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⑴ 2007年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】


假设你就是信中的Ari,父亲在你出生的时候写了这封信。今天是父亲50岁生日,你准备以写信的方式,祝贺他的生日。以下是信的内容 (信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):



(1) 读信后的感受;

(2) 以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受;

(3) 表达你对父亲的感激和祝福。 【参考范文结尾段】

Today is your 50th birthday, on which I thank you again from the bottom of my heart and wish you could enjoy a long and happy life.

⑵ 2008年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】


学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“大学校园生活”讨论。听完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Preparing Myself for College Life”,内容要点包括:



(1) 对中学生活的感受;

(2) 理想的大学生活;

(3) 中学生活和大学生活的差别,以及你打算如何适应。 【考场满分作文结尾段】

However, life is like a box of chocolate and you’ll never know what’s inside until you open it.Of course the college life will greatly differ from my previous life in high school.But I’m an active girl and I’ll do what Mike taught us to——take part in various activities.I’m sure I’ll make a lot of new friends and with them; I will be absolutely able to adjust the differences in a short time!

⑶ 2009年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】



2.然后以约120个词就”该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”进行议论, 内容包括: (1)人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照; (2)假如你处在那些动物的处境, 你会有什么反应; (3)你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。 【参考范文结尾段】

I think it neceary to ban tourists’ taking pictures with animals,making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends,so as to establish harmonious relations with animals

⑷ 2010年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】 【写作内容】

1 2 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。


(1) 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法:

(2) 你的父母(或其他亲人)是如何鼓励你学习的; (3) 你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习。


I think, as a student myself, school and parents should educate their kids through teaching them to study for their family and their motherland rather than giving them money to letr them paively do something.Only by building up some noble and long-range aims can they study on their own initiative.【优秀范文结尾段2】

To get kids motivated to learn,I think we should not treat every child in the same way.To some students,oral praise is eential.Don’t save the praise for only the top score.If poible,involve other adults in praising them.However,this method may not work well with other kids.May what is more important to them is to watch a movie or go on a trip together with their parents.It just depends.

⑸ 2011年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】 【写作内容】

1 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。

2 以约120字讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历,内容包括: (1) 时间、地点和起因;

(2) 想家给学习和生活带来的影响; (3) 你(或你的朋友)是如何应付的。


As days went on, I slowly adapted to the new environment.I actively communicated with my new students and made friends with them.My homesick gradually disappeared.



⑴ 通过一件事说明一个道理,或有某一种意义。中心: 对他人。 第1篇

与他人交往---真实朋友 就“如何才能够交往真实朋友的道理”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点()(),该部分的字数大约120词; (1)、叙述你是怎样与别人交往成为真实朋友的一次真实的或者虚构的经历; (2)、根据这篇文章所阐述的交友道理,结合现实生活,谈谈你的看法

In my opinion, a true friend is someone who is always ready to help you and stay by your side.A true friend cannot be found out on purpose.He appears by chance.When a true friend appears, we must learn to value him; because it’s really hard to find a true friend.In the real world, I treat my friend by heart; because I believe how you treat others, others will use the same way to get along with you.I always try my best to help my friends, in return, they also lend me a hand when I am in troubles.A true friend will never leave you.Instead, he will give you his advice, his guide, his kindne, his warmth at any time you need.第2篇 与他人相处,不看外表看心灵,看行动。

From that I know that only after you have get along with a person for a while can you know how he is.I believe that nothing is impoible, so we should not judge a person from his look but from his behavior.

⑵ 通过一件事说明一个道理,或有某一种意义。中心; 对本人。 第1篇

1、以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写你认识到耐心的重要性的一次经历,并包括以下要点: 1)、叙述你认识到耐心的重要性的一次真实或虚构的经历;2)你是如何认识到耐心的重要性的;3)耐心对你的生活、学习有什么影响。

…… Only then did I realize the importance of patience.Being impatient will waste all the efforts that we have made.Patience also plays an important part in our study and work.With it we can achieve greater.

Now, whenever I am to lose my patience, I’ll think of the experience of waiting for a bus.


