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11 《吸血鬼日記》前情提要

Previously on The Vampire Diaries 12 一個多世紀以來 For over a century 13 我都秘密地活著

I have lived in secret until now.14 我知道這很冒險 但我必須要認識她

I know the risk but I have to know her.15 我叫埃琳娜 I'm Elena.16 我叫斯特凡 I'm Stefan.17 我知道 I know.18 我是達蒙 斯特凡的哥哥

I'm Damon, Stefan's brother.19 你沒告訴我你有個兄弟

You didn't tell me that you had a brother.20 在她身旁 進入她的世界

Being around her, being in her world? 21 讓你覺得自己還活著是么

Does it make you feel alive? 22 他跟我說了你的前女友 凱瑟琳

He told me about your ex, Katherine? 23 她傷了你的心

She broke your heart.24 那是很久以前的事了

That was a long time ago.25 我給你她的手機號

I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number.26


What are you up to? 27

我也正在想呢 而你就要 That's for me to know and for you to...dot dot dot.28


I was hoping I'd see you again.29

早上好 Good morning.30

求你 Please...31

不要 Don't.32

不要這么做 Don't do that.33

不 不 No! no! 34

不 No! 35

離我遠點兒 不要

Get away from me! No! 36


This could have gone a completely different way.37


I'm not saying don't date the guy.38


I'm just saying take it slow.39


You were the one who said to go for it.40


Now I'm saying take it slow.41


Why the about-face?



It's not an about-face.43


You're single for the first time 44


In your entire high school career.45


It's the perfect time to play the field.46

是啊 因為我就是這樣的女孩 Oh, because I'm so that girl.47

說真的 你是不是有什么事隱瞞

Seriously, what are you not saying? 48

都是蠢話 It's stupid.49

邦妮 Bonnie...50

-什么 -有話直說

- What?Yes.Says the girl 133


Who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery.134

拜托 我可不是個只會

Hey, come on.There's more to me than just 135

膩在墓地郁悶的女孩 Gloomy graveyard girl.136


There's a whole other Elena that you have yet to meet.137

哪里都有她的影子 積極得很

She was into everything, very busy.138


Well, I look forward to meeting her.139


And when will that be? 140

快了 Soon.141


She's working on it.142

第二次世界大戰結束于...World war Ⅱ ended in...143


Anyone got anything? 144 黃同學 1945年 Mi Juan? 1945.145 小道消息 FYI...146 我們的球隊遜斃了 他們可以指望你 Our team sucks.They could use you.147 -不行 -偷襲珍珠港事件Pearl Harbor.148 我是個獨行俠 I'm a loner.149 吉爾伯特小姐 Mi Gilbert? 150 珍珠港事件 Pearl Harbor? 151 1941年12月7日 December 7,1941.152 謝謝啊 吉爾伯特小姐 Thank you, Mi Gilbert.153 不客氣 Anytime.154 很好 Very well.155 柏林墻倒塌是什么時候

The Fall of the Berlin Wall.156 1989年 1989.157 我對日期很敏感的 老師 I'm good with dates, sir.158 是嗎 Are you? 159 有多敏感 How good? 160 說出事件發生年份 Keep it to the year.


