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标签: 坐席 agents center contact 呼叫中心



Motivating Agents: Respect and Rewards Make a Big Difference


18 tips for getting the best performance through higher morale.


By Donna Flu and Deborah Navarra

01/01/2007, 5:00 H ET

Contact centers, whether engaged in service, sales, collections, fraud or anything else, are people-intensive organizations that require best practices and systems to improve their efficiency and effectivene.Systems are eential enablers, but because agents interact directly with your customers, their performance is critical for your succe.呼叫中心,不论参与的是服务、销售、募捐、诈骗(诈骗型呼叫中心?呵呵)还是其它什么活动,它自身都是一个劳动力密集型的组织,它需要最好的实践经验理论和系统来提升自身的效率。系统是基本的准入元素,但是由于坐席是直接和客人交流的一线员工,所以他们的表现对呼叫中心来说是至关重要的。

Motivated agents are highly productive; among the best incentives for agents are respect, recognition, variety and fair compensation for their efforts.受到鼓励的坐席能积极高效地工作;对坐席付出的努力,最好的回报和激励就是尊重,认可,或是多样、公平的酬金。

Long-Term Strategic Recommendations


Here are a few strategic recommendations to help motivate your agents.下面是一些激励坐席的长期策略性建议

1.Align contact center and enterprise goals.把企业目标贯彻统一到呼叫中心。

Agents really do want to see the big picture and understand how they contribute to the succe of the enterprise and its bottom line.Establish attainable goals and targets on key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure agents.Ensure that the KPIs provide a balanced view of agent performance, addreing productivity, effectivene, quality, revenue and customer satisfaction.坐席很想看到整个企业或公司的战略全景,也很想知道他们如何能为企业的成功做出贡献,同时也想知道企业对他们要求的底线是什么。建立可以完成的KPI指标来要求坐席,确保KPI指标对坐席的绩效有一个全面的要求,例如可以关系到生产效率,有效性,质量,收益和客户满意度等等。

Clearly and consistently communicate how these KPIs are measured and give agents timely performance feedback.Regularly offer agents support and suggest techniques for improving their scores.(Contact center performance management applications help a great deal in achieving this goal.) 要经常地、明确地向坐席讲解这些KPI指标的考核方法,给予坐席及时的绩效反馈。对于如何提高绩效成绩,要给予坐席经常性的建议和支持。(呼叫中心绩效管理系统在这方面能提供很大的帮助)。(译者注:系统让人欢喜让人忧……有了系统就能节省人力了,大家到哪吃饭去呢?哈哈)

2.Build a warm, welcoming and fair operating environment.建立一个热情、友善、公平的运营环境。

Contact center leaders set the tone for the contact center.Leaders must create an environment where agents feel they are valued, respected, treated fairly and that their concerns are heard.One of the most respected contact center managers motivated agents simply by learning each agent's name (even though there were hundreds), walking around the floor to "greet" each shift, acknowledging agents that she paed in the hallway or elevator, and establishing a contact center "break room" with phones and vending machines to help agents maximize their 20-minute break time.呼叫中心的领导要为中心定下一个基调。什么样的基调:坐席感到他们的自身价值得以体现,感到受人尊重,感受到了公平的待遇,同时他们的意见也能得以倾听。这才是领导们要创建的工作环境。一个倍受尊敬的呼叫中心经理,她是如何激励坐席的呢。记住他们的名字!(尽管看似简单,但是她的呼叫中心有好几百人),他经常到各个部门、各现场向每一班次的坐席致敬,向每一个她在走廊和电梯间里路遇到的坐席问候和致谢。她专门开设了坐席休息室并安装了电话和自动售货机,帮助坐席高效地利用他们20分钟的休息时间。(译者注:真是不简单的经理,能记住这么多人确实不容易,我也能记住一百多个名字,但是我记不住每个名字对得是谁,经常搞混,郁闷……能主动向坐席打招呼的领导太难得了,在中国哪有上级主动跟下级打招呼、致谢的,我要是领导,我也觉得别扭,不过要是有领导主动跟我打招呼,我也很高兴呀,太受宠若惊了;不过也有见面从不和领导打招呼的,勇者无敌,哈哈,赞一个)

