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2014两会代表精彩语录 “香港面临一个十字路口,内地游客是否太多,内地投资者是否太多,这需要全社会思考。这需要港府与中央政府共同协商,寻找一个双赢出路。”

\"Hong Kong is now at a major croroads.Whether there are now too many tourists or investors from the mainland is an iue to be considered by the whole of society.It also requires talks between the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the central government in order to find a win-win solution.\"


-- Tien Pei-Chun, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and leader of the Hong Kong Liberal Party.


\"Cycling is the most environmentally friendly and energy-saving way of commuting.I will ride a bike to all the NPC seions during my tenure.\" ——全国人大代表、中央音乐学院声乐歌剧系教授吴碧霞

-- Wu Bixia, a deputy to the National People\'s Congre and profeor at the Voice and Opera Department at the Central Conservatory of Music.“治理雾霾也要„老虎苍蝇一起打‟,要挖出监管不力背后可能隐藏的腐败。”

\"The fight against smog also requires us to root out the hidden corruption behind the failure in government supervision, as well as bringing down both \'tigers\' and \'flies\'.


-- Sun Taili, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the board of the Qingda Group, referring to the established metaphors for senior and low-ranking officials involved in corruption.

李总理已经明确表达了中国领导人实施重大、全方位的经济、社会和政府行政改革的决心。从报告当中可以显而易见地看出,中国高度重视在保持总体稳定的同时寻求可持续发展。 Premier Li has clearly articulated the Chinese leadership\'s determination to carry out important and comprehensive economic, social and governmental administrative reforms.It is evident from the report that China places high priority on seeking continued development while maintaining overall stability.——罗家良新加坡驻华大使

--STANLEY LOH, ambaador of Singapore


We are pleased that Li is really going to deepen the international ties of China, especially the economic side, opening up the economy for foreign investment, facilitating procedures for small and medium busine.


--MARCO VINICIO RUIZ, ambaador of Costa Rica


I think the leadership has a good aement of the problems, particularly in the economic area, and how to resolve them.I wish them every succe because if China is succeful, the rest of the world will also benefit.


--GUY SAINT-JACQUES, ambaador of Canada


The silent tribute paid to the victims of the Kunming attack on Saturday before the Government Work Report moved me very much, and from it I felt the Chinese people\'s deep respect and love for the lives lost.


--KWON YOUNG-SE, ambaador of ROK


It was very impreive because the premier talked about the nation\'s needs.It\'s very important to maintain the economy, the growing.It is a big topic because all of the developing nations have great problems with growing.


--LUIS SCHMIDT MONTES, ambaador of Chile


This is my seventh time listening to Chinese government reports, and I was particularly impreed by the leadership\'s continued commitment to economic reform and its focus on the improvement of people\'s lives.


--FREDERICK M.M.SHAVA, ambaador of Zimbabwe

\"As to many people filing for divorce to avoid taxes (the 20 percent personal income tax on capital gains from property sales), I think that when a policy results in such a social tragicomedy, it must be a flawed policy.\"

--LOU JIWEI, minister of finance



\"Our country owes too much economic debt to the laborers at the bottom level.The lack of care about them economically creates an uneasy situation for the country.\"

--LIANG XIAOSHENG, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, novelist and screenwriter



\"My criticism is very candid: The reform plan on gaokao (college entrance

examination) is merely symbolic and can hardly solve the problems.Some plans have been proposed in haste and without any research.Whoever shouts the loudest has the final say.\"

--GE JIANXIONG, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and profeor of historical geography at Fudan University



\"Everybody should now understand that a safe milk supply is not only neceary for each family but also for the State\'s safety.\"

--NIU DUN, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-minister of agriculture

“大家都该明白了,放心奶不仅是我们每一个小家的需要,也是国家安全的需要。” ——牛盾(全国政协委员、农业部副部长)

\"It is not a good thing that young people are swarming to take civil service examinations.That mentality is not right in the first place.\"

--XIANG PINGHUA, a deputy to the National People\'s Congre and deputy head of Lingxitownship in Cili county, Hunan province

“年轻人一窝蜂去考公务员,并不是一个好事情。很多年轻人考公务员的心态就不对。” ——向平华(全国人大代表、湖南省慈利县零溪镇副镇长)

\"The regulations (iued in December 2012 that ban official extravagance) by the central government not only benefited the health of civil servants but also help root out the corruption at dining tables.\"

--FU LIJUAN, a deputy to the National People\'s Congre and deputy chief of the Hunan provincial Department of Justice

“现在中央的一系列规定,既有利于公务员的身体健康,也杜绝了„饭桌上的腐败‟。” ——傅莉娟(全国人大代表、湖南省司法厅副厅长)

\"Reform should not be impeded by the objections or obstruction from some interest groups.It requires the determination to push it through.\"

--LI YINING, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and an economist “不要因为一些利益集团的反对或者阻挠而使改革出现障碍,这就需要有决心。” ——厉以宁(全国政协委员、著名经济学家)

\"The Internet is a chance bestowed on China by heaven.It will make China stronger.\"

--ROBIN LI, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman and chief executive officer of search engine giant Baidu Inc.



\"We are cutting off the people from their cultural origins by forcing them to relocate to a new place where they have to change their way of life.\"

--WANG PING, curator of the China Ethnic Museum, and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference “在人口往城市流动的过程中,我们还把每一种文化的渊源给他断了,然后迫使它换一种生存方式。”


\"Some scholars and profeors are very shamele indeed that they are doing bad things with the fund.\"

--SUN XIANZHONG, a deputy to the National People\'s Congre and profeor at the Institute of Law at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

“有些学者、教授确实是很无耻的,他们拿这些钱(科研经费)去做很不好的事情。” ——孙宪忠(人大代表、中国社会科学院法学研究所民法室主任)

\"Nowadays, county officials often change their predeceors\' policies under the preure of creating new achievements, instead of sticking to the consistent policies of decades.\"

--MENG XUENONG, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference

“一些地方政府官员老是有新招,为了政绩和向上升,上台的新官老是搞新思路。” ——孟学农(全国政协委员、全国政协社会和法制委员会主任)

\"Everybody worries about the moral decline and everybody hates it, but our morality has not fallen into decline overnight.This is the result of our education over the past few decades, or we can say that there is something wrong with the mainstream values in our society.\"

--MO YAN, a Chinese Nobel laureate and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference












