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发布时间:2020-03-01 18:49:06 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


宣布大会开始(everone,please pay attention our fun game is begining ) 开场舞(江南style)let’s welcome our dancers

Cici :good moring ladies and gentlman my dear teacher and my dear students .I amCici.

Alice:I am Alice,

Sunnen:I am Sunnen

Cherry:I an Cherry Cici:we are the spokers of the sport meeting ,First of all, welcome toYilin foreign language school, after a month of careful preparation, we finally unshered usyilin foreign language school of the first fun game meeting.

Sunnen: 首先,欢迎大家来到译林外语学校,经过一个月的精心准备,我们最终迎来了译林外语学校第一次运动会.

Alice:then , we need to thanks to the support and help from our leaders, without you, we can not have this chance to show and practise ourselves.

Cherry: 其次,我们要在这感谢校方领导支持和帮助,没有你们,就没有这次展示以及锻炼自己的机会。

Cici:Of course, we also thank our dear students, because of your

active participation in makes usfun games meeting more exciting and energetic! Thanks to you

Sunnen; 当然了,我们同样也感谢我们亲爱的学生,因为你们的积极参与才使的我们词次趣味运动会更加精彩而富有活力,感谢你们!

Alice: At the same time, we have a good news to tell you that we, Yilin—— the second foreign language school will be grand opening, we hope we yilin people can help more students to create a bigger and better learning platform, so that the students have more chance to exercise themselves, improve themselves, achievement own opportunity!

Cherry: 同时,我们有一个好消息要告诉大家,我们译林外语学校在阳高县第二分校将盛大开业,在这里我们希望我们译林人可以为更多的学生创造一个更大更好的学习的平台,使学生有更多锻炼自己,提升自己,成就自己的机会!”

Sunnen:nowlet me introduce our powerful camp.this is our dream team ,beautiful age,dream season;With infinite imagine to creat dream of mileage .Having adream that will have a succe.An unstoppable is their motivation (梦之队口号)

Cici: 现在我来介绍一下我们此次运动会的强大正营,这是我们的梦之队,美好的年龄,梦幻的季节,用无限的遐想去构造梦想的里程,有梦才会有成功,无可阻挡是他们前进的动力(梦之队口号)

Cherry: this is our knight team.War horn will be sounded, they ready to use the best state tomeetchallenges, they will let enemies under their fighters as a puppet.(The simple ,the spirited,knight stronger.)口号 Alice:这是我们的骑士队 ,战争的号角,即将吹响,他们时刻准备着用最好的状态迎接挑战,让对手成为他们铁骑下的傀儡。(口号:雄纠纠气昂昂 骑士队雄起。)

Cici: this is our magic team 。A team full of strength, it can change your imagination, shining in your world, with the power to tell us what is a miracle,what is king.(魔力队口号)

Sunnen:这是我们的魔力队, 一支充满着力量的队伍,它足以颠覆你的想像,闪耀你的世界,用实力来告诉我们什么是奇迹,什么是王者。(魔力队口号)

Alice:this is our angle teamHaving a hot heart, and high morale, andstrong will, with an angle magic, to show us the perfect team.(天使队的口号)

Cherry:这是我们的天使队 一支拥有着火热的内心,却不失昂扬的斗志,坚强的毅力,用天使般的魔力,展示最完美的团队(天使队的口号)。

Sunnen:this is our sea team,aplough through,no risky team .the seawind is its breath,The wave is its heart,keep going by the rhythm of the waves, until victory.(海之队口号)


Cherry:this is our fly teamenjoy the freedom ,Flying the sky,free is their pursuit of team spirit,A full of youthful vitality and and limitle paion of flying.(飞翔之队口号)

Alice: 这是我们的飞翔之队享受自由,翱翔天空,无拘无束是他们追求的团队精神,一支充满着青春活力,拥有无限激情的飞翔之队.(飞翔之队口号) Cici:at last ,let us welcome our last team .a lovely team,its name is power team, little body .but huge engery ,they will show their best potential to creat a best goal.







CICI:第一项是我们的乒乓球接力赛的获奖者 the third is(),the second is ()the first is()有请各位同学们上台领奖

Cherry/:第二项是心心相印的获奖者the third is(),the second is ()the first is()有请各位同学们上台领奖

Alice:第三项是两人三足的获奖者 the third is(),the second is ()the first is()有请各位同学们上台领奖

Sunnen:第四项是蒙面敲锣的获奖者the third is(),the second is ()the first is()有请各位同学们上台领奖

Cici:第五项是顶气球的获奖者the third is(),the second is ()the first is()有请各位同学们上台领奖

Alice:第六项的拔河比赛的获奖者the third is(),the second is ()the first is()有请各位同学们上台领奖

Sunnen :恭喜获奖的同学,下面是有请yoyo老师要宣布在此次趣味运动会获奖的最佳团体奖和最佳纪律奖的班级,掌声欢迎

Cherry: 恭喜他们,下面这个环节是我认为最激动的时刻,有请rita 老师为我们揭晓这次趣味运动会的四位幸运儿,请大家翘首以盼。有请Rita老师。

运动会闭幕词:cici: thanks Rita and yoyo> Warm congratulations yilin foreign language school ended the interesting games, first of all, congratulations to everyone's achievements,

Alice:hope not winning students make persistent efforts, let’sgive a big applause to them,

Sunnen:thank again tothe organizers and participate in each group, and to bring the fierce competition,

Cherry :let's look forward to the next games.

Together :Thank you all again热烈祝贺译林外语学校本届趣味运动会圆满结束 ,首先恭喜大家取得的成绩,同时也希望没有获奖的同学再接再厉,我们把热烈的掌声送给他们,再次感谢主办方以及参加的每一支团体队伍,以及为大家带来的激烈的赛事,让我们一起来期待下一届运动会的到来。再次感谢大家。

Attitude is everything


Action speaks louder than words










小学 秋季 运动会 过台词

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