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The last century has witneed tremendous changes in Hong Kong, China and around the world, be it technological, economical, social or political.在过去这一百年,香港大学与时并进,由一所只有三个学院的教育机构,发展成为今日设有多元学科的综合型大学。作为香港的第一所大学,香港大学的诞生绝对是香港和中国历史的重要一部份。虽然当时正值英国与晚清关系微妙时期,但在香港与广东政府共同努力下,港大顺利成立。当然,这个梦想最终能够如愿以偿,全赖一群深信香港需要建立一所大学的有识之士,以及一众希望能够为中国及世界建立一所优质大学的热心人士的慷慨捐助。

The University has also moved with the times over the past 100 years and evolved from an institute with only three areas of studies to a comprehensive university of many disciplines.Indeed, the birth of this first and foremost University was an important part of the history of Hong Kong and China.It was the result of the combined efforts of the two governments, in Hong Kong and in Canton (now Guangdong), despite the rather delicate Sino-British relations in the last years of the Qing Dynasty.It could have been an impoible dream, had it not been for those who believed in the need for a university in Hong Kong and the generosity of those who wished to see one built for China and the world.今天的香港大学一如既往,是知识的捍卫者、创意和创新的孕育者,是新进知识份子和人才的摇篮,以及社会良知和责任的先驱者。

HKU remains a guardian of knowledge, an incubator of ideas and innovations, a cradle for new intellect and talent, and a pioneer in social consciousne and responsibility.诚然,大学是任何社会中最历久不衰的机构,也是社会的灵魂,为人们带来希望。

Indeed, universities are among the most enduring institutions of any society; they are its soul and they bring hope.我们秉持着这种精神和价值,来庆祝创校一百周年,展望港大的未来。在此,本人想从三方面加以阐释。It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future.Let me elaborate this further, in three aspects.首先,纵使香港与祖国的关系微妙多变,但香港大学始终致力于推动中国走向现代化。除了孙中山先生之外,许多位卓越的校友亦曾为建设祖国贡献良多。再者,港大毕业生对于建设香港这个现代化大都会一直不遗余力,亦间接成为了祖国发展的一大资产。

First, despite variations of the relationship between Hong Kong and its motherland, the University of Hong Kong has never ceased to play its unique role in contributing to China\'s modernization.Apart from Sun Yat-sen, many alumni have contributed directly to the development of the Mainland in the past Century.In addition, HKU graduates have played eential parts in building the great modern metropolis of Hong Kong, which in turn has proved to be an aet to its motherland.


However, as China moves forward, HKU must aume the responsibility to play an even bigger role at a higher level, to support and fulfill the nation\'s economic and social needs HKU must see and establish itself as a key institution in China.


Second, a hundred years ago, HKU was already an international hub for intellectuals, as most, if not all, of the teachers were expatriates and two-thirds of the students were non-Chinese.Notwithstanding fluctuations in the past century, HKU has retained its international outlook.We are privileged to have a great aembly of the finest scholars, brightest students and world citizens from diverse background and cultures, all under one roof.


This international composition, which has grown well beyond the original legacy, has made us the unusual test case of being the most international institution within a Chinese community on Chinese soil.In an increasingly globalised world, HKU also has a clear responsibility to further bridge China and the world, and to facilitate the proce of internationalization of higher education in China.


Third, we cannot pretend that we are living in a stable and peaceful world.We face natural disasters almost everyday, energy shortages, global warming, emerging infectious diseases, recurring epidemics, man-made accidents, precarious economic crises, abrupt social turmoil and unwanted wars.We know that some of these are unavoidable, so we have to do our best to mitigate or learn to overcome their effects with our scientific knowledge and technological advancements.For the entirely avoidable ones, however, we have a responsibility to safeguard sustainable development, and to champion the restoration of human values. 值此百年校庆,让我们反思一下,港大的核心价值在于什么?港大代表着一个重视开放思想、多元文化和崇尚自由的社群,这些价值均与港大的核心价值紧扣。这些价值让来自不同文化背景的人,能够建立一个多元而和谐的社群。正因为建基于这些价值观,释放了学者与学生之间的知识潜能,为孜孜不倦追求学术成就的社群注入了巨大的力量。

Amidst our festive celebrations, we could not help asking ourselves: What do we treasure? HKU is a community that cherishes openne, diversity and freedom, which have evolved into our core values.These values have made us a pluralistic and harmonious community of people from various backgrounds and diverse cultures.These same values have also liberated the intellectual potential among academics and students, and have hence unleashed the energies eential for sustaining and advancing a vibrant community of academic excellence.










