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奥巴马和上海市委书记讲话 中英对照

发布时间:2020-03-01 19:37:10 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

12:58分奥巴马进入对话现场。 [杨玉良] 让我们大家用热烈的掌声欢迎美国总统奥巴马先生。

Please give a warm applause to welcome President Barack Obama.各位来宾、各位朋友,同学们,请让我自我介绍一下,我是杨玉良,复旦大学的校长。

Distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, 今天请来美利坚合众国总统奥巴马先生,他在对中国进行国事访问的同时,然后来到这里,而且我非常高兴作为主持人在这里主持这场对话。因为奥巴马总统非常重视中美两国人民之间的沟通和交流,尤其是重视我们年轻人之间的沟通和交流。

Today, we are privileged to have invited Mr.Barack Obama, President of the United States of America.He is paying a state visit to China.And he is here today and I am pleased to moderate this dialouge because 1 President Obama attaches great importance to exchanges between the two peoples, especially exchanges between young people of our two countries.所以今天我们将用一种非常轻松、自由的方式,而且我相信也将会是愉快的方式,奥巴马总统将和大家一起讨论中美关系问题,包括这个世界未来的问题,包括我们人类所面临的所有的可能的全球性的挑战性问题。

So today, we will use a very free and pleasant way to have this dialouge with President Obama.And we will discu China-US relations, the future of this world, all poible global challenges facing mankind.今天在现场的所有的同事们,包括同学们,都可以现场提问题。但同时我们也会选择问题,从网络上选择一些问题,选择由网民向奥巴马提问的问题。用英文来提问题,也可以用英文回答。

Today our colleagues and students can raise questions.and at the same time, wo have a student panel.So ladies and gentlemen, you can use English or Chinese to anser questions or ask questions.如果你觉得你的英文还不足够表达你深邃的思想的话,你可以用中文来提问和中文来回答问题。我想在正式开始之前,我们美利坚合众国的驻华大使洪博培先生有几句话要讲。

If you think your English is not good enough, you can use Chinese to ask questions or answer questions, whatever.Before we start officially, we will ask Ambaador Huntsman to say a few words.[洪博培] 杨校长,谢谢你。可是我们在上海我应该说家乡话,侬好。这么多人,今天就是太好了,美中关系30年,这个时刻从双边地区和全球的角度来说,最适合进行一场好的交谈,这种活动在中国没有先例。

What a great turnout, this timing could not be better for a good, open conversation bilatrally, regionaly, openly, globaly on this 30th anniversary year of US-China relations.And this is the first ever townhall meeting format by a US president in China.我们两国元首具体说过,他们要推动一个积极建设性全面的关系。

Our two presidents have specificaly stated that they want to promote a positive, constuctive and comprehensive relationship.如果没有美中两国的合作,几乎没有哪个全球性挑战能得到解决。

2 Today virtually no glbal challenge can be solved without the United States and China cooperating.我们面临的挑战是把我们的交往提到一个更高的水平,有谁比我们更高层领导人更适合参加我们的讨论呢?

The challenge before us is to find ways to move our engagement to a higher, stategic plane, so who better to join us than the person who can speak at the very highest level of government on the subjects.那我很荣幸向你们介绍第44任美国总统巴拉克奥巴马。

Ladies and gentlemen, I give the 44th president of United States, President Barack Obama.











奥巴马和上海市委书记讲话  中英对照
《奥巴马和上海市委书记讲话 中英对照.doc》