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1、[问答][100分]阅读下面的文章,并根据讲座2的内容进行一份以读促写的活动教学设计。(控制性、半控制性/半开放性、开放性写作活动三者择其一即可) Dear Sunday Globe, I’m writing to you about your article in last Sunday’s newspaper, “Cell Phones Make Life Easier.” You did an excellent job explaining the good points of cell phones; they’re convenient, we feel safer always being able to call someone and they are very helpful in busine.On the other hand, you didn’t talk about their bad points at all.Thus, I hope you’ll let me give your readers some advice on cell phone etiquette (礼仪). The first point I’d like to addre is loudne.When talking face to face in public, you wouldn’t shout.Likewise, don’t shout when you talk on your cell phone in public.In fact, the microphones in cell phones are so sensitive that you can be heard even if you speak quietly.Furthermore, keep your ringer nice and quiet, and don’t let it ring in meetings, at the movies, etc. Another point that needs to be made has to do with personal space.I think it is very impolite to make calls in small spaces or crowded rooms.This makes others uncomfortable and forces them to listen to your personal busine.Additionally, it stops many face-to-face conversations from ever beginning.That’s why I never use my cell phone within three meters of other people except in emergencies, and only after asking permiion. Lastly, let me draw your readers’ attention to the dangers of doing two things at the same time.For example, cell phones and driving are a bad combination.Pay attention to the road! Likewise, cell phones can cause you to neglect good friends.Give friends who are with you your full attention.Turn off your cell phone and enjoy their company!


Amber Jala




主题内容:A letter about\"some advice on cell phone etiquette ”

相关领域:手机的使用及其礼仪 课时安排:2课时




3、写一篇英语演讲稿 Mind Your Cell Phone Manners 实施过程:





3、学会“如何正确地合理地使用手机 ——既要关爱自己,又要善待他人\" 教学形式:讨论交流 合作

教学过程(Teaching Procedures) Step

1、Pre-reading 课前教师给学生布置如下任务:

1.How much do you know about cell phones? 2.Do you like cell phones? Why? /Why not? 3.List some good points of cell phones 4.List some bad points of cell phones 求学生带着这些任务预习课文。学生要回答以上问题,除阅读课文外,还必须查找相关材料,做好记录。此环节学生可采用分工合作的学习方式。此时教师可以给学生一些必要的帮助,如:提供网站名,提供一些阅读材料。由于学生是在任务目标驱使下预习,预习就很有成效,而不是走过场。为课堂讨论奠定了基础,同时也提高了课堂教学的效率,发挥了学生的主体作用,培养了学生查找信息的能力和较强的自学能力。 Step 2: Lead-in ——导入

Collect the information Ss have found and at the same time ask the Ss to exchange the information about cell phones.And ask Ss to discu the following questions.1.Answer the following questions 1) How much do you know about cell phones? 2)How do you often use cell phone loudly on a bus/in our claroom ? 3)What attitude do people have now ? 4) What should we use cell phones in public properly ? Give your views.分组展示预习任务的完成情况。一方面教师可以检查学生的预习效果,另一方面做到以学生为中心自然导入新课。学生分组(四人一组)讨论,(也是初步展示预习成果),学生交流气氛热烈,学习兴趣很高。为使学生主动参与教学的全过程开了好头。 Step 3: Reading 这一阶段为学生对语言知识、语言材料进行加工、处理的过程。在学生预习的基础上,围绕话题和文章,指导学生进行阅读技巧训练。包括讨论分析文章结构、归纳中心思想,开展语言交际活动,逐步落实学生的各项预习目标和要求。指导学生进行反复的讨论、查阅、归纳、总结等口头交际活动。


Task 1: Skimming to find out what is the reading material going to talk about.Task II.Analyze the structures of the paage, expreing your opinions actively.Parts Main ideas Task III.Discu the following detailed information in groups of 4 2.What is Sunday Globe\'s article in last Sunday\'s newspaper about ? 3.Can you list some good points of cell phones? 4.How many bad points of cell phones are mentioned in the article? 5.What should you when you talk on your cell phone in public according to Amber Jala ? 6.What is the main purpose of this paage? 教师指导学生重新领悟教材,在个体学习的基础上与同学讨论完成以上任务并分组向全班同学汇报讨论情况。 Step 4: Consolidation Task 1: Read the text again and ask the students to pay attention to the phrases.Task 2: Word study.Choose the proper words to complete the blanks, paying attention to the correct forms.(略) Task 3: Summary.Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with proper words according to the meaning.(略) Step 5.Homework aignment Get further information and prepare to write a speech “ Mind Your Cell Phone Manners\"

第二课时信息输出——讨论、写作 教学目标:





任务设计:写一篇演讲稿 “ Mind Your Cell Phone Manners”