民權法案的頒布 Civil Rights Act.162

1964年 1964.163


John F.kennedy Aaination.164

1963年 1963.165

-馬丁·路德·金遇刺 -1968年'68.166

-林肯遇刺 -1865年1865.167

-羅伊訴韋德案 -1973年1973.168

布朗控訴托皮卡教育委員會案 Brown VS.Board.169

1954年 1954.170


The Battle of Gettysburg.171

1863年 1863.172

朝鮮戰爭 Korean War.173

1950至1953年 1950 to 1953.174

錯了 朝鮮戰爭是52年結束的 Ha! it ended in '52.175

事實上 老師

Uh, actually, sir, 176 是53年

It was '53.177


Look it up,somebody.178

快 Quickly.179

是1953年 It was 19...53.180


How did you know all of that? 181


Years and years of croword puzzles.182

這是獨行俠專屬游戲 It's a loner thing.183

干得漂亮 干得漂亮 Nice job! Nice job! 184

洛克伍德先生 你有在行的嗎

Mr.Lockwood, is there anything you're good at? 185


'Cause it isn't history, 186


And it sure as hell isn't defending the ball! 187

是 教練 Yes, coach.188

再來一次 Now do it again! 189

天啊 你來了

Oh, my god! You're here! 190

是啊 我可不想郁悶一輩子

Yep.I can't be sad girl forever.191

讓一切恢復正常的唯一辦法就是 The only way to get things back to the way they

were 192 去做原來做的事

Are to do things that were.193 你今晚來我家吃飯吧

Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight.194 我嗎 I am? 195 你 我 還有斯特凡 You and me and Stefan.196 你得給他個機會表現一下

You have to give him a chance.197 今晚不行 Tonight's no good.198 你看到卡羅琳了嗎

Have you seen Caroline? 199 我給她發了無數條短信了

I texted her like a hundred times.200 別轉移話題 邦妮·貝內特

Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett.201 你今晚一定得來

You're going to be there.202 好吧 我會去的 Fine.I'll go.203 很好 Good.204 學校球隊的選拔賽是去年春天

Varsity trials were last spring, 205 塞爾瓦托先生 Mr.Salvatore.206 我當時還沒來這里 教練 I wasn't here then, sir.



And you're not here now, as far as I'm concerned.208

唐納先生 我知道我倆

Mr.Tanner, I realize that you and I 209


Didn't get off to the best start, 210


And I want to apologize for that.211


I've played football before.212

通常是外接手 而且我打得很棒

Wide receiver, mostly, and I'm pretty good.213


Well, I won't be asking you who won the super bowl in '71.214

71年是...'71 was the...215

抱歉 我懂了 教練

Sorry.I..I understand that, sir.216


Just to see you get knocked on your a.217


Borrow some gear.218

去啊 Go! 219

在我改變主意之前 再來一次

Before I change my mind.Let's run it again! 220

先搶我女朋友 現在又來球隊插一腳 First my girlfriend, now the team? 221

哥們兒 這可是個機會

Dude, this is an opportunity.222

橄欖球可是項身體接觸的運動 Football's a contact sport.223


Sometimes people get hurt.224

說真的 卡羅琳上哪去了

Seriously, where is Caroline? 225

我不知道 這可不像她

I don't know.It's not like her.226

再打給她試試 Try her again.227

天哪 Oh, my god.228


That must be the mystery guy from the grill.229


That's not a mystery guy.230


That's Damon Salvatore.231

塞爾瓦托 和斯特凡一個姓 Salvatore, as in Stefan? 232


I got the other brother.233


Hope you don't mind.234

對不起 姐妹們 我遲到了 Sorry I'm late, girls.235

我剛才有點忙 I, uh, was busy.

236 好啦 我們從屈體分腿跳開始吧

All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler, 237 怎么樣

What do you say? 238 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 239 5 6 7 8 And 5, 6, 7, 8.240 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 241 5 6 7 8 5, 6, 7, 8.242 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 243 5 6 7 8 5, 6, 7, 8.244 埃琳娜 親愛的 你今天還是旁觀吧

Elena, sweetie, why don't you just observe today? 245 好嗎 Ok? 246 接著來 從頭開始再做一遍

Keep going! Ok.Do it again from the top.247 5 6 7 8 And 5, 6, 7, 8.248 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 249 5 6 7 8 5, 6, 7, 8.


1 2 3 4 5 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 251 7 8 7, 8.252

郁悶的小妞 Blue lady! 253

郁悶的小妞 Blue lady! 254

準備 上 Set, hut! Go! 255

加油 泰勒 包抄他

Come on, Tyler, cover it! 256

來吧 Let's do it.257

接球 Get it.258

列隊 Line up! 259

00:12:56,500 --> 00:12:59,000

我實在不想這么說 但這家伙的確很有技術 I hate to say it, but he's got skills.260


I think he needs a buddy pa.261

真的 Really? 262


You don't get to walk on the field 263

就表現得像這球場的主人一樣 And act like you own the place after 5 minutes.264

在這等著就行了 剩下的交給我了

Just hang one up there and I'll take care of the rest.265

再來一次 Do it again.266

好 大家一起上

All right, let's huddle up.267

列隊 Set, hut! 268

哥們 歡迎加入球隊

Welcome to the team,buddy.269

死不了吧 塞爾瓦托

You gonna live, Salvatore? 270

回去吧 孩子

Walk it off, son.271


Hey.That was my bad.272 沒關系

It's all right.273 好的

All right.274

選拔考試怎么樣 How were tryouts? 275


Did you make the team? 276


Very Emerson, the way you reveal your soul with so many..277

非要用這么多形容詞 Adjectives.278


What are you doing here? 279


I've come to apologize.

280 我最近一直在思考

I've been doing some thinking, 281 我進行了深刻的自我反省 Some soul searching,and...282 我想和你重新來過

I want us to start over.283 我們得忘掉過去

We need to put the past behind us.284 你終究是我弟弟

You're my little brother, 285 如果你想過人類那種

And if you want to live 286平凡快樂的生活

A normal, happy human life, 287 那我希望你如愿以償

Then I want that for you.288 也許我也可以過這種生活 Maybe I can do it, too.289 這樣我就能學著做一個

That I can learn to be a non-living 290 沒有生命的大活人 Living person.291 也許我們都還有希望

Maybe there's hope for both of us.292 沒必要非得這樣 達蒙

You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon.293 當然沒必要

Of course it doesn't.


我今天看見埃琳娜了 "BTW" I saw Elena today, BTW.295


That means "by the way." 296


She was at cheerleading practice.297


She looked so perky in her little short shorts.298

放心 我根本沒靠近她

Simmer down, I didn't even go near her.299

我已經泡到屬于我自己的啦啦隊員了 I've got my own cheerleader now.300


Ooh, that reminds me...301

我得走了 我有個約會

I gotta run.I have a date.302

甜蜜的小手 Sweaty palms.303

祝我好運 Wish me luck.304

那你來解釋一下 You explain it.305


Last night, I'm watching nine-o, 306

一個廣告插播進來了 我當時就覺得

A commercial breaks come on and I'm like, 307

肯定那是那個電話廣告 結果還真是

I bet it's that phone commercial.And sure enough, 308


It's that guy and the girl with the bench, 309


He flies to Paris and he flies back.310

-他們照了張像 -拜托

- They take a picture.No, no, no.

367 他不能...He can't, uh...368 他不能留下 He can't stay.369 是吧 達蒙 Can you, Damon? 370 進來吧 Get in here.371 我們快要吃完了

We're just...finishing up.372 沒關系 進來吧

It's fine.Just come on in.373 你家真漂亮 埃琳娜

You have a beautiful home, Elena.374 謝謝

Thank you.375 真不敢相信泰納先生居然讓你加入了球隊

I can not believe that Mr Tanner let you in the team.376 泰勒真可憐

Ah,Tyler must be seely.377 但對你來說是個好機會 加油吧 But good for you.Go for it.378 我總是那樣跟他說 你必須要去爭取

