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发布时间:2020-03-03 16:38:39 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

The feedback of the film 《Titanic II》


After watching the film Titanic II , it can’t help making me remember Titanic I again, remembering the touching story plot.But compared to Titanic I, Titanic II seems to be inferior slightly, just as the words: The claics can’t be transcendental.The following are some similarities and differences of the two films which I summarize.

The same point is that the two films have the same story plot.Firstly , they are both love stories about a man and a women basing the background of the ship sank and finally the man died in order to save the women he loved .Secondly, the reasons of wrecking the ships are both the two ships hit the iceberg

However, there are also many different points between them.Although the two ships’ ruin are caused by icebergs, but in Titanic I, the main reason is that the captain is too confident.However in Titanic II, they are already warned but still accelerate the speed of navigation and finally cause the ship wrecked.What’s more, in the Titanic I, the director can be said to create a claic.Until now it’s still a popular film about love.In Titanic II, it’s also about the lone story but it makes people dull.

In my opinion, Titanic I is relatively fine and smooth, Titanic II is more coarse and I think it can’t surmount Titanic I forever, because every story plot of Titanic I has already firmly born in the minds of people.Any will be considered imperfect with its different story plots.



泰坦尼克号 观后感