教学形式:讨论 合作 评价 教学过程(Teaching procedures) Step 1 Task Aignment Write a speech -- Mind Your Cell Phone Manners Including: 1.convenient cell phones situation 2.disadvanges of using cell phones 3.proper attitude 3.neceary help 4.effective prevention 5.good suggestions 教师布置写作任务,学生根据不同的写作任务和话题,理清、明确写作任务的主旨要求。 Step 2.Pre-writing & Discuion Task: Divide SS into small groups (Group of 4 is ideal) for the group cooperation.And tell them the task.Meanwhile, encourage them to expre as many views on the topic as they can.It’s neceary to require them to write down their views.Topic 1.What do you think of the cell phones situation? Give some examples.Topic 2.What should we do to help the people who is driving? Topic 3.What attitude should we show towards the people using cell phones impolitely in public ? Topic 4.What measures should we take to prevent the people using cell phones impolitely in public ? 小组分工寻找与话题有关的信息包括主题句,相关要点乃至必要的句型;或教师准备相关话题的背景知识,并要求学生在背景材料中寻找相关信息;或提供几个供学生讨论的问题。然后教师安排小组“说题议题”活动,即让学生各自说说自己对写作任务主题或要求的理解,交流所寻找到的信息,并相互比较讨论各自的看法。在小组讨论之后,各组还可派代表在全班进行讨论,通过相互沟通,互相启发,选择其中有意义、合乎要求的信息。这一环节,教师的主要任务是通过一些活动的设计与实施去激发学生的写作动机与积极性,激活学生与写作任务有关的知识网络,为高质量完成写作任务奠定基础。 Step 3 While-writing Task: Write a rough draft on your own, paying attention to the topic of each paragraph.For example: Things are becoming worse and worse………..Enough help should be given to the people using cell phones impolitely in public….

Proper attitude should be shown to the people with using cell phones impolitely in public….

Measures must be taken to prevent using cell phones impolitely in public …….(Your wishes or suggestions) 学生在第一阶段经过相互交流,合作完成信息搜集任务,获得了较为丰富的写作材料,此时教师要求学生根据写作的需要,删选材料,重组信息,进行第一次语言输出,形成一篇语义基本连贯、有一定层次感的初稿。初稿写完后,进行自查,教师要求学生仔细重读一次初稿,看主题是否完整,内容是否全面,条理是否清晰,布局是否合理,逻辑是否连贯,有无语法错误或“汉式英语现象”等这一环节,教师的主要任务是监督,帮助和鼓励学生,让学生在宽松的环境下充分的表达自我。 Step 4 Discuions Task: Exchange the Ss’ works to enjoy and edit to get some suggested improvements.这一环节是合作学习写作教学中不可缺少的非常重要的一环。教师要求学生将经过自己初步修改过的初稿交给组长,由组长安排小组成员轮流传阅,批改组内每一位同伴的作文,然后汇总组内作文中的错误并讨论解决,再推选本组最佳作文。学生讨论互改作文是一个重新学习的过程,使学生获得更多的反馈,常起到教师讲解达不到的效果,学生相互倾听,互相帮助,培养了团结合作精神。也是让学生跟同学进行有效合作、充分依靠集体力量去完成共同任务的过程,有助于加快发展学生思维,并养成学生与他人平等地讨论问题、分析评论的能力。在这一阶段,教师起到组织者和指导者的作用。 Step 5.Evaluation Task: Pick out the best works and read them to the partners first and then to the cla.这一环节有两个程序。先由组长在组内宣读优秀作文,再在班上向全班同学宣读。全班学生在教师指导下,从作文表达的条理性,准确性,流畅性,简洁多样性,情感思想性以及对各组同学的任务完成情况进行相互评价,评出最优作文和合作最好的组。然后将作文输入教室的电脑里,向学生展示。在这一阶段,教师起到的作用仍然是组织者,参与者和指导者,而不是裁判。这样一来,重视了学生在评价中的主体作用。 Step 6 Comment &Estimate Ss makes comments on some of the works and grade them .教师引导学生共同分析带有普遍性的问题和一些典型性的错误,并及时进行讲评,及时将信息反馈给学生,(有必要时给学生提供参考范文,)使讲评具有时效性,让学生得到启迪,掌握写作技能,提高写作能力,使合作学习的效果得以升华。




在“阅读与写作整合”教学过程中,教师通过设计一系列问题,引导学生课前通过互联网,报刊等教学资源,收集查阅有关using cell phones politely in publish信息,接着在课堂上开展了相互交换信息的活动,培养了学生主动获取信息的兴趣和能力。


从“阅读与写作”教学过程看,围绕阅读主题内容,读前大量查阅相关内容,初步了解using cell phones politely in publish;读中展示信息,精读课文,解决问题,培养阅读策略;读后讨论问题,进行说写活动,输出信息,体现了沟通课堂内外,充分利用教学资源,开展综合性学习的思想,为实现读写结合找到了一条途径。

3、采取讨论合作学习方式,培养学生合作意识 合作学习中的信息互动是一种多边活动,他不是传统的教学中教师向学生单向型互动或师生间交流的双向型互动,而是师生,生生间的多边互动,通过学生间相互用英语提问、对话、讨论等,为每个学生增加了更多接触目的语的机会,也增加了使用英语的机会。这种互动式教学促使学生自己与他人学习,促进学生的认知与情感的全面发展。从“以读促写”教学中第二部分来看,采取的是一种交互式的合作学习写作教学,重视过程写作与评价,改变在写作教学中总采取学生单独写出作文然后教师批改的英语写作课教学模式,培养学生的合作精神,弥补一个教师难以面向有差异的众多学生的不足,从而真正实现每个学生都得到发展的目标。


以 读 促 写









