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The Review of One Man Band

发布时间:2020-03-03 09:10:13 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

The Review of One Man Band

----By Miranda

At the Trevi Fountain, a little girl is about to put a coin into the pool.An artists who plays the accordion and drums uses his own music to attract her.She admires the performer so much that the hand with a gold coin moved to the artist’s pocket slowly.However, at this time, a artist who plays the violin appeared.Both two artists want to get the gold coin, so they launch a fierce competition.The girl cowers in their wild musical cacophony, and in the proce, drops her sole gold coin, which falls down a drain and gets lost in the sewers of the village.The little girl is angry.She then turns the violin and begins to play it like a true virtuoso, prompting a paing pedestrian to drop a large bag of gold coins into her cup.This conte tells us that learning something should be few and well chosen.The real art is not care about how much you can do and also not to fight for money, but in a high level, even if only a person with a violin.People may lose themselves because of the various influence on the way of realizing their beautiful wishes.At this time, people need to use their own true skill and genuine knowledge to win the appreciation of others, so as to achieve good wishes.


The Review of One Man Band
《The Review of One Man Band.doc》