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发布时间:2020-03-02 17:06:48 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

采购员采购知识总结 尽量收集多一点产品信息:我不熟悉这个产品,但是我会尽 我最大的努力寻找懂得这个产品信息的人, 从别人那去学到自己 本来不知道的东西。那怕是一丝丝信息都算是学习和进步。 Try your best to search for products information as many as poible especially when you are not familiar with the product you are sourcing.For example, you can learn much experience from some veterans and even a little knowledge is very important to you, because, as you know, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.You must grow and improve yourself as quickly as you can at this time of knowledge explosion, or we maybe fail in today’s fierce competition.做事情要有条理:我基本上会每天记录下来,我所做过的工 作,处理的事,对没有处理好的事,要求次日,或紧接处理,尽 量做到问题不推迟,尽最快解决。 You must keep clear in your mind what you should do and the deadline to do them and make your own schedule to cope with everything according to their degree of ponderance and kill them one bye one from the most emergent one. 工作有计划:在每一天结束前我会在头脑里打旋我什么事没 完成,明天的主要事情是什么,做个计划。很重要的,或事情较 多,我会记录下来,逐个或交*处理。 学会与人为善主动与人沟通:经常与车间,仓库,打样车间、品质的相关人员接触,这样便于自己了解产品,跟踪需要,减少 工作失误,提高工作效率。 Learn to be friendly with people such as your colleagues and suppliers, and most importantly, you should take the initiative to communicate with them.A qualified sourcing manager should keep close contact with the related person in factory or workshop in order to learn the products well, know the rate of advance, decrease work fault as much as poible and also achieve good efficiency.对工作的重点要尽量做到有书面依据:要求厂家处服务处理 事得交书面说明。 Something very important in your work must be kept in written form such as shipment notice after signing contact with suppliers and make clear which party should take the responsibility under different conditions when problems happen so that you can enable the suppliers active to cooperate with us, solve problems in time and give them both preure and action.尽量做好工作总结: 对所做的工作, 每个月至少做个简短的总结。 从工作量、工作内容、完成事项,要事处理,问题解决,工作失 误,工作计划等方面做个简短的总结,对工作中的难点,事后尽 量做个简短的书面总结便于自己以后总结经验。 Conclude everyday, every week, and every month.Review your work on quantity , problem solving, faults and your plan of next duration.问题处理:反应要快,汇报要及时、处理问题要敏捷果断

, 要有自己较好的处理建议提供, 并能与供应商做个合适的谈判结 论。 Problem solving: reflect fast and report accurately and in due course.And sometimes we should put forward good suggestions and negotiate patiently with suppliers.职业习惯:要让自己有一个好的职业习惯,有成本概念,有 利润思维,有风险意识、有统筹能力、有交流沟通好习惯。这些 都有助于自己向一个更优秀的采购靠近, 做一名真正优秀的采购 员。 It will make much sense to keep a series of good habits : cost concept, sense of profit and venture, planning many things as a whole, and good skills of communication.






【采购辞职报告】 采购员辞职报告怎么写