That's what I always tell him.You have to engage.379 而不能只是坐等幸福來敲門

You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you.380 你要主動去爭取

You have to go get it.381 埃琳娜今天不太走運

Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today.382


It's only because you mied summer camp.383

天啊 我不知道你什么時候

God, I don't know how you're ever 384


Going to learn the routines.385

我會教她 她很快就能學會的

I'll work with her.She'll get it.386


I gue we can put her in the back.387

你知道嗎 你看起來不像

You know, you don't seem like 388

會加入拉拉隊員的人 埃琳娜 The cheerleader type, Elena.389


Oh, it's just 'cause her parents died.390

是的 我是說 她正在 Yeah, I mean, she's just 391


Totally going through a blah phase.392


She used to be way more fun.393


And I say that with complete sensitivity.394

我很抱歉 埃琳娜 I'm sorry, Elena.395


I know what it's like to lose both your


事實上 斯特凡和我見證了

In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person 397

我們在乎的每一個人的死亡 We've ever cared about die.398

你沒必要現在提起這個 達蒙

We don't need to get into that right now, Damon.399

斯特 你是對的 我很抱歉

Oh, you know what, you're right, Stef.I'm sorry.400


The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up.401

別這樣 Don't do that.402


Not while I'm working.403 回頭見

I'll see you later.404


I'll be right back.405

她是我姐姐 我愛她

She's my sister and I love her, 406

但有時候她真的會讓你覺得樂意為她效勞 But sometimes she can really make you work for it.407


I find it pretty easy.408

好吧 我明白了

All right, I get it.409 故意撞我來引起她注意 那...Hitting me to impre her.That's...410 那真的很好

That's real nice.411 我不需要引起她注意

I don't need to impre her.412 我已經贏了 I already won.413 -你死定了 -是嗎 看起來像是Am I? 'Cause it seems like 414 我正站在這等你展示下男人的雄風

I'm standing here waiting for you to man up.415 泰 別 Ty, don't! 416 等下次我見到你 你就死定了 吉爾伯特 The next time I see you, Gilbert...417 不 等下次我見到你 你就死定了 No, next time I see you.418 看你干了什么好事 薇姬 What are you doing, Vick? 419 再來一杯 One more.420 謝謝 Oh, thank you.421 太及時了 Nice save.422 我喜歡你 I like you.423 你知道怎么笑

You know how to laugh.424 而且你還讓斯特凡笑了

And you make Stefan smile, 425


Which is something I haven't seen in a very long time.426

很久前 你說的是凱瑟琳嗎

Earlier, did you mean...Katherine? 427

沒錯 Mm-hmm.428


How did she die? 429

一場火災 那是個悲劇 In a fire.Tragic fire.430

最近嗎 Recently? 431


Well, it seems like it was yesterday.432

她是個怎樣的人 What was she like? 433


She was beautiful.434

這方面 你們很像

A lot like you in that department.435


She was just very complicated 436

自私 有時候不是很友善

And selfish and at times not very kind, 437


But very sexy and seductive.438


So which one of you dated her first? 439

推理能力不錯 Nicely deduced.440

去問斯特凡吧 Ask Stefan.441


I'm sure his answer differs from mine.442

如果我是你 我會退出啦啦隊

I'd quit cheerleading if I were you.443


Why do you say that? 444


Oh, I saw you at practice.You looked miserable.445

你看到了 You saw that? 446

以前我很愛這一行 那時真的很快樂 I used to love it.It was fun.447


Things are different this year.448


Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore.449

那就別浪費時間了 So don't let it.450

退出 向前看 就沒問題了

Quit, move on.Problem solved.451

就這么簡單 Ta-da.452


Some things could matter again.453

也許吧 Maybe.

454 不過 對我來說是不可能的

But...seems a little unrealistic to me.455 對凱瑟琳的事 I'm sorry.456 我表示遺憾

About Katherine.457 你也失去了她

You lost her,too.458 要幫忙嗎 Need some help? 459 好啊 求之不得 Sure, why not? 460 馬特努力了 但他最近倍受煎熬 Matt tries, but he's just having a really hard time.461 你要理解這點

You have to understand that 462 他們倆都是彼此的初戀

They were each other's first.463 就像是青梅竹馬

You know, like, from the sandbox.464 那條圍巾很漂亮

That's a really nice scarf.465 謝謝 剛買的

Mm.Thank you, it's new.466 給我看看可以嗎 Can I see it? 467 你介意脫下來嗎

I mean, would you mind taking it off? 468 不行 Oh, I can't.