2.Involve agents in the decision-making proce.让坐席参与中心的决策过程。 Agents are more likely to accept changes if they participate in developing the new procees or systems.Involving agents early on will speed up adoption of the new proce and/or system and likely improve the overall succe of the initiative.如果让坐席参与新流程或系统的开发,坐席也许会更加愿意接受新的变化。坐席越早地参与其中,项目就会越早地获得成功。

4.Empower agents.给坐席与权利 Wherever poible, allow agents to make decisions, within set parameters.For example, it is demoralizing for agents (and distreing for the customer) if a call has to be transferred to a "retention" area just to have a fee removed; train the initial agent group to handle these calls.Agents will be happy to be trained to handle transactions that they previously had to transfer, even if the parameters of their authority are limited.如果可能的话,在设定尺度的范围内,允许坐席做出决定。例如,如果要把客人的电话转到一个等待区域来减免费用,这会使坐席感到沮丧(客人也有同感)。首先培训坐席如何转接电话,在设定好的操作范围内,坐席会十分高兴使用技巧来处理这些电话,而不是像先前一样十分被动地转接。(这段可能翻译得不是太准确,意思不太明白,囧……)

5.Coach agents frequently and consistently.经常指导坐席 In general, agents welcome feedback, particularly if positive behavior is emphasized as much as areas needing improvement.Most people want to do a good job, but sometimes are not sure of the best way to handle challenging situations.Share best practice calls with agents to recognize excellence and encourage the right procedures and performance.总的来说,坐席希望得到反馈,尤其是告送他们什么地方要做得更好。大多数的人都想把工作做好,但有时候,尤其是比较棘手的情况之下,他们并不确定什么是处理问题的最好的方法。与坐席分享那些优秀的应答电话,让其解正确、出色的处理方法,同时鼓励正确的做法和表现。

6.Reward excellent performers.奖励优秀坐席 Contact center morale and agent retention will improve if outstanding performance is recognized and shared with the staff.Establish an incentive program that "pays for performance." 如果坐席一些优秀的表现能够得到认可,同时能让其它坐席分享、学习,这个呼叫中心的士气、在职率都会提高。要建立一个奖励优秀员工的激励政策。

7.Encourage agents to excel by allowing top performers to participate in a variety of contact center initiatives.让优秀员工更加优秀。Invite top performing agents to take an active role in departmental activities, such as coaching new hires, delivering an up-training seion, becoming a subject matter expert on a new initiative, or cro-training on a new function.邀请优秀的坐席参与中心各部门的活动,例如培训新员工,参加进阶培训,参与中心新举措,轮岗培训等等,让坐席更加出色。

8.Establish an "executive QA" program or "side-by-side" seions with a contact center executive.领导坐席“肩并肩”。 It means a great deal to agents and communicates the importance of their job when executives take the time to sit with them and listen to calls.(It's also a great way for executives to see the impact of their policies.) 建立“经理问答”或者“肩并肩”这样类似的机制,来加强经理和坐席间的沟通。当经理做下来与坐席交流或者听他们接电话的时候,坐席可也以与他们谈论工作中的重点。(这种方法也能让经理看到他们实施的政策是否有效性)。

9.Share succe.分享成功 When an agent or group does an outstanding job, be sure this is communicated to the entire organization.It's critical to recognize and reward outstanding performance on a timely basis.当某个坐席或者某个组表现得非常出色的时候,一定要把他们的经验和事迹推广到整个中心。这样做非常重要,它是对优秀表现的一种适宜的认可和回报。

10.Establish an employee satisfaction survey.建立坐席的满意度调查。 Conduct an annual employee satisfaction survey and share the results with the staff.Be prepared to implement action plans to addre areas of employee diatisfaction and communicate any changes to the staff.组织年度的员工满意度调查并把结果公布于众。制定计划来解决员工不满意的地方,对中心产生的任何变化要及时交流。

