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1960年尼克松肯尼迪辩论 英汉

发布时间:2020-03-02 17:24:23 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版















Getting America moving again (closing statements)

KENNEDY: I said that I’ve served this country for fourteen years.I served it in the war.I’m devoted to it.If I lose this election, I will continue in the Senate to try to build a stronger country.But I run because I believe this year the United States has a great opportunity to make a move forward, to make a determination here at home and around the world, that it’s going to reestablish itself as a vigorous society.

My judgment is that the Republican party has stood still here in the United States, and it’s also stood still around the world.We’re using about fifty percent of our steel capacity today.We had a receion in fifty-eight.We had a receion in fifty-four.If we stand still here, if we appoint people to ambaadorships and positions in Washington who don’t recognize that this is a revolutionary time, then the United States does not maintain its influence.And if we fail, the cause of freedom fails.

I believe it incumbent upon the next president of the United States to get this country moving again, to get our economy moving ahead, to set before the American people its goals, its unfinished busine.And then throughout the world appoint the best people we can get, ambaadors who can speak the language not merely people who made a political contribution but who can speak the language.

I believe that this party — Republican party — its leadership has stood still really for twenty-five years.It opposed all of the programs of President Roosevelt and others — the minimum wage and for housing and economic growth and development of our natural resources, the Tenneee Valley and all the rest.And I believe that if we can get a party which believes in movement, which believes in going ahead, then we can reestablish our position in the worldthree times as many clarooms built in the past Administration — and Eisenhower — than under the Truman Administration.Let’s talk about civil rights.More progre in the past eight years than in the whole eighty years before.He talks about the progre in the field of slum clearance and the like.We find four times as many projects undertaken and completed in this Administration than in the previous one.Anybody that says America has been standing still for the last seven and a half years hasn’t been traveling in America.He’s been in some other country.

Now the second point we have to understand is this, however, America has not been standing still.But America cannot stand pat.We can’t stand pat for the reason that we’re in a race.We

can’t stand pat because it is eential with the conflict that we have around the world that we not just hold our own, that we not keep just freedom for ourselves.It is eential that we extend freedom, extend it to all the world.And this means more than what we’ve been doing.It means keeping America even stronger militarily than she is.It means seeing that our economy moves forward even faster than it has.It means making more progre in civil rights than we have so that we can be a splendid example for all the world to see democracy in action at its best.

Now, looking at the other parts of the world — South America — talking about our record and the previous one.We had a good neighbor policy, yes.It sounded fine.But let’s look at it.There were eleven dictators when we came into power in 1953 in Latin America.There are only three left.Let’s look at Africa.Twenty new countries in Africa during the course of this Administration.Not one of them selected a Communist government.All of them voted for a free type of government.Does this show that Communism has the bigger pull, or freedom has the bigger pull? Am I trying to indicate that we have no problems in Africa or Latin America or Asia? Of course not.What I am trying to indicate is that the tide of history’s on our side, and that we can keep it on our side, because we’re on the right side.We’re on the side of freedom.We’re on the side of justice against the forces of slavery, against the forces of injustice.

But we aren’t going to move America forward and we aren’t going to be able to lead the world to win this struggle for freedom if we have a permanent inferiority complex about American achievements.Because we are first in the world in space, as I’ve indicated; we are first in science; we are first in education, and we’re going to move even further ahead with the kind of leadership that we can provide in these years ahead.

One other point I would make: what could you do? Senator Kennedy and I are candidates for the presidency of the United States.And in the years to come it will be written that one or the other of us was elected and that he was or was not a great president.What will determine whether Senator Kennedy or I, if I am elected, was a great president? It will not be our ambition that will determine it, because greatne is not something that is written on a campaign poster.It will be determined to the extent that we represent the deepest ideals, the highest feelings and faith of the American people.In other words, the next president, as he leads America and the free world, can be only as great as the American people are great.And so I say in conclusion, keep America’s faith strong.See that the young people of America, particularly, have faith in the ideals of freedom and faith in God, which distinguishes us from the atheistic materialists who oppose us.

尼克松访华演讲 英汉对照





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1960年尼克松肯尼迪辩论 英汉
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