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Where there’s a will,as they say,there’s a way.when I told my best friends,Liz and Chris,about my problem,Liz put me in touch with a local dollmaker who made doll heads,hands and feet of a ceramic that closely resembled the old porcelain ones.From her I commiioned a doll head in the style of three-quarters of a century ago—making sure to specify”big blue eyes that opened and closed,”and hands and feet.from a doll supply house I ordered a long brown wig and a kidskin body,and Meagan and I shopped for fabric,lace and ribbon to duplicate the outfit GG had so lovingly described.Liz volunteered to put the doll together,and as the last days before Christmas raced by,Chris helped me make the doll’s outfit,complete with lacy petticoat.And while Liz,Chris and I searched for doll”boots with real buttons,”Meagan wrote and illustrated the story of the lost doll.

Finally,our creation was finished.To our eyes it was perfect.But,of course,there was no way it could be exactly like the doll GG had loved so much and lost.Would she think it looked anything like it?


One warm and plsasant summer afternoon,I sat on anold blanket under apine tree chatting with mymother.For years,we had been coming to this park for family picnics and gatherings,and my mother and I often sat in this same spot.

In recent years,we usually just talked about life, but sometimes we recalled events from my childhood.Like the time I was thirteen and had my first date,when Mother brought me to this spot under the tree and told me about the facts of life.Or the time a few years later,when my hair turned out pink for my senior prom and she’d held me while I cried.But the most special event that occurred next to this tree was when I told Mother I was getting married.Tears filled her eyes and this time I held her while she cried.She told me she was sad to lose her little girl but happy to see that I had turned into a beautiful young woman.

Over the years,we’d watched the pine trees in this park grow tall and steaight until their needles seemed to match our increasingly close relationship and the deepening love we had for each other.


“No,ma’am,”said the sailor,leaning over and kiing the ancient cheek.”This is my Christmas present to you.”

Straightening up,he came to our table,holding the other flower in front of him.”Sir,”he said to me,”may I have permiion to present this flower to your beautiful daughter?”In one quick motion he gave my wife the flower,wished us a Merry Christmas,and departed.

Everyone had stopped eating.everyone had been watching the sailor.Everyone was silent.A few seconds later,Christmas exploded throughout the restaurant like a bomb.The old flower woman jumped up,waving the twenty-franc note.Hobbling to the middle of the floor she did a lively folk dance and shouted to the piano player,”Joseph,my Christmas present!And you shall have half,so you can have a feast,too.”


Misunderstanding often arises from a lack of communication.Curiously enough,in a modern society where not a few advanced technological means of communication such as the mobile

phone and pager have been developed,people are still confronted with this problem.Investigations show that technological inventions do help facilitate human communication.They also show that while there are more opportunities for personal contact,especially through verbal communication,many people still find their listeners do not listen to them.Clearly,something is wrong with their listening ability.

People may wonder why their listening ability is undesirable when their hearing ability is physically sound.This is a basic mistake we often make.Very often hearing is confused with listening,as they are so closely related.Believing that hearing is a physiological function,which comes to us naturally,we take it for granted that listening does not require much effort.Experts in the field of communications are quick to attack this belief.In their view,listening requires hard work and energy.When people are listening,they think,is not as simple as it might seem.


Let\'s get in touch as soon as we know the results of the test / exam.


The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickne in him.


You\'ve been working all morningin other words, you failed.


She was so ill that she had to leave off work.

10)现在没办法知道结果会怎么样,案子的决定权在法官手里,我们所能做的就是等待。 There is no way to tell what is going to happen.The case is in the hands of the judge, and all we could do is to wait.


We are good friends; however, he kept such an important matter from me, which took me by surprise.


It doesn\'t matter if you can not get full marks for the exam; what matters is not to lose confidence in yourself.


He chatted with me last night and aured me that the disease was not hard to cure and that nobody had ever died of it.


She was determined to overcome all the obstacles in her life with a will of iron.


It turned out that he had already received my money, but did not acknowledge the receipt of it on purpose.This really drove me crazy.


He is a shy and silent boy.Before he went onto the stage to share his experiences, he sat quietly in a corner of the auditorium, gathering his thoughts.

7)他当场承认他要出国留学,因为他相信国外的教育会给他将来的间就工作打开大门。He admitted on the spot that he would go overseas for further study as he believed overseas education would open the door to his future research.


Mary\'s uncle\'s face lit up when he saw his neice had turned into a pretty young lady in just a few years.


Straighten up! Your feet should keep time to the rhythm of the music.


