 8 * Sin(Min * pi / 30) Y = 8 * Cos(Min * pi / 30) frmClock.Line (0, 0)-(X, Y) frmClock.DrawWidth = 1 End If frmClock.DrawMode = 10 RED = RGB(255, 0, 0) X = 10 * Sin(SEC * pi / 30) Y = 10 * Cos(SEC * pi / 30) If Lastx 999 Then frmClock.Line (0, 0)-(Lastx, Lasty), RED End If frmClock.Line (0, 0)-(X, Y), RED Lastx = X Lasty = Y End Sub

Private Sub NoUse_Click() Unload Me End Sub 四.程序后续完善及存在问题


9 不同,对于程序设计中部分功能未能实现,十分遗憾,在以后的学习中会加强程序设计部分知识,逐渐完善程序功能。 五.设计程序的心得体会












