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一、注重集体备课 本学期我们教研组教师在教学方法、策略和思想方面进行交流。对于在教学中出现的问题可以在第一时间讨论解决的策略,对于闪现的好的教学思路和方法可以及时地互相交流,大家互相促进使我们的教学更加有序。在备课方面根据教材内容及学生的实际,设计课的类型,拟定采用的教学方法,并对教学过程的程序及时间安排都作了详细的记录,认真写好教案。每一课都做到“有备而来”,每堂课都在课前做好充分的准备,并制作各种利于吸引学生注意力的有趣教具、课件,课后及时对该课作出总结,写好教后感,并认真按搜集知识要点相关的资料,归纳起来。






四、分层教学,做好课后辅导工作 十根手指还有长短,更别说是来自各个家庭的性格迥异的学生了,他们在学习能力、方法、态度上都是不同的,有自觉的、有懒惰的,有聪明的也有比较愚笨的,在这学期的教学中我特别注重分层教学。在课后,为不同层次的学生进行相应的辅导,以满足不同层次的学生的需求,避免了一刀切的弊端,同时加大了后进生的辅导力度。对后进生的辅导,并不限于学习知识性的辅导,更重要的是学习思想的辅导。要提高后进生的成绩,首先要解决他们心结,让他们意识到学习的重要性和必要性,使之对学习萌发兴趣。要通过各种途径激发他们的求知欲和上进心,让他们意识到学习并不是一项任务,也不是代替老师、家长学的,是为自己学的。在此基础上,再教给他们学习的方法,提高他们的技能,并认真细致地做好查漏、补缺工作。后进生通常有些是基础差,存在很多知识断层,这些都要特别注意给他们补课,把他们以前学习的知识断层补充完整,这样,他们就会学得轻松,进步也快,兴趣和求知欲也会随之增加。还有一些是因为一直以来学习习惯差,加上家长由于工作等各种原因对孩子缺少必要的监督真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 和指导使孩子长期以来自由懒散惯了,形成了不良的习惯。作业写,但是非常马虎,更严重的是经常少写、不写作业。于是我就经常去这些懒、马虎的孩子家去家访,让家长协助教育孩子。





有些家庭把教育孩子完全寄托在老师身上,学校里老师在教:要刻苦学习而家庭中却一味的溺爱、放纵孩子,迁就孩子。我曾经在星期天家访了6个学生家,只有1个孩子在家写作业,是家长要求的,另外的5个孩子都出去玩了,家长有的知道孩子出去玩了说是让他在家写作业孩子不肯,还有家长不知道孩子到哪去玩了,让教师要多管孩子,说孩子最听老师的话了,这让我觉得很不是滋味,不知道作何感想,其实我有时候觉得家庭给予学校教育的期望值太高了,他们从来没有意识到自己的责任。 总体而言,这学期的教学有得有失,对于“得”我会把它当作自己的财富,对于“失”会在今后的教学中努力去改善,力争把教学工作做得更好。



2008-12-24 17:04:39 作者:杜亮 来源:北京新东方学校 点击数:527

SAT作文有三个要素,分别是point of view,example,reasoning, 也就是我们通常所说的论点、论据、论证。这其中,又以第二点example(论据)最难把握。本文官方指南中的10道作文题为例,对SAT作文的论据进行 分类解析。这八大类论据分别是:人物、企业、个人经历、科技发展、环境污染、文学作文、历史、时事。

第一题:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 英雄是否应该定义为这样一种人:当我们缺乏勇气表达自己内心想法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的真实想法?

解题:这道题算是比较 简单,同学们一般会联想到的论据是马丁·路德·金、甘地、曼德拉、哥白尼、伽利略、布鲁诺、达尔文等等。由此,我们引出第一类论据:人物论据。实际上,人 物论据是我们在解决SAT题目时使用最多的一类论据,大约可以应用于大约60%以上的题目。同学们在备考过程应该找3~5个名人,把他们研究透彻,用到文 章里面去。这些名人应该具备以下一些品质:勇敢、坚强、乐观、追求卓越、百折不挠、逆境成才、勇于挑战权威、积极服务他人等等。

第二题:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 顺境不足以挑战我们,我们需要逆境来了解自己,是否同意?


第三题:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? 良知是不是一种比金钱、荣誉、权利更为强大的驱动力?


