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英汉翻译第23 总结

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7、间接 直接

(1)英语 间接


Pa away

pine away be with god

go to a better world 寿终、作古、百年、驾鹤西游、与世长辞

(2) 委婉语



Human resources underdevelopment

(人力资源未充分开发) 生活在贫困线以下的穷人 disadvantaged(机遇不佳) 侵略战争International armed conflict(国际武装冲突) 空袭

air support (空中增援)或overflight(越界飞行) 经济萧条(depreion) deflation(通货膨胀) ②职业委婉语

Gaoler (监狱看守)—prison officer Barber(理发师)——hair consultant The old(老人)——senior citizen Cooking(烹饪)——home science ③学校委婉语 低能儿:

subnormal、special child、slow


shows difficulty in distinguishing between imaginary and factual material


needs help in learning to respect the property rights of others (3)含蓄


He had five sandwiches and a quart of milk for his snack.他吃了五个三明治,喝了一夸脱牛奶,作为他的小吃。 He had a mansion in the country and another little place in town.他在乡下有一座大厦,在城里还有个小地方。 ②间接肯定 双重否定

To my no small astoinshment, I found the house on fire.我发现房子着了火,这使我大吃一惊。 Similar mistakes are not uncommon.犯相同的错误很常见。 ③委婉否定

I don’t believe that Chinese is inferior to any language in the world.我相信,汉语并不亚于世界任何其他语言。 Let me catch you at it again! 别再干这种事了!

You could come at a better time.你来的不是时候。

As if anyone would believe that.别人才不信那一套呢。 你怎么知道?

鬼晓得! (4)迂回

I’m terribly sorry to interrupt you,but I wonder if you would be so kind to lower your voices a little.不好意思,你能小点声吗? She is about to be in a family way.. 她快要生孩子了.

8、被动 主动




英语倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态(static) 汉语倾向于多用动词,因而叙述呈动态(dynamic)。





Diction 选词法

一、Unit of Translation

二、Words in the Context


1.We hope Mr.White will not forget himself, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN.may do whatever he likes.我们希望怀特先生不要忘乎所以,在联合国里一个大国代表可以为所欲为的日子已经一去不复返了。

We hope that our most respected Secretary General will not forget himself, his poor health is known to everybody.我们希望最可敬的秘书长先生不要过于操劳,要多多保重,他的健康状况欠佳是众所周知的。



His mind seemed to be far away when I talked to him.


He has cleanly forgotten my advice.


Keep fit, study well and work hard.送礼 present a gift 送客

see sb.out


send an umbrella送孩子上学

take the child to school

送罪犯上法庭审判 hand criminal over to the court 送卫星上天 launch a satellite 送信 deliver a letter 送命 lose one’s life 送葬 take part in the funeral 浓茶

strong tea

浓墨 dark/thick ink

浓烟 dense smoke 1.A caller to the broadcasting station claimed responsibility for the bombing.有人打电话给广播电台,声称这爆炸是他干的。

2.Throughout centuries London has claimed to be the foremost city of the world.几个世纪以来,伦敦堪称世界一流城市。

3.Oxford claims a large share in the making of England.牛津大学对英国的发展贡献很大.

4.The explosion claimed more than twenty lives.这次爆炸使20多人丧生。

5.The matter claims our first attention.这事急需我们予以注意.6.She can claim credit for the succe.她可以要求人们承认这次成功归功于她.7.My order had prior claims on your time.我的订货还要请你优先考虑.8.The store has more claims on admiration than it is poible to mention.这家商店声誉之好无以伦比,大大值得人们的赞美.9.His personality is his only claim to remembrances.人们能记起他来的惟有他的品格.(他唯一值得人们怀念的是他的品格) 1.This poses a challenge to logic.这简直是荒谬绝伦。

2.She looked at me with challenge.她以毫不在乎的眼光看着我。

3.This is a great challenge to the jurors.这对陪审员来说是一个非常艰巨的任务。

4.That those who had learned from us now excelled us was a real challenge.曾向我们学习的人反倒超过了我们,这对我们确实是个促进(激励 )。 5.The United States Government does not challenge that position.美国政府对这一立场不提出异议。 6.His question challenged us to think.他提出的问题促使我们去思考。

7.The task challenged his organizing ability.这项任务对他的组织能力是一个考验。 8.The sentry challenged us.哨兵问我们口令。

Recent discoveries have challenged their old notion.最近的发现使他们原来的观念成了问题。 10.They challenge for the Davis Cup.他们决心争夺戴维斯杯。

11.It’s the challenge of our time.这是我们时代的要求

12.Their succe is a challenge to my effort.他们的成就鞭策我做出努力。

3、词语的翻译与情景语境 1)在不同的话题领域: 红眼病 (医学)(在医院里)pink eye 红眼病 (嫉妒)green-eyed meenger: 信使;

一种传递信息的化学物质(遗传工程学) carrier: 携带者; 带菌体(医学、生物学) shuttle: 梭子;

航天飞机(航天) base:

In busine: 本金 In painting: 底涂

In military science: 根据地 2) 地点( place ) 语境中的地点是话语所产生的地点。 同一词语出现在不同的地点,其含义往往不同。如:

1.The boy is drawing a cart.那男孩正在画一辆大车。 那男孩正在拉一辆大车。 2.It’s time to go aboard.该上车了。/ 该上飞机了。/ 该上船了。 3)交际方式


1.He wrote a letter to his friend.2.Premier Wen wrote a letter to American President.3.Mary received a love letter.


