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发布时间:2020-03-03 23:09:08 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


中国画线条简单,却能给人无限的想象空间。所以中国人看画,事实上是在心里作画。也许有人会问:中国的山水画家为什么老是喜欢画一些简陋的茅屋,而不画高大的建筑呢?这是因为中国人觉得物质生活是短暂的,人的精神却是永恒的。一个人如果领悟了天地的辽阔,山水的悠久,他还能不察觉自己的渺小,而变得谦虚吗? Chinese painting Chinese painting, though simple in line, inspires a boundle realm of imagination.Therefore, when Chinese people appreciate their painting, they are actually painting in their mind.Some may ask; why do Chinese landscape painters love to paint shabby thatched cottages instead of high buildings? It is because they sense the brevity of physical life but he eternity of the human spirit.If one realizes the boundlene of heaven and earth and the eternity of mountains and rivers, how could he be otherwise than humble at his own insignificance in the universe?


中国人说话总是很客气,这并不是中国人虚伪,而是他们处世做人的一种基本态度---谦虚。 中国人一向不愿跟别人争胜,但是自己一定要怀抱着高远的理想。如果他说没有什么菜,意思是说:不管拿出多少好吃的东西来款待你,仍然不能充分表示对你的尊重和欢迎。在中国的山水画里往往没有人,就是有,也画得很小,只能算点缀。这是中国人对大自然的谦虚, 他把自己融入风景里,而不让风景来陪衬自己。

Chinese people are always humble in conversation.It is not out of deceit, but out of their basic principle for conducting themselves in life: modesty.They don’t often want to contend for the upper hand, but certainly hold lofty ambition within themselves.By saying there is not much to eat, they mean that no matter how much delicious food may be served, it is never enough to show their respect for and hospitability towards you.In Chinese paintings, there are no humans, or if there are any they are merely tiny adornments.It is out of their humility in nature, by blending humans into the scenery instead of highlighting humans above it.


烧菜是一种艺术。所以会烧菜的人一定懂得配菜,知道哪几种菜配在一起,颜色鲜明可爱;哪一种菜要加些什么作料才好吃;烧哪些菜要用快火,哪些菜要用慢火。这些事都不简单,全靠厨子的技术和经验;做久了,自然熟能生巧。中国人讲究生活的艺术,如果只有很少的菜钱,他们就特别用些心思,把简单的食物做得味道鲜美,增加生活的乐趣。 Cooking Cooking can be considered an art.A good chef know how to complement material in the dish.He has the knowledge of what ingredients make lovely bright colors, of the spices that make a dish delicious, and of the need for quick heat or slow fire to make dishes taste right.All this is not simple, but is dependent on the technique and experience of the chef, who can only reach perfection after long practice.Chinese people stre the art of living.If they have but little to expend on food, they will pay special attention to the cooking, making delicious dishes out of the simple ingredients that add spice to life.


中华文明历来注重自强不息,不断革故鼎新。“天行健,君子以自强不息。”这是中国的一句千年传世格言。中华民族之所以能在5000多年的历史进程中发展壮大,历经挫折而不屈,屡遭坎坷而不馁,靠的就是这样一种发疯图强、坚忍不拔与时俱进的精神。中国人民在克服前进道路上的各种困难中表现出来的顽强毅力,正是这种自强不息精神的生动写照。 Self-improvement Chinese civilization has always emphasized unremitting self-improvement, reform and innovation.An ancient Chinese motto has been handed down to generations for thousands of years, i.e., “As Heaven keeps vigorous through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.” Throughout its 5,000-year history, it is thanks to perseverance, determination, stamina and innovation that the Chinese nation has grown after surviving numerous setbacks and adversity.Chinese people’s great tenacity in overcoming difficulties on the road to progre gives expreion to their traditional spirit of unremitting self-improvement..

大学英语四级 翻译练习