第四题:Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 我们是否需要他人以了解自己?




第五题:Is the world changing for the better? 世界是不是越来越好?




二、科技发展的坏处,主要体现在环境污染方面。科技发展的好处很多,可以写医学的进步延长寿命、农业的进 步养活人口、家用电器方便人类生活。环境污染可以分类展开:水污染、大气污染、土壤污染、噪音污染、固体废物污染,等等。

第六题:Can succe be disastrous? 成功会不会带来灾难?


第七题:Do changes that make our lives easier not necearily make them better? 让我们生活变得更加简单的那些变化,是否让我们的生活变得更好?


第八题:Is there always another explanation or another point of view? 是不是总存在另外一种观点?


第九题:What motivates people to change? 什么促使人们改变?

解题:这类题目要求考生自主定义。我们戏称之为“爽歪歪”题型,原因是只要把我们之前写过的题目中的关键词填在这里就可以了。比如说,如果我们写过第一 题,我们就可以说Courage motivates people to change.如果我们写过第二题,我们就可以说Adversity motivates people to change.同理,如果我们写过第三题,我们就可以说Conscience motivates people to change.(或者Money, fame and power motivate people to change.)

第十题:Is deception ever justified? 谎言是否正确?

解题:这道题除了可以写自己生活中的谎言,也可以来自于文学作品和战争历史中的White Lie(善意的谎言)。比如,《了不起的盖茨比》中的男主人公,为了获得真爱,不得不欺骗自己的爱人。再比如,南北战争中,南方军队为了保存实力、避免伤 亡,利用战术蒙骗了北方军队。我们可以写谎言不好,比如结合时事,有些企业欺骗消费者,由此带来巨大伤害。




2010-07-30 11:12:22 作者: 来源:新东方在线 点击数:497

SAT考试成绩出来了,我得到了2360分,WRITING 780分,ESSAY11分(满分12分)。面对这一成绩,我感到非常高兴,不过这也都是辛苦学习换来的结果。其中,对于ESSAY部分,我有很多感触跟大家分享。


写作题目数不胜数,那么如何有选择性地准备例子是很重要的。在一开始漫天准备例子的实践失败后,我总结经验,开始从多本SAT参考书中搜集作文题目,并对 这些题目进行分类,然后针对不同类别的题目准备不同的例子。每一类题目都能准备2-3个例子,再举一反三之后,便能很有效底应用到几乎所有题目了。其次, 选择例子的时候尽量选择一些国际性的,而且是美国人所知道的,因为改卷的毕竟是美国人,所以在平时学习生活中,多积累一些关于美国或者西方国家的人文、历 史、社会等知识。另外,我不建议大家用个人的例子去论述整篇文章,因为个人的例子往往缺乏说服力,很PERSONAL,考官也不一定会认可你所论述的。最 后就是,对于例子的论述不要太冗长,要更多阐述自己对例子的有逻辑性有深度的分析,这样考官会觉得你不是单纯地在罗列事实,而确实动脑筋思考了,也比较深 入主题。


ESSAY写作要求在25分钟内写出300-400字,在平时模考练习里一定要严格遵守这个规定,练习得多了也就慢慢习惯了。以下是我一般写ESSAY的 时间安排。拿到题之后,选择一个最熟悉的、知道范例最多的观点,然后马上在草稿纸上写下一个非常简略的提纲:论点;论据


二、三。这大概花1-2分钟时 间。我认为提纲是非常重要的,因为这对于写一篇完整的ESSAY很有帮助,一能帮助定心,二能保持写作的连贯性,有时候太紧张可能会写着写着忘记论据。准 备阶段完成后,就按照提纲一直写下去,一定要在15分钟内完成文章。写完后还有8-9分钟检查时间,这个环节一定要重视,因为实践证明,初稿里往往有大量 拼写或语法错误。要着重检查时态是否一致、冠词用法是否正确、主谓是否一致、标点符号、拼写等。


和绝大多数考试一样,ESSAY得高分的关键因素之一就是多练习。熟能生巧,练习真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 多了才能得心应手。平时要多读范文,多积累好词好句,把这些积累都应用在自己的写作之中。


