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Yours’ input in the cla is crucial.All ears and eyes are indeed focused on you.Your own English needs to be clearly articulated.It is appropriate to slow your speech for students’ easier comprehension.But don’t slow it so much that it loses its naturalne.And remember, you don’t need to talk any louder to beginners than to advanced students.What matters is that your articulation is clear.Use simple vocabulary and structures that are at or just slightly beyond their level.作为老师,你在课堂上的输入是至关重要的。学生把所有注意力全部放在了你的身上。你自己的英语需要明确的表达。适当地放慢你的演讲来让学生理解吸收,但不要太慢以至于表达不自然。请记住,你谈论时,对着初学者的声音不必大于已学者。重要的是你的过渡衔接要清晰。要使用与他们水平相当或略高于他们水平的简单词汇和语法结构。


At present, there are many people who play the role of teacher in life.But they don’t want to choose teaching as their careers.Teaching is a long-lasting goal although it is a hard job.In my opinion, being a qualified teacher needs these factors: a paion for teaching, concern for students, patience as well as tolerance and profound knowledge.

Firstly, a paion for teaching is the most important requirement of being a good teacher.Paion helps the teacher pa on knowledge to students.Sometimes the teacher need to be like an actor in order to help students understand better.Secondly, concern for students also plays an important part in being a qualified teacher.Every student is different and poees his own particular good qualities.We’ll help them to improve their study and help them with any problem they may meet.Thirdly, different students have different comprehension to the teacher’s question.Some students are not quick at responding.Thus, giving hints or explanations is a better way than scorn or sarcasm.A qualified teacher should have a large capacity of patience and tolerance.Last but not least, knowledge.Thus, lifelong learning is the basic requirement for a teacher.

Maybe we are a very nice person, but it doesn’t mean we can be a nice teacher.I will make every effort to do better.

作文:题意:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents for teaching, and others are not.However, it is sometimes claimed that anyone can be a good teacher.

What Makes a Good Teacher?

It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents for teaching, and others are not.However, it is sometimes claimed that anyone can be a good teacher.In my opinion, acquired abilities are as important as talents.These two elements are like a pair of wings for a teacher, the absent of either will have an effect on being a good teacher.Therefor, a lot of personality traits are required to be a good teacher.First, a good teacher must have neceary knowledge to teach his subject.He should be capable of answering his students’ questions.Second, a good teacher must have the sense of justice.He should have recourse to common sense to give all his students an egalitarian treatment no matter what their color, thoughts or religious beliefs are.In conclusion, some people are born with talents for teaching, which make them be good teachers much easier.But others without talents for teaching also have greater chances by proper training and hard-working.

The importance of the Life-Long Learning to a Teacher As the saying goes, “It’s never too old to learn,” it is especially important to teachers because they shoulder the responsibility to transfer the new knowledge to students.In my opinion, the significance of a teacher with the life-long learning is far-reaching.Firstly, a teacher who insists on life-long learning is usually knowledgeable and intelligent.She or he can interact with students more smoothly.Secondly, a teacher who loves learning can set a good example to students.Thirdly, the importance of the life-long learning to a teacher is obvious, because we are now in an information age and everything may be changed or deserted.For example, nowadays, it’s a better way for a teacher to use ma media instead of writing the knowledge points on blackboard, which can make the knowledge more vivid and interesting.So modern teachers must be familiar with PPT, Word and Excel etc.In a word, it’s eential and important for teachers to learn in their lifetime.








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