為什么 你沒事吧 Why not? You ok? 470


All I know is that I can't take it off.471


What are you two kids talking about? 472


I was just commenting on her scarf.473


Hmm.Hey, you know, 474


Elena and Bonnie are finishing up the dishes.475


Why don't you go see if you can help? 476


Does it look like I do dishes? 477

就算是為了我吧 For me? 478 不想去

Hmm...I don't think so.479


Go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen.480 知道嗎

You know what? 481


I'm gonna go see if Elena needs some help in the kitchen.482

很好 Great.483

他們是人 達蒙

They are people, Damon.484


She's not a puppet.485


She doesn't exist for your amusement, 486


For you to feed on whenever you want to.487


Sure she does.488

所有人都是 They all do.489


They're whatever I want them to be.490


They're mine for the taking.491

好吧 隨你怎樣吧

All right, you've had your fun.492

你玩弄卡羅琳 阻撓我跟埃琳娜

You used Caroline, you got to me and Elena, 493

恭喜你盡興了 Good for you.494


Now it's time for you to go.495 沒問題

That's not a problem.496 不過



I've been invited in,

498 明晚我還要過來

And I'll come back tomorrow night 499 后天晚上

And the following night 500 我會玩玩你那小啦啦隊員

And I'll do with your little cheerleader 501 想怎么玩就怎么玩

Whatever I want to do.502 因為這對我來說是常事

Because that is what is normal to me.503 今晚也不太糟 我玩得很開心

Tonight wasn't so bad.I had fun.504 我怎么不覺得

Hmm.That makes one of us.505 得了 Come on.506 你哥哥不像你說的那么壞

Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be...507 我肯定我哥哥體內還有一點人性留存

There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother.508 在某個地方 Somewhere.509 我仍抱有希望 I keep hoping.510 但我怎樣才能讓他看到他的良知 But how do I make him see it? 511 我怎樣才能保護她

And how do I protect her? 512

瞧瞧你 穿一身球衣還蠻帥的嘛

Look at you.You look hot in your jersey.513

怎么了 不當啦啦隊員了嗎

What happened? No more cheerleader? 514

我退出了 我半途而廢了 I quit.I'm a quitter.515

別這么說 你不是半途而廢

No, hey, you're not a quitter.516

你失去的太多了 和從前不一樣了 You suffered a great lo.You're not the same person.517


You should be looking ahead.518


You should be starting over.519 好嗎 Ok? 520


I hope you don't think this is 521


Too soon or too weird,but...522 我 I,uh, 523


I wanted you to have this.524

天哪 太漂亮了

Oh, my god, it's beautiful.525


It's something that I've had forever, 526

在此之前我從來沒想過把它送人 And, uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now.527