2009年6月SAT写作真题SAT Eay June 2009 June 2009 SAT Eay Prompts If you took the June 2009 SAT, you had one of the eay prompts below: Prompt 1 Think carefully about the iue presented in the following excerpt and the aignment below.The discovery that someone we admire has done something wrong is always disappointing and disillusioning.Yet even when people we consider heroes have been tarnished by their faults, they are no le valuable than people who appear perfect.When we learn that an admired person, even one who is seemingly perfect, has behaved in le than admirable ways, we discover a plex truth: great ideas and great deeds e from imperfect people like ourselves.Aignment: Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect? Plan and write an eay in which you develop your point of view on this iue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Prompt 2 Think carefully about the iue presented in the following excerpt and the aignment below.Some people say you should be content with what you have and accept who you are.But it is poible that too much self-acceptance can turn into self-satisfied lack of ambition.People should always strive to improve themselves and to have more in their lives—friends, things, 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

opportunities.After all, where would we be if great people, both in history and in our own time, did not try to have more and to improve themselves? Aignment: Is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to better themselves? Plan and write an eay in which you develop your point of view on this iue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.


ESSAY PROMPT Think carefully about the iue presented in the following excerpt and the aignment below: Great discoveries often occur when a person explores the unknown, venturing far from what is familiar.But important breakthroughs--innovative solutions to difficult problems, for example--can also result when people take the time to look closely at their daily surroundings.In fact, the greatest discoveries often occur when people recognize in their familiar surroundings certain opportunities that others have overlooked or when people recognize that the way things have always been done is unjust or ineffective or unneceary.ASSIGNMENT: Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar? Plan and write an eay in which you develop your point of view on this iue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.真的不掉线吗??、????????????


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 转为私密日志 转载自 校友用户 转载于2010年07月05日 15:06 阅读(1) 评论(0) 分类: 学习权限: 公开

1.CET4 CET6 大二上下学期全部通过,最好不要超过大三上学期

2.计算机证书 C语言没有必要考,可以选择考VF二级,也可以选择考数据库三级,两者难度相当,一般在大一下学期或者大二上学期考为宜.一般江浙地区,北京上海地区需要此证

3.普通话证书 可以考也可以不考,没多大用处,但是也算一个证书

4.会计从业资格证 建议大二下学期考,因为大二上学期开设了,这个是以后进银行或者企业有用的

5.银行从业资格证 证券从业资格证 保险经纪人 根据个人将来发展方向决定,想进银行的考第一种,进证券公司的考第二种,进保险公司的考第三种,有精力的,可以多考.时间放在大三上下学期选一个完成

6.理财规划师 这个目前在中国有两种,一种是国家劳动和社会保障部进行的技能等级考试,一个就是国际认可的CFP,后者难度相当大,建议考个前者的就行了.如果英语水平好,有精力和财力的可以考下后者

7.金融英语FECT 这个是全国第一个行业证书,如果是国际金融专业的,建议一定要考过.这个证书是很有用的.目前分为银行综合类和中级,先考综合类,再考中级.香港那边都是认可的,可以去那边工作和学习.8.BFT 全国出国培训备选人员考试 考这个的前提是必须过了前面的FECT,这样就比较方便了,只需要去参加一个口语考试就OK了,如果没有过FECT,那就需要考三门,难度加大,也没必要去考了


9.大三后,根据自己想法的去向再进行选择以下的(1).考研的,你就安安心心备考了,有了以上的证书就基本够了,考上研究生是大事,其他的别去想了(2).注册会计师 这个考到以后的前途就不用说了,所以金融专业还是有大量的人选择这个的,难度有点大,要能吃苦(3).出国的 雅思 托福 GRE 第一个是去英联邦国家实行的考试,最好过7分 第二个北美使用的,要过550 GRE是北美研究生入学考试主要是理工科的.如果不准备出国的同学,建议考个雅思成绩,肯定比四六级拿着有分量多了.雅思没有托福难,不出国也没不要考托了