11.Promote from within.内部提升。Whenever poible, promote from within the contact center.Besides retaining excellent performers, this is a great way of showing that management appreciates and respects the expertise of the contact center staff.Establish career development plans for agents and a proce to help them acquire the skills they need to be ready for promotions.只要有可能就要从内部来提升员工。除了留住优秀的坐席外,这是管理层表达他们对资深老员工的感谢和尊重的一种办法。为坐席建立职业晋升计划,来帮助他们获得晋升所需的技能。(译者注:如何制定晋升的制度呢,如何来培养坐席呢,领导是否有准确的判断力、魄力来提升坐席。毕竟谁也不愿意接一辈子电话,谁也不愿意在没有升职机会的单位努力一辈子。毕竟员工也得结婚、生子、供孩子上幼儿园——没钱了,产生家庭矛盾——离婚;坐席也得考虑买生活用品、买车、买房、买别墅,没有钱只能买个别树上的,还必须不收物业费的……呵呵,瞎扯了半天,还是继续下一部分吧)

Short-Term Tactical Recommendations


It's critical to build an operating environment where, over the long term, agents are treated as the strategic aet that they are.However, it's just as important to position your contact center to provide a positive and supportive work environment on a daily basis.Here are a few tactical recommendations to provide a compelling work environment that attracts and retains great agents.坐席是一种战略性财富,以此为观点,建立相关的长期运营工作环境是十分关键的。但是,短期的,甚至日制的积极支持性的工作环境也是十分必要的。下面的一些策略建议来帮你营造一个激动人心的工作环境,用以吸引留住那些优秀的坐席。

1.Encourage agents to share suggestions for improvement.鼓励坐席提出意见 Agents know first-hand what does and does not work for customers.Solicit ideas from agents and try to implement them.Whether the suggestion does or does not work, communicate the reasons and highlight any cost savings or efficiencies gained as a result.坐席最先知道什么政策对顾客起作用,什么不起作用。从坐席中征集意见并加以实施。不管坐席的意见是否起作用,交流其中的原因很重要,如果坐席的意见有效的话,要对由此节省的费用或提高的效率加以强调。

2.Allow agents to learn from each other.允许坐席互相学习Hold frequent team meetings and encourage agents to discu areas of difficulty and share techniques for addreing these iues.经常举行班组会议,鼓励坐席讨论工作中碰到的难题并让他们分享解决这些问题的技巧。(译者注:开班组会很重要,但是发现一点,比如坐席一天接100多个电话,碰上的问题很可能能转眼就忘了。5—10分钟的班务会,太紧张,也许不能让坐席想起什么来,要是有个坐席线下,互相交流的论坛或者系统就好了……)

3.Ensure that managers/supervisors are acceible to agents.确保经理、主管近在眼前 Contact center agents and supervisors need to be visible and acceible to the phone staff.Supervisors and managers should walk around and periodically do live monitoring of agents.If you overhear a great call, compliment the agent.If an agent is struggling with a call, offer to aist and, if need be, take the call.The agent will appreciate the show of support and the opportunity to listen and learn techniques for handling challenging inquiries.呼叫中心的主管和经理要经常在坐席区或坐席身边。他们应该经常在现场走动、定期地监控坐席。如果你无意中听到一个优秀的应答电话,要表扬坐席。如果一个坐席正在一通电话中处于困境,一定要提供帮助,有必要的话要亲自接起电话。坐席会对你的雪中送炭心怀感激,同时他也会从中学会相关技巧。

4.Establish a "buddy system."互助伙伴 Pair up an agent who is having difficulty with one who consistently achieves.Set up an environment where agents can learn from each other as much as poible.把表现优秀的坐席和业务水平稍差的坐席组成“互助伙伴”,让坐席尽可能多地互助学习。(译者注:绝对好办法!)

