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北海公园Beihai Park

各位游客,欢迎使用51导游讲解服务,现在我们来到的是北海公园。 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to use 51 Guide Service, now we are arriving at Beihai Park.

一、大门概况 Brief Introduction 北海公园位于北京市的中心,是我园现存最悠久、保存最完整的皇家园林之一,距今已有近千年的历史。







中华民国时期,按《清皇室优待条例》,北海先是成为爱新觉罗溥仪的私家财产,后来1925年起辟作公园,但一直没有对公众开放。 中华人民共和国成立后,中南海成为了中央政府的驻地,北海作为公园开放。1961年,北海及团城被中华人民共和国国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一。1969年至1979年,北海公园以“保护中南海安全”为由关闭,禁止游人入内。1979年后北海公园重新对公众开放。1996年,北海被列入联合国教育科学文化组织世界文化遗产后备名录

Beihai Park located in central Beijing, is one of the oldest and most authentically preserved imperial gardens in China.It has a history of 1000 years.Beihai has existed throughout the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.Most of the buildings now standing were constructed during Emperor Qianlong\'s regin in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.).Beihai was opened to the public in 1925 and in 1961 it was one of the first important cultural sites placed under protection by the State Council.The park occupies an area of 69 hectares including a 39-hectare lake.In the garden, pavilions and towers nestle amid the beautiful scenery of lakes and hills, gra and trees.Carrying on the traditions of garden landscaping of ancient China, Beihai is a gem of garden art.Beihai Park in Beijing is the oldest and best-preserved imperial garden in China.It was first built during the Liao Dynasty(916-1125),then rebuilt an renovated continually during the Jin(1115-1234), Yuan(1279-1368),Ming(1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties that followed, eventually becoming the beautifully landscaped garden we see today.As a pleasure ground for the imperial family within the Imperial City, Beihai Park was built to be more magnificent than any imperial complex outside the capital, including the Summer Resort at Chengde in Hebei Province and the Diaoyutai Imperial Lodge on the outskirts of Beijing. Beihai Park is located in the center of Beijing and covers 71.4 hectares(176.5 acres),half of which are taken up by water.It borders on Zhongnanhai (Central and South Seas Lake) in the south, Shichahai(Ten Temples Lake)in the north and the wooded Jingshan (Coal Hill) in the east.The majestic former Imperial Palace lies to the southeast. The design of Beihai Park was inspired by a legendary story.Rising above the East Sea, the story goes, were the three fairyland mountains of Penlai, Yingzhou and Fangzhang.There the immortals lived and a miraculous potion for longevity could be found.Both the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (reigned 211-210 B.C.) and Emperor Wu Di or the Han Dynasty (reigned 140-87 B.C.) sent people over the sea to the mountains in quest of the potion, but all of them failed to find it.Longing for immortality, Emperor Wu Di ordered a large lake, which he named Taiye Lake, dug behind Jianzhang Palace in the capital city of Chang\'an (now Xi\'an in Shaanxi Province).Three islets modeled after the fairyland mountains were created in the lake from the earth that was dug out. Later Chinese emperors also built lakes with islets near their palaces in hopes of living forever like the immortals.Emperor Yang Di of the Sui Dynasty (reigned 605-617) had a lake with a circumference of more than a dozen li (1 li equals 547 yards)built near his palace in Luoyang, Henan Province.The three islets in the lake towered more than 30 meters(about 100 feet) high.Emperors of the Tang(618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties all did the same.Beihai, built as an imperial garden behind the Forbidden City, also followed this pattern.Qiongdao(Jade Islet),Tuancheng (Round City) and Xishan (Rhinoceros Hill) Terrace in Beihai were shaped to resemble the three fairyland mountains; and all the towers, pavilions, odd-shaped rocks and caves, as well as the dew collector held by a bronze immortal located on Qiongdao, were created out of imaginations fired by the legendary story. When the Liao Dynasty, founded by the Qidans from the North, made Yanjing(now Beijing) its secondary capital in 938, there was a vast lake on the northeastern outskirts of the city called the \"Golden Sea.\"It was the lake that was to become Beihai Lake.In the middle of the lake was a small island called Yaoxu(Precious Islet),and the structure built on it was referred to as the Yaoxu Imperial Lodge.The Daning (Immense Tranquility)Palace complex was built around the lake by Emperor Shi Zong between 1163 and 1179, after the Jin Dynasty drove out the Liao and took over Beijing.Before construction of his palace began, the emperor hung a picture of Gengyue Garden, the Song Dynasty imperial garden in Bianliang (on Kaifeng in Henan province),on a screen and ordered that his garden be landscaped exactly the same way.He change the name of Yaoxu to Qiongdao and decorated it with Taihu rocks removed from complex were Guanghan Palace, or the Palace in the Moon, and Yaoguang (Divine Light) Tower.Beihai remained an imperial pleasure ground for more than 800 years.In Jin Dynasty, it was noted for two of its scenic spots--Qiongdao Chunyin(Spring shade on Jade Islet)and Taiye Qiufeng(Autumn Wind over Taiye Lake).These were two of eight well-known scenic places in old Beijing. It was after the Jin Dynasty that Beihai became the nucleus of Beijing.During the reign of Kublai Khan, the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Qiongdao was expanded three times, renamed Wanshou(Longevity)Hill and made the center of Dadu(Great Capital, a name given to Beijing by the Mongols ).The khan visited the garden often, and he held ceremonies on festive occasions, received foreign diplomats and iued decrees from there.He also renovated Guanghan Palace and made it the scene of grand receptions and banquets. During the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, pleasure-seeking Emperor Shun Di, looking for a way to amuse himself, had a 40-meter-long(about 130 feet) dragon boat constructed and made 16 palace maids dreed like legendary fairies sing and dance for him while the boat sailed around the lake.During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Beihan was further expanded and renovated .New additions made by the Ming Dynasty included the Daxitian (Great Western skies) Workshop for printing Buddhist sutras, Taishou (Longevity) Hall, Five-Dragon Pavilion and the Nine-Dragon Screen on the northern shore of the lake; Yingcui(Viewing Foliage) Hall on the western shore; and Yinhe (Concentrated Harmony) Hall and Cangzhou (Lakeside) Dock on the garden very often.Xuan Zong also wrote prose extolling the magnificence of Guanghan Palace. In 1965,during the reign of Shun Zhi, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, a while tower in Tibetan style was erected on the site of Guanghan Palace, which had collapsed some 80 years earlier.