She slipped a note into his hand.He was very unhappy after reading it, as he thought that she was making fun of him.


The thief pleaded for our mercy when he was caught.He said he had stolen the food because his mother was starving to death and there was barely any food left in the house.


They have made a request for more electricity supplies, which we should satisfy in order to release them from the preure they are under.


They made the rounds with the wine bottle; each took a gulp and then they set out for the forest.


My TV set broke down; I have ordered a new one online and the shop is going to have it delivered to the door.


His words made everyone unhappy and stop eating.After a while, they resumed eating, but they all looked as if something was weighing on their minds.

8)像他这么一个一向温文尔雅的人居然如此粗暴的打断我们,我们都无法置信地看着他。We stared at him in disbelief, astonished that someone as gentle as he is could interrupt us so rudely.

1) 我们刚开始一个新的工作,肯定会有很多东西不熟悉。

Whenever we start a new job, there are bound to be a lot of things we may not be familiar with.

2) 这种新药物已经成功地应用在动物身上,但这并不意味着在人类身上也适用。

This new medicine/ drug has succefully been used on animals, but this doesn\'t mean that

it can be applied to humans.

3) 他这次演讲比赛没能赢得第一名主要是因为他缺少信心。

His failure to win the first prize in the speech competition is largely due to his lack of confidence.

4) 对于一般人来说,忧郁症很容易跟压力混淆,因为忧郁症也可以是某些压力的反应。

To the general public, depreion can be easily confused with stre, as it may be a response to some types of stre.

5) 世界粮食的生产将越来越难跟世界人口的日益增长。

It is becoming increasingly difficult for world food production to keep pace with the continuing growth of the world\'s population.

6) 要成功地找到一份工作,需要很多因素一起发挥作用,这些因素包括你的技能,文凭和


To succefully get a job, a lot of factors need to come into play, including your skills, diploma and work experience.

当人们变得很老时,像祖父母或曾父母那样,他们有时不再能够照顾自己。 他们会生病,或者摔倒而折断股骨,或者他们根本都不记得该如何穿睡衣。有时 候虽然有些老人看起来还健康,但是因为他们自己独居,所以觉得很孤单。这时 候全家人要碰个头,商讨一下让他们日渐衰老的家人去养老院居住是否是一个较 好的办法,因为在那里他们可以得到更好的照顾

我回去看我外婆的时候, 她非常高兴地看到我已长成一个健壮的小伙子。我们一起聊天,回忆我小时候的一些事情。谈到一半的时候,外婆突然叹了一口 气说,\"大概以后再也见不到你了。\" 她的话使我震惊得拱起了眉头,不明白她

为什么说出这么令人不安的话来。我们静静地坐了一会,外婆的眼里噙满泪水, 她终于告诉我说,医生诊断出她得了严重的心脏病,已经发作了好几次,也一直 在治疗,但情况一点也没有进展。我怪外婆一直把这坏消息瞒着我,并告诉她一 定会有办法医治的,她却摇头否认。我伸出双臂抱着外婆,多么希望我们能在一 起度过更多的时间。

去年圣诞节前夜,我们的旅途诸多不顺。当我们住进尼斯一家肮脏而昏暗的 旅馆时,我们的心中已无任何圣诞节的感觉而言。我们进入一家看上去很乏味的 饭馆吃饭时,情况一点也没有好转。但是,在这沉闷饭馆中度过的不愉快的夜晚 最后却变成我们所度过的最好的圣诞前夜,这一切都是因为那个充满了圣诞精神 的美国水手。他将我们心中被愤怒和失望压抑的爱和欢乐释放出来,他带给了我 们圣诞节。

回应式聆听的关键是要能够不加论断地聆听,即为理解而听,而不是为达成 一致而听。我们如何可以成为更专心及回应式的听众呢?过程是这样的。坐在说 话人的对面,身体放松,注意力集中。让说话人开始讲述他正经历或想要分享的

情感或具体的想法。对言语或非言语的信息都要注意。当说话人说完四五句话的 时候,打断说话人,说,\"让我看看我有没有听明白你的话。\"然后,用你自己的 话重复你刚才所听到的信息或感受的情感:\"你刚才说...\", \"你的感觉是...\", \"我 说得对吗?\" 如果说话人说不对,则要求说话人澄清一下你没听明白或听错的部 分。当你们两个都明白后,说话人就可以继续说下面的几句话,回应的过程又重 新开始。记住:说话人和听话人的目的都是为了理解,而不是达成一致。










