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Simple English 森博英语




a facial expreion characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement

v.change one\'s facial expreion by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure 微笑,指笑时不发出声音,表示高兴、愉快,有时也表示轻视、讥讽等。 smile to oneself 暗笑

smile on 向„微笑;对„加以赞许

all smiles 满面笑容;喜气洋洋

smile at 对„„微笑;一笑置之

big smile 笑容满面

smile upon 向„微笑

forced smile 苦笑;勉强的微笑

keep smile 保持微笑

wear a smile 带着笑容;面带笑容

mona lisa smile 蒙娜丽莎的微 1.The smile froze on her face. 笑容不自然地僵在她脸上。

2.Mary bewitched him with her smile. 玛丽以她的微笑令他销魂。

3.Then his smile settled on his face. 之后他的微笑凝固在他的脸上。

4.She greeted him with a smile. 她用微笑向他致意。

5.Smile at everyone. 对每个人微笑。

6.Whenever I think about this, I smile. 每当我想起这些,我都会笑。

7.\"Not in all, \" he murmured with a smile. “不可能在所有的时刻,”他一笑说。


.1.the sound of laughing 同义词: laughter

2.a facial expreion characteristic of a person laughing \"his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision\" 3.a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter \"thanks for the laugh\"; \" he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest\" 大笑,感到高兴、有趣而发出的大声笑。

They burst out laughing.laugh at 嘲笑 ; 取笑 ; 因 ; 笑话

laugh off 用笑摆脱 ; 一笑置之 ; 把 ; 一笑了之

Simple English 森博英语

laugh over 笑着谈论 ; 边想边笑 ; 笑着品题辩论 ; 笑

laugh v 笑

laugh sarcastically 冷笑

laugh track 并以罐头笑声 ; 罐头笑声

laugh v 笑

laugh vi 笑

laugh heartily 欢笑 ; 开怀大笑

laugh at 嘲笑;因…而发笑

the last laugh 最后的胜利

burst out laughing 突然笑起来;不禁大笑

no laughing matter 正经事;不是闹着玩的

laugh off 用笑摆脱

have the last laugh v.笑在最后;取得最后胜利

for laughs [美国俚语]为了取乐,当作消遣,借以开心

laugh loudly 大声笑

have a good laugh 笑得好开心

laugh out loud 大声笑

horse laugh 不信任的嘲笑;大声狂笑;哈哈大笑

laugh it off 一笑而过

belly laugh 捧腹大笑

laugh over 笑着谈论;想着…发笑

laugh away 用笑驱除恐惧等;付之一笑;谈笑中消磨时间

1.Read some jokes and laugh off your worries. 读点笑话,借笑摆脱你的烦恼吧。

2.His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的一席话使在场的人都笑了。

3.We tried to laugh the girl out of that slight accident. 我们试图以谈笑的方式使女孩忘掉那起小事故。

4.The captain\'s cheerful laugh dispelled our fears. 船长愉快的笑声消除了我们的恐惧。

5.You should laugh. 你应该大笑。

6.No one teaches you how to laugh. 而且无需任何人教你如何去笑。

7.I like to laugh with my friends. 我喜欢和朋友一起大笑。

Grin n.a facial expreion characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement

v.to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl 咧嘴(露齿)地笑,笑时嘴张得比smile大,表示兴趣、轻蔑、满足等。 grin and bear it 逆来顺受

Simple English 森博英语

1.Look at him.Look at that fur, those eyes, that playful grin. 看看他,看看那皮毛,那眼睛,以及那活泼的咧嘴微笑。

2.People who confe to feeling happy also grin more than others. 承认感觉幸福的人们也会比别人更喜欢咧着嘴笑。

3.But negotiating with both India and China together is a nightmare”, he added with a grin. 而同时与印度和中国展开谈判就是噩梦了。”说到这里,他咧嘴笑了笑。

4.So why not grin?