(Whilt Dagoba).Large-scale construction at beihai took place from 1741 to 1771 during the reign of Emperor Qian Long in the Qing period.The structures added included Canfang(Altar for Worshipping the Lady of Silk worms),Chanfu (Happinese conferring) Temple, Xiaoxitian (Little Western Skies) Temple and Jingxin (Quiet Heart)Studio on the northern shore of the lake; and Haopujian (Haopu Creek) and Huafangzhai (Studio of the Painted Boat)gardens on the eastern shore, Beihai today looks much the same as it did under the rule of Emperor Qian Long.In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, Empre Dowager Ci Xi appropriated money intended for the building of a Chinese navy to renovate the imperial pleasure grounds at railway to connect the areas, beginning at Baoguang(Precious Light) Gate outside Huairen(Benevolence) Hall in Nanhai, paing through Zhonghai, turning east at Xiaoxiatin on the western bank of the lake in Beihai, and finally stopping at Jingxin Studio.When she lived in Yiluan(Ceremonial Phoenix) Hall at zhonghai in 1888,the empre dowager often took the train to Jingxin Studio to have her dinner, accompanied by Emperor Guang Xu and his empre and concubines.

1、西天梵境Buddhist paradise “西天梵境”又称大西天,东临静心斋,西与大圆境智宝殿相依,南与琼华岛贯成一线,是北海最负盛名的景区之一,原为明代西天禅林喇嘛庙,清代于 1759 年重修,并向西扩展,1980 年经重新修缮后对外开放。

\"Buddhist paradise\", also named western paradise, is one of the most famous scenic spot in the Beihai Park, it is a former lama temple in the Ming dynasty, rebuilt in 1759 of the Qing dynasty and extended to the west, after renovated in 1980 it opened to the public.Heavenly King Hall It links all the major structures in Jingxinzhai Garden, meandering amidst hills and towers.A major feature of Chinese gardening is to build corridors between main halls and side halls.Broken wall corridor is typical kind of building in ancient china.

2,九龙壁 Nine-Dragon Screen 九龙壁是原大圆镜智宝殿前的影壁,建于乾隆二十一年(1756年)。壁高5.96米,厚1.60米,长25.52米。壁的两面用七色琉璃砖瓦镶砌而成。两面各有九条彩色大蟠龙,飞腾戏珠于波涛云际之中。壁上共有大小蟠龙635条。中国现存三座古代九龙壁,唯独这座是双面壁,它是中国琉璃建筑艺术的精华。 Nine-Dragon Screen Made in 1756, the screen wall is five meters high, 1.2 meters thick and 27 meters long.The whole thing is built with glazed color bricks.On either side of it there are nine dragons, also made of glazed bricks, each playing with a pearl amidst waves of clouds.3,五龙亭 Five-Dragon Pavilions 建于明万历三十年(1602 年),中为龙泽亭,左为涌瑞亭、浮翠亭;右为澄祥亭、滋香亭。原是帝后及近臣垂钓赏月的地方,乾隆二十八年( 1763 年)将木制弧形桥改为石桥,并安装了青石栏板、柱子。光绪二十六年( 1900 年)栏板、柱子遭八国联军破坏, 1974年照原样予以恢复。现存五龙亭成为人们眺望白塔及北海湖光山色,休息的地方。

They were built in 1602 during the Ming Dynasty.The five waterborne pavilions are connected by zigzagging bridges.The one in the middles is the largest.In old days the emperor and his consorts came here to fish, watching fireworks or admire the moon.