I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, 528

它能帶來好運 For...good luck.529


Is that rose that I smell? 530

不 這是種香草

No, it's, uh...it's an herb.531 不錯吧

It's nice, huh? 532 我喜歡 I love it.533 還有 And, uh, 534


I wanted to thank you 535


For pushing me to try out for the team.536


It feels really good.537

我們真是一對啊 We're a pair.538

我退出了 你開始了 I quit, you start.539 對啊

Right.540 我們的關系在慢慢發展

We're a working progre.541 我們會理順的

We'll figure it out.542 你沒有穿制服 是因為

And you're not in uniform because...543 大家注意

Wait, wait,w ait, 544 注意了 注意了 安靜 安靜

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.545 說句實話

Wait.let's be honest here.546 過去 我們常常任其它球隊

In the past, we used to let other teams 547 在我們的地盤上打得我們滿地找牙

Come into our town and roll right over us! 548 現在是改變的時候了

But that is about to change.549 我們新近了幾個體育能人

We've got some great new talent 550 今晚 我們要開始進攻了

Tonight starting on the offensive line, 551 現在我告訴你們

And I'm gonna tell you right now, 552 我已經很長時間

It has been a long time 553 沒有看到

Since I have seen a kid like this


如此有才華的隊員了 With hands like these.555

這下糟了 This blows.556

他不能安排他首發 他才剛來

He can't start the guy.He just got here.557


...That have been waiting for us 558


To put a check in the win column, 559


I have only one thing to say to you-- 560


Your Timberwolves are hungry.561


Hey,you.What's wrong? 562

-沒事 -而雄獅隊

- Nothing.Enough! 578

杰里米 別這樣 Jeremy, no! 579

-放開我 -住手

- Get off me!No, no, no.594 我看到玻璃劃傷了你的手啊

I...I saw it.The gla cut your hand.It was...595 沒事 我很好 It's ok.I'm ok.596 要開球了

It's almost kick-off time, all right? 597 那么 So,um,



I'll,uh,I'll see you after the game.599

蒂基 還是晃個不停

Hey, Tiki, it's all wobbly.600


Can you stand straight, please? 601


Could someone please help Tiki? 602


Hey! Where you been? 603


Can I ask you a question 604

不要開玩笑 認真回答我

And you give me a really serious no-joke response? 605

好 什么事

Of course.What is it? 606

那種不好的感覺 The bad mojo.607

當你碰到斯特凡時 所感應到的

When you touched Stefan and you had that reaction...608


You know what,forget I said that.609


Your little dinner party plot totally won me over.610

邦妮 說真的 那是什么感覺

No, Bonnie, seriously.What was it? 611


Did you see something? 612

或者 Or...613


It wasn't clear like a picture.614

就像今天 我總能看到

Like today, I keep seeing 615


Those same numbers I told you about-- 616

8,14,22.8,14,22 617

-是啊 -我碰到斯特凡時

- Yeah?Then kill me.697

別說 我還真想過

Well, I'm-- I'm tempted.698

不 你沒有

No, you're not.699

如果你想 你早就把我了結了 You've had lifetimes to do it, 700

看看現在 我還活生生地站在這里

And yet, here I am.I'm still alive.


你不也在這里嗎 And there you are.702


You're still haunting me.703

你還死纏著我不放 After 145 years.704


Katherine is dead.705

你因此而狠我 And you hate me 706


Because you loved her, 707

你折磨我 因為你依然愛著她

And you torture me because you still do.708

而這份感情 我親愛的哥哥 And that, my brother, 709


Is your humanity.710

塞爾瓦托 Salvatore! 711

干什么呢 比賽就快開始了

What the hell? We've got a game to play! 712


If that's my humanity...713


Then what's this? 714 噢 不 Aah! no! 715

任何人 任何時候 任何地點 Anyone, anytime, any place.716 泰納失蹤了 我想他可能喝多了

Tanner's m.i.a.I think he had a little bit too much beer.717 現在別和我說話 好嗎 我很生氣

Don't talk to me right now, all right? I'm pied at you.718 -你這是怎么了 -我怎么...What's my-- 719 問問你自己 好嗎

You're my problem, all right? 720 你是個流氓

You're a bully.721 一個幼稚之極的惡棍

A freakin' 12-year-old bully, man.722 我受夠了

And I'm sick of it.723 看看你今晚都做了些什么

I mean, what was that about tonight? 724 你打那個新來的能證明什么

What's beating up the new guy going to prove? 725 亂搞我妹妹能證明什么

Or screwing with my sister 726 打我女朋友的弟弟又能證明什么

Or pummeling my girlfriend's kid brother.727 女朋友 聽著 我都不知道還能給你說些什么 Girlfriend? Look, I don't know how to tell you this, 728 人家早把你甩了

But she dumped your a.729

來真的嗎 你想打我

Are you for real?! You want to hit me? 730

我在你的球隊里 I'm on your team.731


This was over the line.732

這些做法也太過分了 Even for you.733 來人啊

Somebody help! 734

我找你 不只單純因為毒品

It wasn't just for the drugs.735


What kind of animal could be doing all this? 736


Why would it come out of the woods 737


And attack someone in the middle of town? 738


I don't know.739


I don't know.740


I was so sure that you cut your hand.741

我親眼所見 I saw it.742

我沒事 沒事的 好嗎 I'm fine.I'm fine,ok?


我們都很好 We're fine.744


That's what matters.745


I thought there was hope 746


That somewhere deep inside, 747


Something in Damon was still human, 748 正常的 Normal.749


But I was wrong.750


There's nothing human left in Damon.751

毫無優點 善心不在 No good, no kindne.752

愛也當然無存 No love.753

他只是一個 Only a monster 754

需要被阻止的惡魔 Who must be stopped.







45人英语话剧剧本 英汉双语