5.She thought his smug two-year-old grin of self-amusement and satisfaction would drive her to the brink, but she maintained her composure.



smile radiantly; expre joy through one\'s facial expreion emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light\"The fire beamed on their faces\" 同义词: shine

expre with a beaming face or smile\"he beamed his approval\"

broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television同义词: air send broadcast transmit have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink同义词: glow radiate shine experience a feeling of well-being or happine, as from good health or an intense emotion 发光发热,用作比喻时,表示因高兴而微笑。

The new father beamed with pleasure when he saw the baby for the first time. 刚当上父亲的他第一次见到出生的孩子时,高兴得眉开眼笑。 giggle

n.a foolish or nervous laugh v.laugh nervously\"The girls giggled when the rock star came into the claroom\" 咯咯地笑、痴笑,表示少女特有的含蓄的笑。 giggle gas 笑气

giggle titter 吃吃地笑

But Giggle 但傻笑

Actually Giggle 其实傻笑

Giggle water 香槟酒

giggle uncontrollably 情不自禁地咯咯笑

acute giggle 可爱的傻笑


Giggle Monkey 哈哈猴子

1.I heard a sigh, and then, a soft giggle.


2.The girl let out a giggle that seemed to echo, and she ran away.


3.If this kind of thing makes you giggle, the Bottom Clinic is perhaps not for you.

Simple English 森博英语


4.The girl let out a giggle that seemed to echo, and she ran away.


5.Have you ever seen kids smile as they stare at thin air, and wonder what made them giggle? 你有没有过看到孩子们对着空气笑并好奇是什么让他们咯咯笑的时候呢?

6.I\'m not sure whether to giggle like a schoolgirl or be impreed by the rigorous health standards of this great Japanese cultural institution. 我不知道是应该像女学生那样咯咯发笑,还是应当被这个伟大的日本文化机构的严格健康标准所打动。


n.a facial expreion of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls同义词: leer a contemptuous or scornful remark v.expre through a scornful smile\"she sneered her contempt\"

smile contemptuously\"she sneered at her little sister\'s efforts to play the song on the piano\" 嘲笑、冷笑,表示蔑视。

sneer at 嘲笑 ; 轻视和讥笑 ; 讥笑 ; 斜视

Hard Sneer 铁石嗤之以鼻

Principal Sneer 校长嘲笑

I Sneer 我嘲笑着

sneer down 以朝笑拒绝

Mocking sneer 嘲讽

sneer down 以朝笑拒绝

smile sneer 冷笑

1.I was uncomfortable with his sneer. 他的冷笑使我很不舒服。

2.Oh, is it?\' said the sheriff with a sneer. 噢,是吗?”那位司法长官冷笑一声说道

3.A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information. 微笑,蹙额,提眉,哈欠和冷笑都传递着信息。

4.And I return the camera’s gaze.I roll my eyes and sneer. 我回头望着摄像机镜头,我眼珠溜溜地转着并冷笑着。

5.\"He\'s taking all academic claes, \" Scott said with a sneer. 斯科特冷笑一下,说:“他选修了所有的文化课。”

6.So rather than sneer at Europe’s impotence, the world should be asking whether Europe can rediscover its vigour—and if so how.



.a disrespectful laugh 窃笑,表示以讽刺方式嘲笑不正当的事情。 Snicker candy 士力架巧克力

snicker snigger 暗笑

Simple English 森博英语

Some Snicker 有人窃笑

snigger snicker 窃笑

I Heard Amy Snicker 我听到艾米窃笑

That Made Me Snicker 这让我窃笑

Let Out A Snicker 让出一窃笑

polished refined gauche snobbish snicker 粗俗的 She snickered at his folly.她窃笑他干的蠢事。


有时候,人难免动气。一肚子的火无处发的时候会感觉肺都炸了。表达“生气”在英语中应该怎么说呢?一起来学习下吧。 ① I\'m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!

Be about to do 意思是“快要„„,马上要„„”。比如,His father is about to retire.她父亲即将退休。Explode有“爆发,迸发”的意思,可以表示“怒气冲冲”。比如,He exploded with anger.他勃然大怒。 ② You\'re way out of line.你太过分了。

Way这里是副词,通常用于口语中,表示“非常,大大地”。Out of line就是“过分”的意思。这句话也可以说成“You are going too far.” ③ I wish I had never met you.我真后悔这辈子遇到你!

这句话采取了虚拟式,wish+过去完成时,是对过去的虚拟,表示“但愿„„”,wish+一般过去式,是对现在的虚拟,比如,I wish I were a bird.我愿自己是只鸟。 ④ You\'re nothing to me.你对我来说什么都不是。

Nothing表示“无关紧要的人,微不足道的事物”。比如,The whole thing is a big nothing.此事压根儿不值一提。

微 笑

笑 话

微 笑


《笑》 冰心



相关专题 地产笑