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【各类学生】post doctorate 博士后;doctor;博士;master 硕士;graduate student 研究生;undergraduate 本科生;abroad student 留学生;returned student 归国留学生;foreign student 外国留学生;auditor 旁听生(美);commoner 自费生;extern 走读生;intern 实习生;boarder 寄宿生。

【摄影词汇】照片photo 快照snapshot 摄影师photographer 逆光backlighting 亮度luminosity 装胶卷to load 焦点focus 调焦to focus 焦距focal length 景深depth of field 曝光exposure 曝光时间time of exposure 自动曝光automatic exposure 取景to frame 幻灯片slide 【生活中实用的五星级句子】1.After you.你先请。2.I just couldn’t help it.我就是忍不住。3.Don’t take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。4.We’d better be off.我们该走了。5.Let’s face it.面对现实吧。6.Let’s get started.咱们开始干吧。7.I’ve done my best.我已尽力了。

【 ♪ 十首好听又容易学的英文歌曲!】1.《she》2.《I love you》3.《breaking free》4.《god is a girl》5.《I think of you》6.《only love》7.《everytime you ki me》8.《moonlight shadow》9.《as long as you love me》10.《far away from home》

【受欢迎的人格特质】1.当好的倾听者 Be a good listener 2.负责任 Be responsible 3.不道人是非 Never goip 4.愿意帮忙 Be willing to help 5.看起来舒服 Be pleasant to the eye 6.说话有条理 Speak logically 7.不咄咄逼人 Never drive people up the wall 8.替人着想 Stand in others\' shoes 【各种花名】jasmine茉莉; lavender薰衣草;hyacinth风信子;rose玫瑰花;carnation康乃馨;azalea杜鹃花;camellia山茶花;lily百合花;tulip郁金香;sunflower向日葵;syringa(lilac)紫丁香;begonia秋海棠;holly冬青;water lily荷花; magnolia玉兰花;cactus 仙人掌;camellia 山茶花 【动物的趣味表达】1.teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 2.early bird 早起或早到的人 3.cat and dog life 争吵不休的生活 4.cold fish 态度冷淡的人 5.as cunning as a fox 如狐狸般狡猾 6.ants in one\'s pants 坐立不安 7.scapegoat 替罪羔羊


【租房常用词汇】房间类型: single room 单人间 double room 双人间 basement 地下室 lobby 大厅 living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 balcony 阳台 main bedroom 主卧 涉及人物:landlord 房东 tenant 房客 flatmate 合租者 housing agent 房屋中介


【问别人\'\'你懂了吗\'\'地道表达】1)Do you understand/know about that? 2)Understood? 3)You got that/it? 4)Did you get the picture? 5)Is that clear?清楚了吗? 6)You know what I mean? 7)Are you following me?你懂我说的意思吗? 8)You know what I\'m talking about.9)See what I\'m saying? 【从择偶标准学夸赞男士】①Handsome英俊潇洒②Charming魅力四射③A caring listener善于倾听④witty风趣幽默⑤In good shape身强体健⑥Drees with style穿着入时⑦Appreciates finer things品位高雅⑧Full of thoughtful surprises奇思妙想⑨An imaginative,romantic lover想象丰富,浪漫多情 【会议致辞必备语 】on the occasion of 值此之际 ;take this opportunity to 借此机会 ;in the name of 以„名义 ;in the spirit of 本着„精神 ;on the behalf of 代表 ;look back on 回顾过去 ;look into the future 展望未来 ;a complete succe 圆满成功 ;propose a toast 提议祝酒

【酒店预定词汇】room reservation预订房间;check-in 住宿登记; check-out退房; hotel rates房价; advance deposit 定金; standard rate 标准价;lowest price最低价; single room单人间; double room双人间; deluxe suite 豪华套房; Presidential suite 总统套房; room service客房服务

【职场人需要知道的商务礼仪—商务英语口语】Whether you\'re the intern or the bo, learn how to be polite at work with basic office manners.无论你是实习生还是老板,你都需要知道基本的办公室礼仪,知道如何在工作中做到彬彬有礼。