写一篇记叙文,描写你或你的朋友因骄傲而落后的一次经历,并包含以下内容: a)谈谈这则故事给人们的启示;

b)叙述你或你的朋友因骄傲而落后的一次真实或虚构的经历; c)谈谈这次经历对你或你的朋友思想态度的影响。

From then on, I became modest and never proud again.第3篇

写一篇记叙文,描写你第一次同外国人说英语的一次经历。要求包括以下要点()():a) 叙述你的一次真实或虚构的经历;b) 详细描述这次经历的时间、地点、经过和结果;c) 经历此事后的感想。 So when we speak with a foreigner, we should be confident about ourselves.Forget all about the grammar and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. 第4篇


2.然后以约120词 “就如何战胜病痛” 为主题发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点()(): 1)你是如何面对病痛的; 2)你身边的人是如何面对病痛的; 3)你认为什么才是战胜病痛的最好方法.

In my opinion, we should face pain bravely instead of escaping from it.Besides, we can find a good way to share your feelings with others, and then we’ll overcome it.2、议论文发表观点、看法的: 第1篇




I think it is high time we got rid of these bad habits.Let’s make every effort to do what we can to help hold the 2008 Olympics and the 2010 Asian Games succefully.Remember: small things make a difference.第2篇.1.以约120个词就“低碳生活”进行议论,内容包括:

(1)低碳生活所包含的出行方式,节能等方面,并具体举例说明; (2)简要谈低碳生活的好处。

In a word, leading a low-carbon lifestyle helps cut the carbon-dioxide emiions, save energy and give us a healthy life.(127 words) 第3篇.就“节约资源,爱我校园 Save Resources and Love Our School”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:

(1)您认为校园里存在哪些浪费的现象; (2)谈谈这些浪费现象带来的危害;

(3)建设“国际生态学校”,您该做点什么?(2010深圳一模) To build ours an Eco-school, first I must educate my schoolmates to be more environmentally friendly.Then we can start from doing some small things, such as collecting used items for recycling, turning off the lights, saving water.Always remember our responsibilities, and “Every little counts!” 第4篇

就“外出旅游采用乘飞机的方式好吗”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右。 外出旅游的交通方式有多种;



……When it comes to me, I would prefer traveling in a luxury train, reading a novel, tasting milk tea, and enjoying a relaxing morning on a train.


当写作内容出现:“该不该,是还是,是否”等命题时,你的看法、态度、观点最好站在一边来写,此时结尾段亦总结一方观点。 第1篇.就“家长该不该首先注重孩子的个性(品格)发展”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下的内容要点,该部分的词数大约120词。1)表明你对短文观点的态度。 2)以你自己的经历简述你的父母是怎么做怎么想的。3)你对父母的做法有何看法?为什么? As they say, education begins at one’s earlier age in the family, and I’m really lucky to have such wonderful parents.With no extra parental preure, I’m always in a relaxed condition for study.So if parents really love their children they should begin by helping them build good personal qualities.第2篇



①In a word, a friend in need is a friend indeed.May all of us treasure our friends.②To sum up, it’s good to have real friends, but we also have something that is for us to do alone.第3篇.你在某英文报刊看到这则新闻后,准备就学生违纪的处理方式写一篇简评给该报编辑部,题目是“Should Schools Suspend Troublesome Students?”。 内容要点包括:





If I was in charge of a school I would also be very strict with students who don’t behave well.I would first warn and then suspend students who interrupt the learning of others or disrespect their teachers.But I would also visit the poor student’s home and discu the problem with his parents so we could find a solution.




Don\'t be afraid of life.Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.


失败是生活中的常事。人们对失败的态度各不相同。就我而言,我认为失败… As for me, I don\'t think failure is a bad thing.Failure can never discourage me but only enrich my experience and steel my will.With this positive attitude in mind, I will try hard in anything I\'m determined to accomplish and attain succe in the end.


Make Our Cities Green(广州亚运与环保)

Making our cities greener requires nationwide efforts.People in every field should not only know about the importance of keeping the quality of urban environment, but also take common action to plant more trees and flowers so as to improve our living conditions.






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