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(文/太平洋英语) There have always been people who have believed that lifelong learning is a worthwhile proce.Increasingly, scientific research is proving them correct and technology is making it easier – adults can now take online college claes for the rest of their lives.Even better, this proce makes the neighboring areas of the brain more resilient as well.This means that learning can make what you already know stronger, too.


So, without further ado, here are ten more reasons why you should always keep learning:


1.Fight Boredom.Most people feel bored when they aren’t challenged and boredom is the number one cause of bad decisions.If you’re constantly learning new things, you’ll be le prone to disinterest.And, in today’s world, there are plenty of opportunities to enrich yourself.


2.Keep Your Brain Healthy.A 2010 study out of the University of California at Irvine revealed that learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level.Just like you need to exercise your body’s muscles and cardiovascular system, you need to exercise your brain to keep it in tip-top shape.让大脑保持健康。2010年在加州大学欧文分校的一项研究表明,学习会让你的大脑以较高的水平进行运转。就像你需要锻炼身体肌肉和心血管系统一样,你也需要锻炼大脑,让它处于最佳状态。

Grow Your Career.If you learn new work-related skills, you’ll be more likely to get a promotion or raise.And, with the rise of online education, you can even enroll in certified programs that allow you to learn and improve your career during your off-hours.

发展事业。 如果你学习和工作相关的新技能,你更有可能加薪升职。并且,随着在线教育的崛起,你甚至可以参加认证课程,在下班时间里学习和改善自己的职业生涯。

4.Model Positive Behavior for Your Kids.If you expect your children to focus in school and take the time to learn their leons, you should exhibit the same commitment to self-improvement in your daily life.


5.Fight Alzheimer’s Disease.According to Science Daily, continued learning can slow the physical proce of Alzheimer’s Disease.You’ll be healthier longer.

对抗老年痴呆症。据《每日科学》报道,持续学习会减慢老年痴呆症的物理变化过程。 这样你身体健康的时间会更长一些。

6.Keep in Touch With The World.If you don’t know the latest fashion, comedy and news trends, you’ll sound outdated and out-of-touch.By trying new things and learning new ideas, you’ll better be able to relate to those around you.


7.Find and Increase Your Pleasure.Learning isn’t necearily a chore.If you’re interested in a hobby such as cooking, learning new recipes and cooking procees can be enjoyable.It can make you appreciate your hobby even more.发现并增加自己的乐趣。 学习并不一定是枯燥的。如果你有某种爱好比如厨艺,学学新的菜谱和做菜的流程,会让你感觉很愉快。这样你会更加喜欢自己的爱好。

8.Look at the World with Fresh Eyes.Scientists believe that much of what is called creativity is simply the ability to apply skills learned in one setting to problems in another setting.If you’re always learning, this means that when you face a familiar problem, you may be able to come at it with an unorthodox solution, based on your new knowledge.

用崭新的视角来观察世界。 科学家们相信,所谓创造性,绝大程度上是把一种环境中学到的技能应用到了另外一种环境中。如果你总在学习,那么当你遇到一个熟悉的问题时,你很可能利用所学的新知识,使用一种非传统的解决方案来解决问题。

9.Keep Abreast of Technology.Computers become obsolete within a few years.If you’re not constantly learning new things about technology, you’re falling behind.Which means you’ll mi out on social, busine and technological opportunities, simply because you didn’t keep up.


10.All the Greats are Doing It.Think of anyone, in any field, who is truly brilliant at what they do.They got where they are through constant self-improvement.Truly talented people are constantly learning and implementing new skills.It’s worth joining them in this paion.


There are plenty of fabulous reasons to keep learning new things, regardle of what they are.Forming new connections in your brain doesn’t have to be difficult,

though it would certainly be a good idea to make sure it was some of the time.Now, it’s time to go out there and just do it.


This is Colonel Meow, the furious-looking feline whose sourpu expreion has made him an internet sensation.

He has won tens of thousands of admirers – but just how many of them would be brave enough to try to stroke him is anyone’s gue.

This is Colonel Meow, the furious-looking feline whose sourpu expreion has made him an internet sensation.

Despite a rather fluffy coat, the black smoke Persian cat appears anything but cuddly thanks to his evil stare and a face that seems to be fixed in a permanent frown.

Fans have nicknamed him the ‘world’s angriest cat’.But while even the most ardent cat lover might be reluctant to get too close to Colonel Meow in real life, his Facebook page has attracted more than 32,000 ‘likes’ from around the world.

Photographs uploaded to the page by his owner Anne Marie Avey carry tongue-in-cheek captions on Colonel Meow’s behalf, such as: ‘Behold, minions! I have learned to touch my nose with my tongue.Now honour my great achievement?.?.?.? with treaties and scotch.’

Another reads: ‘I WANT to plan my world domination?.?.?.?but I also wanna get drunk and eat treaties.’

Colonel Meow had a troubled upbringing – the profile discloses that he was found by the roadside after being abandoned in Seattle, Washington.

But his softer side is also revealed in a brief biography where he admits that he has a fear of birds which might hamper his ambitions to conquer the world.

Mi Avey, who adopted Colonel Meow from an animal shelter, now hopes to take him to Los Angeles and make him a star.

And perhaps world domination isn’t too far away, as Facebook users have posted dozens of pictures of themselves pulling sour expreions in tribute to the grumpy pet.它有成千上万的粉丝,但有多少人敢抚摸它就不一定了。


















