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What Is Biology

The science of biology is, broadly speaking , the study of living things.It draws on chemistry and physics for its foundation and applies these basic physical laws to living things.Because there are many kinds of living things, there are many special areas of study in biology.Practical biology—like medicine, crop science, plant breeding, and wildlife management –is balanced by more theoretical biology—such as medical microbiological physiology, photosynthetic biochemistry, plant taxonomy, and animal behavior (ethology).There is also just plain fun biology like insect collecting and bird watching.Specifically, biology is a science that deals with living things and how they interact with all of the things around them.Biology was defined as the science that deals with livings.But what does it mean to be alive? You would think that a biology textbook could answer this question very easily.However, this question is more than just a theoretical one, since it has become neceary in recent years to construct some legal definitions of what life is and especially when it begins and ends.The legal definition of death is important since it may determine whether or not a person will receive life insurance benefits or if body parts may be used in transplants.In case of heart transplants, the person donating the heart may be legally ― dead ‖, but the heart certainly isn’t since it can be removed while it still has ―life‖.In other words ,there are different kinds of death.There is the death of the whole living unit and the death of each cell within the living unit.A person actually ―dies‖ before every cell has died.Death ,then, is the absence of life, but that still doesn’t tell us what life is.At this point, we won’t try to define life but will describe some of the basic characteristics of living things.



The Value of Biology

To a great extent, we owe our current high standard of living to biological advances in two areas: food production and disease control.Plant and animal breeders have developed plants and animals that provide better sources of food than the original varieties.One of the best examples of this is the various changes that have occurred in corn.Corn is a gra that produces its seed on a cob.The original corn plant had very small ears that were perhaps only three or four centimeters long.Through selective breeding, varieties of corn with much larger ears and more seeds per cob have been produced.This has increased the yield greatly.In addition, the corn plant has been adapted to produce other kinds of corn, like sweet corn and popcorn..Corn is not an isolated example.Improvement in yield have been brought about in wheat, rice oats, and other cereal grains.The improvements in the plants, along with changed farming practices(also brought about through biological experimentation),have led to greatly increased production of food.Animal breeders have also had great succees.The pig, chicken, and cow of today are much different animals from those available even one hundred years ago.Chickens lay more eggs, dairy cows give more milk, and beef cattle grow faster.All of these improvements raise our standard of living.One interesting example is the change in the kinds of hogs that are raised At one time, farmers wanted pigs that were fatty.The fat could be made into lard, soap, and a variety of other useful products.As the demand for the fat products of pigs began to decline, animal breeders began to develop pigs that gave a high yield of meat and relatively little fat.Today, plant and animal breeders can produce plants and animals almost to specifications.





Much of the improvement in food production has resulted from the control of plants and animals that compete with or eat the organisms we use as food.Control of insects and fungi that weaken plants and reduce yields is as important as the invention of new varieties of plants.Since these are ―living‖ pests, biologists have been involved in the study of them also.There has been fantastic progre in the area of health and disease control.Many diseases such as polio, whooping cough, measles, and mumps can be easily controlled by vaccinations or ―shots‖.Unfortunately, the vaccines have worked so well that some people no longer worry about getting their shots, and some of these diseases are reappearing.These diseases have not been eliminated, and people who are not protected by vaccinations are still susceptible to them.The understanding of how the human body works has led to treatments that can control diseases such as diabetes, high blood preure, and even some kinds of cancer.Paradoxically, these advances contribute to a major biological problem: the increasing size of the human population.




Biological problems Now that you have seen some progre that can be credited to biologists, we will look at some of the problems that have been created by improperly used biological principles.For example, the drive to preserve nature has in some cases resulted in conflicting goals.Many of our western forests have been preserved as parks.In order to preserve the trees, fire was not allowed in these forests.The lack of fire led to a dangerous buildup of debris, which could result in abnormally devastating fires.Before our involvement, periodic, natural fires cleaned out the debris and helped to preserve the trees from more intense fires.These fires also eliminated some undesirable species of trees.As a result, the U.S.Park Service changed its policy on fires in parks and began to allow naturally caused fires to burn themselves out.This caused considerable debate among parks managers, forest interests, and the public.A whole generation of people had grown up with the idea that all forest fires were bad.During the extremely dry summer of 1988, several huge fires burned in Yellowstone National Park and other parks in the west.As a result of these fires, the Park Service has modified its policy and will take measures to control fires if conditions are such that they may alter huge portions of the park ecosystem.


A second major biological mistake has been the introduction into some countries of exotic (foreign) species of plants and animals .In North America, this has had disastrous consequences in a number of cases.Both the American chestnut and the American elm have been nearly eliminated by diseases that were introduced by accident.Other things have been introduced on purpose through shortsightedne or a total lack of understanding about biology.The starling and the English (house) sparrow were both introduced into this country by people who thought that they were doing good.Both of these birds have multiplied greatly and replaced some of the birds that were native to the United States.The gypsy moth is also an introduced species; they were brought to the United States by manufacturers in hopes of increasing silk production.When the scheme fell short of their goal, and moths were accidentally set free, the moths quickly took advantage of their new environment by feeding on desirable ornamental plants and crops.Even with these examples before us, there are still people who try to sneak exotic plants and animals into the country without thinking about the poible consequences.


Another major area where problems have been caused by biological advances is in the area of bioethics.In many ways technological advances have presented us with a series of ethical situations that we have not been able to resolve satisfactorily. Major advances in health care have allowed persons to live who would have died a generation earlier.Many of the techniques and machines that allow us to preserve and extend life are extremely expensive and are therefore unavailable to most citizens of the world.Furthermore, many people in the world are lacking even the most basic health care, while the rich nations of the world spend money on cosmetic surgery and keep comatose patients alive with aistance of machines.











