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发布时间:2020-03-01 16:11:15 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



Should tourists take photos with animals?

Koalas in wildlife parks can’t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them.The government is thinking to make the tourists’ behavior illegal to protect theanimals.

When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photographs with animals.Reasons for this are varied.Some contrast with taking photos with animals are funny in contrast with taking photos with other persons.Others may think that it will be interesting experience to take photos with animals during their visit.

If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel annoyed when peoplekeep photographing with me.My life would be greatly influenced and I won’tfeel happy at all! I think I should have some private space and time to relax myself.

However, I don’t agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals.Tourist pay for tickets to visit the wildlife park and it will be a pity for them if they can’t have a photo with an animal.Perhaps wildlife park can set some special time, during this time, tourists can take photos with animals.It can both satisfy tourists and protect the animas.


Give Animals Freedom

The koalas had to be awoken as the tourists wanted to take photos with them, though the koalas felt sleepy or fell asleep.This could be an annoying thing, so the Auie government took some measures to ban such practice.

People like to take photos with animals when visiting the zoos.I really canunderstand the visitors because everyone has curiosity about the animals, maybe

for humans’ failure of reaching animals or just for the animals’ cutene.However, I don’t admire what the visitors had done.Animals in the zoos originally belong to the amazing nature world, on no account should they be trapped in cages or only be offered such limited zones.If I were those animals, I might get extremely furious as I was being awoken every time when trying to have a sound sleep.I might not bear being disturbed by others whenever I was attempting to get a good rest.

Since animals are humans’ good friend on the earth, we human beings should be in their shoes to think for them and respect their freedom.In my opinion, Idon’t think it is a right thing to allow visitors take pictures with animals.Animals need their space, freedom and what’s more, they totally have the right of resting as they are members of the earth.Why not respect animals? Give animals enough freedom and do not try to take photos with them all the time, but rather try to comfort tem with soft touching if being allowed!


The author takes Jackie as an example to tell us that koalas don’t like to be awoken because tourists want to hug and make photos with koalas.Besides, the native government tries to make the pratice illegal.

Naturally, people love to make photos with animals.On the one hand, they’d like to use the photos as something that reminds them of the travel.It can be understood that everyone wants to remember the happy moments.On the other hand, some people are crazy about lovely animals, such as deer, sheep and so on.As a result, they can’t help hugging with the animals and taking photos with them.

However, if I were those animals, I would not feel excited when tourists do that.Maybe my first reaction is to walk round and round, which helps me to avoi

d being touched.Then I would shout at them loudly to frighten them away.At last, I could pretend to be sleeping, which is a good way to let them down.

Since I would feel annoyed if I were an animal, the real animals must be upset.So I strongly oppose to be the behavior that tourists take photos with animals.They are our friends and share the same world with us.We ought to treat them better and respect them more.


Koalas at wildlife park in Australia are annoyed because they constantly awoken from their deep sleep to be photographed by visitors so that the park can profit from this.However, the government now is acting to make this pratice illegal, which is quite understandable.

People tend to take photos with animals in order to satisfy their curiosity to have a better look at the animals.Moreover, keeping photos of interesting animals will surely leave one a beautiful memory.

If I were an animals which is being photographed, I would certainly become scared when being touched by so many strangers.What’s more, I would lose my freedom to do whatever I want and that would drive me annoyed and crazy! Finally, facing all sorts of cameras would exhaust me or even make me weaker.

I believe that taking photos with animals should be banned.For one thing, animals are lives, too and they have the rights to live in freedom and happine.No one is to take their rights away.For another, taking photos with animals may lead to some unexpected dangers.Terrible virus carried by animals can spread to visitors and visitors may also be hurt by animals’ attacks.

All in all, taking photos with animals should be banned considering the good of both animals and visitors.







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