5.Encourage open dialogue with agents.鼓励经常对话与交流 A true story: When a supervisor sat down and spoke with an agent who had an ongoing punctuality iue, the supervisor discovered that the agent knew only one route to travel to work.The supervisor helped the agent plan different routes and the agent's tardine iue was resolved.一个真实的故事,一个主管坐下来与一个经常迟到的坐席谈话,发现这个坐席只知道一条上班乘车的路线。这个主管帮助坐席找到了另一条路线,从此坐席迟到的问题被解决了。

6.Accommodate requests for schedule changes on a fair basis.调换排班要公平Shift changes and vacation requests should be based on an agent's overall performance, not just tenure.Prioritizing these rewards solely on seniority sends the wrong meage and discourages agents who have been on board for shorter periods of time.坐席提出的换班和休假的请求必须基于坐席的全面绩效表现,而不是他在公司工作时间的长短。优先照顾老员工会使新员工沮丧和产生误解。 (让我说什么好呢……)

7.Use a variety of motivational tactics.多种激励政策 Different things motivate different people.Make sure to use a variety of methods to recognize and reward excellence.If poible, allow agents to choose their own rewards -- for example, gift cards (a favorite retailer or restaurant), movie tickets, lunch vouchers, pa for a day off or first choice for a vacation request.Another poibility is to create a contact center "rewards program" where agents can accrue "points" for performance and "redeem" them based on achievement level.If the use of remote agents is a viable option, include working from home as an alternate way to recognize top performers.不同的方法激励不同的人。最好有多种办法来奖励、认可优秀员工——例如,某个餐厅、商店的优惠卡,电影票,餐劵或者对休假请求的优先照顾。另一个可行的办法是建立呼叫中心的奖励制度,坐席可以积累自己获得的绩效分、点数并根据自己成绩水平来赎回它们。如果远程坐席是一种可能的选择的时候,让坐席在家工作也是一种奖励的方式。(译者注:真是有想法,真是佩服,不过不知道能否实现呢,但愿……坐席希望生日贺卡里夹几张票子,如果实在没有的话,夹张电影票也不错,实在再没有的话,卡里夹一天休息也不错,当然有贺卡,总比没有强多了,但是生日过了好几天才收到贺卡,只能用暴怒形容,呵呵……各种奖励办法,还能攒积分,这不是中国移动吗,还能赎回,这是金融衍生品呀,老坐席吧自己的积分卖给新坐席,时间长了,老坐席用自己的业务水平做担保,把自己未来的积分卖给新坐席,新坐席又卖给更后来的徒弟,一旦老坐席这个月没完成任务,我靠,呼叫中心金融危机来了 ,呵呵,又瞎扯了一阵……

The Take-Away建议

Agents have one of the hardest and most important jobs in an enterprise -- satisfying customers, who are not always known for being nice or patient.Unfortunately, agents often perceive that their role is not appreciated or respected by senior management or peer organizations, like sales and marketing.坐席在企业里承担着一个重要而艰巨的任务——让客户满意,但是坐席所面对的那些顾客并不总是那么绅士和耐心。更糟的是,坐席经常感觉到他们的工作角色并不被高级的管理层或者其他部门(比如,市场部)的同行所认同。

Contact center managers need to create a working environment that addrees strategic and long-term staff-related initiatives as well as day-to-day programs in order to continuously motivate agents.Sometimes it's little things that don't cost a cent that matter the most to agents.Allowing agents to choose/change their lunch hour to accommodate an appointment, letting agents choose which headset they prefer, permitting agents to vote on a menu for a recognition day event and similar activities, go a long way in communicating to agents that they are recognized, valued and respected.为了不断地激励坐席,呼叫中心的经理要创建一种长期战略,一种与员工相关的举措或是每日的计划。有时候,它可以不产生任何花费,但是却对大多数坐席产生作用。允许坐席选择、改变他们自己的就餐时间,让坐席选择自己喜欢的耳机样式,允许坐席在奖励日自己选择菜谱,建立长期的与坐席交流的机制。










