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发布时间:2020-03-02 09:35:35 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



Dragon Boat Festival





A:Dear teachers and clamates B:Our friends from England A\\B:Good afternoon! B:First,let’s warmly welcome Our friends from England!(Clap hands.) A:Hi, I’m Ameline.B: Hi, I’m Lyn .

B:Ameline.Now can you feel all of us are very happy? A:Yeah , Because we are here together to enjoy our cla meeting, especially with the teachers and students from England.B:And we’d like them to share happine with us.Today the theme of our cla meeting is the Dragon Boat Festival.(标题)



A:The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon.As we know, it is one of the most important Chinese festivals.B:I think our friends from England and our clamates must be interested in it.Are you?(Wait for answer)


A:So , how much do you know about The Dragon Boat Festival? Would you like to tell us something about it? Put up your hands please.


B:Now does everybody know about The Dragon Boat Festival?(Yes.)

A:OK.We’d like to ask you a few questions.First, when is The Dragon Boat Festival? (举手回答:On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.)(端午节时间的图片) B:What do we do on that day?(举手回答:We have Dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings.)(图片显示)

(四)端午节来历 A:Why do we do that?

B: I know there’s a story about this festival.Do you know the story about it? B:Well, you know , I’m not good at telling stories.A:Ok , let someone help you .XXX please.(2名学生讲故事) (同学讲述屈原的故事,屏幕显示) The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Qu Yuan.He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor\'s court.Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river.Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Low River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons. Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.


B:Thank you.I’ve known a lot about it.What a respected man! So all of us remember him by having dragon boat race and eating rice dumplings.Who knows the details about the dragon boat race? (学生个别交流)(划龙舟1张)

But, how can we ride the boat? Could anybody of us show it to me ?(让同学在座位上做出动作) A:Ok , thanks.We have some pictures about dragon boat race on screen.Let’s see.(赛龙舟图 影音) B: And I know we eat zongzi on that day.But what is zongzi? who knows the details of the rice dumplings? (2名同学发言)(放1张幻灯片)

A:UH-HUH.Let’s look at the screen!(幻灯片:粽子图片+文字) B:Ameline , They look really nice! A: Do you want to have a try? B:Of course! B: What ingredients should we have ?(幻灯1张) B:(解说)


A:So does anybody know how to make it?(举手回答) (幻灯片:2解说,找1人亲自做示范。)

B:OK.That’s great .Now we’ll have a rice dumpling-making competition.We’ll give you 15 minutes and a team includes five students.there are two teams.A:who’d like to have a try ?Now please put up your hands!(请同学和英国朋友做粽子, 背景音乐,幻灯片) 制作过程中,要求同学们加油,主持人分别站在两个队上加油,并向大家汇报情况。


B:They look so delicious!~ You can eat them up(主持人和同学们一起吃下去

(边吃边说:“OH.Really nice!~!)


The head teacher say something to us Dear friends, boys and girls, Today I have enjoyed a special cla meeting.I feel very excited.Because I’ve not only shared your happine, but also seen that the friendship between Deyes and our school is stronger and stronger.And I believe this moment must be unforgettable.Dragon boat festival is coming in two days.I wish everybody a happy Dragon Boat Festival.And I hope our friends will know more about our school and our country.And have fun! Thank you!


A:OK。It’s a really nice day! Does everyone have a great time? (YES! Really great!) B:At the end of the cla.I hope everyone can be happy everyday! Happy Dragon Boat Festival! A\\B:Best wishes to you! Thank you!