10.学有余力,想往精英方向发展的,可以考精算师,金融风险管理师等等 难度大,但是一旦考过了,你这生就不愁饭吃了。



(A) There is an old tiger in the forest.He doesn‟t want to look for food now.He often asks other animals to get him something to eat. One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey.Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I can‟t do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “There is another tiger over there.He will not let me get anything for you to eat.I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger.“Take me to that tiger.I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river.“Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey.“Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger.“I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.( )1 An old tiger lives ____. A.in the zoo B.in the garden C.in the forest D.on the farm ( )2 How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story? A.Two tigers and two monkeys.B.Two tigers and one monkey. C.One tiger and two monkeys.D.One tiger and one monkey.( )3 Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food? Because ____. A.they are afraid of him B.only they can look for some food C.they are his friends D.they like to do so ( )4 The monkey ____. A.goes to get something to eat B.gets to the bridge with the tiger C.knows there is another tiger D.tells the tiger to jump into the water ( )5 Which of the following is right? A.The tiger is very clever.B.The monkey eats the tiger. C.The tiger eats another tiger.D.The tiger jumps into the water.(B) One Sunday morning Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop .Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green .Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him , too .Bill wants to buy some picture—books and colour pencils , too .There are many people in the shop .They are men and women , old and young .They all want to buy something there .( )6.Mr Green goes to the shop with____ .A.Mrs green B.his son C.his daughter D.his father ( )7.Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for____ . A.Bill‟s mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people ( )8.Bill likes____ . A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges D.orange ( )9.Bill wants to buy____ .A.some picture—books B.some colour pencils C.clothes in the shop D.A and B ( )10.The shop is____ .A.empty B.close C.full of children D.full of people (C) I‟m thirteen and my sister is nine years old.I like swimming very much, but my sister doesn‟t do.She likes tennis better.In summer(夏天) I often goswimming.My sister plays tennis with her friends.They are good players(选手).My friends Fred likewimming.He can swim faster than(比)I .( )1.Fred likes _____ .A.tennis B.baseball C.jogging D.swimming ( )2.M真的不掉线吗??、????????????

y sister plays tennis with ____.A.me B.Fred C.her friends D.herself ( )3.Which of the following is not true ? A.Fred swims faster than I .B.My sister likes swimming better.C.My sister and her friends are all very good players .D.In summer I often go swimming .( )4.Who‟s Fred? A.He‟s my sister‟s friend .B.He is my friend.C.He is a tennis player.D.He is my brother.( )5.how old is my sister? A.She is thirteen.B.She is nine.C.She is thirteen years old.D.She likes tennis better .(D) Lily is American.She is twelve.She is a middle school student.She is in No.15 Middle School.She is in Cla 4, Grade One.Her teacher is Mi Green.Her bedroom is very nice.In her bedroom you can see a bed, a table, a chair, a clock, a map, a picture, a cat and some flowers.The bed is white.The table and the chair are brown.The cat is black.It‟s under the table.The clock is blue.It‟s on the table.The door and the window are yellow.The map is a map of China.The picture is her family picture.Both of them are on the wall.( )1.Lily is an ____ girl. A.Chinese B.American C.Japanese D.English ( )2.She has a ___clock.A.red B.white C.blue D.black ( )3.Where is the cat ?_____ A.on the wall B .under the table C.at the door D.on the desk ( )4.How old is the girl? A.11 B.6 C.7 D.8


(A) Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office (办公室).One day Mr Jones says to Mr Brown , “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening .Would you and your wife like to e ?”

Mr Brown says , “Thank you very much .I‟d love to , but let me ask my wife first .”

So Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife .Then he es back and looks very worried .“What‟s the matter?” asks Mr Jones .“Is you wife there at home ?”

“No,” answers Mr Brown .“She isn‟t there .My small son answers the telephone .I say to him , „Is your mother there , David ?‟ and he answers „No , she isn‟t in the house.‟„Where is she ?‟ I ask ,„She is somewhere outside(在外面) .‟„What‟s she doing?‟

„She is looking for me .‟”

( )1.There is a party at Mr Jones‟s house on Monday evening .( )2.Mr Jones asks Mr Brown and his wife to go to the party .( )3.The telephone is in Mr Brown‟s office.( )4.Mr Brown speaks to Mrs Brown on the telephone .( )5.Mrs Brown is looking for her son .(B) 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Jim: How many days are there in a week? Sally: Why, seven, of course.Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday? Jim: Well, Sally, can you speak out (说出) the five days of a week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday? Sally: Let me see.I‟m sorry I can‟t.Can you? Jim: Of course I can.They are today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday.( ) 6 There are seven days in a week.( ) 7 Sally can speak out five days of the week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.( ) 8 Jim thinks there are five days in a week.( ) 9 It‟s Saturday today, so tomorrow is Sunday.( ) 10 Tomorrow is the day before today. (C) It is sunny today, Jim and his mother went to the park.Jim likes flowers very much, so he wanted to pick the flowers.his mother said,” Don‟t pick the flowers.”