【各种舞】探戈 tango;华尔兹 waltz;狐步舞 foxtrot;桑巴 samba;伦巴 rumba;恰恰舞 cha-cha-cha;斗牛舞 pasodoble;街舞 street dance;爵士舞 jazz;机械舞 popping;迪斯科 disco;芭蕾 ballet;肚皮舞 belly dance;踢踏舞 tap dance。 【篮球那些事】常规赛 regular season季后赛playoffs梦之队Dream Team最有价值球员MVP后卫guard前锋forward中锋center内线队员inside man小前锋small forward大前锋power forward第六人six man新秀rookie选秀draft 【健身英语】俯卧撑:pushup,仰卧起坐:sit-up,引体向上:chin-up、pull-up,慢跑:go jogging,瑜伽:yoga,健美操:aerobics,普拉提:Pilates,动感单车:spinning,搏击操:kick boxing,健身中心:fitne centre健身房:gym 【24节气英文怎么说】立春 Spring begins; 雨水The rains; 惊蛰 Insects awaken; 春分 Vernal Equinox; 清明 Clear and bright; 谷雨 Grain rain; 立夏 Summer begins; 小满 Grain buds; 芒种 Grain in ear; 夏至 Summer solstice; 小暑 Slight heat; 大暑 Great heat.【各种人际关系】buddy哥们儿;colleague同事/同僚;confidante闺蜜/红颜知己(女性);intimate至交;mentor导师/指导者;sworn brother结拜兄弟;superior/bo上司/老板;partner搭档;couple情侣;companion同伴;pen pal笔友;comrade-in-arms战友;fellow-apprentice师兄弟;bosom friend知心朋友

【口语控】1.Nice try.想得美! 2.No grudges.无怨无仇啊。 3.I dare you.我谅你也不敢! 4.It\'s a match.正好吻合。 5.Choice is yours.选择权在你手上。 6.Family above all.家庭至上! 7.You lost your appetite.你胃口不好啊。 8.You keep him honest.别让他耍花招。

【航空常用语】flight number 航班号;gate 登机门;groud agent地面代理人;destination 目的地;departure 出发,离港;concourse 中央大厅;baggage / luggage 李;meeting point 集合点;transatlantic 跨大西洋的;boarding card 登机牌;check-in counter 登机柜台;the seat number 座位号

【实用口语】1.Tomorrow will be a holiday.明天放假。2.Don\'t dream away your time.不要虚度光阴。3.I\'ve got the blues.我很郁闷。4.I\'m short on cash.我缺钱。5.Don\'t let this get you down.不要为此灰心丧气。6.You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。7.Any day will do.哪一天都行。 【上网必备】垃圾邮件spam;屏幕保护screen saver;桌面desktop;黑 客hacker 木马Trojan Horse;病 毒virus;点击率click rate;浏览量/访问量page view;搜索引擎search engine;宽带broad band;带宽bandwidth;服务器server;浏览器browser;域名domain name;安全认证security certificate 【情绪表达-满意】1.That will do.这样就够啦。2.I\'m really happy with it.我对此很满意。3.It\'s just what I needed.这正是我想要的。4.It couldn\'t be better.再好不过了。5.I\'m completely satisfied with your arrangement.对于你的安排我很满意 【“费用”有各种不同的表达法】admiion入场费;charge用于一次性劳务所收取的费用;cost常表示取得货物或劳务所支付的费用;fare旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用;fee职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等;freight运费;postage指邮费;rent租费;tip小费;tuition学费

【五险一金的表达】1.medical insurance(医疗保险);2.endowment insurance(养老保险);3.unemployment insurance(失业保险);4.work-related injury insurance(工伤保险);5.childbirth insurance(生育保险)6.housing accumulation funds(住房公积金)


【各种钱】fund资金;cash现金;buck美金;coin硬币;note纸币;banknote钞票;fare票价;change零钱;commiion佣金;tuition学费;admiion入场费;freight运费;tip小费;pinch pennies精打细算;hand to mouth勉强糊口;make a killing赚大钱;make ends meet靠微薄收入生活 【商务谈判】①Not in the long run.从长远来说并不是这样②Let’s compromise.让我们还是各退一步吧。③The longer we wait, the le likely we will come up with anything.时间拖得越久,我们成功的机会就越少。④We’ll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢。


1、电视选秀 selective TV trials;


3、集 episode;

4、字幕 subtitles;

5、黄金时段 prime-time; 6预告片 trailer;

7、肥皂剧 soap opera;

8、情节 plot ;

9、植入式广告 product placement;

10、旁白 voiceover;

11、镜头 footage;

12、美剧 series;

【薪资相关表达】year-end(annual)bonus年终奖金;perfect attendance bonus全勤奖;performance bonus绩效奖金;allowance津贴;commiion佣金;earnings 所有工作的薪水总和;basic pay(salary)底薪;overtime pay加班薪水;back pay欠发的薪资;pay raise 加薪;pay cut减薪;pay slip(英) 薪

【老外常用的口语】1.You bet.没错。 2.There you go.就这样了。 3.Here you go.干的好。 4.Oh! My God! 喔!我的老天! 5.Oh! Boy! 天啊! 6.Holy cow! 不会吧!(哇赛)! 7.Kind of.是有那么一点,(还好啦!) 8.The thing is, we need to talk.重点是,我们必须谈谈。 9.Duh.废话。










