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飞屋环游记 双语剧本

Movietown News presents Spotlight on Adventure.影城新闻正在播出"冒险聚焦"节目 What you are now witneing您正在收看的

is footage never before seen by civilized humanity,是文明社会未曾见过的影像 a lost world in South America.南美洲的一处失落之地

Lurking in the shadow of majestic Paradise Falls,它潜藏在壮丽的天堂瀑布之下 it sports plants and animals undiscovered by science.孕育着尚未被发现的动植物 Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit?敢问有谁能踏入这偏远之地呢? Why, our subject today, Charles Muntz!所以 有请今天的主角 Charles Muntz! The beloved explorer lands his dirigible the Spirit of Adventure,我们敬爱的探险家 他的"冒险精神"号飞船 in New Hampshire this week,于本州降落在新罕布什尔州

completing a yearlong expedition to the lost world.为期一年的远征得以完成

This lighter-than-air craft was designed by Muntz himself这艘轻便的飞艇由Muntz本人设计

and is longer than 22 prohibition paddy wagons placed end to end.它比22辆头尾相连的警车还长 And here comes the adventurer now.现在有请我们的冒险家出场 Never apart from his faithful dogs,他与他忠心的狗群形影不离

Muntz conceived the craft for canine comfort.飞船的设计甚至考虑到了犬类的舒适 It's a veritable floating palace in the sky,它是座名副其实的空中宫殿

complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker.设有犬类梳洗和自动跑步设备

And, Jiminy Cricket do the locals consider Muntz the bee's knees.当地人视Muntz为精神偶像 And how!并将他奉为上宾

Adventure is out there!去冒险吧! But what has Muntz brought back this time?Muntz这次又带回了什么? Gentlemen, I give you the monster of Paradise Falls!先生们 我带来了天堂瀑布的怪兽! And, golly, what a swell monster this is!天呐 好一只庞然大物! But what's this? Scientists cry foul.但这是什么动物呢? 科学家们连声称假

The National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the skeleton.国家冒险协会指责Muntz伪造骨架 No!不! The organization strips Muntz of his membership.Muntz被协会除名

Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls蒙受巨大羞辱的Muntz 发誓将重返天堂瀑布 and promises to capture the beast alive!并承诺将活捉此怪兽! I promise to capture the beast alive,我保证会活捉怪兽

and I will not come back until I do!如果做不到就永世不回来! And so, the explorer's off to clear his name.就这样 我们的冒险家 再次启程以正其名 Bon voyage, Charles Muntz,一路顺风 Charles Muntz and good luck capturing the monster of Paradise Falls!祝你活捉天堂瀑布的怪兽!

Here's Charles MuntzCharles Muntz在此

piloting his famous dirigible.驾着他著名的飞艇 He hurdles Pikes Peak.他跨越了派克峰

He hurdles the Grand Canyon.他跨越了大峡谷 He hurdles Mount Everest.他跨越了珠穆朗玛峰

He goes around Mount Everest.他绕过了珠穆朗玛峰 Is there nothing he cannot do?还有他做不到的事吗? Yes, as Muntz himself says, "Adventure is..."正如Muntz本人所说 "去..." Adventure is out there! Look out!去冒险吧! 小心了! Mount Rushmore! Hard to starboard!是总统山! 没法打右舷! Must get Spirit of Adventure over Mount Rushmore!必须让"冒险精神"号穿越总统山! Hold together, old girl.How're my dogs doing?挺住 伙计 我的狗狗如何了? All engines, ahead full! Let's take her up to 26,000 feet.启动所有引擎! 让我们升到26000英尺的高空吧 Rudders 18 degrees towards the south.向南转舵18度

It's a beautiful day.Winds out of the east at 10 knots.天气真好 东风10节

Visibility unlimited.Enter the weather in the logbook.能见度...极高 将天气情况记录进航行日志

Oh! There's something down there.I will bring it back for science.哦! 下方有发现 我要把它带回去研究

1 Aw! It's a puppy! Ah! No time! A storm! Lightning.Hail.喔! 是只小狗! 啊 没时间了! 有风暴! 闪电冰雹同时来袭!Ahhh!- 你在这干嘛?Really?那也是我死了之后! I'll take that as a maybe.我当您说了"也许" Order now, you get the camera,现在订购 你能获得相机

you get the printer, 4x optical zoom,还能获得打印机 4倍光学变焦 Schneider lens, photo printer, SD card.施耐德镜头 照片打印 SD卡 "Good afternoon.My name is Ruell."下午好 我叫Ruell" "And I am a Wilderne Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweat Lodge 12."我是一名野外探险队员 隶属于54团第12小分队" "Are you in need of any aistance today, sir?""您今天需要什么帮助吗 先生?" No.不用

- I could help you cro the street.不用No.- 我能帮您过院子I could help you cro your porch.不用 Well, I gotta help you cro something.我总得帮你过点什么 No.I'm doing fine.不用 我好得很

"Good afternoon.My name is Ruell.""下午好 我的名字是Ruell""And I am a Wilderne Explorer- 孩子 孩子"in Tribe 54, Sweat Lodge 12."我...别说了 孩子!Thank you,- "今天您需要什么...""...today, sir?"- 但我不需要任何帮助!But skip to the end!- "下午好"You ever heard of a snipe?沙锥鸟? Bird.Beady eyes.一种鸟 眼睛小而圆

Every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas.每晚都溜进我的院子偷吃杜鹃花

I'm elderly and infirm.I can't catch it.If only someone could help me.我又老又弱 抓不到它 如果有人能帮我就好了

- Me, me! I'll do it!不知你行吗 它可狡猾着呢 You'd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in.你得拍三次手才能引它出来 I'll find him, Mr.Fredricksen!我会找到的 Fredricksen先生! I think its burrow is two blocks down.If you go past...向下过两条街就是它的洞了 如果你向下走...Two blocks down.Got it! Snipe.过两条街 知道了 沙锥鸟 Here, snipey, snipey.过来吧 小鸟儿 小鸟儿

Bring it back here when you find it.找到了记得带到这里来 Snipe!沙锥鸟!

3 Okay, keep her coming.Keep coming.好了 再向前 向前 And stop.Stop.Stop!停 停 停! Why...Hey! Hey, you!怎么 嘿! 嘿! 你! What do you...What do you think you're doing?你在干什么呢?Don't touch that!- 很抱歉 先生Hey.Sir, I...- 离我的邮箱远点!This makes it go right.不要动...Knock it off!- 这样就转左了哇哦!

4 Well, that's not gonna work.这办法恐怕不行

I know that cloud.It's a cumulonimbus.我认识那云 是积雨云 Did you know that您知道吗

the cumulonimbus forms当暖气流升到冷气流上面

when warm air rises over cool air?就会形成积雨云了? Stayed up all night blowing up balloons...for what?整晚充气球为了什么啊? ...and that's how we get lightning.所以就形成了闪电

- That's nice, kid.Fredricksen先生? There's a storm coming.It's starting to get scary.暴风雨要来了 越来越吓人了

We're gonna get blown to bits! We're in big trouble...我们要被吹散了! 我们有大麻烦了!Look.- 你在那儿干嘛呢?GP...What?我爸给我的

It shows exactly where we are on the planet.它能指示我们目前的所在地 With this baby, we'll never be lost!有了这宝贝 我们永远不会迷路! Oops.哎呀

We'll get you down, find a bus stop,放你下去 坐公车回家吧

you just tell the man you wanna go back to your mother.你就说要回去找妈妈

Sure, but I don't think they have buses in Paradise Falls.当然 但我觉得天堂瀑布没公车吧 There.That ought to do it.好了 这样就行了

Here, I'll give you some change for bus fare.我再给你些零钱坐车 No, I'll just use my city bus pa.不用了 我可以用公交卡

Whoa.That's gonna be like a billion transfers喔 那得转个无数站 to get back to my house.才能到我家了

Mr.Fredricksen, how much longer?Friedrcksen先生 要多久着陆啊? Well, we're up pretty high.Could take hours to get down.我们升得挺高的 要花个几小时着落吧 That thing was...building or something.那是楼房之类的吧 What was that, Mr.Fredricksen?那是什么 Fredricksen先生? We can't be close to the ground yet.我们应该还没到地吧

Wait! Wait, no, don't! Don't, don't!等等! 等等 不 不要! 不要 不要! Wait, wait.Wait!等等 等等!Whoa! Whoa!- Ruell 坚持住Walk back.Walk back.好的 Come on.Come on.加油 加油

Where...Where are we?我们...在哪儿呢? This doesn't look like the city or the jungle, Mr.Fredricksen.这里不像是城市或丛林 Fredricksen先生 Don't worry, Ellie.I got it.别担心 Ellie 我抓住了 There it is.瞧那儿

Ellie, it's so beautiful.Ellie 真是太漂亮了 We made it.我们成功了

We made it! Ruell! We could float right over there! Climb up.Climb up!成功了! Ruell 我们能飞到那儿! 快爬上

5 去 爬上去! You mean, aist you?你是说 帮助您?Okay.I'll climb up.- 是的 是的 随便啦Watch it!抱歉

Now, when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up!等你上去了 再把我吊上去! Got it?知道了吗? You on the porch yet?你到门廊了吗? What? That's it?什么? 就这样了? I came all this way just to get stuck at the wrong end of this rock pile?我好不容易到了这儿 结果被困在这堆石头上了? Great.好极了

Hey, if I could aist you over there, would you sign off on my badge?嘿 如果我帮您过去 你能来签发我的徽章吗?We could walk your house to the falls.- 你在说什么?Walk it?是啊! 我们已经稳住它了 We could walk it right over there.Like a parade balloon.可以像拖气球一样拖着走

Now, we're gonna walk to the falls quickly and quietly现在我们就快速而安静地 拖着房子去瀑布吧Uh-huh.- 不要饶舌音乐或闪电舞Sand....we're not getting to the falls.- 沙子Oh! Did you?- 我发现沙锥鸟了!Are they tall?它们是不是很高?They do, indeed!- 是不是五颜六色的?Do they like chocolate?噢 是啊...巧克力?It's a snipe!- 噢! 那是什么东西?But you said snipes eat your...Whoa!嘿 Go on! Get out of here! Go on!嘿! 快滚开! 嘿! Whoa!噢! Whoa!噢! Careful, Ruell!当心 Ruell! Hey, look, Mr.Fredricksen.It likes me.Whoa!嘿 看啊 Fredricksen先生 它喜欢我 喔!No, stop! That tickles.- RuellKevin?我刚给它取的名字 Beat it! Vamoose! Scram! Hey! That's mine!走开! 听到没! 快走! 嘿! 那是我的! Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here!走! 走! 快滚开! Go on! Beat it!快! 快走吧! Can we keep him? Please?我能留下它吗? 求求你了? I'll get the food for him.I'll walk him.I'll change his newspapers.我来喂它 陪它散步 我会打理它的麻烦事的 No.不

"An Explorer is a friend to all, be it plants or fish or tiny mole."无论树木鱼儿或鼹鼠 都是探险家的好朋友Yeah, it does.- 狗屁不通Hey, look.Kevin.什么? Get down! You're not allowed up there!给我下来! 不准上去! You come down here right now!你马上给我下来! Sheesh!老天! Can you believe this, Ellie?你能相信吗 Ellie? Ellie?Ellie? Hey, Ellie! Could I keep the bird?嘿 Ellie! 我能养这只鸟吗? Uh-huh.Uh-huh.唔 唔

She said for you to let me.她要我跟你说可以

But I told him no.I told you no!但是我跟他说不行 我跟你说了不行! N-O.不 行

I see you back there.我看到你了

Go on! Get out of here! Shoo! Go annoy someone else for a while.快走! 回你该去的地方! 去烦烦别人饶了我们吧 Hey, are you okay over there?嘿 那边的人 你们还好吗? Uh...Hello?恩 你好? Oh!噢! Hello, sir! Thank goodne.你好 先生! 谢天谢地

It's nice to know someone else is up here.能在这儿碰到人真是太好了

7 I can smell you.我能闻到你们

What? You can smell us?什么? 你能闻到我们? I can smell you.我能闻到你们 Hey.嗨

You were talking to a rock.你在跟石头说话

Hey, that one looks like a turtle.嘿 那块看起来像只海龟

Look at that one! That one looks like a dog.快看那块! 像只狗What?- 真的是只狗狗!Whoa!这是谁家的狗? Sit, boy.Hey, look, he's trained.Shake.坐下 乖狗狗 快看 他受过训练 握手 Uh-huh.哦

- Speak.嗨 你好

Did that dog just say "Hi, there"?这狗刚刚是不是说 "嗨 你好"? Oh, yes.恩 是的

My name is Dug.I have just met you, and I love you.我叫Dug 我对你一见钟情

My master made me this collar.He is a good and smart master,我主人给我做了这个项圈 他人很好也很聪明 and he made me this collar so that I may talk.Squirrel!他给我装了项圈 我就能说话了 有松鼠 My master is good and smart.我主人人好又聪明 It's not poible.不可能

Oh, it is, because my master is smart.噢 当然可能 因为我主人很聪明

- Cool! What do these do, boy?嘿 你能不能...I use that collar...我用这个项圈......to talk with.I would be happy if you stopped....跟别人交流 请你住手吧

Ruell, don't touch that! It could be radioactive or something!Ruell 不要碰那东西! 可能有辐射啥的! I am a great tracker.我是个追踪高手

My pack sent me on a special miion all by myself.我的同伴派我来独立执行 一项特殊的任务 Have you seen a bird?你们见过一只鸟吗? I want to find one, and I've been on the scent.我的任务就是来找它 我追踪气味到了这里 I am a great tracker.Did I mention that?我是个追踪高手 我之前向你们提过吗? Hey, that is the bird.嘿 就是这只鸟

I have never seen one up close, but this is the bird.我从未这么近距离看过 但没错就是它了 May I take your bird back to camp as my prisoner?我能把你的鸟作为俘虏 押回营地吗? Yes, yes, take it.And on the way, learn how to bark like a real dog.好 好 带走吧 路上顺便学学 真正的狗是怎么叫的 I can bark.我会狗叫

And here's howling.还有嚎叫

Can we keep him? Please, please, please!我们能留下它吗? 求你了 求你了 求求你了!But it's a talking dog!- 不行Gotta go.嘿 Dug 你在和谁说话呢?What's Dug doing?- 不 等等 等等!I am jumping on you now, bird.- 嘿! 放开它Go get it!噢 太好了! 噢 太好了! I will get it and then bring it back!我会捡回来的! Quick, Ruell.Give me some chocolate.快点 Ruell 给我些巧克力Just give it to me!- 为什么?No.好吧 秘密是...I never actually built a tent before.There, I said it.我其实从来没搭过帐篷 好了 我说出来了 You've been camping before, haven't you?你以前不是野营过吗? Well, never outside.是的 但是从未在野外

Well, why didn't you ask your dad how to build a tent?那你为什么不向你爸爸 讨教讨教怎么搭帐篷? I don't think he wants to talk about this stuff.我想他不会跟我聊这些的

Well, why don't you try him sometime.Maybe he'll surprise you.你不问怎么能知道 也许他比你想得更在行噢 Well, he's away a lot.I don't see him much.他总是出差 我不常见到他 He's gotta be home sometime.他总有回家的时候吧

Well, I call, but Phyllis told me I bug him too much.我会打电话给他 但Phyllis说 我这样太打搅他了 Phyllis? You call your own mother by her first name?Phyllis? 你就这样直呼妈妈的名字 Phyllis isn't my mom.Phyllis不是我妈妈 Oh.噢

But he promised he'd come to my Explorer ceremony但是他保证会来参加 我的探险家授奖仪式 to pin on my Aisting the Elderly badge.亲自把助老奖章给我戴上

So, he can show me about tents then, right?到时他就能教我搭帐篷了 对吧? Hey, why don't you get some sleep?你要不要睡一会? Don't wanna wake up the traveling flea circus.我可不想吵醒这些 逃亡的马戏团成员 Mr.Fredricksen?Fredricksen先生? Dug says he wants to take Kevin prisoner.Dug说他要抓Kevin做俘虏 We have to protect him.我们得保护它

Can Kevin go with us?Kevin能跟我们一起走吗? All right, he can come.好吧 它可以

Promise you won't leave him?保证你不会丢下它?Cro your heart?- 好的Where is it?嗯 明天

Come back tomorrow, and then I will again have the bird.Yes.明天再来 到时那只鸟就又是我的了 You lost it! Why do I not have a surprised feeling?你追丢了! 为什么我都不感到吃惊? Well, at least you now have led us to the small mailman至少你让我们找到了这个小男孩 and the one who smells of prunes.还有那个闻起来像李子的人

Master will be most pleased we have found them我们找到他们 主人定会高兴的 and will ask of them many questions.Come!还会问他们很多问题 走吧! Wait.We're not going with you! We're going to the falls!等一下 我们才不跟你们走呢! 我们要去瀑布! Get away from me!滚开! Get down!让开

Stay!停下! You came here in that?你坐那玩意儿来的? Uh, yeah.哦 没错

In a house? A floating house?一座房子? 一座飞屋? That is the darnedest thing I've ever seen.这是我见过的最荒谬的事 You're not after my bird, are you?你们不是来抓我的鸟的吧? But if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar,但如果你要借点糖之类的 I'd be happy to oblige.我很乐意效劳

Well, this is all a misunderstanding.好了 这都是个误会 My dogs made a mistake.我的狗狗们弄错了

Wait.Are you Charles Muntz?等一下 你是Charles Muntz? Yeah, well, yes.是的 我就是

THE Charles Muntz?那个Chares Muntz? "Adventure is out there!""去冒险吧!" It's really him! That's Charles Muntz!真的是他! 那是Chares Muntz!Him!- 真的? 谁是Chares Muntz?Yes! Yes! That's him!我是Carl Fredrcksen My wife and I, we were your biggest fans.我和我妻子都是你的铁杆粉丝 Oh, well.You're a man of good taste.噢 品味不错

Now, you must be tired.Hungry?好了 你们肯定累了 饿吗? Uh-huh.恩

Now, attention, everyone!好了 听着 各位! These people are no longer intruders! They are our guests.这些人不再是入侵者! 他们是我们的座上宾 Follow me.I like you temporarily.跟我来 我挺喜欢你 You do smell like prunes.你闻起来确实像李子 Whoa!哇! I will not bite you.我不会咬你

11 The small mailman smells like chocolate.那小邮差闻上去像巧克力 I'm sorry about the dogs.我为狗狗的行径道歉

- Hope they weren't too rough on you.我们没有 Go ahead and moor your airship right next to mine.把你的飞屋栓在我的旁边吧

We're not actually going inside the Spirit of Adventure itself?我们真的要进入"冒险精神"号? Oh...噢...Would you like to?你愿意吗? Would I?荣幸至极

Wait up, Mr.Muntz.稍等一下 Muntz先生

Jiminy Cricket.我的天呐

- Not you.我们拿Dug怎么办? He has lost the bird.Put him in the Cone of Shame.他跟丢了大鸟 给他戴耻辱罩 I do not like the Cone of Shame.我不喜欢耻辱罩

Well, most of the collection is housed in the world's top museums,大部分的藏品都被 世界一流的博物馆收藏了 New York, Munich, London.Of course, I kept the best for myself.纽约 慕尼黑 伦敦 当然 我把最好的留给自己 Did you ever! Will you look at that?你居然有这么多! 瞧瞧啊! Oh, yes, the Arsinoitherium.那是重脚兽

Beast charged while I was brushing my teeth.我刷牙的时候 那个野兽来攻击我 Used my shaving kit to bring him down.我用剃须刀把它制服了 Oh, yeah.Well, surprise me.噢 真是吃惊

Only way to get it out of Ethiopia at the time那时候 能把它从埃塞俄比亚 带出来的唯一方法 was to have it declared as dental equipment.就是谎称它是牙科器具

Oh, my gosh! The giant Somalian leopard tortoise!老天! 索马里巨型豹龟! Oh, you recognize it.I'm impreed.你认出来了 真是佩服 That's an interesting story there.那可是段有趣的经历 Excellent choice.选得好

I found it on safari with Roosevelt.是我和罗斯福探险的时候找到的

He and I fell into a habit of playing gin rummy in the evenings,我们养成了晚上玩纸牌的习惯 and did he cheat!他居然作弊! Oh, he was horrible.哦 他可真烂! Master, dinner is ready.主人 晚餐准备好了 Oh, dear.Broken translator.哦 翻译器坏了

It's that loose wire again.There you go, big fella.电线又松了 好了 伙计 Thank you, Master.谢谢 主人

I liked his other voice.我喜欢它刚才的声音

Well, dinner is served.Right this way.晚餐好了 这边请

So, how are things stateside, huh?美国现在咋样了啊? Almost tempted to go back a few times,好几次都想回去了 but I have unfinished work here.但我在这里还有未完成的工作 Please.I hope you're hungry,但愿你们都饿了

because Epsilon is the finest chef I've ever had.因为老五是我最好的厨师 Oh, Epsilon, you've done it again!老五 你又做了这道菜! Yes!好耶! Hey! Hey!嘿嘿! Oh, my Ellie would've loved all this.哦 Ellie肯定会喜欢这些的

You know, it's because of you she had this dream因为你 她才有了这个梦想 to come down here and live by Paradise Falls.来到这里 住在天堂瀑布边上 I'm honored.And now you've made it.真是荣幸 现在你做到了

You're sure we're not a bother? I'd hate to impose.不会打扰你吧? 我不喜欢麻烦人

No, no.It's a pleasure to have guests, a real treat.不不 有客人来真好 这才算是个宴请嘛Treat!- 宴请 哪有宴请!I want a treat! I want a treat!嘿! I shouldn't have used that word.我真不应该用那个词 Having guests is a delight.有朋自远方来 不亦乐乎

More often I get thieves come to steal what's rightfully mine.经常有小偷来偷我东西 No!不! They called me a fraud, those...他们说我是骗子

But once I bring back this creature, my name will be cleared.但只要我把这东西带回去 我就能为自己正名了 Beautiful, isn't it? 漂亮吧? I've spent a lifetime tracking it.我花了一生来找它

Sometimes years go by between sightings.有时候 追着追着 几年就过去了

I've tried to smoke it out of that deathly labyrinth where it lives.我试过用烟把它从窝里熏出来 You can't go in after it.但之后人也就进不去了 Once in, there's no way out.一旦进去 就出不来了 I've lost so many dogs.好多狗都死了

And here they come, these bandits, and think the bird is theirs to take.可现在那些恶棍又跑来 说什么那只鸟是他们的

But they soon find that this mountain is a very dangerous place.很快他们就会发现 这座山可是非常危险的 Hey, that looks like Kevin.嘿 那个好像KevinYeah, that's my new giant bird pet.- Kevin?She likes chocolate.巧克力? Yeah.I gave her some of my chocolate.She goes gaga for it.我把自己的巧克力给她吃 它超爱吃的 But it ran off.It's gone now.可是它跑了 已经不见了

You know, Carl, these people who pa through here,Carl 那些路过这里的人 they all tell pretty good stories.总是会说些好听的故事 A surveyor making a map.一个测绘员绘制了一张地图

A botanist cataloguing plants.一个植物学家将各种植物分类

An old man taking his house to Paradise Falls.一个老头乘着自己的屋子 来到天堂瀑布

I mean, that's the best one yet.I can't wait to hear how it ends.这可是最动听的一个了 我都等不及要听它的结局了 Well, it's been a wonderful evening, but we better be going.真是个愉快的夜晚 但是我们必须得走了 Oh, you're not leaving.你们不能走

We don't want to take advantage of your hospitality.我们不想利用你的热情好客

- Come on, Ruell.可我们还没吃甜点呢 The boy's right.You haven't had deert.孩子说得对 你们还没吃甜点

Epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee.老五做的樱桃派可好吃了 Oh, you really must stay.I insist.我坚决要求你们留下来 We have so much more to talk about.我们还有好多要说呢 Kevin?Kevin? It's here.它在这儿 Get them!抓住他们!

- Hurry!我已经快了! Ahhh! They're coming!啊! 他们来了! Master, over here.主人 来这边

Go toward the light, Master!向着光走 主人! Ruell!Ruell! Get back!滚回去! Go on, Master! I will stop the dogs!快走 主人! 我去拦住那些狗 Stop, you dogs.你们这些狗 都给我停下 Whoa!哇!

Help!救命!Help!救命! Caw, caw! Raar! Caw, caw! Raar!嘎 嘎 啊! 嘎 嘎 啊!

13 Give me your hand!把手给我! Hang on to Kevin!抓紧Kevin! Kevin.Kevin Oh, no, no, no.Kevin.Stay down.不不不 Kevin 别动

She's hurt real bad.Can't we help her get home?她伤得很重 我们能不能帮她回家? All right, but we gotta hurry.好吧 但我们得快点 You lost them?你们跟丢了他们? No, it was Dug.不 是Dug干的

Yeah.He's with them.He helped them escape!是的 它跟他们是一伙的 它帮他们逃跑! Wait.等等

Wait a minute.Dug.等一下 Dug See anything?看到什么了? No.My pack is not following us.Boy, they are dumb.没看见 那群笨狗没来追我们 This is crazy.真是疯了

I finally meet my childhood hero, and he's trying to kill us.What a joke!我终于见到了童年时代的偶像 可他却要杀了我们 真是可笑至极! Hey, I know a joke.嘿 我知道一个笑话

A squirrel walks up to a tree and says,一个松鼠爬到树上说

"I forgot to store acorns for winter and now I am dead.""我忘了储存橡栗过冬 现在我死了" Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.哈!真逗 因为那松鼠真的死了 Careful, Ruell.小心 Ruell You okay, Kevin?你还好吗 Kevin? You know what, Mr.Fredricksen?Fredricksen先生 你知道吗? The wilderne isn't quite what I expected.野外跟我想的不太一样 Yeah? How so?是吗? 为什么? It's kind of wild.太荒芜了

I mean, it's not how they made it sound in my book.我是说 跟我在书上见到的不一样 Get used to that, kid.慢慢习惯吧 孩子

My dad made it sound so easy.我爸说得可简单了 He's really good at camping他真的很擅长露营

and how to make fire from rocks and stuff.还会用石头取火

He used to come to all my Sweat Lodge meetings.以前每次帐篷大会 他都会来

And afterwards, we'd go get ice cream at Fentons.之后我们就去Fentons吃冰激凌 I always get chocolate and he gets butter brickle.我总是点巧克力的 他点黄油脆饼 Then we sit on this one curb right outside,然后我们就坐在路边

and I'll count all the blue cars and he counts all the red ones,我数所有蓝色的车子 他数红色的 and whoever gets the most wins.谁数的最多就赢了 I like that curb.我喜欢那条路

That might sound boring,也许听着很无聊

but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.但无聊的事却是我最难忘的 Look! There it is!看! 在那边! Hey, kid.Hold on, Ruell.Stand still.嘿 孩子 慢点 Ruell 站着别动

Look at that bird go.Wait up, you overgrown chicken.瞧那鸟跑得多快 等等 你这只长过头的大母鸡 That's it.Go, Kevin! Go find your babies!去吧 Kevin 去找你的宝宝吧! Run, Kevin! Run!跑啊 Kevin 快跑! Oh, no!哦 不! Ruell, give me your knife!Ruell 把你的刀给我! Get away from my bird!放开我的鸟! No!不! No! 不! Careful.We'll want her in good shape for my return.小心点 我要把它完好无损地带回去 Let her go! Stop!放开它! 住手! Kevin!Kevin!

14 You gave away Kevin.你把Kevin放走了 You just gave her away.你把她放走了

This is none of my concern.I didn't ask for any of this!我才不管这些 我可没想到会这样! Master, it's alright.主人 没事的 I am not your master!我不是你主人! And if you hadn't have shown up, none of this would've happened!如果你没出现 这一切就不会发生 Bad dog! Bad dog!恶狗! 恶狗! Now, whether you aist me or not,现在 不管你要不要帮我

I am going to Paradise Falls if it kills me.只要我没死 我就要去天堂瀑布 Here.I don't want this anymore.我不想要这些徽章了 Ruell?Ruell?Ruell! Ruell!I'm gonna help Kevin, even if you won't!我要去帮Kevin 你不去我也要去! No, Ruell! No!不要啊 Ruell 不! Huh?啊? Ruell?Ruell? Dug!Dug! I was hiding under your porch because I love you.Can I stay?我藏在你的门廊下 我喜欢你 我能留下吗? Can you stay? Well, you're my dog, aren't you?你能不能留下? 当然了 你是我的狗嘛 对不? And I'm your master.我是你的主人 You're my master?你是我的主人? Oh, boy! Oh, boy!天啊! 天啊! Good boy, Dug! You're a good boy!好孩子 Dug! 你是个好孩子! Yes!好咧! Don't worry, Kevin.I'll save...别担心 Kevin 我会来救...And they wouldn't believe me.Just wait till they get a look at you.他们一看到你就会相信我的 Master?主人?

- The small mailman has returned.什么? Let me go.放开我

Where's your elderly friend?你的老朋友在哪? He's not my friend anymore.他已经不是我朋友了

Well, if you're here, Fredricksen can't be far behind.你在这里 就说明他也在附近Where are you keeping Kevin?你们把Kevin藏哪儿了? Let me go!放开我! Scream all you want, small mailman.想叫就叫吧 小邮差

None of your mailman friends can hear you.你的邮差朋友是听不见的

I'll unleash all my Wilderne Explorer training!我要展现野外探险训练的成果! Alpha, Fredricksen's coming back.老大 Fredricksens回来了

Guard that bird.If you see the old man, you know what to do.看好那只鸟 如果见到那老头 你知道该怎么做 Hey, where are you going? I'm not finished with you!喂 你们上哪儿去啊? 我还没说完呢! Nice talking with you.很高兴和你谈话 Ahhh!啊! Where are you, Fredricksen?你在哪儿呢 Fredricksen? Ruell!Ruell!Dug, bring her over!- Fredricksen先生!Me! I want it!我要!Give it to me!- 我要那个球!He's got the bird!那只鸟不见了 Calm down! One at a time!安静 一个一个说! I...want...to...help!我 要 帮 忙! Ha-ha!哈哈!He's in Hall C!- 他在D厅!Come on.够了

I am taking that bird back with me.Alive or dead!我要把那只鸟带回去 不管死活 Come on, Kevin.快走 Kevin I will have many enjoyments from what I am about to do, Dug.这下可是正合我意啊 Dug He wears the Cone of Shame!它戴着耻辱罩! What? Do not just continue sitting.Attack!什么? 别在那傻站着 进攻! No, no! Stop your laughing! Get this off of me!不不! 别笑了! 把这玩意拿下来! Listen, you dog.Sit!听着 你们这些狗 坐下! Yes, Alpha.是 老大

Alpha? I am not Alpha.He is...老大? 我不是老大 它才是 Oh!哦! I can't do it.我做不到

- Ruell!啊? Caw, caw! Raar! Caw, caw! Raar!嘎 嘎 啊! 嘎 嘎 啊! You leave Mr.Fredricksen alone!你让Fredrcksen先生落单了! Hey, squirrel!嘿 是松鼠! Squirrel? Where? Where? Where?松鼠? 在哪儿? 哪里? 哪里? Where's the squirrel?松鼠在哪儿? I hate squirrels.我讨厌松鼠 Dug!Dug! Master!主人! Ruell! Over here! Let's go!Ruell! 在这儿 快走! Mr.Fredricksen!Fredricksen先生! Go on, Kevin!快跑 Kevin! No!不! Ruell! Get out of there!Ruell! 快出来! No! Leave them alone! 不! 离他们远点!

16 Ruell, hang on to Kevin! Don't let go of her!Ruell 抓住Kevin! 别松手! Kevin! Chocolate!Kevin! 巧克力! That was cool!酷毙了! Don't jerk around so much, kid! Easy, Ruell.别转来转去的 孩子! 慢点 Ruell Oh, I am ready to not be up high.好高 都快吓死我了

Sorry about your house, Mr.Fredricksen.真为你的房子难过 Fredricksen先生 You know, it's just a house.只是座房子而已 Look at you.You're so soft.瞧瞧 你多可爱啊 Aw!嗷! I wish I could keep one.我要是能养一个就好了

Where's my cane? I just had it here.我的手杖呢? 刚刚还在这儿呢

You know what? Keep them.A little gift from me to you.算了 你们留着吧 当做我给你们的礼物好了 Bye, Kevin!再见 Kevin! Ready?准备好没? Ready.好了

And by receiving their badges,根据收集到的徽章

the following Explorers will graduate to Senior Explorers.以下探险者将升级为高级探险者

For Extreme Mountaineering Lore.Congratulations, Jimmy.为表彰其卓越的山地知识 祝贺你 Jimmy For Wild Animal Defensive Arts.Congratulations, Brandon.为表彰其野生动物防备技巧 祝贺你 Brandon For Aisting the Elderly...表彰其帮助老人

Uh, Ruell, is there someone that...Ruell 有没有人...Excuse me.Pardon me.Old man coming through.不好意思 老头来晚了 I'm here for him.我是跟他一起的

Congratulations, Ruell.Sir.祝贺你 Ruell 先生

Ruell, for Aisting the ElderlyRuell 为表彰其帮助老人

and for performing above and beyond the call of duty,以及远超职责的表现

I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow.我要把我的最高奖章赠与你 The Ellie badge.Ellie徽章 Wow.哇

All right, I think that covers everybody.好了 我想所有人都表彰完毕了 So let's give a big Explorer call 让我们为新当选的

to our brand new Senior Wilderne Explorers.高级野外探险家欢呼吧 Ready, everybody?大家都准备好了吗? Caw, caw! Raar! Caw, caw! Raar!嘎 嘎 啊! 嘎 嘎 啊!

- Blue one.蓝色的Gray one.- 蓝色的That's a bike.- 红色的 - 那是自行车 It's red, isn't it?是红色的不就行了? Mr.Fredricksen, you're cheating.Fredricksen先生 你在作弊 No, I'm not.Red one.我可没有 又来个红色的 That's a fire hydrant.那是消防龙头

Maybe I need new glaes.也许我要配副新眼镜了 Another blue one.又来辆蓝色的

Adventure is out there It's heading our way We'll make it a joint venture Before we're in our So grab your scarf and goggles Let's fly dentures I've mapped out our journey We're up here to stay My spirit of adventure is you A sunset is our home A moonbeam we will own Adventure is out there Let's crack some champagne My spirit of adventure is you I've hung a hundred heads on my wall Freaks of nature span a globe That's too big to deny To say that I'm traveled is far too mundane With canine guards we'll travel there and spit into their Let's grab our aero-fare The high-brows will be there eye The spirit of adventure is something to indenture Bang, bang Once the smoke has cleared After all the crowds have cheered











