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发布时间:2020-03-02 17:51:17 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Coming Together On Thanksgiving In this week\'s addre, President Obama wished the American people a happy Thanksgiving.Thanksgiving reminds us that no matter our differences, we are still one people, part of something bigger than ourselves.Because what makes us American are the ideals to which we pledge our allegiance.And it\'s about our ability to live up to the creed \"E Pluribus Unum\" -- that out of many, we are one.

Remarks of President Barack Obama as Delivered Weekly Addre The White House November 24, 2016

Hi, everybody.On behalf of the Obama familyI want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.Like so many of you, we\'ll spend the day with friends and family, turkey and touchdowns.We\'ll give thanks for each other, and for all that God has given us.And we\'ll reflect on what truly binds us as Americans.

That\'s never been more important.As a country, we\'ve just emerged from a noisy, paionate, and sometimes divisive campaign season.After all, elections are often where we emphasize what sets us apart.We face off in a contest of \"us\" versus \"them.\" We focus on the candidate we support instead of some of the ideals we share.

But a few short weeks later, Thanksgiving reminds us that no matter our differences, we are still one people, part of something bigger than ourselves.We are communities that move forward together.We are neighbors who look out for one another, especially those among us with the least.We are always, simply, Americans.

That\'s why, through the fog of Civil War, President Lincoln saw what mattered mostfrom the First Americans to our newest arrivalsthat all of us are created equal.That we may

1 think, worship, and speak, and love as we please.That the gift of democracy is ours, and ours alone, to nurture and protect.

Never doubt, that is what makes us Americanthat out of many, we are one.And as long as we continue to welcome the contributions of all people, as long as we stand up for each other, speak out for what is right, and stay true to these idealsthen no one can ever take away our liberty.Our best days will always be ahead.And we will keep building a future where all of our children know the promise of America.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.