“They are our friends.” Jim said,” I won't pick the flowers from now on.”

( )1 Jim likes apples very much.( )2 Jim is a girl.( )3 Jim's mother wanted to pick the flowers.( )4 Jim won't pick the flowers from now on.( )5 Flowers are our friends.(D) Jane White is an English girl.She is my friend.She is a teacher.She likes English.She is in a red coat.She is a nice girl.Bob is her brother.He is a singer .He is in a black jacket.( )1.Jane White is my teacher.( )2.Bob is her father.( )3.Bob is a teacher, too .( )4.Bob is in a yellow jacket.( )5.Jane is in a red coat.(E) My name is Wu Dong.I am a student.This is my English teacher.He is a man(男人).His name is Wu Hai.He is twenty-seven.He is in No.5 Middle School.He is a good teacher.He is my good friend, too.( )1.Wu Hai is an English teacher.And he is English.( )2.Wu Hai is not an old man.( )3.Wu Hai is a Chinese teacher , too.( )4.Wu Dong is Wu Hai‟s student and friend.( )5.Their school is No.5 Middle School.(F) I am Wu dong.I am a Chinese boy.I am in Grade One.This is Li Ping.And this is Liu Ying.They are students , too.They are my clamates(同学).We are all Young Pioneers(少先队员).That is Mr Hu.He is a Chinese teacher.That is Mi Ann.She is an English teacher.Mi Ann is young(年轻的), but Mr Hu is not so young.They are both(两者都) our good teachers.( )1.Li Ping, Liu Ying and Wu Dong are all in the same(相同的)cla.( )2.Liu Ying and Wu Dong are Young Pioneers, but Li Ping is not.( )3.Mr Hu is a teacher of English.( )4.Mi Ann teaches us Chinese.( )5.Mr Hu is old, but Mi Ann is young.真的不掉线吗??、????????????

(G) I am Mike.I have(有) a big family.My grandparents have two sons and one daughter.My father is Thomas.He is a policeman(警察).My mother is a worker(工人).My uncle, Benny, is a doctor(医生).He has a son and a daughter .My aunt, Mary, is a teacher.Her students like her very much.Her daughter, Rose, is only five.( )1.There are(有) four people in Mike‟s family.( )2.Mike‟s uncle has two children.( )3.Mike‟s aunt is a teacher.( )4.Mike has one aunt, one uncle and three cousins.( )5.Mike‟s cousin, Rose ,is five.(H) Tom is an American student.He is in Grade Seven now.Tom likes sports and movies.He can tell you a lot about movie stars.He thinks Matrix, the Hulk are good movies.And Sleep Night is his favorite movie.Tom thinks Jolin is his favorite movie star.Tom wants to be an actor like Jolin, “She is great.” Tom often says .( )1.Tom is in Grade Seven.( )2.Tom just like movies.( )3.matrix and the Hulk are good movies stars.( )4.Tom doesn‟t have any favorite movie stars.( )5.Tom wants to be a player.


Mike is an English boy .Liu Hai is a Chinese boy.But they are in the same cla.Mike speaks English very well and likes playing baseball.After school Mike often helps(帮助)Liu Hai with his English.And they often play baseball on the playground(操场).They are good friends.1.Who is Mike?

2.Who speaks English very well ?

3.What does Mike like doing?

4.What do they often do on the playground?

5.What does Mike often do after school?

It‟s Zhang Hong‟s ID card.She is my clamate(同学).She is nine.Her phone number is seven zero eight eight six two one.First name: ________________ Last name : ________________ Sex: (性别)______________ Age(年龄): ______________ Tel: Hi! My name is Li Lei .I have a good English friend.Her name is Ann.She is in No.1 Middle School.Look, this is her mother, Betty Smith , and this is her father , John Smith.They love her.Mi Gao is her teacher.She loves her students.Do you want to know Ann‟s phone number and E-mail Addre? Her phone number is 8889966 and her E-mail addre is Ann E-mail:196@163..My name : Friend‟s name: Friend‟s sex: Friend‟s nationality(国籍) : Friend‟s school: Friend‟s teacher: Friend‟s father : Friend‟s mother:










