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中国成语典故 熟能生巧(中英对照)

发布时间:2020-03-02 13:25:43 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Practice makes perfect

During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a skilled archer.One day he drew a big crowd while he was practicing on the drill ground.He shot so accurately that the on-lookers cheered with excitement.He became very proud of his skill.But among the crowd an old oil peddler only nodded his head indifferently.This hurt his Pride.

\"Can you do this?\" he asked the old oil peddler.

\"No, I can\'t.\"

\"What do you think of my skill?\"

\"Just OK, but nothing special.You\'ve gained your accuracy from persistent practice.That\'s all.\"

\"What can you do, then?\"

The old man said nothing.He put a gourd bottle on the ground and covered its mouth with a copper coin.He then scooped out a ladle of oil from his big jar, held it high and began to fill the bottle.Now, a thread of oil came down from the ladle into the bottle just through the hole of the coin.Everybody looking on watched with amazement.But the old man said, \"This is nothing special, I can do this because I have practiced it a lot.\" And with these words, he left.

Later, people use this phrase to mean \"Practice makes perfect\".


北宋时期,有个技艺高超的射手。有一天,他在训练场上练习射箭,引来了一大群人观看,大家都称赞他的技艺,他感到非常骄傲。但他发现人群中有个卖油翁 只是淡淡的点点头,这使得他很不高兴。






这个老头没有回答。他把一个葫芦放在地上,接着把一枚铜钱放在瓶口。然后从他的大油壶里舀起一勺油。从高处往放在地上的葫芦里倒。只见那油就像线一样 从铜钱中间的小洞里滴下去,一滴都没有漏出来。围观者都惊呆了。而这个卖油翁却说:\"其实没什么大不了的,只不过是天天练的结果。\"说完,他就离开了。


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中国成语典故 熟能生巧(中英对照)
《中国成语典故 熟能生巧(中英对照).doc》