一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了”,说我“胖了”之后即大骂其新党。(鲁迅《祝福》) After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met, he observed that I looked “fat”, and having made that complimentary remarks he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.笨猪 silly a pig-headed 倔驴


汉语中一般指外国人 Blue-eyed 英语中是“受宠爱的” 绿眼鬼---bug-eyed monster 林妹妹早就知道了,她如今要做新媳妇了。自然害羞,不肯见你的。

“She knows it already,” she said.“As she’s to marry you, she’ll naturally feel too shy to see you.” (杨宪益译)

She knows already.And as your bride-to-be, she would be much too embarraed to receive you now.(By Hawkes)


三、Choice of Different Meanings

1、词的语法意义翻译 根据词类确定词义

英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。如: 1.Like charges repel; unlike charges attract.2.He likes mathematics more than physics.3.Like knows like.1.相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。 2.他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。 3.英雄识英雄。 2.They went up wind.


The ship is sailing up the river.(prep.) 这船正向河的上游航行。

3.The new museum is up and opens to the public.新博物馆已落成开放。

4.When will the up train start?(adj.)


5.The landlord promised his tenants there would be no further ups this year.房东向房客们保证今年不再提高房租。 We all have our ups and downs.(nouns) 命运盛衰不定。(人生总有起起落落。) 6.Prices are being upped by 20%.价格上涨了20%.7.She upped and threw the teapot at him.(verbs) 她跳起来,将茶壶向她掷去.1.Bullet fell round him.(prep.)


2.The planets move round the sun in the same direction and nearly in the same plain.


3.Shall I show you round?


4.Come round and see me this evening.(adv.)

今晚请过来看我。 5.It is as round as a ball.


6.She has got a mellow ,round voice.(adj.) 她的声音圆润洪亮。

7.The night watchman makes his rounds.守夜者巡察。

8.There burst out a round of applause.(noun) 发出了齐声喝彩。

9.The bear rounded and faced the hunters.(Verb) 那熊转过身来对着猎人们。

10.When you pronounce the vowel 【u:】, round your lips.发元音【u:】时,要双唇收圆。


1.He has great ears and eyes.2.He has great wisdom, experience and knowledge.他耳聪目明。

他有无穷的智慧,丰富的经验和渊博的知识。 1.He is a good che player.

2.It is a good dinner.3.She speaks good English.4.I have done a good day’s work.5.It was a girl with good manners.6.The young brother wants to have the good half of the bread.1.他棋艺高超。

2.那是一顿丰盛的晚餐。 3.她英语讲得很流利。 4.我干了整整一天的活儿。 5.这是一位举止得体的姑娘。 6.小弟弟要那一大半面包。 He proved to be a good listener.1.他在课上注意听讲。

2.他是个遵守公共秩序的观众。 3.他善于听取群众的意见。

1.Soft pillow2.Soft music3.Soft cushion4.Soft wood 5.Soft money6.Soft drink7.Soft breeze8.Soft light 9.Soft voice10.Soft fire11.Soft hat 12.Soft words 13.Soft answer14.Soft goods15.Soft heart16.Soft water 1.软枕2.轻柔的音乐3.靠垫4.软木 5.纸币6.不含酒精的饮料7.和风8.柔光 9.低声10.文火11.呢帽12.和蔼的话

13.委婉的回答14.毛织品15.慈心16.软水 动词和宾语搭配--以动词make 为例: To make a dre

做一件衣服 To make trouble

惹麻烦 To make a fire

生火 To make a living

谋生 To make the bed

铺床 To make money

赚钱 To make a speech

发表演说 To make a will

立遗嘱 To make a poem


To make an investigation

进行调查 To make a mistake

犯错误 To hold a meeting


To hold one\'s attention

吸引某人注意 To hold a position

坚守阵地 To hold one\'s breath

屏住气 To hold one\'s promise


To hold somebody guilt

判定某人有罪 To hold the baby in one\'s arms 抱孩子

To hold a pipe between the teeth嘴里叼着烟斗 To hold power

掌权 To hold a leading post

担任领导工作 a strong man 强壮的人,果断的人 a strong case 有力的主张 a strong faith 坚定的信仰 a strong contrast 强烈的对照 strong measures 强硬的措施

a strong situation (故事戏剧等)动人的场面 a strong bank 资力雄厚的银行

a strong drink 含烈酒的饮料 strong butter 有臭味的黄油

a strong microscope 倍数大的显微镜

3、The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others.与人同乐才是真乐











英汉翻译第23 总结
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