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发布时间:2020-03-03 20:47:55 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Thank you chair thank you delegates, As an important part of developing countries, China considers it crucial to take its significant responsibility of honoring international obligation to make a substantial contribution to the proce of resolving these two regional iues efficiently.These two regional iues are imperative because of their negative impact on the rest of the world

Palestinian-Israeli conflict apparently results from the contradictions between Jewish and Arabian peoples and the accumulation of the hatred during the long term of history, but eentially originates from the contending for the maximum of benefit.And the current thorns are the arrangements of the refugees, the division of the borders as well as the ownership of Jerusalem.Therefore, delegate of China urges all the delegation to lay emphasis on following points: 1.factually permanent implementation of the cease fire on the borders of Israel and Arabian countries, especially the controversial areas like Gaza Strip and West Bank and truly bring bilateral sides back to conference and negotiation 2.urge Israel to truly lift the blockade on Gaza Strip for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the impoverished and starved.3.resume the cooperation relationship between Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organization together working on the eradication of government subversion and militants Frankly speaking, distrust is the main source of continuous conflicts and the breakdown of all the treaties signed up in the past.Thus, the reaurance and the reconstruction of the bilateral trust is the fundamental basis of our negotiation or the whole conference will be unfortunately another meaningle one.

Maritime piracy has been disturbing the normal order of the maritime trade and busine since long time ago.As a consequence of the disability of the government developing countries along the coast, piracy activities become increasingly flagrant and form a kind of scale.International community is supposed to take action efficiently to comprehensively root out the illegal robbery: Therefore, delegate of China urges all the delegation to lay emphasis on following points: 1.focus on the implementation of the united escort strategy, to dispatch fleets and air forces in accordance with the ability of the nations and seriously fulfill the accountability for the patrol at the aigned districts.2.provide sufficient aistance to the governments of coastal countries which are the main source of piracy and suspected bases of terrorism in order to block the growth of the number of piracy and to prevent terrorists from forming a larger scale.Eentially speaking, piracy activities result from the instability of normal lives.Local people are unable to survive without the social insurance and needed income and conditions, so piracy

becomes their only choices.To enable the government to offer the native sufficient occupations and fundamental living conditions is the basic way of eliminating maritime robberies.