4, 铁影壁 Iron Shadow Screen Wall 元代遗物,壁呈棕褐色,由中性火山块砾岩雕成,因颜色和质地似铁,故称铁影壁。壁高1.89米,长3.56米,两面浅雕云纹异兽,刻工古朴浑厚。铁影壁原是建德门(今德胜门)外一古庙前的照壁。明初,此壁被移到德胜门内护国德胜庵前(今铁影壁胡同内),1947年壁身移至北海公园。1986年北海公园从铁影壁胡同找回基座,从而使这一文物得以复原。

An object from the Yuan Dynasty(1206-1368),the screen wall is 1.89 meters high and 3.5 meters long.The brown color gives it the appearance of iron.But it is lapillus.The two sides have carvings of animals and patterns in relief.

5,白塔 White Dagoba 北海白塔—藏传喇嘛塔于清初顺治八年(1651年),是一座藏式喇嘛塔。据建塔石碑记载,当时\"有西域喇嘛者,欲以佛教阴赞皇猷,请立塔寺,寿国佑民\",得到皇帝的恩准,于是修建了永安寺和白塔。塔高35.9米,上圆下方,富有变化,为须弥山座式,塔顶设有宝盖、宝顶,并装饰有日、月及火焰花纹,以表示\"佛法\"象日、月那样光芒四射,永照大地。塔身正面有一盾形小龛,内塑红底黄字的藏文图案,含\"吉祥如意\"之意。此龛俗称\"眼光门\",又叫\"时轮金刚门\"。1679年该塔被地震所毁,次年重建。1976年唐山地震波及北京,塔顶被损。在修复时,发现塔内主心木中藏有一个二寸见方的金漆盒子,盒盖绘有太极图,盒内藏有两\"舍利\",证明此塔是一座舍利塔。该塔矗立于琼岛顶峰,绿荫拥簇,巍峨壮美,引人瞩目。这种象征神权的建筑物--白塔和永安寺,设置于琼岛的重要位置上,具有主宰全园的气势,以体现\"君权神授\"的封建思想,此是帝王宫苑的一大特色。

It was originally built in 1651 but collapsed in an earthquake.The lamaist pagoda on Qiong Islet is 35.9 meters high with a tiered base and a body like an upturned bowl.Sutras in Tibetan language are carved inside the front gate.Fourteen copper bells hang from its copper canopy on top of which is a gilt ball like a flame.The central line of Qiong Islet goes from the front gate of Yong\'an Temple up to the White Dagoba.

6,琼岛春荫碑Spring Shade Over Qiong islet “琼岛春阴”为金代“燕京八景”之一。琼岛春阴碑立于清乾隆十六年(公元1751年)。碑身正面携刻乾隆皇帝御书“琼岛春阴”四个大字。其它三面分别携刻乾隆题诗。 Spring Shade Over Qiong islet It was one of the Eight Grand Sights during the Jin Dynasty(1115-1234) in Beijing.Emperor Qian Long of the Qing Dynasty inscribed the words of \"Spring Shade Over Qiong Islet\" on a stone tablet. 7,永安寺Hall of the Wheel of Law 永安寺位于北海白塔山南麓。始建于清顺治八年(1651)。是清世祖福临应西藏喇嘛恼木汗之请修建的 ,名白塔寺。初建时,寺内建筑有正觉殿、普安殿、圣果殿、宗镜殿、转角房、顺山房和白塔。正觉殿为山门。乾隆六年(1741年)改称永安寺。乾隆八年(1743年)对永安寺进行扩建,增设法轮殿、钟楼、鼓楼和永安寺山门。乾隆十六年(1751年),又增建善因殿及引胜、涤霭二亭。乾隆三十九年(1774年),于二亭内各立一碑,分别携刻乾隆御制《白塔山总记》和《白塔山四面记》。

永安寺是一组反映宗教文化的建筑群落。它依山就势而建,高低错落,色彩斑斓,蔚为壮观。由于历史的原因,寺内的部分建筑已毁,造像亦已无存。1993年,公园管理处对永安寺进行了全面修葺,并复原了寺内原有的全部建筑和造像,使永安寺再现了当年的风彩。 Hall of the Wheel of Law The first hall in Yong\'an Temple has five sections and a single layer of eaves.A small pagoda of glazed tiles rises atop the roof in the middle.Flanking the pagoda there are relief carvings of dragons playing with a pearl, also made of glazed tiles. The third major hall in Yong\'an Temple houses the statue of Tsongkhapa, founder of the Yellow Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.Flanking him are two favorite disciples: Panchen Lama and Dalai Lama. The second hall in Yong\'an Temple keeps the smiling and plump Maitreya Buddha.He was a Vagrant Buddhist monk in the early 10th century with the secular name of Qici.He collected alms with a cloth bag and donated what he got to the temples.

8,团城 Circular City 团城原是太液池中的一个小岛,金代为大宁宫一部分。元代称圆坻,亦称瀛洲。岛四周砌圆形城墙。城高4.6米,面积约4500平方米。周长276米。团城上殿宇堂皇别致,松柏苍劲挺拔。1961年国务院将团城列为全国重点文物保护单位。 Circular City The small citadel stands on a raised terrace of 4.6 meters high surrounded by a circular wall of 276 meters.It occupies an area of 4,553 square meters.There are many ancient trees in it.


Dear visitors, this is the end of the presentation of scenic spot, thank you for using 51 Guide Service, welcome to use it again next time.










